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- test integration is upgrade and working for restore chest ([dcb64c7](
- refactoring: Declare keys for all widgets int widgets_keys.dart ([cbbd4ee](
- test: execute a transaction to ChristCosmic ([fc80f56](
- add script to launch duniter local node before integration tests ([afae413](
- can spawn new block just after transactions ([5744155](
- improve spawnBlock in tests ([fbc8cbd](
- add certtification workflow test ([a03f711](
- add coments to importChest test ([27e4de7](
- flutter format ([c060c85](
- improve test speed ([05f41e1](
- add .env to git repository with default value ([aa7bc74](
- refactor tests env ([3761494](
- fix: set good sender for cert action ([18743c8](
- add test: certs state on wallet view ([525c375](
- refactor test utility; add ud creation state test ([03ab85a](
- remove old integration test bash script ([939c6b3](
- add test: migrate Cesium wallet identity ([9301eaf](
- fix: transferAll in batch for identity migration ([37dee7f](
- improve test migrate Cesium wallet identity: check if balance is well transfered ([a8dbf79](
- Add readme fo integration_tests ([4256778](
- Mettre à jour integration_test/ ([e01dea9](
- wip: test onboarding ([ad9ee38](
- Migration docker compose ([7491b9b](
- migrate flutter 3.3.0 ([58572a5](
- add todo fix random bad widget ancestor after onboarding ([d9222fe](
- fix flutter format ([03a9f1e](
- remove unused deps ([0fe0c4d](
- bump CI v0.0.11 ([34c69b6](
- setSender methode ([f46acb2](
- wip: prepare extrinsic revocation ([8663186](
- add test: identity revocation ([23b6858](
- fix some tx bad status ([e752de4](
- fix revocation payload ([3825bf0](
- fix identity revocation call ([e2ed9c5](
- fix test revocation ([f7e3066](
- add script to launch all tests ([fd281ad](
- increase transaction timeout to 18s ([147557f](
- can't revoke if smith member and explain why ([0d54030](
- test: verify you cannot revoke a smith member ([8318999](
- improve migration text infos ([776a0f8](
- implement UD unit view ([0233816](
- fix bad balance displayed ([57cdc23](