schema {
  query: query_root
  subscription: subscription_root

"""whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)"""
directive @cached(
  """measured in seconds"""
  ttl: Int! = 60

  """refresh the cache entry"""
  refresh: Boolean! = false
) on QUERY

"""Table of accounts."""
type account {
  """An object relationship"""
  block: block!
  created_at: timestamptz!

  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Int!

  A computed field, executes function "has_identity"
  has_identity: Boolean

  """An object relationship"""
  identity: identity
  killed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Int

  """Pubkey of the account."""
  pubkey: String!

  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): [transaction!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): transaction_aggregate!

  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): [transaction!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): transaction_aggregate!

aggregated selection of "account"
type account_aggregate {
  aggregate: account_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [account!]!

aggregate fields of "account"
type account_aggregate_fields {
  avg: account_avg_fields
  count(columns: [account_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: account_max_fields
  min: account_min_fields
  stddev: account_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: account_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: account_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: account_sum_fields
  var_pop: account_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: account_var_samp_fields
  variance: account_variance_fields

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type account_avg_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "account". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input account_bool_exp {
  _and: [account_bool_exp!]
  _not: account_bool_exp
  _or: [account_bool_exp!]
  block: block_bool_exp
  created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  created_on: Int_comparison_exp
  has_identity: Boolean_comparison_exp
  identity: identity_bool_exp
  killed_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  killed_on: Int_comparison_exp
  pubkey: String_comparison_exp
  transactions_issued: transaction_bool_exp
  transactions_issued_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_bool_exp
  transactions_received: transaction_bool_exp
  transactions_received_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_bool_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type account_max_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Int
  killed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Int

  """Pubkey of the account."""
  pubkey: String

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type account_min_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Int
  killed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Int

  """Pubkey of the account."""
  pubkey: String

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "account"."""
input account_order_by {
  block: block_order_by
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  has_identity: order_by
  identity: identity_order_by
  killed_at: order_by
  killed_on: order_by
  pubkey: order_by
  transactions_issued_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_order_by
  transactions_received_aggregate: transaction_aggregate_order_by

select columns of table "account"
enum account_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type account_stddev_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type account_stddev_pop_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type account_stddev_samp_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

Streaming cursor of the table "account"
input account_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: account_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input account_stream_cursor_value_input {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Int
  killed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Int

  """Pubkey of the account."""
  pubkey: String

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type account_sum_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Int

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type account_var_pop_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type account_var_samp_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type account_variance_fields {
  """Block number where account was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Block number where account was killed."""
  killed_on: Float

"""Table of blocks."""
type block {
  created_at: timestamp!

  Data contains `extrinsics` and `events` of the block. Exemple for querying
  specific data: `data(path: "extrinsics[0].isSigned")`.
    """JSON select path"""
    path: String
  ): jsonb
  hash: String!

  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Int!

aggregated selection of "block"
type block_aggregate {
  aggregate: block_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [block!]!

aggregate fields of "block"
type block_aggregate_fields {
  avg: block_avg_fields
  count(columns: [block_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: block_max_fields
  min: block_min_fields
  stddev: block_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: block_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: block_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: block_sum_fields
  var_pop: block_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: block_var_samp_fields
  variance: block_variance_fields

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type block_avg_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "block". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input block_bool_exp {
  _and: [block_bool_exp!]
  _not: block_bool_exp
  _or: [block_bool_exp!]
  created_at: timestamp_comparison_exp
  data: jsonb_comparison_exp
  hash: String_comparison_exp
  number: Int_comparison_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type block_max_fields {
  created_at: timestamp
  hash: String

  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Int

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type block_min_fields {
  created_at: timestamp
  hash: String

  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Int

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "block"."""
input block_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  data: order_by
  hash: order_by
  number: order_by

select columns of table "block"
enum block_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type block_stddev_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type block_stddev_pop_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type block_stddev_samp_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

Streaming cursor of the table "block"
input block_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: block_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input block_stream_cursor_value_input {
  created_at: timestamp

  Data contains `extrinsics` and `events` of the block. Exemple for querying
  specific data: `data(path: "extrinsics[0].isSigned")`.
  data: jsonb
  hash: String

  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Int

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type block_sum_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Int

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type block_var_pop_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type block_var_samp_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type block_variance_fields {
  """Number of the block in substrate."""
  number: Float

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Boolean". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Boolean_comparison_exp {
  _eq: Boolean
  _gt: Boolean
  _gte: Boolean
  _in: [Boolean!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: Boolean
  _lte: Boolean
  _neq: Boolean
  _nin: [Boolean!]

"""Table of certifications."""
type certification {
  created_at: timestamptz!

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  created_on_block: block!

  """An object relationship"""
  issuer: identity!

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  receiver: identity!

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Int!

aggregated selection of "certification"
type certification_aggregate {
  aggregate: certification_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [certification!]!

input certification_aggregate_bool_exp {
  count: certification_aggregate_bool_exp_count

input certification_aggregate_bool_exp_count {
  arguments: [certification_select_column!]
  distinct: Boolean
  filter: certification_bool_exp
  predicate: Int_comparison_exp!

aggregate fields of "certification"
type certification_aggregate_fields {
  avg: certification_avg_fields
  count(columns: [certification_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: certification_max_fields
  min: certification_min_fields
  stddev: certification_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: certification_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: certification_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: certification_sum_fields
  var_pop: certification_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: certification_var_samp_fields
  variance: certification_variance_fields

order by aggregate values of table "certification"
input certification_aggregate_order_by {
  avg: certification_avg_order_by
  count: order_by
  max: certification_max_order_by
  min: certification_min_order_by
  stddev: certification_stddev_order_by
  stddev_pop: certification_stddev_pop_order_by
  stddev_samp: certification_stddev_samp_order_by
  sum: certification_sum_order_by
  var_pop: certification_var_pop_order_by
  var_samp: certification_var_samp_order_by
  variance: certification_variance_order_by

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type certification_avg_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by avg() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_avg_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "certification". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input certification_bool_exp {
  _and: [certification_bool_exp!]
  _not: certification_bool_exp
  _or: [certification_bool_exp!]
  created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  created_on: Int_comparison_exp
  created_on_block: block_bool_exp
  issuer: identity_bool_exp
  issuer_index: Int_comparison_exp
  receiver: identity_bool_exp
  receiver_index: Int_comparison_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type certification_max_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Int

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Int

order by max() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_max_order_by {
  created_at: order_by

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type certification_min_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Int

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Int

order by min() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_min_order_by {
  created_at: order_by

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "certification"."""
input certification_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  created_on_block: block_order_by
  issuer: identity_order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver: identity_order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

select columns of table "certification"
enum certification_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type certification_stddev_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_stddev_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type certification_stddev_pop_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_stddev_pop_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type certification_stddev_samp_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_stddev_samp_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

Streaming cursor of the table "certification"
input certification_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: certification_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input certification_stream_cursor_value_input {
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Int

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Int

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type certification_sum_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Int

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Int

order by sum() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_sum_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type certification_var_pop_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by var_pop() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_var_pop_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type certification_var_samp_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by var_samp() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_var_samp_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type certification_variance_fields {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: Float

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: Float

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: Float

order by variance() on columns of table "certification"
input certification_variance_order_by {
  """Block number where certification was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  """Index of issuer"""
  issuer_index: order_by

  """Index of receiver"""
  receiver_index: order_by

"""ordering argument of a cursor"""
enum cursor_ordering {
  """ascending ordering of the cursor"""

  """descending ordering of the cursor"""

scalar date

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Float". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Float_comparison_exp {
  _eq: Float
  _gt: Float
  _gte: Float
  _in: [Float!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: Float
  _lte: Float
  _neq: Float
  _nin: [Float!]

"""Table of identities."""
type identity {
  """An object relationship"""
  account: account

  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): [certification!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): certification_aggregate!

  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): [certification!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): certification_aggregate!
  confirmed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Int

  """An object relationship"""
  confirmed_on_block: block

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Int

  """An object relationship"""
  created_on_block: block
  index: Int!

  """Name of the identity."""
  name: String

  """Pubkey of the account associated to this identity."""
  pubkey: String!
  revoked_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Int

  """An object relationship"""
  revoked_on_block: block
  validated_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Int

  """An object relationship"""
  validated_on_block: block

aggregated selection of "identity"
type identity_aggregate {
  aggregate: identity_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [identity!]!

aggregate fields of "identity"
type identity_aggregate_fields {
  avg: identity_avg_fields
  count(columns: [identity_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: identity_max_fields
  min: identity_min_fields
  stddev: identity_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: identity_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: identity_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: identity_sum_fields
  var_pop: identity_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: identity_var_samp_fields
  variance: identity_variance_fields

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type identity_avg_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "identity". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input identity_bool_exp {
  _and: [identity_bool_exp!]
  _not: identity_bool_exp
  _or: [identity_bool_exp!]
  account: account_bool_exp
  cert_issued: certification_bool_exp
  cert_issued_aggregate: certification_aggregate_bool_exp
  cert_received: certification_bool_exp
  cert_received_aggregate: certification_aggregate_bool_exp
  confirmed_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  confirmed_on: Int_comparison_exp
  confirmed_on_block: block_bool_exp
  created_on: Int_comparison_exp
  created_on_block: block_bool_exp
  index: Int_comparison_exp
  name: String_comparison_exp
  pubkey: String_comparison_exp
  revoked_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  revoked_on: Int_comparison_exp
  revoked_on_block: block_bool_exp
  validated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  validated_on: Int_comparison_exp
  validated_on_block: block_bool_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type identity_max_fields {
  confirmed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Int

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Int
  index: Int

  """Name of the identity."""
  name: String

  """Pubkey of the account associated to this identity."""
  pubkey: String
  revoked_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Int
  validated_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Int

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type identity_min_fields {
  confirmed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Int

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Int
  index: Int

  """Name of the identity."""
  name: String

  """Pubkey of the account associated to this identity."""
  pubkey: String
  revoked_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Int
  validated_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Int

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "identity"."""
input identity_order_by {
  account: account_order_by
  cert_issued_aggregate: certification_aggregate_order_by
  cert_received_aggregate: certification_aggregate_order_by
  confirmed_at: order_by
  confirmed_on: order_by
  confirmed_on_block: block_order_by
  created_on: order_by
  created_on_block: block_order_by
  index: order_by
  name: order_by
  pubkey: order_by
  revoked_at: order_by
  revoked_on: order_by
  revoked_on_block: block_order_by
  validated_at: order_by
  validated_on: order_by
  validated_on_block: block_order_by

select columns of table "identity"
enum identity_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type identity_stddev_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type identity_stddev_pop_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type identity_stddev_samp_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

Streaming cursor of the table "identity"
input identity_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: identity_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input identity_stream_cursor_value_input {
  confirmed_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Int

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Int
  index: Int

  """Name of the identity."""
  name: String

  """Pubkey of the account associated to this identity."""
  pubkey: String
  revoked_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Int
  validated_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Int

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type identity_sum_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Int

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Int
  index: Int

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Int

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Int

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type identity_var_pop_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type identity_var_samp_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type identity_variance_fields {
  """Block number where identity was confirmed."""
  confirmed_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was created."""
  created_on: Float
  index: Float

  """Block number where identity was revoked."""
  revoked_on: Float

  """Block number where identity was validated."""
  validated_on: Float

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Int_comparison_exp {
  _eq: Int
  _gt: Int
  _gte: Int
  _in: [Int!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: Int
  _lte: Int
  _neq: Int
  _nin: [Int!]

scalar jsonb

input jsonb_cast_exp {
  String: String_comparison_exp

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "jsonb". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input jsonb_comparison_exp {
  _cast: jsonb_cast_exp

  """is the column contained in the given json value"""
  _contained_in: jsonb

  """does the column contain the given json value at the top level"""
  _contains: jsonb
  _eq: jsonb
  _gt: jsonb
  _gte: jsonb

  """does the string exist as a top-level key in the column"""
  _has_key: String

  """do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"""
  _has_keys_all: [String!]

  """do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column"""
  _has_keys_any: [String!]
  _in: [jsonb!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: jsonb
  _lte: jsonb
  _neq: jsonb
  _nin: [jsonb!]

"""column ordering options"""
enum order_by {
  """in ascending order, nulls last"""

  """in ascending order, nulls first"""

  """in ascending order, nulls last"""

  """in descending order, nulls first"""

  """in descending order, nulls first"""

  """in descending order, nulls last"""

"""Table of key/value parameters."""
type parameters {
  key: String!
    """JSON select path"""
    path: String
  ): jsonb

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "parameters". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input parameters_bool_exp {
  _and: [parameters_bool_exp!]
  _not: parameters_bool_exp
  _or: [parameters_bool_exp!]
  key: String_comparison_exp
  value: jsonb_comparison_exp

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "parameters"."""
input parameters_order_by {
  key: order_by
  value: order_by

select columns of table "parameters"
enum parameters_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

Streaming cursor of the table "parameters"
input parameters_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: parameters_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input parameters_stream_cursor_value_input {
  key: String
  value: jsonb

type query_root {
  fetch data from the table: "account"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [account_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [account_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: account_bool_exp
  ): [account!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "account"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [account_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [account_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: account_bool_exp
  ): account_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "account" using primary key columns"""
    """Pubkey of the account."""
    pubkey: String!
  ): account

  fetch data from the table: "block"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [block_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [block_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: block_bool_exp
  ): [block!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "block"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [block_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [block_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: block_bool_exp
  ): block_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "block" using primary key columns"""
    """Number of the block in substrate."""
    number: Int!
  ): block

  fetch data from the table: "certification"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): [certification!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "certification"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): certification_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "certification" using primary key columns"""
    """Block number where certification was created."""
    created_on: Int!

    """Index of issuer"""
    issuer_index: Int!

    """Index of receiver"""
    receiver_index: Int!
  ): certification

  fetch data from the table: "identity"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): [identity!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): identity_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "identity" using primary key columns"""
  identity_by_pk(index: Int!): identity

  fetch data from the table: "parameters"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [parameters_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [parameters_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: parameters_bool_exp
  ): [parameters!]!

  """fetch data from the table: "parameters" using primary key columns"""
  parameters_by_pk(key: String!): parameters

  execute function "search_identity" which returns "identity"
    input parameters for function "search_identity"
    args: search_identity_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): [identity!]!

  execute function "search_identity" and query aggregates on result of table type "identity"
    input parameters for function "search_identity_aggregate"
    args: search_identity_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): identity_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "smith"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_bool_exp
  ): [smith!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_bool_exp
  ): smith_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "smith" using primary key columns"""
  smith_by_pk(idty_index: Int!): smith

  fetch data from the table: "smith_cert"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): [smith_cert!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_cert"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): smith_cert_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" using primary key columns"""
  smith_cert_by_pk(created_on: Int!, issuer_index: Int!, receiver_index: Int!): smith_cert

  fetch data from the table: "transaction"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): [transaction!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "transaction"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): transaction_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "transaction" using primary key columns"""
    Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
    id: Int!
  ): transaction

  execute function "transaction_timeserie" which returns "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
    input parameters for function "transaction_timeserie"
    args: transaction_timeserie_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  ): [transaction_timeserie_tmp!]!

  fetch data from the table: "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  ): [transaction_timeserie_tmp!]!

  fetch data from the table: "transaction_timeserie_tmp" using primary key columns
  transaction_timeserie_tmp_by_pk(date: timestamptz!): transaction_timeserie_tmp

input search_identity_args {
  name: String

"""identities with smith membership"""
type smith {
  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): [smith_cert!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): smith_cert_aggregate!

  """An array relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): [smith_cert!]!

  """An aggregate relationship"""
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): smith_cert_aggregate!

  """An object relationship"""
  identity: identity!
  idty_index: Int!

aggregated selection of "smith"
type smith_aggregate {
  aggregate: smith_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [smith!]!

aggregate fields of "smith"
type smith_aggregate_fields {
  avg: smith_avg_fields
  count(columns: [smith_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: smith_max_fields
  min: smith_min_fields
  stddev: smith_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: smith_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: smith_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: smith_sum_fields
  var_pop: smith_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: smith_var_samp_fields
  variance: smith_variance_fields

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type smith_avg_fields {
  idty_index: Float

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "smith". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input smith_bool_exp {
  _and: [smith_bool_exp!]
  _not: smith_bool_exp
  _or: [smith_bool_exp!]
  cert_issued: smith_cert_bool_exp
  cert_issued_aggregate: smith_cert_aggregate_bool_exp
  cert_received: smith_cert_bool_exp
  cert_received_aggregate: smith_cert_aggregate_bool_exp
  identity: identity_bool_exp
  idty_index: Int_comparison_exp

"""smith certifications"""
type smith_cert {
  created_at: timestamptz!
  created_on: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  created_on_block: block!

  """An object relationship"""
  issuer: smith!
  issuer_index: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  receiver: smith!
  receiver_index: Int!

aggregated selection of "smith_cert"
type smith_cert_aggregate {
  aggregate: smith_cert_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [smith_cert!]!

input smith_cert_aggregate_bool_exp {
  count: smith_cert_aggregate_bool_exp_count

input smith_cert_aggregate_bool_exp_count {
  arguments: [smith_cert_select_column!]
  distinct: Boolean
  filter: smith_cert_bool_exp
  predicate: Int_comparison_exp!

aggregate fields of "smith_cert"
type smith_cert_aggregate_fields {
  avg: smith_cert_avg_fields
  count(columns: [smith_cert_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: smith_cert_max_fields
  min: smith_cert_min_fields
  stddev: smith_cert_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: smith_cert_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: smith_cert_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: smith_cert_sum_fields
  var_pop: smith_cert_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: smith_cert_var_samp_fields
  variance: smith_cert_variance_fields

order by aggregate values of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_aggregate_order_by {
  avg: smith_cert_avg_order_by
  count: order_by
  max: smith_cert_max_order_by
  min: smith_cert_min_order_by
  stddev: smith_cert_stddev_order_by
  stddev_pop: smith_cert_stddev_pop_order_by
  stddev_samp: smith_cert_stddev_samp_order_by
  sum: smith_cert_sum_order_by
  var_pop: smith_cert_var_pop_order_by
  var_samp: smith_cert_var_samp_order_by
  variance: smith_cert_variance_order_by

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type smith_cert_avg_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by avg() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_avg_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "smith_cert". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input smith_cert_bool_exp {
  _and: [smith_cert_bool_exp!]
  _not: smith_cert_bool_exp
  _or: [smith_cert_bool_exp!]
  created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  created_on: Int_comparison_exp
  created_on_block: block_bool_exp
  issuer: smith_bool_exp
  issuer_index: Int_comparison_exp
  receiver: smith_bool_exp
  receiver_index: Int_comparison_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type smith_cert_max_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz
  created_on: Int
  issuer_index: Int
  receiver_index: Int

order by max() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_max_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type smith_cert_min_fields {
  created_at: timestamptz
  created_on: Int
  issuer_index: Int
  receiver_index: Int

order by min() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_min_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "smith_cert"."""
input smith_cert_order_by {
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  created_on_block: block_order_by
  issuer: smith_order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver: smith_order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

select columns of table "smith_cert"
enum smith_cert_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type smith_cert_stddev_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_stddev_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type smith_cert_stddev_pop_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_stddev_pop_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type smith_cert_stddev_samp_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_stddev_samp_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

Streaming cursor of the table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: smith_cert_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input smith_cert_stream_cursor_value_input {
  created_at: timestamptz
  created_on: Int
  issuer_index: Int
  receiver_index: Int

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type smith_cert_sum_fields {
  created_on: Int
  issuer_index: Int
  receiver_index: Int

order by sum() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_sum_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type smith_cert_var_pop_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by var_pop() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_var_pop_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type smith_cert_var_samp_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by var_samp() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_var_samp_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type smith_cert_variance_fields {
  created_on: Float
  issuer_index: Float
  receiver_index: Float

order by variance() on columns of table "smith_cert"
input smith_cert_variance_order_by {
  created_on: order_by
  issuer_index: order_by
  receiver_index: order_by

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type smith_max_fields {
  idty_index: Int

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type smith_min_fields {
  idty_index: Int

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "smith"."""
input smith_order_by {
  cert_issued_aggregate: smith_cert_aggregate_order_by
  cert_received_aggregate: smith_cert_aggregate_order_by
  identity: identity_order_by
  idty_index: order_by

select columns of table "smith"
enum smith_select_column {
  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type smith_stddev_fields {
  idty_index: Float

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type smith_stddev_pop_fields {
  idty_index: Float

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type smith_stddev_samp_fields {
  idty_index: Float

Streaming cursor of the table "smith"
input smith_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: smith_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input smith_stream_cursor_value_input {
  idty_index: Int

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type smith_sum_fields {
  idty_index: Int

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type smith_var_pop_fields {
  idty_index: Float

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type smith_var_samp_fields {
  idty_index: Float

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type smith_variance_fields {
  idty_index: Float

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input String_comparison_exp {
  _eq: String
  _gt: String
  _gte: String

  """does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern"""
  _ilike: String
  _in: [String!]

  does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
  _iregex: String
  _is_null: Boolean

  """does the column match the given pattern"""
  _like: String
  _lt: String
  _lte: String
  _neq: String

  """does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern"""
  _nilike: String
  _nin: [String!]

  does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
  _niregex: String

  """does the column NOT match the given pattern"""
  _nlike: String

  does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
  _nregex: String

  """does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression"""
  _nsimilar: String

  does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
  _regex: String

  """does the column match the given SQL regular expression"""
  _similar: String

type subscription_root {
  fetch data from the table: "account"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [account_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [account_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: account_bool_exp
  ): [account!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "account"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [account_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [account_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: account_bool_exp
  ): account_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "account" using primary key columns"""
    """Pubkey of the account."""
    pubkey: String!
  ): account

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "account"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [account_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: account_bool_exp
  ): [account!]!

  fetch data from the table: "block"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [block_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [block_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: block_bool_exp
  ): [block!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "block"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [block_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [block_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: block_bool_exp
  ): block_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "block" using primary key columns"""
    """Number of the block in substrate."""
    number: Int!
  ): block

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "block"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [block_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: block_bool_exp
  ): [block!]!

  fetch data from the table: "certification"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): [certification!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "certification"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [certification_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [certification_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): certification_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "certification" using primary key columns"""
    """Block number where certification was created."""
    created_on: Int!

    """Index of issuer"""
    issuer_index: Int!

    """Index of receiver"""
    receiver_index: Int!
  ): certification

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "certification"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [certification_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: certification_bool_exp
  ): [certification!]!

  fetch data from the table: "identity"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): [identity!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): identity_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "identity" using primary key columns"""
  identity_by_pk(index: Int!): identity

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "identity"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [identity_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): [identity!]!

  fetch data from the table: "parameters"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [parameters_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [parameters_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: parameters_bool_exp
  ): [parameters!]!

  """fetch data from the table: "parameters" using primary key columns"""
  parameters_by_pk(key: String!): parameters

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "parameters"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [parameters_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: parameters_bool_exp
  ): [parameters!]!

  execute function "search_identity" which returns "identity"
    input parameters for function "search_identity"
    args: search_identity_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): [identity!]!

  execute function "search_identity" and query aggregates on result of table type "identity"
    input parameters for function "search_identity_aggregate"
    args: search_identity_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [identity_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [identity_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: identity_bool_exp
  ): identity_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "smith"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_bool_exp
  ): [smith!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_bool_exp
  ): smith_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "smith" using primary key columns"""
  smith_by_pk(idty_index: Int!): smith

  fetch data from the table: "smith_cert"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): [smith_cert!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_cert"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [smith_cert_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [smith_cert_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): smith_cert_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" using primary key columns"""
  smith_cert_by_pk(created_on: Int!, issuer_index: Int!, receiver_index: Int!): smith_cert

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "smith_cert"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [smith_cert_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_cert_bool_exp
  ): [smith_cert!]!

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "smith"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [smith_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: smith_bool_exp
  ): [smith!]!

  fetch data from the table: "transaction"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): [transaction!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "transaction"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): transaction_aggregate!

  """fetch data from the table: "transaction" using primary key columns"""
    Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
    id: Int!
  ): transaction

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "transaction"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [transaction_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_bool_exp
  ): [transaction!]!

  execute function "transaction_timeserie" which returns "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
    input parameters for function "transaction_timeserie"
    args: transaction_timeserie_args!

    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  ): [transaction_timeserie_tmp!]!

  fetch data from the table: "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
    """distinct select on columns"""
    distinct_on: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_select_column!]

    """limit the number of rows returned"""
    limit: Int

    """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
    offset: Int

    """sort the rows by one or more columns"""
    order_by: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_order_by!]

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  ): [transaction_timeserie_tmp!]!

  fetch data from the table: "transaction_timeserie_tmp" using primary key columns
  transaction_timeserie_tmp_by_pk(date: timestamptz!): transaction_timeserie_tmp

  fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
    """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch"""
    batch_size: Int!

    """cursor to stream the results returned by the query"""
    cursor: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_stream_cursor_input]!

    """filter the rows returned"""
    where: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  ): [transaction_timeserie_tmp!]!

scalar time_period

scalar timestamp

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamp". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input timestamp_comparison_exp {
  _eq: timestamp
  _gt: timestamp
  _gte: timestamp
  _in: [timestamp!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: timestamp
  _lte: timestamp
  _neq: timestamp
  _nin: [timestamp!]

scalar timestamptz

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamptz". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input timestamptz_comparison_exp {
  _eq: timestamptz
  _gt: timestamptz
  _gte: timestamptz
  _in: [timestamptz!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: timestamptz
  _lte: timestamptz
  _neq: timestamptz
  _nin: [timestamptz!]

"""Table of transactions."""
type transaction {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float!
  comment: String
  created_at: timestamptz!

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  created_on_block: block!

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Int!

  """An object relationship"""
  issuer: account!
  issuer_pubkey: String!

  """An object relationship"""
  receiver: account!
  receiver_pubkey: String!

aggregated selection of "transaction"
type transaction_aggregate {
  aggregate: transaction_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [transaction!]!

input transaction_aggregate_bool_exp {
  count: transaction_aggregate_bool_exp_count

input transaction_aggregate_bool_exp_count {
  arguments: [transaction_select_column!]
  distinct: Boolean
  filter: transaction_bool_exp
  predicate: Int_comparison_exp!

aggregate fields of "transaction"
type transaction_aggregate_fields {
  avg: transaction_avg_fields
  count(columns: [transaction_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: transaction_max_fields
  min: transaction_min_fields
  stddev: transaction_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: transaction_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: transaction_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: transaction_sum_fields
  var_pop: transaction_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: transaction_var_samp_fields
  variance: transaction_variance_fields

order by aggregate values of table "transaction"
input transaction_aggregate_order_by {
  avg: transaction_avg_order_by
  count: order_by
  max: transaction_max_order_by
  min: transaction_min_order_by
  stddev: transaction_stddev_order_by
  stddev_pop: transaction_stddev_pop_order_by
  stddev_samp: transaction_stddev_samp_order_by
  sum: transaction_sum_order_by
  var_pop: transaction_var_pop_order_by
  var_samp: transaction_var_samp_order_by
  variance: transaction_variance_order_by

"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type transaction_avg_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by avg() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_avg_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "transaction". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input transaction_bool_exp {
  _and: [transaction_bool_exp!]
  _not: transaction_bool_exp
  _or: [transaction_bool_exp!]
  amount: Float_comparison_exp
  comment: String_comparison_exp
  created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
  created_on: Int_comparison_exp
  created_on_block: block_bool_exp
  id: Int_comparison_exp
  issuer: account_bool_exp
  issuer_pubkey: String_comparison_exp
  receiver: account_bool_exp
  receiver_pubkey: String_comparison_exp

"""aggregate max on columns"""
type transaction_max_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float
  comment: String
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Int

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Int
  issuer_pubkey: String
  receiver_pubkey: String

order by max() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_max_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by
  comment: order_by
  created_at: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by
  issuer_pubkey: order_by
  receiver_pubkey: order_by

"""aggregate min on columns"""
type transaction_min_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float
  comment: String
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Int

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Int
  issuer_pubkey: String
  receiver_pubkey: String

order by min() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_min_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by
  comment: order_by
  created_at: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by
  issuer_pubkey: order_by
  receiver_pubkey: order_by

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "transaction"."""
input transaction_order_by {
  amount: order_by
  comment: order_by
  created_at: order_by
  created_on: order_by
  created_on_block: block_order_by
  id: order_by
  issuer: account_order_by
  issuer_pubkey: order_by
  receiver: account_order_by
  receiver_pubkey: order_by

select columns of table "transaction"
enum transaction_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

  """column name"""

"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type transaction_stddev_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by stddev() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_stddev_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type transaction_stddev_pop_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_stddev_pop_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type transaction_stddev_samp_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_stddev_samp_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

Streaming cursor of the table "transaction"
input transaction_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: transaction_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input transaction_stream_cursor_value_input {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float
  comment: String
  created_at: timestamptz

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Int

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Int
  issuer_pubkey: String
  receiver_pubkey: String

"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type transaction_sum_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Int

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Int

order by sum() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_sum_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

input transaction_timeserie_args {
  from: date
  issuer_pk: String
  period: time_period
  receiver_pk: String
  to: date

"""This table is empty. It's only for Hasura."""
type transaction_timeserie_tmp {
  amount: Float!
  date: timestamptz!

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "transaction_timeserie_tmp". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp {
  _and: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp!]
  _not: transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp
  _or: [transaction_timeserie_tmp_bool_exp!]
  amount: Float_comparison_exp
  date: timestamptz_comparison_exp

"""Ordering options when selecting data from "transaction_timeserie_tmp"."""
input transaction_timeserie_tmp_order_by {
  amount: order_by
  date: order_by

select columns of table "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
enum transaction_timeserie_tmp_select_column {
  """column name"""

  """column name"""

Streaming cursor of the table "transaction_timeserie_tmp"
input transaction_timeserie_tmp_stream_cursor_input {
  """Stream column input with initial value"""
  initial_value: transaction_timeserie_tmp_stream_cursor_value_input!

  """cursor ordering"""
  ordering: cursor_ordering

"""Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start"""
input transaction_timeserie_tmp_stream_cursor_value_input {
  amount: Float
  date: timestamptz

"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type transaction_var_pop_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by var_pop() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_var_pop_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type transaction_var_samp_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by var_samp() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_var_samp_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by

"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type transaction_variance_fields {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: Float

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: Float

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: Float

order by variance() on columns of table "transaction"
input transaction_variance_order_by {
  """Amount of the transaction. 100 units = 1 Ğ1."""
  amount: order_by

  """Block number where transaction was created."""
  created_on: order_by

  Primary Key `id` is used for postgreSQL and Hasura relationship, not related to any value in substrate.
  id: order_by