use crate::*; use commands::identity::try_get_idty_index_by_name; #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] use runtime::runtime_types::gdev_runtime::opaque::SessionKeys as RuntimeSessionKeys; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ops::Deref; type SessionKeys = [u8; 128]; /// decode byte array into runtime session keys // TODO find a way to avoid doing this manually by importing session keys trait implementation fn session_keys_decode(session_keys: SessionKeys) -> RuntimeSessionKeys { RuntimeSessionKeys { grandpa: runtime::runtime_types::sp_consensus_grandpa::app::Public( session_keys[0..32].try_into().unwrap(), ), babe: runtime::runtime_types::sp_consensus_babe::app::Public( session_keys[32..64].try_into().unwrap(), ), im_online: runtime::runtime_types::pallet_im_online::sr25519::app_sr25519::Public( session_keys[64..96].try_into().unwrap(), ), authority_discovery: runtime::runtime_types::sp_authority_discovery::app::Public( session_keys[96..128].try_into().unwrap(), ), } } /// define smith subcommands #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, clap::Parser)] pub enum Subcommand { /// go online GoOnline, /// go offline #[default] GoOffline, /// Rotate and set session keys UpdateKeys, /// Set session keys SetSessionKeys { session_keys: String }, /// List upcoming expirations that require an action ShowExpire { /// Show certs that expire within less than this number of blocks #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100800)] blocks: u32, /// Show authorities that should rotate keys within less than this number of sessions #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100)] sessions: u32, }, /// List online authorities ShowOnline, /// Invite identity to become smith Invite { #[clap(value_name = "USERNAME")] target: String, }, /// Accept invitation Accept, /// Certify smith #[clap(alias = "cert")] Certify { #[clap(value_name = "USERNAME")] target: String, }, } /// handle smith commands pub async fn handle_command(data: Data, command: Subcommand) -> Result<(), GcliError> { let mut data = data.build_client().await?.build_indexer().await?; match command { Subcommand::GoOnline => { go_online(&data).await?; } Subcommand::GoOffline => { go_offline(&data).await?; } Subcommand::UpdateKeys => { update_session_keys(&data).await?; } Subcommand::SetSessionKeys { session_keys } => { let session_keys = session_keys_decode( hex::decode(session_keys) .expect("wrong hexadecimal") .try_into() .expect("wrong format"), ); // decode session keys from hex string set_session_keys(&data, session_keys).await?; } Subcommand::ShowExpire { blocks, sessions } => { data = data.build_indexer().await?; commands::expire::monitor_expirations(&data, blocks, sessions).await? } Subcommand::ShowOnline => online(&data).await?, Subcommand::Invite { target } => { let target = try_get_idty_index_by_name(&data, &target).await?; invite_smith(&data, target).await? } Subcommand::Accept => accept_invitation(&data).await?, Subcommand::Certify { target } => { let target = try_get_idty_index_by_name(&data, &target).await?; certify_smith(&data, target).await? } }; Ok(()) } /// rotate session keys /// (needs to be connected to unsafe RPC) pub async fn rotate_keys(data: &Data) -> Result<SessionKeys, GcliError> { data.legacy_rpc_methods() .await .author_rotate_keys() .await .map_err(|e| { GcliError::Duniter(format!( "Please make sure you are connected to your validator node with the unsafe RPC \ API enabled {e}" )) })? .deref() .try_into() .map_err(|e| GcliError::Duniter(format!("Session keys have wrong length: {:?}", e))) } /// set session keys pub async fn set_session_keys( data: &Data, session_keys: RuntimeSessionKeys, ) -> Result<TxProgress, subxt::Error> { submit_call::<StaticPayload<runtime::authority_members::calls::types::SetSessionKeys>>( data, &runtime::tx() .authority_members() .set_session_keys(session_keys), ) .await } // use runtime::runtime_types::sp_consensus_grandpa::app::Public /// update session keys pub async fn update_session_keys(data: &Data) -> Result<(), GcliError> { let session_keys = rotate_keys(data).await?; // manual session key conversion let session_keys = session_keys_decode(session_keys); let progress = set_session_keys(data, session_keys).await?; if data.args.no_wait { return Ok(()); } let _ = track_progress(progress).await?; // TODO Ok(()) } /// submit go_online pub async fn go_online(data: &Data) -> Result<(), GcliError> { if data .client() .storage() .at_latest() .await? .fetch(&runtime::storage().session().next_keys(data.address())) .await? .is_none() { return Err(GcliError::Logic( "This account has not set session keys!".to_string(), )); } submit_call_and_look_event::< runtime::authority_members::events::MemberGoOnline, StaticPayload<runtime::authority_members::calls::types::GoOnline>, >(data, &runtime::tx().authority_members().go_online()) .await .map_err(|e| e.into()) } /// submit go_offline pub async fn go_offline(data: &Data) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { submit_call_and_look_event::< runtime::authority_members::events::MemberGoOffline, StaticPayload<runtime::authority_members::calls::types::GoOffline>, >(data, &runtime::tx().authority_members().go_offline()) .await } /// get online authorities pub async fn online(data: &Data) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { let client = data.client(); let online_authorities = client .storage() .at_latest() .await? .fetch(&runtime::storage().authority_members().online_authorities()) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); let incoming_authorities = client .storage() .at_latest() .await? .fetch( &runtime::storage() .authority_members() .incoming_authorities(), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); let outgoing_authorities = client .storage() .at_latest() .await? .fetch( &runtime::storage() .authority_members() .outgoing_authorities(), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(indexer) = &data.indexer { let mut names = HashMap::<IdtyId, String>::new(); indexer .names_by_indexes(&online_authorities) .await .into_iter() .for_each(|e| { names.insert(e.0, e.1); }); println!("Online:"); println!( "{}", online_authorities .iter() .map(|i| names .get(i) .map(|n| n.to_string()) .unwrap_or(format!("{} <no name found>", i))) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ); println!("Incoming:"); println!( "{}", incoming_authorities .iter() .map(|i| names .get(i) .map(|n| n.to_string()) .unwrap_or(format!("{} <no name found>", i))) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ); println!("Outgoing:"); println!( "{}", outgoing_authorities .iter() .map(|i| names .get(i) .map(|n| n.to_string()) .unwrap_or(format!("{} <no name found>", i))) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ); } else { println!("Online:"); println!("{online_authorities:?}"); println!("Incoming:"); println!("{incoming_authorities:?}"); println!("Outgoing:"); println!("{outgoing_authorities:?}"); } Ok(()) } /// invite identity to join smith pub async fn invite_smith(data: &Data, target: IdtyId) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { submit_call_and_look_event::< runtime::smith_members::events::InvitationSent, StaticPayload<runtime::smith_members::calls::types::InviteSmith>, >(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().invite_smith(target)) .await } /// accept invitation pub async fn accept_invitation(data: &Data) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { submit_call_and_look_event::< runtime::smith_members::events::InvitationAccepted, StaticPayload<runtime::smith_members::calls::types::AcceptInvitation>, >(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().accept_invitation()) .await } /// invite identity to join smith pub async fn certify_smith(data: &Data, target: IdtyId) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { submit_call_and_look_event::< runtime::smith_members::events::SmithCertAdded, StaticPayload<runtime::smith_members::calls::types::CertifySmith>, >(data, &runtime::tx().smith_members().certify_smith(target)) .await }