From 5ccacc6701c6cacf61817fcd5439eff75e78042c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: blavenie <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 17:33:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [enh] add new index <currency>/movement

 .../duniter/core/client/model/ |  15 -
 .../client/model/bma/     |   6 +-
 .../client/model/bma/    | 223 +++++++++++++
 .../core/client/model/bma/    |   1 +
 .../model/bma/util/  |  97 ------
 .../core/client/model/local/     |  76 +++--
 .../core/client/model/local/    |  98 ++++++
 .../core/client/model/      |  44 +++
 .../{gson => json}/   |   2 +-
 .../src/test/resources/block_with_tx.json     | 114 +++++++
 .../org/duniter/elasticsearch/ |  11 +-
 .../elasticsearch/client/ |   8 +
 .../client/           |  60 ++++
 .../elasticsearch/dao/       |   2 +-
 .../duniter/elasticsearch/dao/  |   2 +
 .../elasticsearch/dao/        |  53 +++
 .../elasticsearch/dao/impl/  |   1 -
 .../dao/impl/            |  57 +++-
 .../dao/impl/             | 274 +++++++++++++++
 .../duniter/elasticsearch/model/ | 314 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../elasticsearch/model/        |  95 ++++++
 .../    |   3 -
 .../service/    | 134 ++++++++
 .../service/       | 142 --------
 .../service/              |  16 +-
 .../elasticsearch/service/  |   5 +-
 .../service/   |  35 +-
 .../user/service/        |  48 +--
 28 files changed, 1555 insertions(+), 381 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
 delete mode 100644 duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/util/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
 rename duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/{gson => json}/ (97%)
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-core-client/src/test/resources/block_with_tx.json
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
 create mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
 delete mode 100644 duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/

diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
index 67a7390d..a8f976ee 100644
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
@@ -118,21 +118,6 @@ public class ModelUtils {
-    /**
-     * Transform a list of sources, into a Map, using the fingerprint as key
-     * @param movements
-     * @return
-     */
-    public static Map<String, Movement> movementsToFingerprintMap(List<Movement> movements) {
-        Map<String, Movement> result = new HashMap<>();
-        for(Movement movement: movements) {
-            result.put(movement.getFingerprint(), movement);
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
      * Return a small string, for the given pubkey.
      * @param pubkey
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
index dee971bd..a242852e 100644
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ public class BlockchainBlock implements Serializable {
         private String[] signatures;
-        private String version;
+        private int version;
         private String currency;
@@ -599,11 +599,11 @@ public class BlockchainBlock implements Serializable {
             this.signatures = signatures;
-        public String getVersion() {
+        public int getVersion() {
             return version;
-        public void setVersion(String version) {
+        public void setVersion(int version) {
             this.version = version;
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05040f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+package org.duniter.core.client.model.bma;
+ * #%L
+ * Duniter4j :: Core Client API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+ * Created by blavenie on 26/04/17.
+ */
+public final class BlockchainBlocks {
+    public static final Pattern SIG_PUBKEY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("SIG\\(([^)]+)\\)");
+    public static final Pattern TX_UNLOCK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+):SIG\\(([^)]+)\\)");
+    public static final Pattern TX_OUTPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([^:]+)");
+    public static final Pattern TX_INPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([TD]):([^:]+):([^:]+)");
+    private BlockchainBlocks() {
+        // helper class
+    }
+    public static BigInteger getTxAmount(BlockchainBlock block) {
+        BigInteger result = BigInteger.valueOf(0l);
+                .forEach(tx -> result.add(BigInteger.valueOf(getTxAmount(tx))));
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static long getTxAmount(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        return getTxAmount(tx, null/*no issuer filter*/);
+    }
+    public static long getTxAmount(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx,
+                                   Predicate<String> issuerFilter) {
+        final Map<Integer, Integer> inputIndexByIssuerIndex = Maps.newHashMap();
+                .map(TX_UNLOCK_PATTERN::matcher)
+                .filter(Matcher::matches)
+                .forEach(matcher -> inputIndexByIssuerIndex.put(
+                        Integer.parseInt(,
+                        Integer.parseInt(
+                );
+        return IntStream.range(0, tx.getIssuers().length)
+                .mapToLong(i -> {
+                    final String issuer = tx.getIssuers()[i];
+                    // Skip if issuerFilter test failed
+                    if (issuerFilter != null && !issuerFilter.test(issuer)) return 0;
+                    long inputSum = IntStream.range(0, tx.getInputs().length)
+                            .filter(j -> i == inputIndexByIssuerIndex.get(j))
+                            .mapToObj(j -> tx.getInputs()[j])
+                            .map(input -> input.split(":"))
+                            .filter(inputParts -> inputParts.length > 2)
+                            .mapToLong(inputParts -> powBase(Long.parseLong(inputParts[0]), Integer.parseInt(inputParts[1])))
+                            .sum();
+                    long outputSum =
+                            .map(TX_OUTPUT_PATTERN::matcher)
+                            .filter(Matcher::matches)
+                            .filter(matcher -> issuer.equals(
+                            .mapToLong(matcher -> powBase(Long.parseLong(, Integer.parseInt(
+                            .sum();
+                    return (inputSum - outputSum);
+                })
+                .sum();
+    }
+    public static long powBase(long amount, int unitbase) {
+        if (unitbase == 0) return amount;
+        return amount * (long)Math.pow(10, unitbase);
+    }
+    public static List<TxInput> getTxInputs(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx);
+        final Function<Integer, String> issuerByInputIndex = transformInputIndex2Issuer(tx);
+        return IntStream.range(0, tx.getInputs().length)
+                .mapToObj(i -> {
+                    TxInput txInput = parseInput(tx.getInputs()[i]);
+                    txInput.issuer = issuerByInputIndex.apply(i);
+                    return txInput;
+                })
+                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+    }
+    public static List<TxOutput> getTxOutputs(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx);
+        return
+                .map(output -> parseOuput(output))
+                .collect(Collectors.toList());
+    }
+    public static TxInput parseInput(String input) {
+        TxInput result = null;
+        Matcher matcher = TX_INPUT_PATTERN.matcher(input);
+        if (matcher.matches()) {
+            result = new TxInput();
+            result.amount = Long.parseLong(;
+            result.unitbase = Integer.parseInt(;
+            result.type =;
+            result.txHashOrPubkey =;
+            result.indexOrBlockId =;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static TxOutput parseOuput(String output) {
+        TxOutput result = null;
+        Matcher matcher = TX_OUTPUT_PATTERN.matcher(output);
+        if (matcher.matches()) {
+            result = new TxOutput();
+            result.amount = Long.parseLong(;
+            result.unitbase = Integer.parseInt(;
+            result.unlockCondition =;
+            // Parse unlock condition like 'SIG(<pubkey>)'
+            matcher = SIG_PUBKEY_PATTERN.matcher(result.unlockCondition);
+            if (matcher.matches()) {
+                result.recipient =;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public static long getTxInputAmountByIssuer(final List<TxInput> txInputs, final String issuer) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(txInputs);
+        return
+                // only keep inputs from issuer
+                .filter(input -> Objects.equals(issuer, input.issuer))
+                .mapToLong(input -> powBase(input.amount, input.unitbase))
+                .sum();
+    }
+    public static long getTxOutputAmountByIssuerAndRecipient(final List<BlockchainBlocks.TxOutput> txOutputs,
+                                                             final String issuer,
+                                                             final String recipient) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(txOutputs);
+        return
+                // only keep the expected recipient, but not equals to the issuer
+                .filter(output -> Objects.equals(recipient, output.recipient) && !Objects.equals(issuer, output.recipient))
+                .mapToLong(output -> powBase(output.amount, output.unitbase))
+                .sum();
+    }
+    public static Set<String> getTxRecipients(Collection<TxOutput> txOutputs) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(txOutputs);
+        return -> output.recipient).distinct().collect(Collectors.toSet());
+    }
+    public static class TxInput {
+        public long amount;
+        public int unitbase;
+        public String type;
+        public String txHashOrPubkey;
+        public String indexOrBlockId;
+        public String issuer;
+        public boolean isUD() {
+            return "D".equals(type);
+        }
+    }
+    public static class TxOutput {
+        public long amount;
+        public int unitbase;
+        public String recipient;
+        public String unlockCondition;
+    }
+    /* -- Internal methods -- */
+    private static Function<Integer, String> transformInputIndex2Issuer(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        final Map<Integer, Integer> inputIndexByIssuerIndex = Maps.newHashMap();
+                .map(TX_UNLOCK_PATTERN::matcher)
+                .filter(Matcher::matches)
+                .forEach(matcher -> inputIndexByIssuerIndex.put(
+                        Integer.parseInt(,
+                        Integer.parseInt(
+                );
+        return (inputIndex -> tx.getIssuers()[inputIndexByIssuerIndex.get(inputIndex)]);
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
index f120a3e3..a9962535 100644
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@ public enum EndpointApi {
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/util/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb098fe..00000000
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-package org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.util;
- * #%L
- * Duniter4j :: Core Client API
- * %%
- * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 EIS
- * %%
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program.  If not, see
- * <>.
- * #L%
- */
-import jnr.ffi.annotations.In;
-import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * Created by blavenie on 26/04/17.
- */
-public final class BlockchainBlockUtils {
-    public static final Pattern TX_UNLOCK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+):SIG\\(([^)]+)\\)");
-    public static final Pattern TX_OUTPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+):([0-9]+):SIG\\(([^)]+)\\)");
-    private BlockchainBlockUtils () {
-        // helper class
-    }
-    public static BigInteger getTxAmount(BlockchainBlock block) {
-        BigInteger result = BigInteger.valueOf(0l);
-                .forEach(tx -> result.add(BigInteger.valueOf(getTxAmount(tx))));
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static long getTxAmount(final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
-        final Map<Integer, Integer> inputsByIssuer = Maps.newHashMap();
-                .map(TX_UNLOCK_PATTERN::matcher)
-                .filter(Matcher::matches)
-                .forEach(matcher -> inputsByIssuer.put(
-                        Integer.parseInt(,
-                        Integer.parseInt(
-                );
-        return IntStream.range(0, tx.getIssuers().length)
-                .mapToLong(i -> {
-                    final String issuer = tx.getIssuers()[i];
-                    long inputSum = IntStream.range(0, tx.getInputs().length)
-                            .filter(j -> i == inputsByIssuer.get(j))
-                            .mapToObj(j -> tx.getInputs()[j])
-                            .map(input -> input.split(":"))
-                            .filter(inputParts -> inputParts.length > 2)
-                            .mapToLong(inputParts -> powBase(Long.parseLong(inputParts[0]), Integer.parseInt(inputParts[1])))
-                            .sum();
-                    long outputSum =
-                            .map(TX_OUTPUT_PATTERN::matcher)
-                            .filter(Matcher::matches)
-                            .filter(matcher -> issuer.equals(
-                            .mapToLong(matcher -> powBase(Long.parseLong(, Integer.parseInt(
-                            .sum();
-                    return (inputSum - outputSum);
-                })
-                .sum();
-    }
-    private static long powBase(long amount, int unitbase) {
-        if (unitbase == 0) return amount;
-        return amount * (long)Math.pow(10, unitbase);
-    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
index 8e2d134e..be7efb7a 100644
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ package org.duniter.core.client.model.local;
  * #L%
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
@@ -30,17 +32,31 @@ import;
 public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
+    public static final String PROPERTY_MEDIAN_TIME = "medianTime";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_BLOCK_NUMBER= "blockNumber";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_BLOCK_HASH = "blockHash";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_DIVIDEND = "dividend";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_IS_UD = "isUD";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_ISSUER = "issuer";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_RECIPIENT = "recipient";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_AMOUNT = "amount";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_UNITBASE = "unitbase";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_COMMENT = "comment";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_TX_VERSION = "txVersion";
     private Long id;
     private long walletId;
-    private long amount;
-    private Long time;
+    private Long medianTime;
     private Integer blockNumber;
+    private String blockHash;
+    private String issuer;
+    private String recipient;
+    private long amount;
+    private int unitbase;
     private long dividend;
     private boolean isUD = false;
-    private String fingerprint;
     private String comment;
-    private String issuers;
-    private String receivers;
+    private String txVersion;
     public Long getId() {
@@ -60,6 +76,22 @@ public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
         this.walletId = walletId;
+    public int getUnitbase() {
+        return unitbase;
+    }
+    public void setUnitbase(int unitbase) {
+        this.unitbase = unitbase;
+    }
+    public String getBlockHash() {
+        return blockHash;
+    }
+    public void setBlockHash(String blockHash) {
+        this.blockHash = blockHash;
+    }
     public long getAmount() {
         return amount;
@@ -68,12 +100,12 @@ public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
         this.amount = amount;
-    public Long getTime() {
-        return time;
+    public Long getMedianTime() {
+        return medianTime;
-    public void setTime(Long time) {
-        this.time = time;
+    public void setMedianTime(Long medianTime) {
+        this.medianTime = medianTime;
     public Integer getBlockNumber() {
@@ -84,6 +116,7 @@ public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
         this.blockNumber = blockNumber;
+    @JsonIgnore
     public boolean isUD() {
         return isUD;
@@ -92,14 +125,6 @@ public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
         this.isUD = isUD;
-    public String getFingerprint() {
-        return fingerprint;
-    }
-    public void setFingerprint(String fingerprint) {
-        this.fingerprint = fingerprint;
-    }
     public String getComment() {
         return comment;
@@ -108,24 +133,25 @@ public class Movement implements LocalEntity<Long>, Serializable {
         this.comment = comment;
+    @JsonIgnore
     public boolean isValidate() {
         return blockNumber != null;
-    public String getIssuers() {
-        return issuers;
+    public String getIssuer() {
+        return issuer;
-    public void setIssuers(String issuers) {
-        this.issuers = issuers;
+    public void setIssuer(String issuer) {
+        this.issuer = issuer;
-    public void setReceivers(String receivers) {
-        this.receivers = receivers;
+    public void setRecipient(String recipient) {
+        this.recipient = recipient;
-    public String getReceivers() {
-        return receivers;
+    public String getRecipient() {
+        return recipient;
     public long getDividend() {
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9cfa29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/main/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/local/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package org.duniter.core.client.model.local;
+ * #%L
+ * Duniter4j :: Core Client API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import static org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlocks.*;
+import org.duniter.core.util.CollectionUtils;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * Created by blavenie on 26/04/17.
+ */
+public final class Movements {
+    private Movements() {
+        // helper class
+    }
+    public static Stream<Movement> stream(final BlockchainBlock block) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(block);
+        // No Tx
+        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(block.getTransactions())) {
+            return Stream.empty();
+        }
+        return
+                .flatMap(tx -> Movements.streamFromTx(block, tx));
+    }
+    public static List<Movement> getMovements(final BlockchainBlock block) {
+        return stream(block).collect(Collectors.toList());
+    }
+    /* -- Internal methods -- */
+    private static Stream<Movement> streamFromTx(final BlockchainBlock block, final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        final List<TxInput> inputs = getTxInputs(tx);
+        final List<TxOutput> outputs = getTxOutputs(tx);
+        final Set<String> recipients = getTxRecipients(outputs);
+        final long totalAmount = -> powBase(input.amount, input.unitbase)).sum();
+        return
+                .flatMap(issuer -> {
+                    long issuerInputsAmount = getTxInputAmountByIssuer(inputs, issuer);
+                    double issuerInputRatio = issuerInputsAmount / totalAmount;
+                    return
+                            // Compute the recipient amount
+                            .map(recipient -> {
+                                // If more than one issuer, apply a ratio (=input amount %)
+                                Double amount = getTxOutputAmountByIssuerAndRecipient(outputs, issuer, recipient) * issuerInputRatio;
+                                Movement movement = new Movement();
+                                movement.setBlockNumber(block.getNumber());
+                                movement.setBlockHash(block.getHash());
+                                movement.setMedianTime(block.getMedianTime());
+                                movement.setAmount(amount.longValue());
+                                movement.setUnitbase(0); // conversion has been done when computed 'amount'
+                                movement.setIssuer(issuer);
+                                movement.setRecipient(recipient);
+                                movement.setBlockNumber(block.getNumber());
+                                movement.setComment(tx.getComment());
+                                return movement;
+                            })
+                            // Exclude movements to itself (e.g. changes)
+                            .filter(movement -> movement.getAmount() != 0);
+                });
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f98558e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package org.duniter.core.client.model;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.jackson.JacksonUtils;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.local.Movement;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.local.Movements;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Assume;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by blavenie on 23/05/17.
+ */
+public class MovementsTest {
+    @Test
+    public void testGetMovements() throws Exception {
+        final BlockchainBlock block = readBlockFile("block_with_tx.json");
+        List<Movement> mov = Movements.getMovements(block);
+        Assert.assertTrue(mov.size() > 0);
+    }
+    /* -- internal methods -- */
+    private BlockchainBlock readBlockFile(String jsonFileName) {
+        try {
+            ObjectMapper om = JacksonUtils.newObjectMapper();
+            BlockchainBlock block = om.readValue(Files.readAllBytes(new File("src/test/resources" , jsonFileName).toPath()), BlockchainBlock.class);
+            Assume.assumeNotNull(block);
+            return block;
+        }
+        catch(Exception e) {
+            Assume.assumeNoException(e);
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/gson/ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/json/
similarity index 97%
rename from duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/gson/
rename to duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/json/
index 930f6c4d..b7fac04d 100644
--- a/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/gson/
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/java/org/duniter/core/client/model/bma/json/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.gson;
+package org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.json;
  * #%L
diff --git a/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/resources/block_with_tx.json b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/resources/block_with_tx.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b1623be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-core-client/src/test/resources/block_with_tx.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  "version": 10,
+  "nonce": 10800000021731,
+  "number": 20833,
+  "powMin": 82,
+  "time": 1495484460,
+  "medianTime": 1495480888,
+  "membersCount": 125,
+  "monetaryMass": 6430000,
+  "unitbase": 0,
+  "issuersCount": 16,
+  "issuersFrame": 84,
+  "issuersFrameVar": -3,
+  "currency": "g1",
+  "issuer": "38MEAZN68Pz1DTvT3tqgxx4yQP6snJCQhPqEFxbDk4aE",
+  "signature": "Gk1XVUqumatpqyFbK9W+d5ZQmASYX7ytqJean3H/ZSAamkU5R5xQFkBFwFmDRdI1PKis5mrRt48IIWqYPIBhBg==",
+  "hash": "00000A6C6B739F3DCDE52B4F1B84169B1029D3E52AF0CF0A3A2B5BFFFAC4EFDF",
+  "parameters": "",
+  "previousHash": "00000C63C0153B97E5303F8D5A18A7DA49B695063C9113638E1098DC7EA55BF9",
+  "previousIssuer": "7vU9BMDhN6fBuRa2iK3JRbC6pqQKb4qDMGsFcQuT5cz",
+  "inner_hash": "443AD546FF0DC6E71B36700D8286F0837A11C3FE710D4DA670A1476497F2EBE6",
+  "dividend": null,
+  "identities": [],
+  "joiners": [],
+  "actives": [],
+  "leavers": [],
+  "revoked": [],
+  "excluded": [],
+  "certifications": [],
+  "transactions": [
+    {
+      "version": 10,
+      "blockstamp": "20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F",
+      "locktime": 0,
+      "issuers": [
+        "7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj"
+      ],
+      "inputs": [
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8025",
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8282"
+      ],
+      "unlocks": [
+        "0:SIG(0)",
+        "1:SIG(0)"
+      ],
+      "outputs": [
+        "2000:0:SIG(4bD7J3uA5pH2N9Xqimspf2XxWN4ESM2Az2XBqtSeHvUZ)"
+      ],
+      "signatures": [
+        "gCo1A/zMgo728R8TqJWQTgLVc9U2ohyTGGXfZTMtiJ+fxVszNH/qw6LGbpoYljG092i/7NTeSgC7ZRRJoyCCAA=="
+      ],
+      "comment": "Geco Clermont",
+      "currency": "g1",
+      "block_number": 20833,
+      "time": 1495480888,
+      "blockstampTime": 0
+    },
+    {
+      "version": 10,
+      "blockstamp": "20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F",
+      "locktime": 0,
+      "issuers": [
+        "7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj"
+      ],
+      "inputs": [
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8545",
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8816"
+      ],
+      "unlocks": [
+        "0:SIG(0)",
+        "1:SIG(0)"
+      ],
+      "outputs": [
+        "2000:0:SIG(7vU9BMDhN6fBuRa2iK3JRbC6pqQKb4qDMGsFcQuT5cz)"
+      ],
+      "signatures": [
+        "IHX24W8uByDCZ3zg8UcPcdJba9gFKS2+xuuSlLVzmgJAtRsEzYs6nD7JOdHm+PIcnx++hnSZ7HX8tTQZuDV0DA=="
+      ],
+      "comment": "",
+      "currency": "g1",
+      "block_number": 20833,
+      "time": 1495480888,
+      "blockstampTime": 0
+    },
+    {
+      "version": 10,
+      "blockstamp": "20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F",
+      "locktime": 0,
+      "issuers": [
+        "7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj"
+      ],
+      "inputs": [
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:9106",
+        "1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:9413"
+      ],
+      "unlocks": [
+        "0:SIG(0)",
+        "1:SIG(0)"
+      ],
+      "outputs": [
+        "2000:0:SIG(82NdD9eEbXSjRJXeJdqf56xkpu6taTfTeEqtAtmtbyXY)"
+      ],
+      "signatures": [
+        "8t5+2l+9TDhpQgkgnky69GIkbLuQFaPgmAUZK9NVTk2PL2pcfgkxNChLH48hfY/zi+BXjsM7Ynybdxex+rtuAQ=="
+      ],
+      "comment": "",
+      "currency": "g1",
+      "block_number": 20833,
+      "time": 1495480888,
+      "blockstampTime": 0
+    }
+  ],
+  "raw": "Version: 10\nType: Block\nCurrency: g1\nNumber: 20833\nPoWMin: 82\nTime: 1495484460\nMedianTime: 1495480888\nUnitBase: 0\nIssuer: 38MEAZN68Pz1DTvT3tqgxx4yQP6snJCQhPqEFxbDk4aE\nIssuersFrame: 84\nIssuersFrameVar: -3\nDifferentIssuersCount: 16\nPreviousHash: 00000C63C0153B97E5303F8D5A18A7DA49B695063C9113638E1098DC7EA55BF9\nPreviousIssuer: 7vU9BMDhN6fBuRa2iK3JRbC6pqQKb4qDMGsFcQuT5cz\nMembersCount: 125\nIdentities:\nJoiners:\nActives:\nLeavers:\nRevoked:\nExcluded:\nCertifications:\nTransactions:\nTX:10:1:2:2:1:1:0\n20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F\n7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8025\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8282\n0:SIG(0)\n1:SIG(0)\n2000:0:SIG(4bD7J3uA5pH2N9Xqimspf2XxWN4ESM2Az2XBqtSeHvUZ)\nGeco Clermont\ngCo1A/zMgo728R8TqJWQTgLVc9U2ohyTGGXfZTMtiJ+fxVszNH/qw6LGbpoYljG092i/7NTeSgC7ZRRJoyCCAA==\nTX:10:1:2:2:1:0:0\n20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F\n7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8545\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:8816\n0:SIG(0)\n1:SIG(0)\n2000:0:SIG(7vU9BMDhN6fBuRa2iK3JRbC6pqQKb4qDMGsFcQuT5cz)\nIHX24W8uByDCZ3zg8UcPcdJba9gFKS2+xuuSlLVzmgJAtRsEzYs6nD7JOdHm+PIcnx++hnSZ7HX8tTQZuDV0DA==\nTX:10:1:2:2:1:0:0\n20830-0000001054671813DA273F2A93914F8CC86F1EACF744C8654EECE5E1265B9F3F\n7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:9106\n1000:0:D:7h7UPHXgTa296pYYcF85Y1zxiXoQNN8ApsUkQVYSrgLj:9413\n0:SIG(0)\n1:SIG(0)\n2000:0:SIG(82NdD9eEbXSjRJXeJdqf56xkpu6taTfTeEqtAtmtbyXY)\n8t5+2l+9TDhpQgkgnky69GIkbLuQFaPgmAUZK9NVTk2PL2pcfgkxNChLH48hfY/zi+BXjsM7Ynybdxex+rtuAQ==\nInnerHash: 443AD546FF0DC6E71B36700D8286F0837A11C3FE710D4DA670A1476497F2EBE6\nNonce: 10800000021731\n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/
index 778b8b5d..44b58d8d 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.duniter.core.client.model.local.Peer;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockDao;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockStatDao;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.PeerDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.MovementDao;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.BlockchainService;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.CurrencyService;
@@ -151,7 +152,15 @@ public class PluginInit extends AbstractLifecycleComponent<PluginInit> {
-                            PeerDao.TYPE);
+                            PeerDao.TYPE)
+                    // Add access to <currency>/movement index
+                    .allowIndexType(RestRequest.Method.GET,
+                            currency.getCurrencyName(),
+                            MovementDao.TYPE)
+                    .allowPostSearchIndexType(
+                            currency.getCurrencyName(),
+                            MovementDao.TYPE);
             // Wait end of currency index creation, then index blocks
             threadPool.scheduleOnClusterHealthStatus(() -> {
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
index 490633b1..242a0cfb 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionRequestBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionResponse;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.ListenableActionFuture;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
@@ -105,6 +106,13 @@ public interface Duniter4jClient extends Bean, Client {
     void flushBulk(BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest);
+    BulkRequestBuilder bulkDeleteFromSearch(String index,
+                                            String type,
+                                            SearchRequestBuilder searchRequest,
+                                            BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest,
+                                            int bulkSize,
+                                            boolean flushAll);
     void safeExecuteRequest(ActionRequestBuilder<?, ?, ?> request, boolean wait);
     ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler();
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
index 4f6bf95a..525bab92 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/client/
@@ -548,6 +548,66 @@ public class Duniter4jClientImpl implements Duniter4jClient {
+    @Override
+    public BulkRequestBuilder bulkDeleteFromSearch(final String index,
+                                                   final String type,
+                                                   final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequest,
+                                                   BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest,
+                                                   final int bulkSize,
+                                                   final boolean flushAll) {
+        // Execute query, while there is some data
+        try {
+            int counter = 0;
+            boolean loop = true;
+            searchRequest.setSize(bulkSize);
+            SearchResponse response = searchRequest.execute().actionGet();
+            // Execute query, while there is some data
+            do {
+                // Read response
+                SearchHit[] searchHits = response.getHits().getHits();
+                for (SearchHit searchHit : searchHits) {
+                    // Add deletion to bulk
+                    bulkRequest.add(
+                            client.prepareDelete(index, type, searchHit.getId())
+                    );
+                    counter++;
+                    // Flush the bulk if not empty
+                    if ((bulkRequest.numberOfActions() % bulkSize) == 0) {
+                        flushDeleteBulk(index, type, bulkRequest);
+                        bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk();
+                    }
+                }
+                // Prepare next iteration
+                if (counter == 0 || counter >= response.getHits().getTotalHits()) {
+                    loop = false;
+                }
+                // Prepare next iteration
+                else {
+                    searchRequest.setFrom(counter);
+                    response = searchRequest.execute().actionGet();
+                }
+            } while(loop);
+            // last flush
+            if (flushAll && (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() % bulkSize) != 0) {
+                flushDeleteBulk(index, type, bulkRequest);
+            }
+        } catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException e) {
+            // Failed or no item on index
+            logger.error(String.format("Error while deleting by reference: %s. Skipping deletions.", e.getMessage()), e);
+        }
+        return bulkRequest;
+    }
     /* delegate methods */
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
index 7172a69f..b0919aa9 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
@@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ public interface BlockStatDao extends Bean, TypeDao<BlockStatDao> {
     void delete(String currency, String id, String hash, boolean wait);
-    BlockchainBlockStat getById(String currencyName, String id);
+    BlockchainBlockStat toBlockStat(BlockchainBlock block);
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
index 4e42309a..5aad0548 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import org.duniter.core.client.dao.PeerDao;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClient;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClientImpl;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.impl.BlockStatDaoImpl;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.impl.MovementDaoImpl;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.ServiceLocator;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.AbstractModule;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Module;
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ public class DaoModule extends AbstractModule implements Module {
+        bind(MovementDao.class).to(MovementDaoImpl.class).asEagerSingleton();
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdb6be06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao;
+ * #%L
+ * Duniter4j :: ElasticSearch Core plugin
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import org.duniter.core.beans.Bean;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.Movement;
+import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
+import java.util.List;
+ * Created by blavenie on 03/04/17.
+ */
+public interface MovementDao extends Bean, TypeDao<MovementDao> {
+    String TYPE = "movement";
+    void create(Movement block, boolean wait);
+    boolean isExists(String currencyName, String id);
+    void update(Movement operation, boolean wait);
+    void delete(String currency, String id, boolean wait);
+    BulkRequestBuilder bulkDeleteByBlock(String currency,
+                                             String number,
+                                             String hash,
+                                             BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest,
+                                             int bulkSize,
+                                             boolean flushAll);
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
index 9d5a47bd..df263021 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ public class BlockDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements BlockDao {
         // Serialize into JSON
-        // WARN: must use GSON, to have same JSON result (e.g identities and joiners field must be converted into String)
         try {
             String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(block);
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
index a5c930e7..e4b8e7b3 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
@@ -24,21 +24,26 @@ package org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.impl;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlocks;
 import org.duniter.core.exception.TechnicalException;
+import org.duniter.core.util.CollectionUtils;
 import org.duniter.core.util.Preconditions;
 import org.duniter.core.util.StringUtils;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.AbstractDao;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockStatDao;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.exception.DuniterElasticsearchException;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.exception.NotFoundException;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.BlockchainBlockStat;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequestBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequestBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.Arrays;
  * Created by Benoit on 30/03/2015.
@@ -46,7 +51,7 @@ import;
 public class BlockStatDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements BlockStatDao {
     public BlockStatDaoImpl(){
-        super("duniter.dao.blockStat");
+        super("duniter.dao.block.stat");
@@ -61,7 +66,6 @@ public class BlockStatDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements BlockStatDao {
         // Serialize into JSON
-        // WARN: must use GSON, to have same JSON result (e.g identities and joiners field must be converted into String)
         try {
             String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(block);
@@ -263,10 +267,53 @@ public class BlockStatDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements BlockStatDao {
-    public BlockchainBlockStat getById(String currencyName, String id) {
-        return client.getSourceById(currencyName, TYPE, id, BlockchainBlockStat.class);
+    public BlockchainBlockStat toBlockStat(BlockchainBlock block) {
+        BlockchainBlockStat result = newBlockStat(block);
+        // Tx
+        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(block.getTransactions())) {
+            CounterMetric txChangeCounter = new CounterMetric();
+            CounterMetric txAmountCounter = new CounterMetric();
+                    .forEach(tx -> {
+                        long txAmount = BlockchainBlocks.getTxAmount(tx);
+                        if (txAmount == 0l) {
+                  ;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                  ;
+                        }
+                    });
+            result.setTxAmount(BigInteger.valueOf(txAmountCounter.count()));
+            result.setTxChangeCount((int)txChangeCounter.count());
+            result.setTxCount(block.getTransactions().length);
+        }
+        else {
+            result.setTxAmount(BigInteger.valueOf(0));
+            result.setTxChangeCount(0);
+            result.setTxCount(0);
+        }
+        return result;
     /* -- Internal methods -- */
+    private BlockchainBlockStat newBlockStat(BlockchainBlock block) {
+        BlockchainBlockStat stat = new BlockchainBlockStat();
+        stat.setNumber(block.getNumber());
+        stat.setCurrency(block.getCurrency());
+        stat.setHash(block.getHash());
+        stat.setIssuer(block.getIssuer());
+        stat.setMedianTime(block.getMedianTime());
+        stat.setMembersCount(block.getMembersCount());
+        stat.setMonetaryMass(block.getMonetaryMass());
+        stat.setUnitbase(block.getUnitbase());
+        stat.setVersion(block.getVersion());
+        stat.setDividend(block.getDividend());
+        return stat;
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4160f437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/dao/impl/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+package org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.impl;
+ * #%L
+ * UCoin Java Client :: Core API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.exception.TechnicalException;
+import org.duniter.core.util.Preconditions;
+import org.duniter.core.util.StringUtils;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.AbstractDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.MovementDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.Movement;
+import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequestBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequestBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;
+import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder;
+import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
+ * Created by Benoit on 30/03/2015.
+ */
+public class MovementDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements MovementDao {
+    public MovementDaoImpl(){
+        super("duniter.dao.movement");
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String getType() {
+        return TYPE;
+    }
+    public void create(Movement operation, boolean wait) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation);
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(operation.getCurrency()));
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getIssuer());
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getRecipient());
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getAmount());
+        // Serialize into JSON
+        try {
+            String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(operation);
+            // Preparing
+            IndexRequestBuilder request = client.prepareIndex(operation.getCurrency(), TYPE)
+                    .setRefresh(false)
+                    .setSource(json);
+            // Execute
+            client.safeExecuteRequest(request, wait);
+        }
+        catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+            throw new TechnicalException(e);
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isExists(String currencyName, String id) {
+        return client.isDocumentExists(currencyName, TYPE, id);
+    }
+    public void update(Movement operation, boolean wait) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation);
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(operation.getCurrency()));
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getIssuer());
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getRecipient());
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(operation.getAmount());
+        // Serialize into JSON
+        try {
+            String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(operation);
+            // Preparing
+            UpdateRequestBuilder request = client.prepareUpdate(operation.getCurrency(), TYPE, operation.getId())
+                    .setRefresh(true)
+                    .setDoc(json);
+            // Execute
+            client.safeExecuteRequest(request, wait);
+        }
+        catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+            throw new TechnicalException(e);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void delete(String currency, String id, boolean wait) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(currency);
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(id);
+        // Preparing request
+        DeleteRequestBuilder request = client.prepareDelete(currency, TYPE, id);
+        // Execute
+        client.safeExecuteRequest(request, wait);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public XContentBuilder createTypeMapping() {
+        try {
+            XContentBuilder mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()
+                    .startObject()
+                    .startObject(TYPE)
+                    .startObject("properties")
+                    // --- BLOCK properties ---
+                    // currency
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_CURRENCY)
+                    .field("type", "string")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // medianTime
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_MEDIAN_TIME)
+                    .field("type", "long")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // --- TX properties ---
+                    // version
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_VERSION)
+                    .field("type", "integer")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // issuer
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_ISSUER)
+                    .field("type", "string")
+                    .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // recipient
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_RECIPIENT)
+                    .field("type", "string")
+                    .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // amount
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_AMOUNT)
+                    .field("type", "long")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // unitbase
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_UNITBASE)
+                    .field("type", "integer")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // comment
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_COMMENT)
+                    .field("type", "string")
+                    .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // --- OTHER properties ---
+                    // is UD ?
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_IS_UD)
+                    .field("type", "boolean")
+                    .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                    .endObject()
+                    // reference
+                    .startObject(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE)
+                        .field("type", "nested")
+                        .field("dynamic", "false")
+                        .startObject("properties")
+                            // reference.index
+                            .startObject(Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_INDEX)
+                                .field("type", "string")
+                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                            .endObject()
+                            // reference.index
+                            .startObject(Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_TYPE)
+                                .field("type", "string")
+                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                            .endObject()
+                            .startObject(Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_ID)
+                                .field("type", "string")
+                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                            .endObject()
+                            .startObject(Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_HASH)
+                                .field("type", "string")
+                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                            .endObject()
+                            .startObject(Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_ANCHOR)
+                                .field("type", "string")
+                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")
+                            .endObject()
+                        .endObject()
+                    .endObject()
+                    .endObject()
+                    .endObject().endObject();
+            return mapping;
+        }
+        catch(IOException ioe) {
+            throw new TechnicalException("Error while getting mapping for block operation index: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
+        }
+    }
+    public BulkRequestBuilder bulkDeleteByBlock(final String currency,
+                                                final String number,
+                                                final String hash,
+                                                BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest,
+                                                final int bulkSize,
+                                                final boolean flushAll) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(currency);
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(number);
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(bulkRequest);
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(bulkSize > 0);
+        // Prepare search request
+        SearchRequestBuilder searchRequest = client
+                .prepareSearch(currency)
+                .setTypes(TYPE)
+                .setFetchSource(false)
+                .setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_AND_FETCH);
+        // Query = filter on reference
+        BoolQueryBuilder boolQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
+                .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE + "." + Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_INDEX, currency))
+                .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE + "." + Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_TYPE, BlockDao.TYPE))
+                .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE + "." + Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_ID, number));
+        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hash)) {
+            boolQuery.filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE + "." + Movement.Reference.PROPERTY_HASH, hash));
+        }
+        searchRequest.setQuery(QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(Movement.PROPERTY_REFERENCE, QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(boolQuery)));
+        // Execute query, while there is some data
+        return client.bulkDeleteFromSearch(currency, TYPE, searchRequest, bulkRequest, bulkSize, flushAll);
+    }
+    public BulkRequestBuilder bulkDeleteByBlock(final BlockchainBlock block,
+                                                BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest,
+                                                final int bulkSize,
+                                                final boolean flushAll) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(block);
+        return bulkDeleteByBlock(block.getCurrency(), String.valueOf(block.getNumber()), block.getHash(), bulkRequest, bulkSize, flushAll);
+    }
+    /* -- Internal methods -- */
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6c30f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+package org.duniter.elasticsearch.model;
+ * #%L
+ * Duniter4j :: Core Client API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.local.LocalEntity;
+import static org.duniter.core.util.Preconditions.*;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockDao;
+ * Created by blavenie on 29/11/16.
+ */
+public class Movement implements LocalEntity<String>, Serializable {
+    public static Builder newBuilder() {
+        return new Builder();
+    }
+    public static Builder newBuilder(BlockchainBlock block) {
+        return new Builder(block);
+    }
+    public static final String PROPERTY_CURRENCY = "currency";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_MEDIAN_TIME = "medianTime";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_VERSION = "version";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_ISSUER = "issuer";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_RECIPIENT = "recipient";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_AMOUNT = "amount";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_UNITBASE = "unitbase";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_COMMENT = "comment";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_IS_UD = "isUD";
+    public static final String PROPERTY_REFERENCE = "reference";
+    // ES identifier
+    private String id;
+    // Property copied from Block
+    private String currency;
+    private Long medianTime;
+    // Property copied from Tx
+    private int version;
+    private String issuer;
+    private String recipient;
+    private Long amount;
+    private Integer unitbase;
+    private String comment;
+    // Specific properties
+    private boolean isUD;
+    private Reference reference;
+    public Movement() {
+        super();
+    }
+    @Override
+    @JsonIgnore
+    public String getId() {
+        return id;
+    }
+    @Override
+    @JsonIgnore
+    public void setId(String id) {
+ = id;
+    }
+    public String getCurrency() {
+        return currency;
+    }
+    public void setCurrency(String currency) {
+        this.currency = currency;
+    }
+    public int getVersion() {
+        return version;
+    }
+    public void setVersion(int version) {
+        this.version = version;
+    }
+    public String getIssuer() {
+        return issuer;
+    }
+    public void setIssuer(String issuer) {
+        this.issuer = issuer;
+    }
+    public Long getMedianTime() {
+        return medianTime;
+    }
+    public void setMedianTime(Long medianTime) {
+        this.medianTime = medianTime;
+    }
+    public String getRecipient() {
+        return recipient;
+    }
+    public void setRecipient(String recipient) {
+        this.recipient = recipient;
+    }
+    public Long getAmount() {
+        return amount;
+    }
+    public void setAmount(Long amount) {
+        this.amount = amount;
+    }
+    public Integer getUnitbase() {
+        return unitbase;
+    }
+    public void setUnitbase(Integer unitbase) {
+        this.unitbase = unitbase;
+    }
+    public String getComment() {
+        return comment;
+    }
+    public void setComment(String comment) {
+        this.comment = comment;
+    }
+    public boolean isUD() {
+        return isUD;
+    }
+    public void setIsUD(boolean isUD) {
+        this.isUD = isUD;
+    }
+    public Reference getReference() {
+        return reference;
+    }
+    public void setReference(Reference reference) {
+        this.reference = reference;
+    }
+    public static class Builder {
+        private Movement result;
+        private Builder() {
+            result = new Movement();
+        }
+        public Builder(BlockchainBlock block) {
+            this();
+            setBlock(block);
+        }
+        public Builder setBlock(BlockchainBlock block) {
+            result.setCurrency(block.getCurrency());
+            result.setMedianTime(block.getMedianTime());
+            result.setReference(new Reference(block.getCurrency(), BlockDao.TYPE, String.valueOf(block.getNumber())));
+            setReferenceHash(block.getHash());
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setReferenceHash(String hash) {
+            checkNotNull(result.getReference(), "No reference set. Please call setReference() first");
+            result.getReference().setHash(hash);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setRecipient(String recipient) {
+            result.setRecipient(recipient);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setIssuer(String issuer) {
+            result.setIssuer(issuer);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setVersion(int version) {
+            result.setVersion(version);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setComment(String comment) {
+            result.setComment(comment);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setAmount(long amount, int unitbase) {
+            result.setAmount(amount);
+            result.setUnitbase(unitbase);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Builder setIsUD(boolean isUD) {
+            result.setIsUD(isUD);
+            return this;
+        }
+        public Movement build() {
+            checkNotNull(result);
+            checkNotNull(result.getAmount());
+            checkNotNull(result.getUnitbase());
+            checkNotNull(result.getRecipient());
+            checkNotNull(result.getIssuer());
+            checkNotNull(result.getCurrency());
+            checkNotNull(result.getVersion());
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    public static class Reference {
+        public static final String PROPERTY_INDEX="index";
+        public static final String PROPERTY_TYPE="type";
+        public static final String PROPERTY_ID="id";
+        public static final String PROPERTY_ANCHOR="anchor";
+        public static final String PROPERTY_HASH="hash";
+        private String index;
+        private String type;
+        private String id;
+        private String anchor;
+        private String hash;
+        public Reference() {
+        }
+        public Reference(String index, String type, String id) {
+            this(index, type, id, null);
+        }
+        public Reference(String index, String type, String id, String anchor) {
+            this.index = index;
+            this.type = type;
+   = id;
+            this.anchor = anchor;
+        }
+        public Reference(Reference another) {
+            this.index = another.getIndex();
+            this.type = another.getType();
+   = another.getId();
+            this.hash = another.getHash();
+            this.anchor = another.getAnchor();
+        }
+        public String getIndex() {
+            return index;
+        }
+        public String getType() {
+            return type;
+        }
+        public String getId() {
+            return id;
+        }
+        public String getAnchor() {
+            return anchor;
+        }
+        public void setAnchor(String anchor) {
+            this.anchor = anchor;
+        }
+        public String getHash() {
+            return hash;
+        }
+        public void setHash(String hash) {
+            this.hash = hash;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24cae9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+package org.duniter.elasticsearch.model;
+ * #%L
+ * Duniter4j :: Core Client API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.util.CollectionUtils;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlocks.*;
+ * Created by blavenie on 26/04/17.
+ */
+public final class Movements {
+    private Movements() {
+        // helper class
+    }
+    public static Stream<Movement> stream(final BlockchainBlock block) {
+        Preconditions.checkNotNull(block);
+        // No Tx
+        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(block.getTransactions())) {
+            return Stream.empty();
+        }
+        return
+                .flatMap(tx -> Movements.streamFromTx(block, tx));
+    }
+    public static List<Movement> getMovements(final BlockchainBlock block) {
+        return stream(block).collect(Collectors.toList());
+    }
+    /* -- Internal methods -- */
+    private static Stream<Movement> streamFromTx(final BlockchainBlock block, final BlockchainBlock.Transaction tx) {
+        final List<TxInput> inputs = getTxInputs(tx);
+        final List<TxOutput> outputs = getTxOutputs(tx);
+        final Set<String> recipients = getTxRecipients(outputs);
+        final long totalAmount = -> powBase(input.amount, input.unitbase)).sum();
+        return
+                .flatMap(issuer -> {
+                    long issuerInputsAmount = getTxInputAmountByIssuer(inputs, issuer);
+                    double issuerInputRatio = issuerInputsAmount / totalAmount;
+                    return
+                            // Compute the recipient amount
+                            .map(recipient -> {
+                                Double recipientAmount = getTxOutputAmountByIssuerAndRecipient(outputs, issuer, recipient) * issuerInputRatio;
+                                return Movement.newBuilder(block)
+                                    .setAmount(recipientAmount.longValue(), 0/*unitbase*/)
+                                    .setIssuer(issuer)
+                                    .setRecipient(recipient)
+                                    .setVersion(tx.getVersion())
+                                    .setComment(tx.getComment())
+                                    .build();
+                            })
+                            // Exclude movements to itself (e.g. changes)
+                            .filter(movement -> movement.getAmount() != 0);
+                });
+    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
index 722b3aec..39515f50 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
@@ -136,8 +136,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractBlockchainListenerService extends AbstractService
     protected abstract void processBlockDelete(ChangeEvent change);
-    protected abstract void beforeFlush();
     protected void flushBulkRequestOrSchedule() {
         if (flushing || bulkRequest.numberOfActions() == 0) return;
@@ -150,7 +148,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractBlockchainListenerService extends AbstractService
             flushing = true;
             threadPool.schedule(() -> {
                 synchronized (threadLock) {
-                    beforeFlush();
                     bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk();
                     flushing = false;
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d013524c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package org.duniter.elasticsearch.service;
+ * #%L
+ * UCoin Java Client :: Core API
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 EIS
+ * %%
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
+ * License along with this program.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ * #L%
+ */
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
+import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
+import org.duniter.core.service.CryptoService;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.PluginSettings;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClient;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockStatDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.MovementDao;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.Movement;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.BlockchainBlockStat;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.Movements;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeEvent;
+import org.duniter.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+ * Created by Benoit on 26/04/2017.
+ */
+public class BlockchainListenerService extends AbstractBlockchainListenerService {
+    private final BlockStatDao blockStatDao;
+    private final MovementDao movementDao;
+    @Inject
+    public BlockchainListenerService(Duniter4jClient client,
+                                     PluginSettings settings,
+                                     CryptoService cryptoService,
+                                     ThreadPool threadPool,
+                                     BlockStatDao blockStatDao,
+                                     MovementDao movementDao) {
+        super("duniter.blockchain.listener", client, settings, cryptoService, threadPool,
+                new TimeValue(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
+        this.blockStatDao = blockStatDao;
+        this.movementDao = movementDao;
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected void processBlockIndex(ChangeEvent change) {
+        BlockchainBlock block = readBlock(change);
+        // Block stat
+        {
+            BlockchainBlockStat stat = blockStatDao.toBlockStat(block);
+            // Add a delete to bulk
+            bulkRequest.add(client.prepareDelete(block.getCurrency(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, String.valueOf(block.getNumber()))
+                    .setRefresh(false));
+            flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+            // Add a insert to bulk
+            try {
+                bulkRequest.add(client.prepareIndex(block.getCurrency(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, String.valueOf(block.getNumber()))
+                        .setRefresh(false) // recommended for heavy indexing
+                        .setSource(objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(stat)));
+                flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
+                logger.error("Could not serialize BlockStat into JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+            }
+        }
+        // Movements
+        {
+            // Delete previous indexation
+            bulkRequest = movementDao.bulkDeleteByBlock(block.getCurrency(),
+                    String.valueOf(block.getNumber()),
+                    null, /*do NOT filter on hash = delete by block number*/
+                    bulkRequest, bulkSize, false);
+            // Add a insert to bulk
+                .forEach(movement -> {
+                    try {
+                        bulkRequest.add(client.prepareIndex(block.getCurrency(), MovementDao.TYPE)
+                                .setRefresh(false) // recommended for heavy indexing
+                                .setSource(objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(movement)));
+                        flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+                    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
+                        logger.error("Could not serialize BlockOperation into JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+                    }
+                });
+        }
+    }
+    protected void processBlockDelete(ChangeEvent change) {
+        // blockStat
+        {
+            // Add delete to bulk
+            bulkRequest.add(client.prepareDelete(change.getIndex(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, change.getId())
+                    .setRefresh(false));
+        }
+        // Operation
+        {
+            // Add delete to bulk
+            bulkRequest = movementDao.bulkDeleteByBlock(
+                    change.getIndex(),
+                    change.getId(),
+                    null/*do kwown the hash*/,
+                    bulkRequest, bulkSize, false);
+            flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+        }
+    }
+    /* -- internal method -- */
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bae7a1d..00000000
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-package org.duniter.elasticsearch.service;
- * #%L
- * UCoin Java Client :: Core API
- * %%
- * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 EIS
- * %%
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
- * License along with this program.  If not, see
- * <>.
- * #L%
- */
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
-import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
-import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.util.BlockchainBlockUtils;
-import org.duniter.core.service.CryptoService;
-import org.duniter.core.util.CollectionUtils;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.PluginSettings;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClient;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockStatDao;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.BlockchainBlockStat;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeEvent;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.metrics.CounterMetric;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
- * Created by Benoit on 26/04/2017.
- */
-public class BlockchainStatsService extends AbstractBlockchainListenerService {
-    @Inject
-    public BlockchainStatsService(Duniter4jClient client, PluginSettings settings, CryptoService cryptoService,
-                                  ThreadPool threadPool) {
-        super("duniter.blockchain.stats", client, settings, cryptoService, threadPool,
-                new TimeValue(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void processBlockIndex(ChangeEvent change) {
-        BlockchainBlock block = readBlock(change);
-        BlockchainBlockStat stat = toBlockStat(block);
-        // Add a delete to bulk
-        bulkRequest.add(client.prepareDelete(block.getCurrency(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, String.valueOf(block.getNumber()))
-                .setRefresh(false));
-        flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
-        // Add a insert to bulk
-        try {
-            bulkRequest.add(client.prepareIndex(block.getCurrency(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, String.valueOf(block.getNumber()))
-                    .setRefresh(false) // recommended for heavy indexing
-                    .setSource(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(stat)));
-            flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
-        }
-        catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
-            logger.error("Could not serialize BlockchainBlockStat into JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e);
-        }
-    }
-    protected void processBlockDelete(ChangeEvent change) {
-        // Add delete to bulk
-        bulkRequest.add(client.prepareDelete(change.getIndex(), BlockStatDao.TYPE, change.getId())
-                .setRefresh(false));
-        flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
-    }
-    protected void beforeFlush() {
-        // Nothing to do
-    }
-    protected BlockchainBlockStat toBlockStat(BlockchainBlock block) {
-        BlockchainBlockStat result = newBlockStat(block);
-        // Tx
-        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(block.getTransactions())) {
-            CounterMetric txChangeCounter = new CounterMetric();
-            CounterMetric txAmountCounter = new CounterMetric();
-                .forEach(tx -> {
-                    long txAmount = BlockchainBlockUtils.getTxAmount(tx);
-                    if (txAmount == 0l) {
-              ;
-                    }
-                    else {
-              ;
-                    }
-                });
-            result.setTxAmount(BigInteger.valueOf(txAmountCounter.count()));
-            result.setTxChangeCount((int)txChangeCounter.count());
-            result.setTxCount(block.getTransactions().length);
-        }
-        else {
-            result.setTxAmount(BigInteger.valueOf(0));
-            result.setTxChangeCount(0);
-            result.setTxCount(0);
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    /* -- internal method -- */
-    private BlockchainBlockStat newBlockStat(BlockchainBlock block) {
-        BlockchainBlockStat stat = new BlockchainBlockStat();
-        stat.setNumber(block.getNumber());
-        stat.setCurrency(block.getCurrency());
-        stat.setHash(block.getHash());
-        stat.setIssuer(block.getIssuer());
-        stat.setMedianTime(block.getMedianTime());
-        stat.setMembersCount(block.getMembersCount());
-        stat.setMonetaryMass(block.getMonetaryMass());
-        stat.setUnitbase(block.getUnitbase());
-        stat.setVersion(block.getVersion());
-        stat.setDividend(block.getDividend());
-        return stat;
-    }
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
index 07fdae83..dbe90837 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import org.duniter.core.client.dao.CurrencyDao;
 import org.duniter.core.client.dao.PeerDao;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainParameters;
-import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.jackson.JacksonUtils;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.elasticsearch.Currency;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.local.Peer;
 import org.duniter.core.client.service.bma.BlockchainRemoteService;
@@ -41,23 +40,12 @@ import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClient;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.*;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.exception.AccessDeniedException;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.exception.DuplicateIndexIdException;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.exception.InvalidSignatureException;
 import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequestBuilder;
-import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Injector;
-import org.elasticsearch.index.query.IdsQueryBuilder;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Objects;
  * Created by Benoit on 30/03/2015.
@@ -218,6 +206,10 @@ public class CurrencyService extends AbstractService {
                     BlockStatDao blockStatDao = injector.getInstance(BlockStatDao.class);
                     createIndexRequestBuilder.addMapping(blockStatDao.getType(), blockStatDao.createTypeMapping());
+                    // Add operation type
+                    MovementDao operationDao = ServiceLocator.instance().getBean(MovementDao.class);
+                    createIndexRequestBuilder.addMapping(operationDao.getType(), operationDao.createTypeMapping());
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
index 711c2dc3..13a771ef 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-core/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/service/
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ package org.duniter.elasticsearch.service;
 import org.duniter.core.beans.Bean;
-import org.duniter.core.client.dao.CurrencyDao;
-import org.duniter.core.client.dao.PeerDao;
 import org.duniter.core.client.service.DataContext;
 import org.duniter.core.client.service.HttpService;
 import org.duniter.core.client.service.bma.BlockchainRemoteService;
@@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeService;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.AbstractModule;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Module;
-import org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptModule;
 public class ServiceModule extends AbstractModule implements Module {
@@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ public class ServiceModule extends AbstractModule implements Module {
         // blockchain indexation services
-        bind(BlockchainStatsService.class).asEagerSingleton();
+        bind(BlockchainListenerService.class).asEagerSingleton();
         // Duniter Client API beans
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/ b/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
index ada0fbce..738864c7 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
@@ -24,38 +24,26 @@ package org.duniter.elasticsearch.user.service;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.ModelUtils;
 import org.duniter.core.client.model.bma.BlockchainBlock;
-import org.duniter.core.exception.TechnicalException;
 import org.duniter.core.service.CryptoService;
 import org.duniter.core.util.CollectionUtils;
 import org.duniter.core.util.websocket.WebsocketClientEndpoint;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.client.Duniter4jClient;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.dao.BlockStatDao;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.model.BlockchainBlockStat;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.AbstractBlockchainListenerService;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.BlockchainService;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeEvent;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeService;
-import org.duniter.elasticsearch.service.changes.ChangeSource;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.threadpool.ThreadPool;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.user.PluginSettings;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.user.model.UserEvent;
 import org.duniter.elasticsearch.user.model.UserEventCodes;
-import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionFuture;
-import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Inject;
 import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ConcurrentCollections;
 import org.nuiton.i18n.I18n;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque;
-import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@@ -150,11 +138,6 @@ public class BlockchainUserEventService extends AbstractBlockchainListenerServic
-    protected void beforeFlush() {
-    }
     /* -- internal method -- */
@@ -261,11 +244,15 @@ public class BlockchainUserEventService extends AbstractBlockchainListenerServic
         event = userEventService.fillUserEvent(event);
-        bulkRequest.add(client.prepareIndex(UserEventService.INDEX, UserEventService.EVENT_TYPE)
-                .setSource(userEventService.toJson(event))
-                .setRefresh(false));
-        flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+        try {
+            bulkRequest.add(client.prepareIndex(UserEventService.INDEX, UserEventService.EVENT_TYPE)
+                    .setSource(objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(event))
+                    .setRefresh(false));
+            flushBulkRequestOrSchedule();
+        }
+        catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
+            logger.error("Could not serialize UserEvent into JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+        }
diff --git a/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/ b/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
index 7f9379c4..0cabefd7 100644
--- a/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
+++ b/duniter4j-es-user/src/main/java/org/duniter/elasticsearch/user/service/
@@ -420,53 +420,7 @@ public class UserEventService extends AbstractService implements ChangeService.C
         searchRequest.setQuery(QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(UserEvent.PROPERTY_REFERENCE, QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(boolQuery)));
         // Execute query, while there is some data
-        try {
-            int counter = 0;
-            boolean loop = true;
-            searchRequest.setSize(bulkSize);
-            SearchResponse response = searchRequest.execute().actionGet();
-            do {
-                // Read response
-                SearchHit[] searchHits = response.getHits().getHits();
-                for (SearchHit searchHit : searchHits) {
-                    // Add deletion to bulk
-                    bulkRequest.add(
-                            client.prepareDelete(INDEX, EVENT_TYPE, searchHit.getId())
-                    );
-                    counter++;
-                    // Flush the bulk if not empty
-                    if ((bulkRequest.numberOfActions() % bulkSize) == 0) {
-                        client.flushDeleteBulk(INDEX, EVENT_TYPE, bulkRequest);
-                        bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk();
-                    }
-                }
-                // Prepare next iteration
-                if (counter == 0 || counter >= response.getHits().getTotalHits()) {
-                    loop = false;
-                }
-                // Prepare next iteration
-                else {
-                    searchRequest.setFrom(counter);
-                    response = searchRequest.execute().actionGet();
-                }
-            } while(loop);
-            // last flush
-            if (flushAll && (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() % bulkSize) != 0) {
-                client.flushDeleteBulk(INDEX, EVENT_TYPE, bulkRequest);
-            }
-        } catch (SearchPhaseExecutionException e) {
-            // Failed or no item on index
-            logger.error(String.format("Error while deleting by reference: %s. Skipping deletions.", e.getMessage()), e);
-        }
-        return bulkRequest;
+        return client.bulkDeleteFromSearch(INDEX, EVENT_TYPE, searchRequest, bulkRequest, bulkSize, flushAll);