use crate::indexer::Indexer; use crate::*; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use sp_core::{crypto::AccountId32, sr25519::Pair, Pair as _}; use std::ops::Deref; use subxt::tx::{BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder, PairSigner, TxStatus}; type SessionKeys = [u8; 128]; pub async fn rotate_keys(client: &Client) -> Result<SessionKeys> { client .rpc() .rotate_keys() .await? .deref() .try_into() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Session keys have wrong length: {:?}", e)) } pub async fn set_session_keys(pair: Pair, client: Client, session_keys: SessionKeys) -> Result<()> { client .tx() .sign_and_submit_then_watch( &runtime::tx() .authority_members() .set_session_keys(session_keys), &PairSigner::new(pair), BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(), ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn update_session_keys(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> { let session_keys = rotate_keys(&client).await?; set_session_keys(pair, client, session_keys).await } pub async fn go_online(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> { if client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage() .session() .next_keys(AccountId32::from(pair.public())), None, ) .await? .is_none() { return Err(anyhow!("This account has not set session keys!")); } client .tx() .sign_and_submit_then_watch( &runtime::tx().authority_members().go_online(), &PairSigner::new(pair), BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(), ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn go_offline(pair: Pair, client: Client) -> Result<()> { client .tx() .sign_and_submit_then_watch( &runtime::tx().authority_members().go_offline(), &PairSigner::new(pair), BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(), ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn online(client: Client, args: &Args) -> Result<()> { let parent_hash = client .clone() .storage() .fetch(&runtime::storage().system().parent_hash(), None) .await? .unwrap(); let gql_client = reqwest::Client::builder() .user_agent("gcli/0.1.0") .build()?; let mut identity_cache = cache::IdentityCache::new( client.clone(), if args.no_indexer { None } else { Some(Indexer { gql_client, gql_url: args.indexer.clone(), }) }, ); let online_authorities = client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage().authority_members().online_authorities(), Some(parent_hash), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); println!("Online:"); for identity_id in online_authorities { println!( " {}", identity_cache .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}")) ); } let incoming_authorities = client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage() .authority_members() .incoming_authorities(), Some(parent_hash), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); println!("Incoming:"); for identity_id in incoming_authorities { println!( " {}", identity_cache .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}")) ); } let outgoing_authorities = client .storage() .fetch( &runtime::storage() .authority_members() .outgoing_authorities(), Some(parent_hash), ) .await? .unwrap_or_default(); println!("Outgoing:"); for identity_id in outgoing_authorities { println!( " {}", identity_cache .fetch_identity(identity_id, parent_hash) .await .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("{identity_id}")) ); } Ok(()) } /// submit a certification and track progress pub async fn cert(client: &Client, pair: Pair, issuer: u32, receiver: u32) -> Result<()> { let mut progress = client .tx() .sign_and_submit_then_watch( &runtime::tx().smith_cert().add_cert(issuer, receiver), &PairSigner::new(pair), BaseExtrinsicParamsBuilder::new(), ) .await?; let in_block = loop { if let Some(status) = progress.next_item().await { match status? { TxStatus::Ready => { println!("transaction submitted to the network, waiting 6 seconds..."); } TxStatus::InBlock(in_block) => break in_block, TxStatus::Invalid => { println!("Invalid"); } _ => continue, } } }; // get the block events and return if ExtrinsicFailed let events = in_block.wait_for_success().await?; // look for the expected event let new_cert_event = events.find_first::<runtime::smith_cert::events::NewCert>()?; let renew_cert_event = events.find_first::<runtime::smith_cert::events::RenewedCert>()?; if let Some(event) = new_cert_event { println!("{event:?}"); } if let Some(event) = renew_cert_event { println!("{event:?}"); } Ok(()) }