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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.0.9
    3b9e5f20 · creating 0.0.9 ·
    imrpovements on the printabel Ğ1don page :
    * reformulation
    * add a space before currency symbol
  • 0.0.8
    dfb34d4f · creating 0.0.8 ·
    little improvements since 0.0.4 :
    * configuration :
      * allow to see config
      * allow to configure Ğ1dons directory
      * solve bug when installing on a "virgin" user account : create ~/.config dir
    * generation :
      * add a confirmation
    * improvement in help description.
  • 0.0.4 Release: 0.0.4
    First alpha release. CLI only.