mod cache; mod commands; mod conf; mod data; mod indexer; mod keys; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::Parser; use codec::Encode; use data::*; use keys::*; use serde::Deserialize; use sp_core::{sr25519::Pair, Pair as _, H256}; #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] #[subxt::subxt( runtime_metadata_path = "res/metadata.scale", derive_for_all_types = "Debug" )] pub mod runtime { // IF NEEDED // #[subxt(substitute_type = "spcore::sr25519::Signature")] // use crate::gdev::runtime_types::sp_core::sr25519::Signature; } // declare custom types pub type Client = subxt::OnlineClient<Runtime>; pub type AccountId = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::AccountId32; pub type TxInBlock = subxt::tx::TxInBlock<Runtime, Client>; pub type TxProgress = subxt::tx::TxProgress<Runtime, Client>; pub type Balance = u64; pub type AccountData = runtime::runtime_types::pallet_duniter_account::types::AccountData<Balance>; pub type AccountInfo = runtime::runtime_types::frame_system::AccountInfo<u32, AccountData>; pub type Hash = sp_core::H256; // declare runtime types pub enum Runtime {} impl subxt::config::Config for Runtime { type Index = u32; type BlockNumber = u32; type Hash = Hash; type Hashing = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256; type AccountId = AccountId; type Address = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiAddress<Self::AccountId, u32>; type Header = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::generic::Header< Self::BlockNumber, subxt::ext::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256, >; type Signature = subxt::ext::sp_runtime::MultiSignature; type ExtrinsicParams = subxt::tx::BaseExtrinsicParams<Self, Tip>; } // Tip for transaction fee #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, codec::Encode)] pub struct Tip { #[codec(compact)] tip: u64, } impl Tip { pub fn new(amount: u64) -> Self { Tip { tip: amount } } } impl From<u64> for Tip { fn from(n: u64) -> Self { Self::new(n) } } // define command line arguments #[derive(Clone, clap::Parser, Debug, Default)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] pub struct Args { /// Subcommands #[clap(subcommand)] pub subcommand: Subcommand, /// Overwrite indexer endpoint #[clap(short, long)] indexer: Option<String>, /// Do not use indexer #[clap(long)] no_indexer: bool, /// Secret key or BIP39 mnemonic /// (eventually followed by derivation path) #[clap(short, long)] secret: Option<String>, /// Secret key format (seed, substrate) #[clap(short = 'S', long, default_value = SecretFormat::Substrate)] secret_format: SecretFormat, /// Address #[clap(short, long)] address: Option<String>, /// Overwrite duniter websocket RPC endpoint #[clap(short, long)] url: Option<String>, /// Chose target network #[clap(short, long)] network: Option<String>, } use subxt::blocks::ExtrinsicEvents; use subxt::tx::TxStatus; /// track progress of transaction on the network /// until it is in block with success or failure pub async fn track_progress( mut progress: TxProgress, ) -> Result<ExtrinsicEvents<Runtime>, subxt::Error> { loop { if let Some(status) = progress.next_item().await { match status? { TxStatus::Ready => { println!("transaction submitted to the network, waiting 6 seconds..."); } TxStatus::InBlock(in_block) => break in_block, TxStatus::Invalid => { println!("Invalid"); } _ => continue, } } } .wait_for_success() .await } /// custom error type intended to provide more convenient error message to user #[derive(Debug)] pub enum GcliError { /// error coming from subxt Subxt(subxt::Error), /// error coming from duniter Duniter(String), /// error coming from indexer Indexer(String), /// logic error (illegal operation or security) Logic(String), /// error coming from anyhow Anyhow(anyhow::Error), } impl std::fmt::Display for GcliError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } impl std::error::Error for GcliError {} impl From<subxt::Error> for GcliError { fn from(e: subxt::Error) -> GcliError { GcliError::Subxt(e) } } impl From<anyhow::Error> for GcliError { fn from(e: anyhow::Error) -> GcliError { GcliError::Anyhow(e) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, clap::Subcommand, Default)] pub enum Subcommand { /// Fetch account balance TODO also oneshot account #[default] GetBalance, /// Show address corresponding to given arguments ShowAddress, /// Fetch identity Identity { #[clap(short = 'p', long = "pubkey")] account_id: Option<AccountId>, #[clap(short = 'i', long = "identity")] identity_id: Option<u32>, #[clap(short = 'u', long = "username")] username: Option<String>, }, /// Create and certify an identity /// /// Caller must be member, and the target account must exist. CreateIdentity { target: AccountId, }, /// Confirm an identity /// /// To be called by the certified not-yet-member account, to become member. ConfirmIdentity { name: String, }, /// Generate a revocation document for the provided account GenRevocDoc, /// Revoke an identity immediately RevokeIdentity, CreateOneshot { balance: u64, dest: AccountId, }, ConsumeOneshot { dest: AccountId, #[clap(long = "oneshot")] dest_oneshot: bool, }, ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining { balance: u64, dest: AccountId, #[clap(long = "one")] dest_oneshot: bool, remaining_to: AccountId, #[clap(long = "rem-one")] remaining_to_oneshot: bool, }, OneshotBalance { account: AccountId, }, /// List upcoming expirations that require an action Expire { /// Show certs that expire within less than this number of blocks #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100800)] blocks: u32, /// Show authorities that should rotate keys within less than this number of sessions #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 100)] sessions: u32, }, GoOffline, GoOnline, /// List online authorities Online, #[clap(hide = true)] Repart { // Number of transactions per block to target target: u32, #[clap(short = 'o', long = "old-repart")] // Old/actual repartition actual_repart: Option<u32>, }, #[clap(hide = true)] SpamRoll { actual_repart: usize, }, SudoSetKey { new_key: AccountId, }, /// Emit a smith certification SmithCert { to: u32, }, /// List members of the technical committee TechMembers, /// List proposals to the technical committee TechProposals, /// Vote a proposal to the technical committee TechVote { /// Proposal hash hash: H256, /// Proposal index index: u32, /// Vote (0=against, 1=for) vote: u8, }, Transfer { /// Amount to transfer amount: u64, /// Destination address dest: AccountId, /// Prevent from going below account existential deposit #[clap(short = 'k', long = "keep-alive")] keep_alive: bool, }, /// Transfer the same amount for each space-separated address. /// If an address appears mutiple times, it will get multiple times the same amount TransferMultiple { /// Amount given to each destination address amount: u64, /// List of target addresses dests: Vec<AccountId>, }, /// Rotate and set session keys UpdateKeys, /// Get information about runtime RuntimeInfo, /// Check current block CurrentBlock, /// Indexer subcommands #[clap(subcommand)] Indexer(indexer::Subcommand), /// Config subcommands #[clap(subcommand)] Config(conf::Subcommand), } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> Result<(), GcliError> { // init logger env_logger::init(); // parse argument and initialize data let args = Args::parse(); let mut data = Data::new(args.clone()); match args.subcommand { Subcommand::GetBalance => { data = data .build_address() .build_client() .await? .fetch_system_properties() .await?; commands::account::get_balance(data).await? } Subcommand::ShowAddress => { data = data.build_address(); println!("address is: {}", data.address()); } Subcommand::CreateIdentity { target } => { data = data.build_client().await?.build_keypair(); commands::identity::create_identity(data.keypair(), data.client(), target).await?; } Subcommand::ConfirmIdentity { name } => { data = data.build_client().await?.build_keypair(); commands::identity::confirm_identity(data.keypair(), data.client(), name).await?; } Subcommand::RevokeIdentity => { data = data .build_client() .await? .build_keypair() .fetch_idty_index() .await?; commands::identity::revoke_identity(data).await?; } Subcommand::CreateOneshot { balance, dest } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::oneshot::create_oneshot_account( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), balance, dest, ) .await?; } Subcommand::ConsumeOneshot { dest, dest_oneshot } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), dest, dest_oneshot, ) .await?; } Subcommand::ConsumeOneshotWithRemaining { balance, dest, dest_oneshot, remaining_to, remaining_to_oneshot, } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::oneshot::consume_oneshot_account_with_remaining( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), balance, dest, dest_oneshot, remaining_to, remaining_to_oneshot, ) .await?; } Subcommand::Expire { blocks, sessions } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::expire::monitor_expirations(&data, blocks, sessions).await? } Subcommand::Identity { ref account_id, identity_id, ref username, } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::identity::get_identity( &data, account_id.clone(), identity_id, username.clone(), ) .await? } Subcommand::GenRevocDoc => { data = data .build_client() .await? .build_keypair() .fetch_idty_index() .await?; commands::revocation::print_revoc_sig(&data) } Subcommand::GoOffline => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::smith::go_offline( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), ) .await?; } Subcommand::GoOnline => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::smith::go_online( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), ) .await?; } Subcommand::OneshotBalance { account } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::oneshot::oneshot_account_balance(data.client(), account).await? } Subcommand::Online => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::smith::online(&data).await? } Subcommand::Repart { target, actual_repart, } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::net_test::repart( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), target, actual_repart, ) .await? } Subcommand::SpamRoll { actual_repart } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::net_test::spam_roll( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), actual_repart, ) .await? } Subcommand::SudoSetKey { new_key } => { data = data.build_keypair().build_client().await?; commands::sudo::set_key(data.keypair(), data.client(), new_key).await?; } Subcommand::SmithCert { to } => { data = data .build_client() .await? .build_keypair() .fetch_idty_index() .await?; commands::smith::cert(data.client(), data.keypair(), data.idty_index(), to).await? } Subcommand::TechMembers => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::collective::technical_committee_members(&data).await? } Subcommand::TechProposals => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::collective::technical_committee_proposals(data.client()).await? } Subcommand::TechVote { hash, index, vote } => { data = data.build_client().await?; let vote = match vote { 0 => false, 1 => true, _ => panic!("Vote must be written 0 if you disagree, or 1 if you agree."), }; commands::collective::technical_committee_vote( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), hash, //H256::from_str(&hash).expect("Invalid hash formatting"), index, vote, ) .await?; } Subcommand::Transfer { amount, dest, keep_alive, } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::transfer::transfer( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), amount, dest, keep_alive, ) .await?; } Subcommand::TransferMultiple { amount, dests } => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::transfer::transfer_multiple( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), amount, dests, ) .await?; } Subcommand::UpdateKeys => { data = data.build_client().await?; commands::smith::update_session_keys( get_keys( args.secret_format, &args.address, &args.secret, NeededKeys::Secret, )? .1 .unwrap(), data.client(), ) .await?; } Subcommand::RuntimeInfo => { data = data.build_client().await?.fetch_system_properties().await?; commands::runtime::runtime_info(data).await; } Subcommand::CurrentBlock => { data = data.build_client().await?; println!( "current block on {}: {}", data.cfg.duniter_endpoint, data.client() .storage() .fetch(&runtime::storage().system().number(), None) .await? .unwrap() ); } Subcommand::Indexer(subcommand) => indexer::handle_command(data, subcommand).await?, Subcommand::Config(subcommand) => conf::handle_command(data, subcommand)?, } Ok(()) }