diff --git a/src/commands/vault.rs b/src/commands/vault.rs
index a3fa4b2bb1c1ec50560251107b1886c1d8f0fb0b..07b40fcf5244172a9444eed482b3f1fc825cdf62 100644
--- a/src/commands/vault.rs
+++ b/src/commands/vault.rs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use crate::commands::cesium::compute_g1v1_public_key;
 use crate::entities::vault_account;
 use crate::entities::vault_account::{AccountTreeNode, ActiveModel, DbAccountId};
 use crate::*;
+use crate::keys::seed_from_cesium;
 use age::secrecy::Secret;
 use sea_orm::ActiveValue::Set;
 use sea_orm::{ConnectionTrait, TransactionTrait};
@@ -45,6 +46,30 @@ pub enum Subcommand {
 		/// Crypto scheme to use (sr25519, ed25519)
 		#[clap(short = 'c', long, required = false, default_value = CryptoScheme::Ed25519)]
 		crypto_scheme: CryptoScheme,
+		/// Substrate URI to import (non-interactive mode)
+		#[clap(short = 'u', long, required = false)]
+		uri: Option<String>,
+		/// G1v1 ID (non-interactive mode for g1v1 format)
+		#[clap(long, required = false)]
+		g1v1_id: Option<String>,
+		/// G1v1 password (non-interactive mode for g1v1 format)
+		#[clap(long, required = false)]
+		g1v1_password: Option<String>,
+		/// Password for encrypting the key (non-interactive mode)
+		#[clap(short = 'p', long, required = false)]
+		password: Option<String>,
+		/// Use empty password (non-interactive mode)
+		#[clap(long, required = false)]
+		no_password: bool,
+		/// Name for the wallet entry (non-interactive mode)
+		#[clap(short = 'n', long, required = false)]
+		name: Option<String>,
 	/// Add a derivation to an existing SS58 Address
 	#[clap(long_about = "Add a derivation to an existing SS58 Address.\n\
@@ -250,9 +275,49 @@ pub async fn handle_command(data: Data, command: Subcommand) -> Result<(), GcliE
 			let mnemonic = bip39::Mnemonic::generate(12).unwrap();
-		Subcommand::Import { secret_format, crypto_scheme } => {
-			let vault_data_for_import =
-				prompt_secret_and_compute_vault_data_to_import(secret_format, crypto_scheme)?;
+		Subcommand::Import { secret_format, crypto_scheme, uri, g1v1_id, g1v1_password, password, no_password, name } => {
+			let vault_data_for_import = if let Some(uri_str) = uri {
+				// Non-interactive mode with provided URI
+				if secret_format != SecretFormat::Substrate {
+					return Err(GcliError::Input(format!(
+						"URI can only be provided directly with secret_format=substrate, got: {:?}", 
+						secret_format
+					)));
+				}
+				// Create keypair from provided URI
+				let key_pair = compute_keypair(crypto_scheme, &uri_str)?;
+				VaultDataToImport {
+					secret_format,
+					secret_suri: uri_str,
+					key_pair,
+				}
+			} else if let (Some(id), Some(pwd)) = (&g1v1_id, &g1v1_password) {
+				// Non-interactive mode with provided G1v1 ID and password
+				if secret_format != SecretFormat::G1v1 {
+					return Err(GcliError::Input(format!(
+						"G1v1 ID and password can only be provided directly with secret_format=g1v1, got: {:?}", 
+						secret_format
+					)));
+				}
+				// Create keypair from provided G1v1 ID and password
+				let seed = seed_from_cesium(id, pwd);
+				let secret_suri = format!("0x{}", hex::encode(seed));
+				// G1v1 always uses Ed25519
+				let key_pair = compute_keypair(CryptoScheme::Ed25519, &secret_suri)?;
+				VaultDataToImport {
+					secret_format,
+					secret_suri,
+					key_pair,
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Interactive mode
+				prompt_secret_and_compute_vault_data_to_import(secret_format, crypto_scheme)?
+			};
 			//Extra check for SecretFormat::G1v1 (old cesium) - showing the G1v1 cesium public key for confirmation
 			if secret_format == SecretFormat::G1v1 {
@@ -260,17 +325,28 @@ pub async fn handle_command(data: Data, command: Subcommand) -> Result<(), GcliE
 					"The G1v1 public key for the provided secret is: '{}'",
-				let confirmed = inputs::confirm_action("Is it the correct one (if not, you should try again to input G1v1 id/password) ?".to_string())?;
-				if !confirmed {
-					return Ok(());
+				// Skip confirmation in non-interactive mode
+				let is_non_interactive_g1v1 = g1v1_id.is_some() && g1v1_password.is_some();
+				if !is_non_interactive_g1v1 {
+					let confirmed = inputs::confirm_action("Is it the correct one (if not, you should try again to input G1v1 id/password) ?".to_string())?;
+					if !confirmed {
+						return Ok(());
+					}
 			let txn = db.begin().await?;
-			println!();
+			// Handle password in non-interactive mode
+			let provided_password = if no_password {
+				Some(String::new()) // Empty password
+			} else {
+				password
+			};
 			let _account =
-				create_base_account_for_vault_data_to_import(&txn, &vault_data_for_import, None, Some(crypto_scheme))
+				create_base_account_for_vault_data_to_import(&txn, &vault_data_for_import, provided_password.as_ref(), Some(crypto_scheme), name)
@@ -489,6 +565,7 @@ pub async fn handle_command(data: Data, command: Subcommand) -> Result<(), GcliE
+					None,
@@ -757,6 +834,7 @@ pub async fn create_base_account_for_vault_data_to_import<C>(
 	vault_data: &VaultDataToImport,
 	password_opt: Option<&String>,
 	crypto_scheme: Option<CryptoScheme>,
+	name_opt: Option<String>,
 ) -> Result<vault_account::Model, GcliError>
 	C: ConnectionTrait,
@@ -780,14 +858,16 @@ where
 		))? {
 			true => {
-				println!(
-					"(Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry (leave empty to remove the name)"
-				);
-				let name = inputs::prompt_vault_name_and_check_availability(
-					db_tx,
-					existing_vault_account.name.as_ref(),
-				)
-				.await?;
+				let name = if let Some(name) = name_opt {
+					Some(name)
+				} else {
+					println!("(Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry (leave empty to remove the name)");
+					inputs::prompt_vault_name_and_check_availability(
+						db_tx,
+						existing_vault_account.name.as_ref(),
+					)
+					.await?
+				};
 				// Since links are made based on address / parent(address) we can just edit the existing entry and it should be fine
 				let mut vault_account: ActiveModel = existing_vault_account.into();
@@ -797,7 +877,7 @@ where
 					map_secret_format_to_crypto_scheme(vault_data.secret_format, crypto_scheme).into(),
 				vault_account.encrypted_suri = Set(Some(encrypted_suri));
-				vault_account.name = Set(name.clone());
+				vault_account.name = Set(name);
 				vault_account.secret_format = Set(Some(vault_data.secret_format.into()));
 				let updated_vault_account =
 					vault_account::update_account(db_tx, vault_account).await?;
@@ -815,8 +895,12 @@ where
 		let encrypted_suri = compute_encrypted_suri(password, vault_data.secret_suri.clone())?;
-		println!("(Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry");
-		let name = inputs::prompt_vault_name_and_check_availability(db_tx, None).await?;
+		let name = if let Some(name) = name_opt {
+			Some(name)
+		} else {
+			println!("(Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry");
+			inputs::prompt_vault_name_and_check_availability(db_tx, None).await?
+		};
 		let crypto_scheme = map_secret_format_to_crypto_scheme(secret_format, crypto_scheme);