import test from 'ava'; import * as app from './basex.mjs'; // Base58 const pubKey = 'AoxVA41dGL2s4ogMNdbCw3FFYjFo5FPK36LuiW1tjGbG'; test('b58 should decode/encode well', t => {, pubKey); }); test('basex dont allow ambigous alphabet (each character must be unique)', t => { t.throws(() => app.basex('zz')); }); test('empty input empty output', t => {[]), ''); }); test('encode 0000 filled source', t => {[0, 0, 0, 0, 15]), '0000f'); }); test('decode 0000 filled source', t => { t.deepEqual(app.b16.decode('0000f'), new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 15])); }); test('decode out of base chr throw error', t => { t.throws(() => app.b58.decode(pubKey + 'ยง')); }); test('no string decode throw', t => { t.throws(() => app.b58.decode([])); }); test('decode empty string => empty array', t => { t.deepEqual(app.b16.decode(''), new Uint8Array(0)); });