	<div class="app pb-3">
		<NavigationBar :breadcrumb="breadcrumb" :menus="menus" />
		<Nuxt />
			class="scrollToTop fade bg-secondary position-fixed text-white d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center rounded"
			<solid-chevron-double-up-icon class="icon" aria-hidden="true" />

export default {
	head() {
		return {
			title: "Wotwizard",
			meta: [
					hid: "description",
					name: "description",
					content: this.$i18n.t("meta.description")
					hid: "ogType",
					property: "og:type",
					content: "website"
					hid: "ogTitle",
					property: "og:title",
					content: "Wotwizard"
					hid: "ogDescription",
					property: "og:description",
					content: this.$i18n.t("meta.description")
					hid: "ogImage",
					property: "og:image",
					content: "https://wotwizard.axiom-team.fr/icon.png"
					hid: "twitterTitle",
					name: "twitter:title",
					content: "Wotwizard"
					hid: "twitterDescription",
					name: "twitter:description",
					content: this.$i18n.t("meta.description")
					hid: "twitterImage",
					name: "twitter:image",
					content: "https://wotwizard.axiom-team.fr/icon.png"
	data() {
		return {
			breadcrumb: [],
			// Les title correspondent aux chaînes de traduction dans /i18n/locales
			// Les icônes disponibles sont ici : https://vue-hero-icons.netlify.app/
			menus: [
					title: "wot.title",
					items: [
						{ path: "/membres", title: "membres", icon: "search" },
						{ path: "/mes-suivis", title: "suivis.title", icon: "user-group" }
					title: "previsions.title",
					items: [
							path: "/previsions/futures_entrees",
							title: "previsions.futureentries",
							icon: "login"
							path: "/previsions/futures_sorties",
							title: "previsions.futureexits",
							icon: "logout"
					title: "infos",
					items: [
							path: "/lexique",
							title: "lexique",
							icon: "question-mark-circle"
						{ path: "/parametres", title: "params.title", icon: "adjustments" }
	methods: {
		scrollToTop(e) {
			window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" })
	beforeMount() {
		window.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) {
			let scrollClassList = document.querySelector(".scrollToTop").classList
			let visible = scrollClassList.contains("show")
			if (!visible && window.scrollY > 250) {
			} else if (visible && window.scrollY <= 250) {
	created() {
		this.$nuxt.$on("changeRoute", (breadcrumb) => {
			this.breadcrumb = breadcrumb
	watch: {
		$route(to, from) {
			let tooltips = document.querySelectorAll(".tooltip.show")
			tooltips.forEach((tooltip) => {

<style lang="scss">
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main {
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.fade-leave-active {
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.fade-leave-to {
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