Qt Client for Ucoin project.
Goal features
- Ucoin account management via wallets and communities
- Multi-currency
- Multi-community
- Multi-wallets
- Contacts messaging
- User-friendly coins transfer
- On-the-fly and automatic coins fusion and divisions for transactions
- Coins issuance policies : minimal space, minimal changes
- Community membership management via a voting interface
Current state
Done (master branch)
- Accounts management
- Communities viewing
- Coins issuance
- Coins Transfer
- cx_freeze deployment
Work in progress (dev branch)
- Contacts management
- Account THT management
- Coins issuance policies
- Contacts and messaging
- Separating the 3 roles : Voter, Member, Random guy. Differnt rights for different roles :
- A voter should be able to access the voting UI of the community (+member and random guy rights)
- A member should be able to issue money (+random guy rights)
- A random guy should be able to send and receive money
How to install
- git clone --recursive or if you already have clone the git, do git submodule update --init --recursive
- Note : On Windows, it seems that PyQt5 works best with 32 bits version of Python.
- Install python3.3, cx_freeze for python 3.3 and pyqt5, and pip
- On Windows, make sure folders for python3 and pyqt5 binaries are in your $PATH
- Run pip install python-gnupg and pip install requests
- Run python in cutecoin folder
- Run python build in cutecoin folder
- The executable is generated in "build" folder, named "init"