use crate::*; use anyhow::Result; use sp_core::{sr25519::Pair, H256}; use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner}; pub async fn technical_committee_members(data: &Data) -> Result<()> { let client = data.client(); let indexer = data.indexer.clone(); let parent_hash = client .storage() .fetch(&runtime::storage().system().parent_hash(), None) .await? .unwrap(); for account_id in client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage().technical_committee().members(), Some(parent_hash), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default() { println!( "{}", if let Some(indexer) = &indexer { indexer .username_by_pubkey(&account_id.to_string()) .await .ok() .flatten() } else { client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage().identity().identity_index_of(&account_id), Some(parent_hash), ) .await .ok() .flatten() .map(|identity_id| format!("{identity_id}")) } .unwrap_or_else(|| account_id.to_string(),) ); } Ok(()) } // TODO: // * better formatting (format pubkeys to SS58 and add usernames) // * display proposals indices pub async fn technical_committee_proposals(client: &Client) -> Result<()> { let parent_hash = client .storage() .fetch(&runtime::storage().system().parent_hash(), None) .await? .unwrap(); let mut proposals_iter = client .storage() .iter( runtime::storage() .technical_committee() .proposal_of(H256::default()), 10, Some(parent_hash), ) .await?; while let Some((proposal_hash, proposal)) = { println!("{}", hex::encode(&proposal_hash.0[32..64])); println!("{proposal:#?}"); println!(); } Ok(()) } pub async fn technical_committee_vote( pair: Pair, client: &Client, proposal_hash: H256, proposal_index: u32, vote: bool, ) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> { let progress = client .tx() .sign_and_submit_then_watch( &runtime::tx() .technical_committee() .vote(proposal_hash, proposal_index, vote), &PairSigner::new(pair), BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(), ) .await?; let events = track_progress(progress).await?; if let Some(e) = events.find_first::<runtime::technical_committee::events::Voted>()? { println!("{e:?}"); } Ok(()) }