From 76a19ff9d338d3499197ce5bb518437bf3bfecdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hugo Trentesaux <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:22:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add info on idty view (clients/rust/gcli-v2s!18)

* add info on identity command

* cli schema update
---                   |     7 +-
 res/               |    13 +-
 res/indexer-queries.graphql |    29 +-
 res/indexer-schema.json     | 27176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/commands/    |    64 +-
 src/commands/       |    19 +-
 src/              |    68 +-
 7 files changed, 27286 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 res/indexer-schema.json

diff --git a/ b/
index f6f9e80..e4ae8d8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -74,13 +74,14 @@ Secret key format can be changed using `--secret-format` with the following valu
 - [x] migrate all xt to submit_call_and_look_event
 - [x] add transfer with unit (ÄžD, UD...)
 - [x] add more runtime-info like cert count, wot and smith params...
+- [x] add more info on identity view like status, number certs emitted, received
+- [x] implement squid indexer to get cert list
+- [ ] implement indexer tx history...
 - [ ] add more info like sudo key, block interval
 - [ ] better format runtime info block number (duration in days...) and perbill (%)
 - [ ] add proper tabulation for runtime info
 - [ ] add clap complete for autocompletion
-- [ ] allow to listen to multiple events (like CertAdded and CertRenewed)
-- [ ] add more info on identity view like status, number certs emitted, received
-- [ ] implement squid indexer to get cert list + tx history...
+- [ ] allow to listen to multiple events (like SmithCertAdded and SmithMembershipAdded)
 - [ ] 
 - [ ] 
 - [ ] 
diff --git a/res/ b/res/
index e5fa97b..203bfae 100644
--- a/res/
+++ b/res/
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
 ## Graphql schema and queries for Duniter indexer
+Update the schema with:
+# install graphql client cli
+cargo install graphql_client_cli
+# download schema from node
+graphql-client introspect-schema --output ./res/indexer-schema.json
 ## Metadata
@@ -9,8 +18,10 @@
 To update the scale-encoded Duniter metadata, spawn a node and run the subxt command.
+# install subxt
+cargo install subxt
 # spawn a node listening on localhost:9944
 duniter --dev
 # fetch the metadata with subxt
 subxt metadata -f bytes > res/metadata.scale
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/indexer-queries.graphql b/res/indexer-queries.graphql
index 23e58ba..5ede81e 100644
--- a/res/indexer-queries.graphql
+++ b/res/indexer-queries.graphql
@@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
-query IdentityByIndex($index: Int!) {
+query IdentityNameByIndex($index: Int!) {
   identities(where: {index_eq: $index}) {
-    index
-    account {
-      id
-    }
-query IdentityByName($name: String!) {
-  identities(where: {name_eq: $name}) {
-    index
+query IdentityInfo($index: Int!) {
+  identities(where: {index_eq: $index}) {
-    account {
+    certIssued(where: {active_eq: true}) {
+      receiver {
+        name
+      }
+    }
+    certReceived(where: {active_eq: true}) {
+      issuer {
+        name
+      }
+    }
+    linkedAccount {
-query IdentityByPubkey($pubkey: String!) {
+query IdentityNameByPubkey($pubkey: String!) {
   identities(where: {account: {id_eq: $pubkey}}) {
-    index
-    account {
-      id
-    }
diff --git a/res/indexer-schema.json b/res/indexer-schema.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1923a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/indexer-schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27176 @@
+  "data": {
+    "__schema": {
+      "directives": [
+        {
+          "args": [
+            {
+              "defaultValue": null,
+              "description": "Included when true.",
+              "name": "if",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "description": "Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true.",
+          "locations": [
+            "FIELD",
+            "FRAGMENT_SPREAD",
+            "INLINE_FRAGMENT"
+          ],
+          "name": "include"
+        },
+        {
+          "args": [
+            {
+              "defaultValue": null,
+              "description": "Skipped when true.",
+              "name": "if",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "description": "Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if` argument is true.",
+          "locations": [
+            "FIELD",
+            "FRAGMENT_SPREAD",
+            "INLINE_FRAGMENT"
+          ],
+          "name": "skip"
+        },
+        {
+          "args": [
+            {
+              "defaultValue": "\"No longer supported\"",
+              "description": "Explains why this element was deprecated, usually also including a suggestion for how to access supported similar data. Formatted using the Markdown syntax, as specified by [CommonMark](",
+              "name": "reason",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "description": "Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.",
+          "locations": [
+            "FIELD_DEFINITION",
+            "ENUM_VALUE"
+          ],
+          "name": "deprecated"
+        },
+        {
+          "args": [
+            {
+              "defaultValue": null,
+              "description": "The URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.",
+              "name": "url",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "String",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "description": "Exposes a URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.",
+          "locations": [
+            "SCALAR"
+          ],
+          "name": "specifiedBy"
+        }
+      ],
+      "mutationType": null,
+      "queryType": {
+        "name": "Query"
+      },
+      "subscriptionType": null,
+      "types": [
+        {
+          "description": null,
+          "enumValues": null,
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "BlockWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "BlockOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "limit",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "blocks",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "Block",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "blockById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Block",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use blockById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "blockByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Block",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "LIST",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "BlockOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "BlockWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "blocksConnection",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "BlocksConnection",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "ExtrinsicWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "ExtrinsicOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "limit",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "extrinsics",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "Extrinsic",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "extrinsicById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Extrinsic",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use extrinsicById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "extrinsicByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Extrinsic",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "LIST",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "ExtrinsicOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "ExtrinsicWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "extrinsicsConnection",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "ExtrinsicsConnection",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "CallWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "CallOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "limit",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "calls",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "Call",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "callById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Call",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use callById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "callByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Call",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "LIST",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "CallOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "CallWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "callsConnection",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "CallsConnection",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "EventWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "EventOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "limit",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "events",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "Event",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "eventById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Event",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use eventById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "eventByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Event",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "LIST",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "EventOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
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+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
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+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "EventWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "eventsConnection",
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+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "EventsConnection",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
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+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "ItemsCounterWhereInput",
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+                  }
+                },
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "ItemsCounterOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "limit",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
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+                  }
+                }
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+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
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+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
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+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
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+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "ItemsCounter",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "itemsCounterById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "ItemsCounter",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use itemsCounterById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "itemsCounterByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "ItemsCounter",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "LIST",
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+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "ItemsCounterOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
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+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
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+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "ItemsCounterWhereInput",
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+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
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+                "name": null,
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+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "ItemsCountersConnection",
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+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
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+                  }
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "orderBy",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "LIST",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
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+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "ENUM",
+                        "name": "AccountOrderByInput",
+                        "ofType": null
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
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+                  "description": null,
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+                  "type": {
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+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
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+                  "description": null,
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+                  "type": {
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+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
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+                    }
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+            {
+              "args": [
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "accountById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Account",
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+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "accountByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Account",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
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+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "AccountOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
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+                  }
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+                {
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+                  "description": null,
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+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
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+                  "name": "where",
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+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
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+              "description": null,
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+                  "description": null,
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+                  "type": {
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+            {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "transferById",
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
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+              }
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+            {
+              "args": [
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+                    }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "transferByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Transfer",
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+              }
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+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "TransferOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
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+                  }
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+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
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+                    "name": "Int",
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+                  "type": {
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+                        "kind": "ENUM",
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+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
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+                  "name": "offset",
+                  "type": {
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+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
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+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "identityById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Identity",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                    }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "identityByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Identity",
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+              }
+            },
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+                          "kind": "ENUM",
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+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
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+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
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+                    }
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+                {
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+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "changeOwnerKeyById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "ChangeOwnerKey",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use changeOwnerKeyById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "changeOwnerKeyByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "ChangeOwnerKey",
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+              }
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+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "ChangeOwnerKeyOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
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+                },
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+                  "type": {
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+                    "ofType": null
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+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
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+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
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+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
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+                  }
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+                        "ofType": null
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "offset",
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+                    "name": "Int",
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+              "deprecationReason": null,
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+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
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+                    "ofType": {
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+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "certById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Cert",
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+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "certByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "Cert",
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+              }
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+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
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+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
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+                  }
+                },
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+                  "description": null,
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+              "description": null,
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+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
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+                {
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+                      "name": "String",
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+                    }
+                  }
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+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "certCreationById",
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+              }
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+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "certCreationByUniqueInput",
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "CertCreation",
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+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "CertCreationOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
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+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
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+              "description": null,
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "CertRenewal",
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+                          "kind": "ENUM",
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+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
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+                },
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+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
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+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
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+                  "type": {
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+                        }
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+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
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+                  "description": null,
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+                    "name": "String",
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+                        "ofType": {
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+                        }
+                      }
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+                  "description": null,
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "SmithCertCreation",
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+                        }
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+                    "name": "String",
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
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+                      }
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+                        }
+                      }
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+                  "defaultValue": null,
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+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
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+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
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+              "description": null,
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+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "SmithMembership",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                  "name": "id",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "SCALAR",
+                      "name": "String",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "smithMembershipById",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "SmithMembership",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "type": {
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+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                      "name": "WhereIdInput",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": "Use smithMembershipById",
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": true,
+              "name": "smithMembershipByUniqueInput",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "SmithMembership",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
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+                      "name": null,
+                      "ofType": {
+                        "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                        "name": null,
+                        "ofType": {
+                          "kind": "ENUM",
+                          "name": "SmithMembershipOrderByInput",
+                          "ofType": null
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "after",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "String",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "first",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Int",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                },
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": null,
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "where",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT",
+                    "name": "SmithMembershipWhereInput",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "smithMembershipsConnection",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "SmithMembershipsConnection",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "squidStatus",
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+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "SquidStatus",
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+              }
+            }
+          ],
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+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "Query",
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+        },
+        {
+          "description": "The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.",
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+          "interfaces": null,
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+        },
+        {
+          "description": "The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.",
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+              }
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+        },
+        {
+          "description": "A GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.",
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+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [],
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+              "description": null,
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+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "A list of all types supported by this server.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "types",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
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+                      "name": "__Type",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "The type that query operations will be rooted at.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "queryType",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "__Type",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "If this server supports mutation, the type that mutation operations will be rooted at.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "mutationType",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "__Type",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "If this server support subscription, the type that subscription operations will be rooted at.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "subscriptionType",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "__Type",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "A list of all directives supported by this server.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "directives",
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+                "ofType": {
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+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "__Directive",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ],
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+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__Schema",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum.\n\nDepending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name, description and optional `specifiedByUrl`, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.",
+          "enumValues": null,
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
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+                  "name": "__TypeKind",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
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+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
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+              }
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+                {
+                  "defaultValue": "false",
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "includeDeprecated",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Boolean",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
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+                  "name": null,
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+                    "kind": "OBJECT",
+                    "name": "__Field",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              }
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+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "OBJECT",
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+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
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+                "kind": "LIST",
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+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "OBJECT",
+                    "name": "__Type",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
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+                  "name": "includeDeprecated",
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+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
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+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "enumValues",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "LIST",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "OBJECT",
+                    "name": "__EnumValue",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": "false",
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "includeDeprecated",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Boolean",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
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+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "inputFields",
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+                "kind": "LIST",
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+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "OBJECT",
+                    "name": "__InputValue",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "ofType",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "OBJECT",
+                "name": "__Type",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__Type",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is.",
+          "enumValues": [
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is a scalar.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "SCALAR"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is an object. `fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "OBJECT"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is an interface. `fields`, `interfaces`, and `possibleTypes` are valid fields.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INTERFACE"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is a union. `possibleTypes` is a valid field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "UNION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is an enum. `enumValues` is a valid field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "ENUM"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is an input object. `inputFields` is a valid field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INPUT_OBJECT"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is a list. `ofType` is a valid field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "LIST"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Indicates this type is a non-null. `ofType` is a valid field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "NON_NULL"
+            }
+          ],
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+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": null,
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+          "name": "__TypeKind",
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+        },
+        {
+          "description": "Object and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.",
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+          "fields": [
+            {
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+              "description": null,
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+                  "name": "String",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
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+            {
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+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
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+              }
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+            {
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+                {
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+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "includeDeprecated",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Boolean",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
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+              "name": "args",
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+                  "ofType": {
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+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "__InputValue",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
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+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "type",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "__Type",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "isDeprecated",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "deprecationReason",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__Field",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.",
+          "enumValues": null,
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "name",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "String",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "description",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "type",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "OBJECT",
+                  "name": "__Type",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "A GraphQL-formatted string representing the default value for this input value.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "defaultValue",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "isDeprecated",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "deprecationReason",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__InputValue",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.",
+          "enumValues": null,
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "name",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "String",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "description",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "isDeprecated",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "deprecationReason",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__EnumValue",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document.\n\nIn some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.",
+          "enumValues": null,
+          "fields": [
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "name",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "String",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "description",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "SCALAR",
+                "name": "String",
+                "ofType": null
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "isRepeatable",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "SCALAR",
+                  "name": "Boolean",
+                  "ofType": null
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "locations",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "ENUM",
+                      "name": "__DirectiveLocation",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "args": [
+                {
+                  "defaultValue": "false",
+                  "description": null,
+                  "name": "includeDeprecated",
+                  "type": {
+                    "kind": "SCALAR",
+                    "name": "Boolean",
+                    "ofType": null
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": null,
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "args",
+              "type": {
+                "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                "name": null,
+                "ofType": {
+                  "kind": "LIST",
+                  "name": null,
+                  "ofType": {
+                    "kind": "NON_NULL",
+                    "name": null,
+                    "ofType": {
+                      "kind": "OBJECT",
+                      "name": "__InputValue",
+                      "ofType": null
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ],
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": [],
+          "kind": "OBJECT",
+          "name": "__Directive",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        },
+        {
+          "description": "A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.",
+          "enumValues": [
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a query operation.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "QUERY"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a mutation operation.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "MUTATION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a subscription operation.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "SUBSCRIPTION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a field.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "FIELD"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment spread.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "FRAGMENT_SPREAD"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an inline fragment.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INLINE_FRAGMENT"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a variable definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "VARIABLE_DEFINITION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a schema definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "SCHEMA"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a scalar definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "SCALAR"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an object type definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "OBJECT"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a field definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "FIELD_DEFINITION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an argument definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an interface definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INTERFACE"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to a union definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "UNION"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an enum definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "ENUM"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an enum value definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "ENUM_VALUE"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an input object type definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INPUT_OBJECT"
+            },
+            {
+              "deprecationReason": null,
+              "description": "Location adjacent to an input object field definition.",
+              "isDeprecated": false,
+              "name": "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"
+            }
+          ],
+          "fields": null,
+          "inputFields": null,
+          "interfaces": null,
+          "kind": "ENUM",
+          "name": "__DirectiveLocation",
+          "possibleTypes": null
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/commands/ b/src/commands/
index 5755011..de00263 100644
--- a/src/commands/
+++ b/src/commands/
@@ -152,37 +152,35 @@ pub async fn get_identity(
 	account_id: Option<AccountId>,
 	identity_id: Option<IdtyId>,
 	username: Option<String>,
-) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
+) -> Result<(), GcliError> {
 	let client = data.client();
 	let indexer = data.indexer.clone();
-	// fetch reachable information using Duniter only (no indexer)
-	let (idty, value) = match (&account_id, identity_id, &username) {
-		// idty_id → account_id
-		(None, Some(idty), None) => (idty, get_identity_by_index(client, idty).await?),
-		// account_id → idty_id
-		(Some(account_id), None, None) => {
-			let idty = get_idty_index_by_account_id(client, account_id)
+	// get idty_id
+	let idty =
+		match (identity_id, &account_id, &username) {
+			// idty_id
+			(Some(idty), None, None) => idty,
+			// account_id → idty_id
+			(None, Some(account_id), None) => get_idty_index_by_account_id(client, account_id)
-				.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity for this account id"))?;
-			(idty, get_identity_by_index(client, idty).await?)
-		}
-		// username → idty_id and account_id
-		(None, None, Some(username)) => {
-			let idty = get_idty_index_by_name(client, username)
+				.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity for account '{account_id}'"))?,
+			// username → idty_id
+			(None, None, Some(username)) => get_idty_index_by_name(client, username)
-				.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity found for this username"))?;
-			(idty, get_identity_by_index(client, idty).await?)
-		}
-		_ => {
-			return Err(anyhow!(
-				"One and only one argument is needed to fetch the identity."
-			));
-		}
-	};
-	let value = value.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity value"))?;
+				.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity for name '{username}'"))?,
+			_ => {
+				return Err(GcliError::Logic(
+					"One and only one argument is needed to fetch the identity.".to_string(),
+				));
+			}
+		};
+	// idty_id → value
+	let value = get_identity_by_index(client, idty)
+		.await?
+		.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no identity value for index {idty}"))?;
-	// print result
+	// --- print result ---
 	// 1. identity index
 	println!("Identity index: {idty}",);
 	// 2. username (indexer needed if not provided)
@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@ pub async fn get_identity(
-			.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("indexer does not have username for this index"))?
+			.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("indexer does not have username for this index {idty}"))?
 	} else {
 		"<no indexer>".to_string()
@@ -200,6 +198,20 @@ pub async fn get_identity(
 	// 4. status
 	println!("Status:         {:?}", value.status);
+	// get more info
+	if let Some(indexer) = &indexer {
+		let info = indexer.identity_info(idty).await.expect("no info");
+		println!(
+			"Certifications: issued {}, received {}",
+			info.cert_issued.len(),
+			info.cert_received.len()
+		);
+		let a = info.linked_account.len();
+		if a > 1 {
+			println!("Linked accounts: {a}");
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/commands/ b/src/commands/
index 827e77c..163ad3d 100644
--- a/src/commands/
+++ b/src/commands/
@@ -281,18 +281,9 @@ pub async fn accept_invitation(data: &Data) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> {
 /// invite identity to join smith
 pub async fn certify_smith(data: &Data, target: IdtyId) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> {
-	// submit_call_and_look_event::<
-	// 	runtime::smith_members::events::CertificationReceived,
-	// 	Payload<runtime::smith_members::calls::types::CertifySmith>,
-	// >(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().certify_smith(target))
-	// .await
-	let progress = submit_call(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().certify_smith(target)).await?;
-	if data.args.no_wait {
-		return Ok(());
-	}
-	let events = track_progress(progress).await?;
-	// look for the expected event
-	look_event::<runtime::smith_members::events::SmithCertAdded>(data, &events)?;
-	look_event::<runtime::smith_members::events::SmithMembershipAdded>(data, &events)?;
-	Ok(())
+	submit_call_and_look_event::<
+		runtime::smith_members::events::SmithCertAdded,
+		Payload<runtime::smith_members::calls::types::CertifySmith>,
+	>(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().certify_smith(target))
+	.await
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f867878..6ba5ff5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use graphql_client::{reqwest::post_graphql, GraphQLQuery};
 use sp_core::Bytes;
 use crate::*;
+use identity_info::*;
 // type used in parameters query
 // #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
@@ -10,37 +11,37 @@ use crate::*;
 // index → identity
-	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.graphql",
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
 	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
-pub struct IdentityByIndex;
+pub struct IdentityNameByIndex;
-// // name → identity
-// #[derive(GraphQLQuery)]
-// #[graphql(
-// 	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.graphql",
-// 	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
-// )]
-// pub struct IdentityByName;
+// index → identity info
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
+	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
+pub struct IdentityInfo;
 // pubkey → identity
-	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.graphql",
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
 	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
-pub struct IdentityByPubkey;
+pub struct IdentityNameByPubkey;
-	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.graphql",
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
 	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
 pub struct LatestBlock;
-	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.graphql",
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
 	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
 pub struct GenesisHash;
@@ -52,45 +53,48 @@ pub struct Indexer {
 impl Indexer {
+	/// index → name
 	pub async fn username_by_index(&self, index: u32) -> anyhow::Result<Option<String>> {
-		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityByIndex, _>(
+		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityNameByIndex, _>(
-			identity_by_index::Variables {
+			identity_name_by_index::Variables {
 				index: index.into(),
-		.and_then(|data| data.identities.first().map(|idty|
+		.and_then(move |mut data| data.identities.pop().map(|idty|
+	/// pubkey → name
 	pub async fn username_by_pubkey(&self, pubkey: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Option<String>> {
-		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityByPubkey, _>(
+		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityNameByPubkey, _>(
-			identity_by_pubkey::Variables {
+			identity_name_by_pubkey::Variables {
 				pubkey: pubkey.to_string(),
-		.and_then(|data| data.identities.first().map(|idty|
+		.and_then(move |mut data| data.identities.pop().map(|idty|
-	// // not used anymore because available with Duniter
-	// pub async fn pubkey_by_username(&self, username: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Option<String>> {
-	// 	Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityByName, _>(
-	// 		&self.gql_client,
-	// 		self.gql_url.clone(),
-	// 		identity_by_name::Variables {
-	// 			name: username.to_string(),
-	// 		},
-	// 	)
-	// 	.await?
-	// 	.data
-	// 	.and_then(|data| data.identity.into_iter().next().map(|idty| idty.pubkey)))
-	// }
+	/// index → info
+	pub async fn identity_info(&self, index: u32) -> Option<IdentityInfoIdentities> {
+		post_graphql::<IdentityInfo, _>(
+			&self.gql_client,
+			&self.gql_url,
+			identity_info::Variables {
+				index: index.into(),
+			},
+		)
+		.await
+		.expect("problem")
+		.data
+		.and_then(move |mut data| data.identities.pop())
+	}
 	/// fetch latest block number
 	pub async fn fetch_latest_block(&self) -> Result<u64, anyhow::Error> {