diff --git a/i18n/locales/en.json b/i18n/locales/en.json
index 4691a3655e8882125bf4fa8f9aa3de07236eaf22..35b321f41fb8eebf8c4d3fec851ba4091237a0a2 100644
--- a/i18n/locales/en.json
+++ b/i18n/locales/en.json
@@ -31,8 +31,35 @@
     "nom": "Name",
     "non": "No",
     "oui": "Yes",
-    "params": "Parameters",
-    "params_blockchain": "Blockchain parameters",
+    "params": {
+        "breadcrumb": "Parameters",
+        "name": {
+            "avgGenTime": "The average time for writing 1 block (wished time)",
+            "c": "The relative growth of the UD every [dtReeval] period",
+            "dt": "Time period between two UD",
+            "dtDiffEval": "The number of blocks required to evaluate again PoWMin value",
+            "dtReeval": "Time period between two re-evaluation of the UD",
+            "idtyWindow": "Maximum delay an identity can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "medianTimeBlocks": "Number of blocks used for calculating median time",
+            "msPeriod": "Minimum delay between 2 memberships of a same issuer",
+            "msValidity": "Maximum age of an active membership",
+            "msWindow": "Maximum delay a membership can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "percentRot": "The proportion of calculating members not excluded from the proof of work",
+            "sigPeriod": "Minimum delay between two certifications of a same issuer",
+            "sigQty": "Minimum quantity of signatures to be part of the WoT",
+            "sigReplay": "Minimum delay before replaying a certification",
+            "sigStock": "Maximum quantity of active certifications made by member",
+            "sigValidity": "Maximum age of an active certification",
+            "sigWindow": "Maximum delay a certification can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "stepMax": "Maximum distance between a WOT member and [xpercent] of sentries",
+            "txWindow": "Maximum delay a transaction can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "ud0": "UD(0), i.e. initial Universal Dividend",
+            "udReevalTime0": "Time of first reevaluation of the UD",
+            "udTime0": "Time of first UD",
+            "xpercent": "Minimum percent of sentries to reach to match the distance rule"
+        },
+        "title": "Blockchain parameters"
+    },
     "previsions" : {
         "certificationsinternes": "No internal certification | 1 internal certification | {n} internal certifications",
         "dossiersattente": "No pending files | 1 pending file | {n} pending files",
diff --git a/i18n/locales/es.json b/i18n/locales/es.json
index 271c25cf9e2fc84306f2bce168c2a91bb24dfb09..894302f268bf2dd38162ac1cf444aafa87c7e7ae 100644
--- a/i18n/locales/es.json
+++ b/i18n/locales/es.json
@@ -31,8 +31,35 @@
     "nom": "Nombre",
     "non": "No",
     "oui": "Sí",
-    "params": "Parámetros",
-    "params_blockchain": "Parámetros de la blockchain",
+    "params": {
+        "breadcrumb": "Parámetros",
+        "name": {
+            "avgGenTime": "The average time for writing 1 block (wished time)",
+            "c": "The relative growth of the UD every [dtReeval] period",
+            "dt": "Time period between two UD",
+            "dtDiffEval": "The number of blocks required to evaluate again PoWMin value",
+            "dtReeval": "Time period between two re-evaluation of the UD",
+            "idtyWindow": "Maximum delay an identity can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "medianTimeBlocks": "Number of blocks used for calculating median time",
+            "msPeriod": "Minimum delay between 2 memberships of a same issuer",
+            "msValidity": "Maximum age of an active membership",
+            "msWindow": "Maximum delay a membership can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "percentRot": "The proportion of calculating members not excluded from the proof of work",
+            "sigPeriod": "Minimum delay between two certifications of a same issuer",
+            "sigQty": "Minimum quantity of signatures to be part of the WoT",
+            "sigReplay": "Minimum delay before replaying a certification",
+            "sigStock": "Maximum quantity of active certifications made by member",
+            "sigValidity": "Maximum age of an active certification",
+            "sigWindow": "Maximum delay a certification can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "stepMax": "Maximum distance between a WOT member and [xpercent] of sentries",
+            "txWindow": "Maximum delay a transaction can wait before being expired for non-writing",
+            "ud0": "UD(0), i.e. initial Universal Dividend",
+            "udReevalTime0": "Time of first reevaluation of the UD",
+            "udTime0": "Time of first UD",
+            "xpercent": "Minimum percent of sentries to reach to match the distance rule"
+        },
+        "title": "Parámetros de la blockchain"
+    },
     "previsions" : {
         "certificationsinternes": "Sin certificación interna | 1 certificación interna | {n} certificaciones internas",
         "dossiersattente": "No hay candidaturas pendientes | 1 candidatura pendiente | {n} candidaturas pendientes",
diff --git a/i18n/locales/fr.json b/i18n/locales/fr.json
index a48e931e0f900b40960f7cf51d20fb9cd007d9f8..97e90a0ca201ec1a78537238cca44c560af1b857 100644
--- a/i18n/locales/fr.json
+++ b/i18n/locales/fr.json
@@ -31,8 +31,35 @@
     "nom": "Nom",
     "non": "Non",
     "oui": "Oui",
-    "params": "Paramètres",
-    "params_blockchain": "Paramètres de la blockchain",
+    "params": {
+        "breadcrumb": "Paramètres",
+        "name": {
+            "avgGenTime": "Temps moyen pour écrire 1 bloc (temps souhaité)",
+            "c": "Croissance relative du DU à chaque période <code>dtReeval</code>",
+            "dt": "Délai entre deux DU",
+            "dtDiffEval": "Nombre de blocs requis pour réévaluer à nouveau la valeur PoWMin",
+            "dtReeval": "Délai entre deux réévaluations du DU",
+            "idtyWindow": "Délai maximum qu'une identité peut attendre avant d'être rejetée pour non-écriture",
+            "medianTimeBlocks": "Nombre de blocs utilisés pour le calcul du temps médian",
+            "msPeriod": "Délai minimum entre 2 adhésions d'un même demandeur",
+            "msValidity": "Âge maximum d'un membre actif",
+            "msWindow": "Délai maximum qu'une adhésion peut attendre avant d'être rejetée pour non-écriture",
+            "percentRot": "Proportion de membres calculateurs non exclus de la preuve de travail",
+            "sigPeriod": "Délai minimum entre deux certifications d'un même émetteur",
+            "sigQty": "Nombre minimum de certifications pour faire partie de la Toile de Confiance",
+            "sigReplay": "Délai minimum avant de rejouer une certification",
+            "sigStock": "Nombre de certifications actives maximum envoyées par membre",
+            "sigValidity": "Âge maximum d'une certification active",
+            "sigWindow": "Délai maximal qu'une certification peut attendre avant d'être rejetée pour non-écriture",
+            "stepMax": "Distance maximale entre un membre de la Toile de Confiance et <code>xpercent</code>% des membres référents",
+            "txWindow": "Délai maximum qu'une transaction peut attendre avant d'être rejetée pour non-écriture",
+            "ud0": "DU(0), soit le montant du DU initial",
+            "udReevalTime0": "Heure de la première réévaluation du DU",
+            "udTime0": "Heure du premier DU",
+            "xpercent": "Pourcentage minimum de membres référents à atteindre pour respecter la règle de distance"
+        },
+        "title": "Paramètres de la blockchain"
+    },
     "previsions" : {
         "certificationsinternes": "Aucune certification interne | 1 certification interne | {n} certifications internes",
         "dossiersattente": "Aucun dossier en attente | 1 dossier en attente | {n} dossiers en attente",
diff --git a/layouts/default.vue b/layouts/default.vue
index 40321c1d14444610ade234bfee9c7edb5a2399dc..728447bfa5765613f27948499374216ac3265692 100644
--- a/layouts/default.vue
+++ b/layouts/default.vue
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default {
           title: 'infos',
           items : [
-            {path: '/parametres',title: 'params_blockchain'}
+            {path: '/parametres',title: 'params.title'}
diff --git a/pages/parametres.vue b/pages/parametres.vue
index d17f233edf5dcc719adafee4cb660919cc46133c..a493929c6fa07e54c8df4130e092cdcb3a7d3992 100644
--- a/pages/parametres.vue
+++ b/pages/parametres.vue
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <main class="container">
-  <h2 class="text-center mb-5 font-weight-light">{{ $t('params_blockchain') }}</h2>
+  <h2 class="text-center mb-5 font-weight-light">{{ $t('params.title') }}</h2>
   <NavigationLoader :isLoading="$apollo.queries.allParameters.loading" />
   <transition name="fade">
     <div class="alert alert-danger" v-if="error">{{ error }}</div>
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
             <th scope="row">{{ param.name }}</th>
             <td scope="row" class="d-none d-sm-table-cell">{{ param.par_type }}</td>
             <td scope="row">{{ param.value }}</td>
-            <td scope="row" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">{{ param.comment }}</td>
+            <td scope="row" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">{{ $t('params.name.' + param.name) }}</td>
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ export default {
           to: '/'
-          text: this.$t('params'),
+          text: this.$t('params.breadcrumb'),
           active: true