import gql from "graphql-tag" // Pour la sidebar export const LAST_BLOCK = gql`query LastBlock{ countMax { number bct utc0 } }` // Pour la page index export const LAST_EVENTS = gql`query LastEvents($start: Int64, $end: Int64) { membersCount(start: $start, end: $end) { idList { __typename member : id { __typename pubkey uid status hash limitDate history { __typename in block { __typename number } } received_certifications { __typename limit } } inOut }, block { __typename number } } } ` // Pour la page previsions/index export const PREVISIONS = gql`query GetDossiers { now { number bct __typename } parameter(name: sigQty) { sigQty: value __typename } wwFile(full: true) { certifs_dossiers { ... on MarkedDatedCertification { datedCertification { date certification { from { uid __typename } to { uid __typename } expires_on __typename } __typename } __typename } ... on MarkedDossier { dossier { main_certifs newcomer { uid lastApplication { lastAppDate: bct __typename } distance: distanceE { value { ratio __typename } dist_ok __typename } __typename } date minDate expires_on: limit certifications { date certification { from { uid quality { ratio __typename } __typename } expires_on __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } } __typename } }` // Pour la page previsions/newcomers export const NEWCOMERS = gql`query GetNewcomers{ wwResult { __typename permutations_nb dossiers_nb certifs_nb forecastsByNames { __typename member : id { __typename pubkey uid status hash limitDate received_certifications { __typename limit } } date after proba } } } ` // Pour la page membres/index export const SEARCH_MEMBERS = gql`query SearchMember($hint: String) { idSearch(with: {hint: $hint}) { __typename ids { __typename pubkey uid status hash limitDate received_certifications { __typename limit } } } } ` // Pour la page membres/_hash export const SEARCH_MEMBER = gql`query SearchMemberWithHash($hash: Hash!) { idFromHash(hash: $hash) { ...attr pubkey isLeaving sentry membership_pending limitDate distanceE { __typename value { __typename ratio } dist_ok } distance { __typename value { __typename ratio } dist_ok } received_certifications { __typename certifications { __typename from { ...attr } expires_on pending } } sent_certifications { __typename to { ...attr } expires_on pending } } } fragment attr on Identity { __typename uid hash status minDate minDatePassed quality { __typename ratio } received_certifications { __typename limit } }` // Pour la page parametres export const PARAMS = gql`query getParams{ allParameters { name par_type value comment } }`