diff --git a/rustfmt.toml b/rustfmt.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..522c7dee7ab33d5740c8e5a601cec75c93fc2c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rustfmt.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+hard_tabs = true
+newline_style = "unix"
+unstable_features = true
+format_code_in_doc_comments = true
+format_macro_bodies = true
+format_macro_matchers = true
+format_strings = true
+imports_granularity = "Crate"
diff --git a/src/cache.rs b/src/cache.rs
index 88ac9ab42bfc480e5006782720f27e807ce5e94b..b77206d55f441d6bce072a40730b75939f6d9d8b 100644
--- a/src/cache.rs
+++ b/src/cache.rs
@@ -1,59 +1,57 @@
-use crate::gdev;
-use crate::indexer::*;
-use crate::Client;
+use crate::{gdev, indexer::*, Client};
 use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
 use std::collections::{hash_map, HashMap};
 pub struct IdentityCache<'a> {
-    client: &'a Client,
-    identities: HashMap<u32, String>,
-    indexer: Option<Indexer<'a>>,
+	client: &'a Client,
+	identities: HashMap<u32, String>,
+	indexer: Option<Indexer<'a>>,
 impl<'a> IdentityCache<'a> {
-    pub fn new(client: &'a Client, indexer: Option<Indexer<'a>>) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            client,
-            identities: HashMap::new(),
-            indexer,
-        }
-    }
+	pub fn new(client: &'a Client, indexer: Option<Indexer<'a>>) -> Self {
+		Self {
+			client,
+			identities: HashMap::new(),
+			indexer,
+		}
+	}
-    pub async fn fetch_identity(
-        &mut self,
-        identity_id: u32,
-        parent_hash: sp_core::H256,
-    ) -> Result<String> {
-        Ok(match self.identities.entry(identity_id) {
-            hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.get().clone(),
-            hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry
-                .insert({
-                    let pubkey = self
-                        .client
-                        .storage()
-                        .fetch(
-                            &gdev::storage().identity().identities(identity_id),
-                            Some(parent_hash),
-                        )
-                        .await?
-                        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Identity {} not found", identity_id))?
-                        .owner_key
-                        .to_string();
-                    format!(
-                        "“ {} ”",
-                        if let Some(indexer) = &self.indexer {
-                            if let Ok(Some(username)) = indexer.username_by_pubkey(&pubkey).await {
-                                username
-                            } else {
-                                pubkey
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            pubkey
-                        }
-                    )
-                })
-                .clone(),
-        })
-    }
+	pub async fn fetch_identity(
+		&mut self,
+		identity_id: u32,
+		parent_hash: sp_core::H256,
+	) -> Result<String> {
+		Ok(match self.identities.entry(identity_id) {
+			hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry.get().clone(),
+			hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry
+				.insert({
+					let pubkey = self
+						.client
+						.storage()
+						.fetch(
+							&gdev::storage().identity().identities(identity_id),
+							Some(parent_hash),
+						)
+						.await?
+						.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Identity {} not found", identity_id))?
+						.owner_key
+						.to_string();
+					format!(
+						"“ {} ”",
+						if let Some(indexer) = &self.indexer {
+							if let Ok(Some(username)) = indexer.username_by_pubkey(&pubkey).await {
+								username
+							} else {
+								pubkey
+							}
+						} else {
+							pubkey
+						}
+					)
+				})
+				.clone(),
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/src/commands/collective.rs b/src/commands/collective.rs
index b8eceab58f6e1ab59ea973bbe9134304089d05f1..70dd36499df6ef2a036cc4467cb1f036c17d8385 100644
--- a/src/commands/collective.rs
+++ b/src/commands/collective.rs
@@ -1,112 +1,111 @@
 use crate::{gdev, indexer::*, Args, Client};
 use anyhow::Result;
-use sp_core::sr25519::Pair;
-use sp_core::H256;
+use sp_core::{sr25519::Pair, H256};
 use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner};
 pub async fn technical_committee_members(client: Client, args: &Args) -> Result<()> {
-    let parent_hash = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
+	let parent_hash = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
-    let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
-        .user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
-        .build()?;
+	let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
+		.user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
+		.build()?;
-    let indexer = if args.no_indexer {
-        None
-    } else {
-        Some(Indexer {
-            gql_client,
-            gql_url: &args.indexer,
-        })
-    };
+	let indexer = if args.no_indexer {
+		None
+	} else {
+		Some(Indexer {
+			gql_client,
+			gql_url: &args.indexer,
+		})
+	};
-    for account_id in client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(
-            &gdev::storage().technical_committee().members(),
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?
-        .unwrap_or_default()
-    {
-        println!(
-            "{}",
-            if let Some(indexer) = &indexer {
-                indexer
-                    .username_by_pubkey(&account_id.to_string())
-                    .await
-                    .ok()
-                    .flatten()
-            } else {
-                client
-                    .storage()
-                    .fetch(
-                        &gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(&account_id),
-                        Some(parent_hash),
-                    )
-                    .await
-                    .ok()
-                    .flatten()
-                    .map(|identity_id| format!("{identity_id}"))
-            }
-            .unwrap_or_else(|| account_id.to_string(),)
-        );
-    }
+	for account_id in client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(
+			&gdev::storage().technical_committee().members(),
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap_or_default()
+	{
+		println!(
+			"{}",
+			if let Some(indexer) = &indexer {
+				indexer
+					.username_by_pubkey(&account_id.to_string())
+					.await
+					.ok()
+					.flatten()
+			} else {
+				client
+					.storage()
+					.fetch(
+						&gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(&account_id),
+						Some(parent_hash),
+					)
+					.await
+					.ok()
+					.flatten()
+					.map(|identity_id| format!("{identity_id}"))
+			}
+			.unwrap_or_else(|| account_id.to_string(),)
+		);
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 // TODO:
 // * better formatting (format pubkeys to SS58 and add usernames)
 // * display proposals indices
 pub async fn technical_committee_proposals(client: Client) -> Result<()> {
-    let parent_hash = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
+	let parent_hash = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
-    let mut proposals_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage()
-                .technical_committee()
-                .proposal_of(H256::default()),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    while let Some((proposal_hash, proposal)) = proposals_iter.next().await? {
-        println!("{}", hex::encode(&proposal_hash.0[32..64]));
-        println!("{proposal:#?}");
-        println!();
-    }
+	let mut proposals_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage()
+				.technical_committee()
+				.proposal_of(H256::default()),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	while let Some((proposal_hash, proposal)) = proposals_iter.next().await? {
+		println!("{}", hex::encode(&proposal_hash.0[32..64]));
+		println!("{proposal:#?}");
+		println!();
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn technical_committee_vote(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    proposal_hash: H256,
-    proposal_index: u32,
-    vote: bool,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	proposal_hash: H256,
+	proposal_index: u32,
+	vote: bool,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx()
-                .technical_committee()
-                .vote(proposal_hash, proposal_index, vote),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx()
+				.technical_committee()
+				.vote(proposal_hash, proposal_index, vote),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/expire.rs b/src/commands/expire.rs
index 7e97a293a7bec3283d901995977641797bce4b45..207bfbf9dce274572e7ce7bf9e6dccdfad7346f0 100644
--- a/src/commands/expire.rs
+++ b/src/commands/expire.rs
@@ -5,192 +5,192 @@ use futures::join;
 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
 pub async fn monitor_expirations(
-    client: Client,
-    blocks: u32,
-    sessions: u32,
-    args: &Args,
+	client: Client,
+	blocks: u32,
+	sessions: u32,
+	args: &Args,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
-        .user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
-        .build()?;
+	let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
+		.user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
+		.build()?;
-    let parent_hash = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
-    let addr_current_block = gdev::storage().system().number();
-    let addr_current_session = gdev::storage().session().current_index();
-    let (current_block, current_session) = join!(
-        client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(&addr_current_block, Some(parent_hash)),
-        client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(&addr_current_session, Some(parent_hash),)
-    );
-    let current_block = current_block?.unwrap();
-    let current_session = current_session?.unwrap();
+	let parent_hash = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
+	let addr_current_block = gdev::storage().system().number();
+	let addr_current_session = gdev::storage().session().current_index();
+	let (current_block, current_session) = join!(
+		client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(&addr_current_block, Some(parent_hash)),
+		client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(&addr_current_session, Some(parent_hash),)
+	);
+	let current_block = current_block?.unwrap();
+	let current_session = current_session?.unwrap();
-    let end_block = current_block + blocks;
-    let end_session = current_session + sessions;
+	let end_block = current_block + blocks;
+	let end_session = current_session + sessions;
-    let mut identity_cache = cache::IdentityCache::new(
-        &client,
-        if args.no_indexer {
-            None
-        } else {
-            Some(Indexer {
-                gql_client,
-                gql_url: &args.indexer,
-            })
-        },
-    );
+	let mut identity_cache = cache::IdentityCache::new(
+		&client,
+		if args.no_indexer {
+			None
+		} else {
+			Some(Indexer {
+				gql_client,
+				gql_url: &args.indexer,
+			})
+		},
+	);
-    // Rotate keys
-    let mut must_rotate_keys_before_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage()
-                .authority_members()
-                .must_rotate_keys_before(0),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    let mut must_rotate_keys_before = BTreeMap::new();
-    while let Some((k, v)) = must_rotate_keys_before_iter.next().await? {
-        let session_index = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
-        if session_index < end_session {
-            must_rotate_keys_before.insert(session_index - current_session, v);
-        }
-    }
+	// Rotate keys
+	let mut must_rotate_keys_before_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage()
+				.authority_members()
+				.must_rotate_keys_before(0),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	let mut must_rotate_keys_before = BTreeMap::new();
+	while let Some((k, v)) = must_rotate_keys_before_iter.next().await? {
+		let session_index = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
+		if session_index < end_session {
+			must_rotate_keys_before.insert(session_index - current_session, v);
+		}
+	}
-    println!("\nAuthority members:");
-    for (sessions_left, identity_ids) in must_rotate_keys_before {
-        println!("Must rotate keys before {sessions_left} sessions:");
-        for identity_id in identity_ids {
-            println!(
-                "  {} ({})",
-                identity_cache
-                    .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
-                    .await
-                    .unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
-                identity_id
-            );
-        }
-    }
+	println!("\nAuthority members:");
+	for (sessions_left, identity_ids) in must_rotate_keys_before {
+		println!("Must rotate keys before {sessions_left} sessions:");
+		for identity_id in identity_ids {
+			println!(
+				"  {} ({})",
+				identity_cache
+					.fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
+					.await
+					.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
+				identity_id
+			);
+		}
+	}
-    // Certifications
-    let mut basic_certs_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage().cert().storage_certs_removable_on(0),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    let mut basic_certs = BTreeMap::new();
-    while let Some((k, v)) = basic_certs_iter.next().await? {
-        let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
-        if block_number < end_block {
-            basic_certs.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
-        }
-    }
+	// Certifications
+	let mut basic_certs_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage().cert().storage_certs_removable_on(0),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	let mut basic_certs = BTreeMap::new();
+	while let Some((k, v)) = basic_certs_iter.next().await? {
+		let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
+		if block_number < end_block {
+			basic_certs.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
+		}
+	}
-    let mut smith_certs_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage().smiths_cert().storage_certs_removable_on(0),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    let mut smith_certs = BTreeMap::new();
-    while let Some((k, v)) = smith_certs_iter.next().await? {
-        let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
-        if block_number < end_block {
-            smith_certs.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
-        }
-    }
+	let mut smith_certs_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage().smiths_cert().storage_certs_removable_on(0),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	let mut smith_certs = BTreeMap::new();
+	while let Some((k, v)) = smith_certs_iter.next().await? {
+		let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
+		if block_number < end_block {
+			smith_certs.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
+		}
+	}
-    for (title, certs) in [
-        ("Certifications", basic_certs),
-        ("Smith certifications", smith_certs),
-    ] {
-        println!("\n{title}:");
-        for (blocks_left, certs) in certs {
-            println!("{blocks_left} blocks before expiration:");
-            for (issuer_id, receiver_id) in certs {
-                println!(
-                    "  {} ({}) -> {} ({})",
-                    identity_cache
-                        .fetch_identity(issuer_id, parent_hash)
-                        .await
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
-                    issuer_id,
-                    identity_cache
-                        .fetch_identity(receiver_id, parent_hash)
-                        .await
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
-                    receiver_id,
-                );
-            }
-        }
-    }
+	for (title, certs) in [
+		("Certifications", basic_certs),
+		("Smith certifications", smith_certs),
+	] {
+		println!("\n{title}:");
+		for (blocks_left, certs) in certs {
+			println!("{blocks_left} blocks before expiration:");
+			for (issuer_id, receiver_id) in certs {
+				println!(
+					"  {} ({}) -> {} ({})",
+					identity_cache
+						.fetch_identity(issuer_id, parent_hash)
+						.await
+						.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
+					issuer_id,
+					identity_cache
+						.fetch_identity(receiver_id, parent_hash)
+						.await
+						.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
+					receiver_id,
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
-    // Memberships
-    let mut basic_membership_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage().membership().memberships_expire_on(0),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    let mut basic_memberships = BTreeMap::new();
-    while let Some((k, v)) = basic_membership_iter.next().await? {
-        let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
-        if block_number < end_block {
-            basic_memberships.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
-        }
-    }
+	// Memberships
+	let mut basic_membership_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage().membership().memberships_expire_on(0),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	let mut basic_memberships = BTreeMap::new();
+	while let Some((k, v)) = basic_membership_iter.next().await? {
+		let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
+		if block_number < end_block {
+			basic_memberships.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
+		}
+	}
-    let mut smith_membership_iter = client
-        .storage()
-        .iter(
-            gdev::storage().smiths_membership().memberships_expire_on(0),
-            10,
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    let mut smith_memberships = BTreeMap::new();
-    while let Some((k, v)) = smith_membership_iter.next().await? {
-        let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
-        if block_number < end_block {
-            smith_memberships.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
-        }
-    }
+	let mut smith_membership_iter = client
+		.storage()
+		.iter(
+			gdev::storage().smiths_membership().memberships_expire_on(0),
+			10,
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	let mut smith_memberships = BTreeMap::new();
+	while let Some((k, v)) = smith_membership_iter.next().await? {
+		let block_number = u32::from_le_bytes(k.as_ref()[40..44].try_into().unwrap());
+		if block_number < end_block {
+			smith_memberships.insert(block_number - current_block, v);
+		}
+	}
-    for (title, memberships) in [
-        ("Memberships", basic_memberships),
-        ("Smith memberships", smith_memberships),
-    ] {
-        println!("\n{title}:");
-        for (blocks_left, membership) in memberships {
-            println!("{blocks_left} blocks before expiration:");
-            for identity_id in membership {
-                println!(
-                    "  {} ({})",
-                    identity_cache
-                        .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
-                        .await
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
-                    identity_id,
-                );
-            }
-        }
-    }
+	for (title, memberships) in [
+		("Memberships", basic_memberships),
+		("Smith memberships", smith_memberships),
+	] {
+		println!("\n{title}:");
+		for (blocks_left, membership) in memberships {
+			println!("{blocks_left} blocks before expiration:");
+			for identity_id in membership {
+				println!(
+					"  {} ({})",
+					identity_cache
+						.fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
+						.await
+						.unwrap_or_else(|_| "?".into()),
+					identity_id,
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/identity.rs b/src/commands/identity.rs
index ef22673988d8d2f9083f23f355057f9cc2b0a3ac..0fa2755599be8df1b017be0cfeb8dad2f84f018d 100644
--- a/src/commands/identity.rs
+++ b/src/commands/identity.rs
@@ -5,85 +5,85 @@ use sp_core::crypto::AccountId32;
 use std::str::FromStr;
 pub async fn get_identity(
-    client: Client,
-    mut account_id: Option<AccountId32>,
-    mut identity_id: Option<u32>,
-    mut username: Option<String>,
-    args: &Args,
+	client: Client,
+	mut account_id: Option<AccountId32>,
+	mut identity_id: Option<u32>,
+	mut username: Option<String>,
+	args: &Args,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    let parent_hash = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
+	let parent_hash = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
-    let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
-        .user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
-        .build()?;
+	let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
+		.user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
+		.build()?;
-    let indexer = if args.no_indexer {
-        None
-    } else {
-        Some(Indexer {
-            gql_client,
-            gql_url: &args.indexer,
-        })
-    };
+	let indexer = if args.no_indexer {
+		None
+	} else {
+		Some(Indexer {
+			gql_client,
+			gql_url: &args.indexer,
+		})
+	};
-    if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
-        identity_id = client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(
-                &gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(account_id),
-                Some(parent_hash),
-            )
-            .await?;
-    } else if let Some(identity_id) = &identity_id {
-        account_id = client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(
-                &gdev::storage().identity().identities(identity_id),
-                Some(parent_hash),
-            )
-            .await?
-            .map(|idty| idty.owner_key);
-    } else if let Some(username) = &username {
-        let indexer = indexer.as_ref().ok_or(anyhow!(
-            "Cannot fetch identity from username without indexer."
-        ))?;
-        if let Some(pubkey) = indexer.pubkey_by_username(username).await? {
-            let some_account_id = AccountId32::from_str(&pubkey).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?;
-            identity_id = client
-                .storage()
-                .fetch(
-                    &gdev::storage()
-                        .identity()
-                        .identity_index_of(&some_account_id),
-                    Some(parent_hash),
-                )
-                .await?;
-            account_id = Some(some_account_id);
-        }
-    } else {
-        return Err(anyhow!("One argument is needed to fetch the identity."));
-    }
+	if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
+		identity_id = client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(
+				&gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(account_id),
+				Some(parent_hash),
+			)
+			.await?;
+	} else if let Some(identity_id) = &identity_id {
+		account_id = client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(
+				&gdev::storage().identity().identities(identity_id),
+				Some(parent_hash),
+			)
+			.await?
+			.map(|idty| idty.owner_key);
+	} else if let Some(username) = &username {
+		let indexer = indexer.as_ref().ok_or(anyhow!(
+			"Cannot fetch identity from username without indexer."
+		))?;
+		if let Some(pubkey) = indexer.pubkey_by_username(username).await? {
+			let some_account_id = AccountId32::from_str(&pubkey).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?;
+			identity_id = client
+				.storage()
+				.fetch(
+					&gdev::storage()
+						.identity()
+						.identity_index_of(&some_account_id),
+					Some(parent_hash),
+				)
+				.await?;
+			account_id = Some(some_account_id);
+		}
+	} else {
+		return Err(anyhow!("One argument is needed to fetch the identity."));
+	}
-    println!(
-        "Account id:  {}",
-        account_id
-            .as_ref()
-            .map_or(String::new(), AccountId32::to_string)
-    );
-    println!(
-        "Identity id: {}",
-        identity_id.map_or(String::new(), |identity_id| format!("{identity_id}"))
-    );
+	println!(
+		"Account id:  {}",
+		account_id
+			.as_ref()
+			.map_or(String::new(), AccountId32::to_string)
+	);
+	println!(
+		"Identity id: {}",
+		identity_id.map_or(String::new(), |identity_id| format!("{identity_id}"))
+	);
-    if let (Some(indexer), Some(account_id), None) = (&indexer, &account_id, &username) {
-        username = indexer.username_by_pubkey(&account_id.to_string()).await?;
-    }
+	if let (Some(indexer), Some(account_id), None) = (&indexer, &account_id, &username) {
+		username = indexer.username_by_pubkey(&account_id.to_string()).await?;
+	}
-    println!("Username:    {}", username.unwrap_or_default());
+	println!("Username:    {}", username.unwrap_or_default());
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/net_test.rs b/src/commands/net_test.rs
index 7258907170f4a5aa56dfb569c66b5ad30bbc860d..335e0d6374bae3d1bbe0603c72181c3aae4c42dd 100644
--- a/src/commands/net_test.rs
+++ b/src/commands/net_test.rs
@@ -2,97 +2,99 @@ use crate::{gdev, Client, GdevConfig};
 use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
 use sp_core::{crypto::AccountId32, sr25519::Pair, DeriveJunction, Pair as _};
-use subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiAddress;
-use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner};
+use subxt::{
+	ext::sp_runtime::MultiAddress,
+	tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner},
 pub async fn repart(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    target: u32,
-    actual_repart: Option<u32>,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	target: u32,
+	actual_repart: Option<u32>,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    let mut pairs = Vec::new();
-    for i in actual_repart.unwrap_or_default()..target {
-        let pair_i = pair
-            .derive(std::iter::once(DeriveJunction::hard::<u32>(i)), None)
-            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Fail to derive //{}", i))?
-            .0;
-        pairs.push((i, pair_i));
-    }
+	let mut pairs = Vec::new();
+	for i in actual_repart.unwrap_or_default()..target {
+		let pair_i = pair
+			.derive(std::iter::once(DeriveJunction::hard::<u32>(i)), None)
+			.map_err(|_| anyhow!("Fail to derive //{}", i))?
+			.0;
+		pairs.push((i, pair_i));
+	}
-    for (i, pair_i) in &pairs {
-        /*let _ = api
-            .tx()
-            .balances()
-            .transfer(MultiAddress::Id(pair_i.public().into()), 501)?
-            .sign_and_submit_then_watch(&signer, BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new())
-            .await?
-            .wait_for_in_block()
-            .await?;
-        signer.increment_nonce();*/
+	for (i, pair_i) in &pairs {
+		/*let _ = api
+			.tx()
+			.balances()
+			.transfer(MultiAddress::Id(pair_i.public().into()), 501)?
+			.sign_and_submit_then_watch(&signer, BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new())
+			.await?
+			.wait_for_in_block()
+			.await?;
+		signer.increment_nonce();*/
-        if let Some(pair_i_account) = client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(
-                &gdev::storage().system().account(&pair_i.public().into()),
-                None,
-            )
-            .await?
-        {
-            logs::info!("account //{} balance: {}", i, pair_i_account.data.free);
-        }
-    }
+		if let Some(pair_i_account) = client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(
+				&gdev::storage().system().account(&pair_i.public().into()),
+				None,
+			)
+			.await?
+		{
+			logs::info!("account //{} balance: {}", i, pair_i_account.data.free);
+		}
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn spam_roll(pair: Pair, client: Client, actual_repart: usize) -> Result<()> {
-    let mut nonce = 0;
-    let mut pairs =
-        Vec::<(PairSigner<GdevConfig, Pair>, AccountId32)>::with_capacity(actual_repart);
-    for i in 0..actual_repart {
-        let pair_i = pair
-            .derive(std::iter::once(DeriveJunction::hard::<u32>(i as u32)), None)
-            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Fail to derive //{}", i))?
-            .0;
-        let account_id_i = pair_i.public().into();
-        pairs.push((PairSigner::new(pair_i), account_id_i));
-    }
+	let mut nonce = 0;
+	let mut pairs =
+		Vec::<(PairSigner<GdevConfig, Pair>, AccountId32)>::with_capacity(actual_repart);
+	for i in 0..actual_repart {
+		let pair_i = pair
+			.derive(std::iter::once(DeriveJunction::hard::<u32>(i as u32)), None)
+			.map_err(|_| anyhow!("Fail to derive //{}", i))?
+			.0;
+		let account_id_i = pair_i.public().into();
+		pairs.push((PairSigner::new(pair_i), account_id_i));
+	}
-    loop {
-        let mut watchers = Vec::with_capacity(actual_repart);
-        for i in 0..(actual_repart - 1) {
-            let dest: AccountId32 = pairs[i + 1].1.clone();
-            let watcher = client
-                .tx()
-                .create_signed_with_nonce(
-                    &gdev::tx().balances().transfer(MultiAddress::Id(dest), 1),
-                    &pairs[i].0,
-                    nonce,
-                    BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-                )?
-                .submit_and_watch()
-                .await?;
-            nonce += 1;
-            logs::info!("send 1 cent from //{} to //{}", i, i + 1);
-            watchers.push(watcher);
-        }
-        let dest: AccountId32 = pairs[0].1.clone();
-        let watcher = client
-            .tx()
-            .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-                &gdev::tx().balances().transfer(MultiAddress::Id(dest), 1),
-                &pairs[actual_repart - 1].0,
-                BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-            )
-            .await?;
-        nonce += 1;
-        logs::info!("send 1 cent from //{} to //0", actual_repart - 1);
-        watchers.push(watcher);
+	loop {
+		let mut watchers = Vec::with_capacity(actual_repart);
+		for i in 0..(actual_repart - 1) {
+			let dest: AccountId32 = pairs[i + 1].1.clone();
+			let watcher = client
+				.tx()
+				.create_signed_with_nonce(
+					&gdev::tx().balances().transfer(MultiAddress::Id(dest), 1),
+					&pairs[i].0,
+					nonce,
+					BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+				)?
+				.submit_and_watch()
+				.await?;
+			nonce += 1;
+			logs::info!("send 1 cent from //{} to //{}", i, i + 1);
+			watchers.push(watcher);
+		}
+		let dest: AccountId32 = pairs[0].1.clone();
+		let watcher = client
+			.tx()
+			.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+				&gdev::tx().balances().transfer(MultiAddress::Id(dest), 1),
+				&pairs[actual_repart - 1].0,
+				BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+			)
+			.await?;
+		nonce += 1;
+		logs::info!("send 1 cent from //{} to //0", actual_repart - 1);
+		watchers.push(watcher);
-        // Wait all transactions
-        for watcher in watchers {
-            watcher.wait_for_in_block().await?;
-        }
-    }
+		// Wait all transactions
+		for watcher in watchers {
+			watcher.wait_for_in_block().await?;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/commands/oneshot.rs b/src/commands/oneshot.rs
index 3e6d3c3d2c2eef2caeee381d1d263217b5a9796f..640cf9f6fe5073cb49305272e4db8ceeb6f84616 100644
--- a/src/commands/oneshot.rs
+++ b/src/commands/oneshot.rs
@@ -5,118 +5,118 @@ use sp_core::{crypto::AccountId32, sr25519::Pair};
 use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner};
 pub async fn create_oneshot_account(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    balance: u64,
-    dest: AccountId32,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	balance: u64,
+	dest: AccountId32,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx()
-                .oneshot_account()
-                .create_oneshot_account(dest.into(), balance),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx()
+				.oneshot_account()
+				.create_oneshot_account(dest.into(), balance),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn consume_oneshot_account(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    dest: AccountId32,
-    dest_oneshot: bool,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	dest: AccountId32,
+	dest_oneshot: bool,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    let number = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().number(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx().oneshot_account().consume_oneshot_account(
-                number,
-                if dest_oneshot {
-                    gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
-                        dest.into(),
-                    )
-                } else {
-                    gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(dest.into())
-                },
-            ),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	let number = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().number(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx().oneshot_account().consume_oneshot_account(
+				number,
+				if dest_oneshot {
+					gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
+						dest.into(),
+					)
+				} else {
+					gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(dest.into())
+				},
+			),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    balance: u64,
-    dest: AccountId32,
-    dest_oneshot: bool,
-    remaining_to: AccountId32,
-    remaining_to_oneshot: bool,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	balance: u64,
+	dest: AccountId32,
+	dest_oneshot: bool,
+	remaining_to: AccountId32,
+	remaining_to_oneshot: bool,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    let number = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().number(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx()
-                .oneshot_account()
-                .consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining(
-                    number,
-                    if dest_oneshot {
-                        gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
-                            dest.into(),
-                        )
-                    } else {
-                        gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(
-                            dest.into(),
-                        )
-                    },
-                    if remaining_to_oneshot {
-                        gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
-                            remaining_to.into(),
-                        )
-                    } else {
-                        gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(
-                            remaining_to.into(),
-                        )
-                    },
-                    balance,
-                ),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	let number = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().number(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx()
+				.oneshot_account()
+				.consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining(
+					number,
+					if dest_oneshot {
+						gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
+							dest.into(),
+						)
+					} else {
+						gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(
+							dest.into(),
+						)
+					},
+					if remaining_to_oneshot {
+						gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Oneshot(
+							remaining_to.into(),
+						)
+					} else {
+						gdev::runtime_types::pallet_oneshot_account::types::Account::Normal(
+							remaining_to.into(),
+						)
+					},
+					balance,
+				),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn oneshot_account_balance(client: Client, account: AccountId32) -> Result<()> {
-    logs::info!(
-        "{}",
-        client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(
-                &gdev::storage().oneshot_account().oneshot_accounts(&account),
-                None
-            )
-            .await?
-            .unwrap_or(0)
-    );
+	logs::info!(
+		"{}",
+		client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(
+				&gdev::storage().oneshot_account().oneshot_accounts(&account),
+				None
+			)
+			.await?
+			.unwrap_or(0)
+	);
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/revocation.rs b/src/commands/revocation.rs
index 7595a6b5d0d3bcdc2e86f88eb0ea7babcdc9b2bd..b20ef0c9fd7f1474f4d10f158cc8bb5cfab1fa66 100644
--- a/src/commands/revocation.rs
+++ b/src/commands/revocation.rs
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ use futures::join;
 use sp_core::{sr25519::Pair, Encode, Pair as _};
 pub async fn gen_revoc_doc(api: &Client, pair: &Pair) -> Result<()> {
-    let account_id: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32 = pair.public().into();
-    let addr_idty_index = gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(&account_id);
-    let addr_block_hash = gdev::storage().system().block_hash(0);
-    let (idty_index, genesis_hash) = join!(
-        api.storage().fetch(&addr_idty_index, None,),
-        api.storage().fetch(&addr_block_hash, None)
-    );
-    let idty_index = idty_index?.unwrap();
-    let genesis_hash = genesis_hash?.unwrap();
-    let payload = (b"revo", genesis_hash, idty_index).encode();
-    let signature = pair.sign(&payload);
+	let account_id: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32 = pair.public().into();
+	let addr_idty_index = gdev::storage().identity().identity_index_of(&account_id);
+	let addr_block_hash = gdev::storage().system().block_hash(0);
+	let (idty_index, genesis_hash) = join!(
+		api.storage().fetch(&addr_idty_index, None,),
+		api.storage().fetch(&addr_block_hash, None)
+	);
+	let idty_index = idty_index?.unwrap();
+	let genesis_hash = genesis_hash?.unwrap();
+	let payload = (b"revo", genesis_hash, idty_index).encode();
+	let signature = pair.sign(&payload);
-    println!("0x{}", hex::encode(signature));
+	println!("0x{}", hex::encode(signature));
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/smith.rs b/src/commands/smith.rs
index 929ea03f4a1f6c0e1761ff8cbcc5e877f681de64..463c179a77ba0a43add4ed6bd7072cc38daa60aa 100644
--- a/src/commands/smith.rs
+++ b/src/commands/smith.rs
@@ -8,157 +8,157 @@ use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner};
 type SessionKeys = [u8; 128];
 pub async fn rotate_keys(client: &Client) -> Result<SessionKeys> {
-    client
-        .rpc()
-        .rotate_keys()
-        .await?
-        .deref()
-        .try_into()
-        .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Session keys have wrong length: {:?}", e))
+	client
+		.rpc()
+		.rotate_keys()
+		.await?
+		.deref()
+		.try_into()
+		.map_err(|e| anyhow!("Session keys have wrong length: {:?}", e))
 pub async fn set_session_keys(pair: Pair, client: Client, session_keys: SessionKeys) -> Result<()> {
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx()
-                .authority_members()
-                .set_session_keys(session_keys),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    Ok(())
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx()
+				.authority_members()
+				.set_session_keys(session_keys),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn update_session_keys(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> {
-    let session_keys = rotate_keys(&client).await?;
-    set_session_keys(pair, client, session_keys).await
+	let session_keys = rotate_keys(&client).await?;
+	set_session_keys(pair, client, session_keys).await
 pub async fn go_online(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> {
-    if client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(
-            &gdev::storage()
-                .session()
-                .next_keys(AccountId32::from(pair.public())),
-            None,
-        )
-        .await?
-        .is_none()
-    {
-        return Err(anyhow!("This account has not set session keys!"));
-    }
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx().authority_members().go_online(),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    Ok(())
+	if client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(
+			&gdev::storage()
+				.session()
+				.next_keys(AccountId32::from(pair.public())),
+			None,
+		)
+		.await?
+		.is_none()
+	{
+		return Err(anyhow!("This account has not set session keys!"));
+	}
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx().authority_members().go_online(),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn go_offline(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> {
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx().authority_members().go_offline(),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
-    Ok(())
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx().authority_members().go_offline(),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn online(client: Client, args: &Args) -> Result<()> {
-    let parent_hash = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
-        .await?
-        .unwrap();
-    let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
-        .user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
-        .build()?;
-    let mut identity_cache = cache::IdentityCache::new(
-        &client,
-        if args.no_indexer {
-            None
-        } else {
-            Some(Indexer {
-                gql_client,
-                gql_url: &args.indexer,
-            })
-        },
-    );
-    let online_authorities = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(
-            &gdev::storage().authority_members().online_authorities(),
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?
-        .unwrap_or_default();
-    println!("Online:");
-    for identity_id in online_authorities {
-        println!(
-            "  {}",
-            identity_cache
-                .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
-                .await
-                .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
-        );
-    }
-    let incoming_authorities = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(
-            &gdev::storage().authority_members().incoming_authorities(),
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?
-        .unwrap_or_default();
-    println!("Incoming:");
-    for identity_id in incoming_authorities {
-        println!(
-            "  {}",
-            identity_cache
-                .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
-                .await
-                .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
-        );
-    }
-    let outgoing_authorities = client
-        .storage()
-        .fetch(
-            &gdev::storage().authority_members().outgoing_authorities(),
-            Some(parent_hash),
-        )
-        .await?
-        .unwrap_or_default();
-    println!("Outgoing:");
-    for identity_id in outgoing_authorities {
-        println!(
-            "  {}",
-            identity_cache
-                .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
-                .await
-                .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
-        );
-    }
-    Ok(())
+	let parent_hash = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().parent_hash(), None)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap();
+	let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder()
+		.user_agent("gcli/0.1.0")
+		.build()?;
+	let mut identity_cache = cache::IdentityCache::new(
+		&client,
+		if args.no_indexer {
+			None
+		} else {
+			Some(Indexer {
+				gql_client,
+				gql_url: &args.indexer,
+			})
+		},
+	);
+	let online_authorities = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(
+			&gdev::storage().authority_members().online_authorities(),
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	println!("Online:");
+	for identity_id in online_authorities {
+		println!(
+			"  {}",
+			identity_cache
+				.fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
+				.await
+				.unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
+		);
+	}
+	let incoming_authorities = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(
+			&gdev::storage().authority_members().incoming_authorities(),
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	println!("Incoming:");
+	for identity_id in incoming_authorities {
+		println!(
+			"  {}",
+			identity_cache
+				.fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
+				.await
+				.unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
+		);
+	}
+	let outgoing_authorities = client
+		.storage()
+		.fetch(
+			&gdev::storage().authority_members().outgoing_authorities(),
+			Some(parent_hash),
+		)
+		.await?
+		.unwrap_or_default();
+	println!("Outgoing:");
+	for identity_id in outgoing_authorities {
+		println!(
+			"  {}",
+			identity_cache
+				.fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash)
+				.await
+				.unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}"))
+		);
+	}
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/sudo.rs b/src/commands/sudo.rs
index ee06cdf28fd3905029741a14d3c0f8501b2b9c3c..7987a084ef651bf32b1b3a795082d474529c0bc0 100644
--- a/src/commands/sudo.rs
+++ b/src/commands/sudo.rs
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ use sp_core::{crypto::AccountId32, sr25519::Pair};
 use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner};
 pub async fn set_key(pair: Pair, client: Client, new_key: AccountId32) -> Result<()> {
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx().sudo().set_key(new_key.into()),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx().sudo().set_key(new_key.into()),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/commands/transfer.rs b/src/commands/transfer.rs
index 82ea9e1c1bb287c01d8ade8969733ea8275bfefd..4e51cf3124cff223a6f9eab547664a7ec40c9b3b 100644
--- a/src/commands/transfer.rs
+++ b/src/commands/transfer.rs
@@ -8,63 +8,63 @@ type Call = gdev::runtime_types::gdev_runtime::Call;
 type BalancesCall = gdev::runtime_types::pallet_balances::pallet::Call;
 pub async fn transfer(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    balance: u64,
-    dest: AccountId32,
-    keep_alive: bool,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	balance: u64,
+	dest: AccountId32,
+	keep_alive: bool,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    if keep_alive {
-        client
-            .tx()
-            .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-                &gdev::tx().balances().transfer(dest.into(), balance),
-                &PairSigner::new(pair),
-                BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-            )
-            .await?;
-    } else {
-        client
-            .tx()
-            .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-                &gdev::tx()
-                    .balances()
-                    .transfer_keep_alive(dest.into(), balance),
-                &PairSigner::new(pair),
-                BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-            )
-            .await?;
-    }
+	if keep_alive {
+		client
+			.tx()
+			.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+				&gdev::tx().balances().transfer(dest.into(), balance),
+				&PairSigner::new(pair),
+				BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+			)
+			.await?;
+	} else {
+		client
+			.tx()
+			.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+				&gdev::tx()
+					.balances()
+					.transfer_keep_alive(dest.into(), balance),
+				&PairSigner::new(pair),
+				BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+			)
+			.await?;
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
 pub async fn transfer_multiple(
-    pair: Pair,
-    client: Client,
-    amount: u64,
-    dests: Vec<AccountId32>,
+	pair: Pair,
+	client: Client,
+	amount: u64,
+	dests: Vec<AccountId32>,
 ) -> Result<()> {
-    // build the list of transactions from the destination accounts
-    let transactions: Vec<Call> = dests
-        .into_iter()
-        .map(|dest| {
-            Call::Balances(BalancesCall::transfer_keep_alive {
-                dest: dest.into(),
-                value: amount,
-            })
-        })
-        .collect();
+	// build the list of transactions from the destination accounts
+	let transactions: Vec<Call> = dests
+		.into_iter()
+		.map(|dest| {
+			Call::Balances(BalancesCall::transfer_keep_alive {
+				dest: dest.into(),
+				value: amount,
+			})
+		})
+		.collect();
-    // wrap these calls in a batch call
-    client
-        .tx()
-        .sign_and_submit_then_watch(
-            &gdev::tx().utility().batch(transactions),
-            &PairSigner::new(pair.clone()),
-            BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
-        )
-        .await?;
+	// wrap these calls in a batch call
+	client
+		.tx()
+		.sign_and_submit_then_watch(
+			&gdev::tx().utility().batch(transactions),
+			&PairSigner::new(pair.clone()),
+			BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(),
+		)
+		.await?;
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())
diff --git a/src/indexer.rs b/src/indexer.rs
index d66cd11c7ad656f5fce67ec528967ab85ff757e9..0a48b0eb1ef9342fc5f73acec9ea6f186eb9e574 100644
--- a/src/indexer.rs
+++ b/src/indexer.rs
@@ -4,47 +4,47 @@ use anyhow::Result;
-    schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
-    query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
+	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
 pub struct IdentityNameByPubkey;
-    schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
-    query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
+	schema_path = "res/indexer-schema.json",
+	query_path = "res/indexer-queries.graphql"
 pub struct IdentityPubkeyByName;
 pub struct Indexer<'a> {
-    pub gql_client: reqwest::Client,
-    pub gql_url: &'a str,
+	pub gql_client: reqwest::Client,
+	pub gql_url: &'a str,
 impl<'a> Indexer<'a> {
-    pub async fn username_by_pubkey(&self, pubkey: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
-        Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityNameByPubkey, _>(
-            &self.gql_client,
-            self.gql_url,
-            identity_name_by_pubkey::Variables {
-                pubkey: pubkey.to_string(),
-            },
-        )
-        .await?
-        .data
-        .and_then(|data| data.identity.into_iter().next().map(|idty| idty.name)))
-    }
+	pub async fn username_by_pubkey(&self, pubkey: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
+		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityNameByPubkey, _>(
+			&self.gql_client,
+			self.gql_url,
+			identity_name_by_pubkey::Variables {
+				pubkey: pubkey.to_string(),
+			},
+		)
+		.await?
+		.data
+		.and_then(|data| data.identity.into_iter().next().map(|idty| idty.name)))
+	}
-    pub async fn pubkey_by_username(&self, username: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
-        Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityPubkeyByName, _>(
-            &self.gql_client,
-            self.gql_url,
-            identity_pubkey_by_name::Variables {
-                name: username.to_string(),
-            },
-        )
-        .await?
-        .data
-        .and_then(|data| data.identity_by_pk.map(|idty| idty.pubkey)))
-    }
+	pub async fn pubkey_by_username(&self, username: &str) -> Result<Option<String>> {
+		Ok(post_graphql::<IdentityPubkeyByName, _>(
+			&self.gql_client,
+			self.gql_url,
+			identity_pubkey_by_name::Variables {
+				name: username.to_string(),
+			},
+		)
+		.await?
+		.data
+		.and_then(|data| data.identity_by_pk.map(|idty| idty.pubkey)))
+	}
diff --git a/src/keys.rs b/src/keys.rs
index d9bebddd50bfb6c14e548cd0155b71e1d5737f82..fcb2f9a005c8af4def80cc201046d71ca4fffe04 100644
--- a/src/keys.rs
+++ b/src/keys.rs
@@ -1,125 +1,127 @@
 use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
 use clap::builder::OsStr;
-use sp_core::crypto::{AccountId32, Ss58Codec};
-use sp_core::{crypto::Pair as _, sr25519::Pair};
+use sp_core::{
+	crypto::{AccountId32, Pair as _, Ss58Codec},
+	sr25519::Pair,
 use std::str::FromStr;
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub enum NeededKeys {
-    None,
-    Public,
-    Secret,
+	None,
+	Public,
+	Secret,
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub enum SecretFormat {
-    /// Raw 32B seed
-    Seed,
-    /// Substrate secret key or BIP39 mnemonic (optionally followed by derivation path)
-    Substrate,
+	/// Raw 32B seed
+	Seed,
+	/// Substrate secret key or BIP39 mnemonic (optionally followed by derivation path)
+	Substrate,
 impl FromStr for SecretFormat {
-    type Err = std::io::Error;
+	type Err = std::io::Error;
-    fn from_str(s: &str) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
-        match s {
-            "seed" => Ok(SecretFormat::Seed),
-            "substrate" => Ok(SecretFormat::Substrate),
-            _ => Err(std::io::Error::from(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput)),
-        }
-    }
+	fn from_str(s: &str) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
+		match s {
+			"seed" => Ok(SecretFormat::Seed),
+			"substrate" => Ok(SecretFormat::Substrate),
+			_ => Err(std::io::Error::from(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput)),
+		}
+	}
 impl From<SecretFormat> for &'static str {
-    fn from(val: SecretFormat) -> &'static str {
-        match val {
-            SecretFormat::Seed => "seed",
-            SecretFormat::Substrate => "substrate",
-        }
-    }
+	fn from(val: SecretFormat) -> &'static str {
+		match val {
+			SecretFormat::Seed => "seed",
+			SecretFormat::Substrate => "substrate",
+		}
+	}
 impl From<SecretFormat> for OsStr {
-    fn from(val: SecretFormat) -> OsStr {
-        OsStr::from(Into::<&str>::into(val))
-    }
+	fn from(val: SecretFormat) -> OsStr {
+		OsStr::from(Into::<&str>::into(val))
+	}
 pub fn pair_from_str(secret_format: SecretFormat, secret: &str) -> Result<Pair> {
-    match secret_format {
-        SecretFormat::Seed => {
-            let mut seed = [0; 32];
-            hex::decode_to_slice(secret, &mut seed).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid secret"))?;
-            let pair = Pair::from_seed(&seed);
-            Ok(pair)
-        }
-        SecretFormat::Substrate => {
-            Pair::from_string(secret, None).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid secret"))
-        }
-    }
+	match secret_format {
+		SecretFormat::Seed => {
+			let mut seed = [0; 32];
+			hex::decode_to_slice(secret, &mut seed).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid secret"))?;
+			let pair = Pair::from_seed(&seed);
+			Ok(pair)
+		}
+		SecretFormat::Substrate => {
+			Pair::from_string(secret, None).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid secret"))
+		}
+	}
 pub fn prompt_secret(secret_format: SecretFormat) -> Pair {
-    let mut line = String::new();
-    loop {
-        println!("Secret key ({secret_format:?}): ");
-        std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
-        match pair_from_str(secret_format, line.trim()) {
-            Ok(pair) => return pair,
-            Err(_) => println!("Invalid secret"),
-        }
-        line.clear();
-    }
+	let mut line = String::new();
+	loop {
+		println!("Secret key ({secret_format:?}): ");
+		std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
+		match pair_from_str(secret_format, line.trim()) {
+			Ok(pair) => return pair,
+			Err(_) => println!("Invalid secret"),
+		}
+		line.clear();
+	}
 pub fn get_keys(
-    secret_format: SecretFormat,
-    address: &Option<String>,
-    secret: &Option<String>,
-    needed_keys: NeededKeys,
+	secret_format: SecretFormat,
+	address: &Option<String>,
+	secret: &Option<String>,
+	needed_keys: NeededKeys,
 ) -> Result<(Option<AccountId32>, Option<Pair>)> {
-    // Get from args
-    let mut account_id = match (address, secret) {
-        (Some(address), Some(secret)) => {
-            let pair = pair_from_str(secret_format, secret)?;
-            let address = AccountId32::from_string(address)
-                .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid address {}", address))?;
-            assert_eq!(
-                address,
-                pair.public().into(),
-                "Secret and address do not match."
-            );
-            return Ok((Some(pair.public().into()), Some(pair)));
-        }
-        (None, Some(secret)) => {
-            let pair = pair_from_str(secret_format, secret)?;
-            return Ok((Some(pair.public().into()), Some(pair)));
-        }
-        (Some(address), None) => Some(
-            AccountId32::from_str(address).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid address {}", address))?,
-        ),
-        (None, None) => None,
-    };
+	// Get from args
+	let mut account_id = match (address, secret) {
+		(Some(address), Some(secret)) => {
+			let pair = pair_from_str(secret_format, secret)?;
+			let address = AccountId32::from_string(address)
+				.map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid address {}", address))?;
+			assert_eq!(
+				address,
+				pair.public().into(),
+				"Secret and address do not match."
+			);
+			return Ok((Some(pair.public().into()), Some(pair)));
+		}
+		(None, Some(secret)) => {
+			let pair = pair_from_str(secret_format, secret)?;
+			return Ok((Some(pair.public().into()), Some(pair)));
+		}
+		(Some(address), None) => Some(
+			AccountId32::from_str(address).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid address {}", address))?,
+		),
+		(None, None) => None,
+	};
-    // Prompt
-    if needed_keys == NeededKeys::Secret
-        || (account_id.is_none() && needed_keys == NeededKeys::Public)
-    {
-        loop {
-            let pair = prompt_secret(secret_format);
+	// Prompt
+	if needed_keys == NeededKeys::Secret
+		|| (account_id.is_none() && needed_keys == NeededKeys::Public)
+	{
+		loop {
+			let pair = prompt_secret(secret_format);
-            if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
-                if account_id != &pair.public().into() {
-                    println!("Secret and address do not match.");
-                }
-            } else {
-                account_id = Some(pair.public().into());
-                return Ok((account_id, Some(pair)));
-            }
-        }
-    }
+			if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
+				if account_id != &pair.public().into() {
+					println!("Secret and address do not match.");
+				}
+			} else {
+				account_id = Some(pair.public().into());
+				return Ok((account_id, Some(pair)));
+			}
+		}
+	}
-    Ok((account_id, None))
+	Ok((account_id, None))
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index 07b1adc95a5575f1a4d98e65a5b6aa21f60f21df..5ce099e1d26782c9be22430cb3b703c993479d80 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -17,452 +17,452 @@ pub type Client = subxt::OnlineClient<GdevConfig>;
 pub enum GdevConfig {}
 impl subxt::config::Config for GdevConfig {
-    type Index = u32;
-    type BlockNumber = u32;
-    type Hash = sp_core::H256;
-    type Hashing = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256;
-    type AccountId = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::AccountId32;
-    type Address = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiAddress<Self::AccountId, u32>;
-    type Header = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::generic::Header<
-        Self::BlockNumber,
-        subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256,
-    >;
-    type Signature = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiSignature;
-    type ExtrinsicParams = subxt::tx::BaseExtrinsicParams<Self, Tip>;
+	type Index = u32;
+	type BlockNumber = u32;
+	type Hash = sp_core::H256;
+	type Hashing = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256;
+	type AccountId = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::AccountId32;
+	type Address = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiAddress<Self::AccountId, u32>;
+	type Header = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::generic::Header<
+		Self::BlockNumber,
+		subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256,
+	>;
+	type Signature = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiSignature;
+	type ExtrinsicParams = subxt::tx::BaseExtrinsicParams<Self, Tip>;
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Encode)]
 pub struct Tip {
-    #[codec(compact)]
-    tip: u64,
+	#[codec(compact)]
+	tip: u64,
 impl Tip {
-    pub fn new(amount: u64) -> Self {
-        Tip { tip: amount }
-    }
+	pub fn new(amount: u64) -> Self {
+		Tip { tip: amount }
+	}
 impl From<u64> for Tip {
-    fn from(n: u64) -> Self {
-        Self::new(n)
-    }
+	fn from(n: u64) -> Self {
+		Self::new(n)
+	}
 #[derive(Parser, Debug)]
 #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
 pub struct Args {
-    #[clap(subcommand)]
-    pub subcommand: Subcommand,
+	#[clap(subcommand)]
+	pub subcommand: Subcommand,
-    /// Indexer URL
-    #[clap(
-        short,
-        long,
-        default_value = "https://gdev-indexer.p2p.legal/v1/graphql"
-    )]
-    indexer: String,
-    /// Do not use indexer
-    #[clap(long)]
-    no_indexer: bool,
-    /// Secret key or BIP39 mnemonic
-    /// (eventually followed by derivation path)
-    #[clap(short, long)]
-    secret: Option<String>,
-    /// Secret key format (seed, substrate)
-    #[clap(short = 'S', long, default_value = SecretFormat::Substrate)]
-    secret_format: SecretFormat,
-    /// Address
-    #[clap(short, long)]
-    address: Option<String>,
-    /// Websocket RPC endpoint
-    #[clap(short, long, default_value = "ws://localhost:9944")]
-    url: String,
+	/// Indexer URL
+	#[clap(
+		short,
+		long,
+		default_value = "https://gdev-indexer.p2p.legal/v1/graphql"
+	)]
+	indexer: String,
+	/// Do not use indexer
+	#[clap(long)]
+	no_indexer: bool,
+	/// Secret key or BIP39 mnemonic
+	/// (eventually followed by derivation path)
+	#[clap(short, long)]
+	secret: Option<String>,
+	/// Secret key format (seed, substrate)
+	#[clap(short = 'S', long, default_value = SecretFormat::Substrate)]
+	secret_format: SecretFormat,
+	/// Address
+	#[clap(short, long)]
+	address: Option<String>,
+	/// Websocket RPC endpoint
+	#[clap(short, long, default_value = "ws://localhost:9944")]
+	url: String,
 #[derive(Debug, clap::Subcommand)]
 pub enum Subcommand {
-    CreateOneshot {
-        balance: u64,
-        dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-    },
-    ConsumeOneshot {
-        dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-        #[clap(long = "oneshot")]
-        dest_oneshot: bool,
-    },
-    ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining {
-        balance: u64,
-        dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-        #[clap(long = "one")]
-        dest_oneshot: bool,
-        remaining_to: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-        #[clap(long = "rem-one")]
-        remaining_to_oneshot: bool,
-    },
-    /// List upcoming expirations that require an action
-    Expire {
-        /// Show certs that expire within less than this number of blocks
-        #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100800)]
-        blocks: u32,
-        /// Show authorities that should rotate keys within less than this number of sessions
-        #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100)]
-        sessions: u32,
-    },
-    /// Fetch identity
-    Identity {
-        #[clap(short = 'p', long = "pubkey")]
-        account_id: Option<sp_core::crypto::AccountId32>,
-        #[clap(short = 'i', long = "identity")]
-        identity_id: Option<u32>,
-        #[clap(short = 'u', long = "username")]
-        username: Option<String>,
-    },
-    /// Generate a revocation document for the provided account
-    GenRevocDoc,
-    GoOffline,
-    GoOnline,
-    OneshotBalance {
-        account: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-    },
-    /// List online authorities
-    Online,
-    #[clap(hide = true)]
-    Repart {
-        // Number of transactions per block to target
-        target: u32,
-        #[clap(short = 'o', long = "old-repart")]
-        // Old/actual repartition
-        actual_repart: Option<u32>,
-    },
-    #[clap(hide = true)]
-    SpamRoll {
-        actual_repart: usize,
-    },
-    SudoSetKey {
-        new_key: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-    },
-    /// List members of the technical committee
-    TechMembers,
-    /// List proposals to the technical committee
-    TechProposals,
-    /// Vote a proposal to the technical committee
-    TechVote {
-        /// Proposal hash
-        hash: H256,
-        /// Proposal index
-        index: u32,
-        /// Vote (0=against, 1=for)
-        vote: u8,
-    },
-    Transfer {
-        /// Amount to transfer
-        amount: u64,
-        /// Destination address
-        dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
-        /// Prevent from going below account existential deposit
-        #[clap(short = 'k', long = "keep-alive")]
-        keep_alive: bool,
-    },
-    /// Transfer the same amount for each space-separated address.
-    /// If an address appears mutiple times, it will get multiple times the same amount
-    TransferMultiple {
-        /// Amount given to each destination address
-        amount: u64,
-        /// List of target addresses
-        dests: Vec<sp_core::crypto::AccountId32>,
-    },
-    /// Rotate and set session keys
-    UpdateKeys,
+	CreateOneshot {
+		balance: u64,
+		dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+	},
+	ConsumeOneshot {
+		dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+		#[clap(long = "oneshot")]
+		dest_oneshot: bool,
+	},
+	ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining {
+		balance: u64,
+		dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+		#[clap(long = "one")]
+		dest_oneshot: bool,
+		remaining_to: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+		#[clap(long = "rem-one")]
+		remaining_to_oneshot: bool,
+	},
+	/// List upcoming expirations that require an action
+	Expire {
+		/// Show certs that expire within less than this number of blocks
+		#[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100800)]
+		blocks: u32,
+		/// Show authorities that should rotate keys within less than this number of sessions
+		#[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100)]
+		sessions: u32,
+	},
+	/// Fetch identity
+	Identity {
+		#[clap(short = 'p', long = "pubkey")]
+		account_id: Option<sp_core::crypto::AccountId32>,
+		#[clap(short = 'i', long = "identity")]
+		identity_id: Option<u32>,
+		#[clap(short = 'u', long = "username")]
+		username: Option<String>,
+	},
+	/// Generate a revocation document for the provided account
+	GenRevocDoc,
+	GoOffline,
+	GoOnline,
+	OneshotBalance {
+		account: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+	},
+	/// List online authorities
+	Online,
+	#[clap(hide = true)]
+	Repart {
+		// Number of transactions per block to target
+		target: u32,
+		#[clap(short = 'o', long = "old-repart")]
+		// Old/actual repartition
+		actual_repart: Option<u32>,
+	},
+	#[clap(hide = true)]
+	SpamRoll {
+		actual_repart: usize,
+	},
+	SudoSetKey {
+		new_key: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+	},
+	/// List members of the technical committee
+	TechMembers,
+	/// List proposals to the technical committee
+	TechProposals,
+	/// Vote a proposal to the technical committee
+	TechVote {
+		/// Proposal hash
+		hash: H256,
+		/// Proposal index
+		index: u32,
+		/// Vote (0=against, 1=for)
+		vote: u8,
+	},
+	Transfer {
+		/// Amount to transfer
+		amount: u64,
+		/// Destination address
+		dest: sp_core::crypto::AccountId32,
+		/// Prevent from going below account existential deposit
+		#[clap(short = 'k', long = "keep-alive")]
+		keep_alive: bool,
+	},
+	/// Transfer the same amount for each space-separated address.
+	/// If an address appears mutiple times, it will get multiple times the same amount
+	TransferMultiple {
+		/// Amount given to each destination address
+		amount: u64,
+		/// List of target addresses
+		dests: Vec<sp_core::crypto::AccountId32>,
+	},
+	/// Rotate and set session keys
+	UpdateKeys,
 #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
 async fn main() -> Result<()> {
-    env_logger::init();
+	env_logger::init();
-    let args = Args::parse();
+	let args = Args::parse();
-    /*if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
-        println!("Account address: {account_id}");
-    }*/
+	/*if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
+		println!("Account address: {account_id}");
+	}*/
-    /*if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
-        let account = client
-            .storage()
-            .fetch(&gdev::storage().system().account(account_id), None)
-            .await?
-            .expect("Cannot fetch account");
-        logs::info!("Account free balance: {}", account.data.free);
-    }*/
+	/*if let Some(account_id) = &account_id {
+		let account = client
+			.storage()
+			.fetch(&gdev::storage().system().account(account_id), None)
+			.await?
+			.expect("Cannot fetch account");
+		logs::info!("Account free balance: {}", account.data.free);
+	}*/
-    match args.subcommand {
-        Subcommand::CreateOneshot { balance, dest } => {
-            commands::oneshot::create_oneshot_account(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                balance,
-                dest,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::ConsumeOneshot { dest, dest_oneshot } => {
-            commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                dest,
-                dest_oneshot,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining {
-            balance,
-            dest,
-            dest_oneshot,
-            remaining_to,
-            remaining_to_oneshot,
-        } => {
-            commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                balance,
-                dest,
-                dest_oneshot,
-                remaining_to,
-                remaining_to_oneshot,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::Expire { blocks, sessions } => {
-            commands::expire::monitor_expirations(
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                blocks,
-                sessions,
-                &args,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::Identity {
-            ref account_id,
-            identity_id,
-            ref username,
-        } => {
-            commands::identity::get_identity(
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                account_id.clone(),
-                identity_id,
-                username.clone(),
-                &args,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::GenRevocDoc => {
-            commands::revocation::gen_revoc_doc(
-                &Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                &get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::GoOffline => {
-            commands::smith::go_offline(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::GoOnline => {
-            commands::smith::go_online(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::OneshotBalance { account } => {
-            commands::oneshot::oneshot_account_balance(
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                account,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::Online => {
-            commands::smith::online(Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(), &args).await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::Repart {
-            target,
-            actual_repart,
-        } => {
-            commands::net_test::repart(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                target,
-                actual_repart,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::SpamRoll { actual_repart } => {
-            commands::net_test::spam_roll(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                actual_repart,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::SudoSetKey { new_key } => {
-            commands::sudo::set_key(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                new_key,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::TechMembers => {
-            commands::collective::technical_committee_members(
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                &args,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::TechProposals => {
-            commands::collective::technical_committee_proposals(
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::TechVote { hash, index, vote } => {
-            let vote = match vote {
-                0 => false,
-                1 => true,
-                _ => panic!("Vote must be written 0 if you disagree, or 1 if you agree."),
-            };
-            commands::collective::technical_committee_vote(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                hash, //H256::from_str(&hash).expect("Invalid hash formatting"),
-                index,
-                vote,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::Transfer {
-            amount,
-            dest,
-            keep_alive,
-        } => {
-            commands::transfer::transfer(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                amount,
-                dest,
-                keep_alive,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::TransferMultiple { amount, dests } => {
-            commands::transfer::transfer_multiple(
-                get_keys(
-                    args.secret_format,
-                    &args.address,
-                    &args.secret,
-                    NeededKeys::Secret,
-                )?
-                .1
-                .unwrap(),
-                Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-                amount,
-                dests,
-            )
-            .await?
-        }
-        Subcommand::UpdateKeys => commands::smith::update_session_keys(
-            get_keys(
-                args.secret_format,
-                &args.address,
-                &args.secret,
-                NeededKeys::Secret,
-            )?
-            .1
-            .unwrap(),
-            Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
-        )
-        .await
-        .unwrap(),
-    }
+	match args.subcommand {
+		Subcommand::CreateOneshot { balance, dest } => {
+			commands::oneshot::create_oneshot_account(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				balance,
+				dest,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::ConsumeOneshot { dest, dest_oneshot } => {
+			commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				dest,
+				dest_oneshot,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining {
+			balance,
+			dest,
+			dest_oneshot,
+			remaining_to,
+			remaining_to_oneshot,
+		} => {
+			commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				balance,
+				dest,
+				dest_oneshot,
+				remaining_to,
+				remaining_to_oneshot,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::Expire { blocks, sessions } => {
+			commands::expire::monitor_expirations(
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				blocks,
+				sessions,
+				&args,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::Identity {
+			ref account_id,
+			identity_id,
+			ref username,
+		} => {
+			commands::identity::get_identity(
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				account_id.clone(),
+				identity_id,
+				username.clone(),
+				&args,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::GenRevocDoc => {
+			commands::revocation::gen_revoc_doc(
+				&Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				&get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::GoOffline => {
+			commands::smith::go_offline(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::GoOnline => {
+			commands::smith::go_online(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::OneshotBalance { account } => {
+			commands::oneshot::oneshot_account_balance(
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				account,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::Online => {
+			commands::smith::online(Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(), &args).await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::Repart {
+			target,
+			actual_repart,
+		} => {
+			commands::net_test::repart(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				target,
+				actual_repart,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::SpamRoll { actual_repart } => {
+			commands::net_test::spam_roll(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				actual_repart,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::SudoSetKey { new_key } => {
+			commands::sudo::set_key(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				new_key,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::TechMembers => {
+			commands::collective::technical_committee_members(
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				&args,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::TechProposals => {
+			commands::collective::technical_committee_proposals(
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::TechVote { hash, index, vote } => {
+			let vote = match vote {
+				0 => false,
+				1 => true,
+				_ => panic!("Vote must be written 0 if you disagree, or 1 if you agree."),
+			};
+			commands::collective::technical_committee_vote(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				hash, //H256::from_str(&hash).expect("Invalid hash formatting"),
+				index,
+				vote,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::Transfer {
+			amount,
+			dest,
+			keep_alive,
+		} => {
+			commands::transfer::transfer(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				amount,
+				dest,
+				keep_alive,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::TransferMultiple { amount, dests } => {
+			commands::transfer::transfer_multiple(
+				get_keys(
+					args.secret_format,
+					&args.address,
+					&args.secret,
+					NeededKeys::Secret,
+				)?
+				.1
+				.unwrap(),
+				Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+				amount,
+				dests,
+			)
+			.await?
+		}
+		Subcommand::UpdateKeys => commands::smith::update_session_keys(
+			get_keys(
+				args.secret_format,
+				&args.address,
+				&args.secret,
+				NeededKeys::Secret,
+			)?
+			.1
+			.unwrap(),
+			Client::from_url(&args.url).await.unwrap(),
+		)
+		.await
+		.unwrap(),
+	}
-    Ok(())
+	Ok(())