# Examples of gcli commands for copy-paste Useful when developing: replace `gcli` by `cargo run --` to build in debug mode and launch gcli. ## Mnemonics Used in duniter-indexer genesis config: `pipe paddle ketchup filter life ice feel embody glide quantum ride usage` with derivations: - `//2` → `test1` - `//4` → `test2` - `//6` → `test3` Used in substrate for Alice, Bob and Co: `bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk` with derivations: - `//Alice` - `//Bob` - `//Charlie` - ... ## Commands ```sh # get duniter current block gcli current-block # get balance of test1 account gcli --address 5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa get-balance # get information about test1 identity (needs indexer) gcli identity --username test1 # show address of given secret gcli --secret "pipe paddle ketchup filter life ice feel embody glide quantum ride usage"//2 show-address ``` ## Indexer commands You can check first that indexer is on the same network as Duniter node: ```sh # check if indexer is on the same chain as duniter gcli indexer check ``` The following commands uniquely relate with indexer. ```sh # show latest indexer indexed block gcli indexer latest-block ```