diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 16591d4c5ae5a6e6866a3798cd1345982b6130fd..39852d445546e2dfffa15407a385572afd96a84d 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -5770,18 +5770,24 @@ dependencies = [
 name = "pallet-distance"
 version = "1.0.0"
 dependencies = [
+ "frame-benchmarking",
+ "getrandom 0.2.8",
+ "pallet-balances",
+ "sp-consensus-babe",
+ "sp-io",
+ "sp-keystore",
  "sp-std 5.0.0",
diff --git a/pallets/distance/Cargo.toml b/pallets/distance/Cargo.toml
index 1a08c2f2fd428782d39aee506f315629a47494d2..2387c3ce188dbe2b14c58f6edf81bfe90f1a8005 100644
--- a/pallets/distance/Cargo.toml
+++ b/pallets/distance/Cargo.toml
@@ -11,15 +11,23 @@ version = '1.0.0'
 default = ['std']
+runtime-benchmarks = [
+    'frame-benchmarking/runtime-benchmarks',
+    'pallet-balances',
+    'pallet-identity/runtime-benchmarks',
+    'sp-consensus-babe',
 std = [
+    'frame-benchmarking/std',
+    'sp-consensus-babe/std',
@@ -31,18 +39,28 @@ pallet-authority-members = { path = "../authority-members", default-features = f
 pallet-identity = { path = "../identity", default-features = false }
 pallet-membership = { path = "../membership", default-features = false }
 sp-distance = { path = "../../primitives/distance", default-features = false }
+sp-consensus-babe = { git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate', branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42', default-features = false, optional = true }
+getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] }
 # substrate
 scale-info = { version = "2.1.1", default-features = false, features = [
 ] }
+pallet-balances = { git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate', branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42', optional = true, default-features = false }
 default-features = false
 features = ['derive']
 package = 'parity-scale-codec'
 version = '3.1.5'
+default-features = false
+git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate'
+optional = true
+branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42'
 default-features = false
 git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate'
@@ -87,3 +105,8 @@ branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42'
 targets = ['x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu']
+pallet-balances = { git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate', branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42', default-features = false }
+sp-io = { git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate', branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42', default-features = false }
+sp-keystore = { git = 'https://github.com/duniter/substrate', branch = 'duniter-substrate-v0.9.42', default-features = false }
diff --git a/pallets/distance/src/benchmarking.rs b/pallets/distance/src/benchmarking.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb181d4c06f894efc6fb9ef6245ea38621c5cc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pallets/distance/src/benchmarking.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright 2021-2023 Axiom-Team
+// This file is part of Duniter-v2S.
+// Duniter-v2S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+// Duniter-v2S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with Duniter-v2S. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
+use super::*;
+use codec::Encode;
+use frame_benchmarking::{benchmarks, vec};
+use frame_support::traits::{Currency, OnFinalize};
+use frame_system::RawOrigin;
+use pallet_balances::Pallet as Balances;
+use sp_runtime::traits::{Bounded, One};
+use sp_runtime::Perbill;
+use crate::Pallet;
+fn populate_pool<T: Config>(i: u32) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+    EvaluationPool0::<T>::mutate(|current_pool| -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+        for j in 0..i {
+            current_pool
+                .evaluations
+                .try_push((j.into(), median::MedianAcc::new()))
+                .map_err(|_| Error::<T>::QueueFull)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    })
+benchmarks! {
+    where_clause {
+        where
+        T: pallet_balances::Config, T::Balance: From<u64>,
+        T::BlockNumber: From<u32>,
+    }
+    request_distance_evaluation {
+            let idty = T::IdtyIndex::one();
+            let caller: T::AccountId  = pallet_identity::Identities::<T>::get(idty).unwrap().owner_key;
+            let caller_origin: <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeOrigin = RawOrigin::Signed(caller.clone()).into();
+            let _ = <Balances<T> as Currency<_>>::make_free_balance_be(&caller, T::Balance::max_value());
+    }: _<T::RuntimeOrigin>(caller_origin.clone())
+    verify {
+        assert!(IdentityDistanceStatus::<T>::get(&idty) == Some((caller, DistanceStatus::Pending)), "Request not added");
+    }
+    update_evaluation {
+        let digest_data = sp_consensus_babe::digests::PreDigest::SecondaryPlain(
+        sp_consensus_babe::digests::SecondaryPlainPreDigest { authority_index: 0u32, slot: Default::default() });
+        // A BABE digest item is needed to check authorship
+        let digest = sp_runtime::DigestItem::PreRuntime(*b"BABE", digest_data.encode());
+        let _ = <frame_system::Pallet<T>>::deposit_log(digest);
+        let idty = T::IdtyIndex::one();
+        let caller: T::AccountId  = pallet_identity::Identities::<T>::get(idty).unwrap().owner_key;
+        let caller_origin: <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeOrigin = RawOrigin::Signed(caller.clone()).into();
+        let i in 1 .. MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION => populate_pool::<T>(i)?;
+    }: _<T::RuntimeOrigin>(RawOrigin::None.into(), ComputationResult{distances: vec![Perbill::one(); i as usize]})
+    force_update_evaluation {
+            let idty = T::IdtyIndex::one();
+            let caller: T::AccountId  = pallet_identity::Identities::<T>::get(idty).unwrap().owner_key;
+            let caller_origin: <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeOrigin = RawOrigin::Signed(caller.clone()).into();
+            let i in 1 .. MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION => populate_pool::<T>(i)?;
+    }: _<T::RuntimeOrigin>(RawOrigin::Root.into(), caller, ComputationResult{distances: vec![Perbill::one(); i as usize]})
+    force_set_distance_status {
+            let idty = T::IdtyIndex::one();
+            let caller: T::AccountId  = pallet_identity::Identities::<T>::get(idty).unwrap().owner_key;
+            let status = Some((caller.clone(), DistanceStatus::Valid));
+    }: _<T::RuntimeOrigin>(RawOrigin::Root.into(), idty, status)
+    verify {
+        assert!(IdentityDistanceStatus::<T>::get(&idty) == Some((caller, DistanceStatus::Valid)), "Status not set");
+    }
+    on_finalize {
+        DidUpdate::<T>::set(true);
+    }: { Pallet::<T>::on_finalize(Default::default()); }
+    verify {
+        assert!(!DidUpdate::<T>::get());
+    }
+    impl_benchmark_test_suite!(Pallet, crate::mock::new_test_ext(), crate::mock::Test);
diff --git a/pallets/distance/src/lib.rs b/pallets/distance/src/lib.rs
index ab01a85b84deaf737b6e167ff24cb1476c2bf54c..d467368e64279f860adddb0563c16f092a143854 100644
--- a/pallets/distance/src/lib.rs
+++ b/pallets/distance/src/lib.rs
@@ -21,10 +21,16 @@ mod traits;
 mod types;
 mod weights;
+#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
+pub mod benchmarking;
+mod mock;
 pub use pallet::*;
 pub use traits::*;
 pub use types::*;
-// pub use weights::WeightInfo;
+pub use weights::WeightInfo;
 use frame_support::traits::StorageVersion;
 use pallet_authority_members::SessionIndex;
@@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ pub const MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION: u32 = 600;
 /// Maximum number of evaluators in a session
 pub const MAX_EVALUATORS_PER_SESSION: u32 = 100;
-#[frame_support::pallet(dev_mode)] // dev mode while waiting for benchmarks
 pub mod pallet {
     use super::*;
     use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, traits::ReservableCurrency};
@@ -50,7 +56,6 @@ pub mod pallet {
     const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(1);
-    // #[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)] // deprecated
     pub struct Pallet<T>(PhantomData<T>);
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
         /// Number of session to keep a positive evaluation result
         type ResultExpiration: Get<u32>;
         // /// Type representing the weight of this pallet
-        // type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
+        type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
     // STORAGE //
@@ -177,8 +182,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
         /// dummy `on_initialize` to return the weight used in `on_finalize`.
         fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
             // weight of `on_finalize`
-            //T::WeightInfo::on_finalize()// TODO uncomment when benchmarking
-            Weight::zero()
+            <T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::on_finalize()
         /// # <weight>
@@ -196,8 +200,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
     impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
         /// Request an identity to be evaluated
-        #[pallet::weight(0)]
-        // #[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::request_distance_evaluation())]
+        #[pallet::weight(<T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::request_distance_evaluation())]
         pub fn request_distance_evaluation(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
             let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
@@ -215,8 +218,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
         /// (Inherent) Push an evaluation result to the pool
-        #[pallet::weight(0)]
-        // #[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::update_evaluation())]
+        #[pallet::weight(<T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::update_evaluation(MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION))]
         pub fn update_evaluation(
             origin: OriginFor<T>,
             computation_result: ComputationResult,
@@ -236,8 +238,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
         /// Push an evaluation result to the pool
-        #[pallet::weight(0)]
-        // #[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::force_update_evaluation())]
+        #[pallet::weight(<T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::force_update_evaluation(MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION))]
         pub fn force_update_evaluation(
             origin: OriginFor<T>,
             evaluator: <T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
@@ -256,8 +257,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
         ///   when the evaluation completes.
         /// * `status.1` is the status of the evaluation.
-        #[pallet::weight(0)]
-        // #[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::force_set_distance_status())]
+        #[pallet::weight(<T as pallet::Config>::WeightInfo::force_set_distance_status())]
         pub fn force_set_distance_status(
             origin: OriginFor<T>,
             identity: <T as pallet_identity::Config>::IdtyIndex,
diff --git a/pallets/distance/src/mock.rs b/pallets/distance/src/mock.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..977c4228c063e0a65c460dd95c404eaa04b2edc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pallets/distance/src/mock.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Axiom-Team
+// This file is part of Duniter-v2S.
+// Duniter-v2S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+// Duniter-v2S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with Duniter-v2S. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use super::*;
+use crate::{self as pallet_distance};
+use core::marker::PhantomData;
+use frame_support::{
+    parameter_types,
+    traits::{Everything, GenesisBuild},
+use frame_system as system;
+use pallet_balances::AccountData;
+use pallet_session::ShouldEndSession;
+use sp_core::{ConstU32, H256};
+use sp_runtime::{
+    impl_opaque_keys,
+    key_types::DUMMY,
+    testing::{Header, TestSignature, UintAuthorityId},
+    traits::{BlakeTwo256, ConvertInto, IdentityLookup, IsMember, OpaqueKeys},
+    KeyTypeId, Perbill,
+type Balance = u64;
+type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;
+type UncheckedExtrinsic = frame_system::mocking::MockUncheckedExtrinsic<Test>;
+pub type AccountId = u64;
+impl_opaque_keys! {
+    pub struct MockSessionKeys {
+        pub dummy: UintAuthorityId,
+    }
+impl From<UintAuthorityId> for MockSessionKeys {
+    fn from(dummy: UintAuthorityId) -> Self {
+        Self { dummy }
+    }
+// Configure a mock runtime to test the pallet.
+    pub enum Test where
+        Block = Block,
+        NodeBlock = Block,
+        UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic,
+    {
+        System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Config, Storage, Event<T>},
+        Session: pallet_session::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event},
+        Authorship: pallet_authorship::{Pallet, Storage},
+        AuthorityMembers: pallet_authority_members::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
+        Balances: pallet_balances::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
+        Identity: pallet_identity::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config<T>, Event<T>},
+        Distance: pallet_distance::{Pallet, Call, Storage},
+    }
+parameter_types! {
+    pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
+    pub const SS58Prefix: u8 = 42;
+impl system::Config for Test {
+    type BaseCallFilter = Everything;
+    type BlockWeights = ();
+    type BlockLength = ();
+    type DbWeight = ();
+    type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
+    type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
+    type Index = u64;
+    type BlockNumber = u64;
+    type Hash = H256;
+    type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
+    type AccountId = AccountId;
+    type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
+    type Header = Header;
+    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
+    type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
+    type Version = ();
+    type PalletInfo = PalletInfo;
+    type AccountData = AccountData<u64>;
+    type OnNewAccount = ();
+    type OnKilledAccount = ();
+    type SystemWeightInfo = ();
+    type SS58Prefix = SS58Prefix;
+    type OnSetCode = ();
+    type MaxConsumers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<16>;
+pub struct TestSessionHandler;
+impl pallet_session::SessionHandler<AccountId> for TestSessionHandler {
+    const KEY_TYPE_IDS: &'static [KeyTypeId] = &[DUMMY];
+    fn on_new_session<Ks: OpaqueKeys>(
+        _changed: bool,
+        _validators: &[(AccountId, Ks)],
+        _queued_validators: &[(AccountId, Ks)],
+    ) {
+    }
+    fn on_disabled(_validator_index: u32) {}
+    fn on_genesis_session<Ks: OpaqueKeys>(_validators: &[(AccountId, Ks)]) {}
+const SESSION_LENGTH: u64 = 5;
+pub struct TestShouldEndSession;
+impl ShouldEndSession<u64> for TestShouldEndSession {
+    fn should_end_session(now: u64) -> bool {
+        now % SESSION_LENGTH == 0
+    }
+impl pallet_session::Config for Test {
+    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
+    type ValidatorId = AccountId;
+    type ValidatorIdOf = ConvertInto;
+    type ShouldEndSession = TestShouldEndSession;
+    type NextSessionRotation = ();
+    type SessionManager = AuthorityMembers;
+    type SessionHandler = TestSessionHandler;
+    type Keys = MockSessionKeys;
+    type WeightInfo = ();
+pub struct FullIdentificationOfImpl;
+impl sp_runtime::traits::Convert<AccountId, Option<()>> for FullIdentificationOfImpl {
+    fn convert(_: AccountId) -> Option<()> {
+        Some(())
+    }
+impl pallet_session::historical::Config for Test {
+    type FullIdentification = ();
+    type FullIdentificationOf = FullIdentificationOfImpl;
+pub struct ConstantAuthor<T>(PhantomData<T>);
+impl<T: From<u64>> frame_support::traits::FindAuthor<T> for ConstantAuthor<T> {
+    fn find_author<'a, I>(_: I) -> Option<T>
+    where
+        I: 'a + IntoIterator<Item = (sp_runtime::ConsensusEngineId, &'a [u8])>,
+    {
+        Some(1u64.into())
+    }
+impl pallet_authorship::Config for Test {
+    type FindAuthor = ConstantAuthor<Self::AccountId>;
+    type EventHandler = ();
+pub struct TestIsSmithMember;
+impl IsMember<u32> for TestIsSmithMember {
+    fn is_member(member_id: &u32) -> bool {
+        member_id % 3 == 0
+    }
+pub struct IdentityIndexOf<T: pallet_identity::Config>(PhantomData<T>);
+impl<T: pallet_identity::Config> sp_runtime::traits::Convert<T::AccountId, Option<T::IdtyIndex>>
+    for IdentityIndexOf<T>
+    fn convert(account_id: T::AccountId) -> Option<T::IdtyIndex> {
+        pallet_identity::Pallet::<T>::identity_index_of(account_id)
+    }
+impl pallet_authority_members::Config for Test {
+    type KeysWrapper = MockSessionKeys;
+    type IsMember = TestIsSmithMember;
+    type MaxAuthorities = ConstU32<4>;
+    type MemberId = u32;
+    type MemberIdOf = IdentityIndexOf<Self>;
+    type OnNewSession = ();
+    type OnRemovedMember = ();
+    type RemoveMemberOrigin = system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
+    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
+    type WeightInfo = ();
+parameter_types! {
+    pub const ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 10;
+    pub const MaxLocks: u32 = 50;
+impl pallet_balances::Config for Test {
+    type Balance = Balance;
+    type DustRemoval = ();
+    type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
+    type AccountStore = System;
+    type WeightInfo = pallet_balances::weights::SubstrateWeight<Test>;
+    type MaxLocks = MaxLocks;
+    type MaxReserves = ();
+    type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8];
+    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
+    type HoldIdentifier = ();
+    type FreezeIdentifier = ();
+    type MaxHolds = ConstU32<0>;
+    type MaxFreezes = ConstU32<0>;
+parameter_types! {
+    pub const ChangeOwnerKeyPeriod: u64 = 10;
+    pub const ConfirmPeriod: u64 = 2;
+    pub const IdtyCreationPeriod: u64 = 3;
+    pub const MaxInactivityPeriod: u64 = 5;
+    pub const ValidationPeriod: u64 = 2;
+pub struct IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl;
+impl pallet_identity::traits::IdtyNameValidator for IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl {
+    fn validate(idty_name: &pallet_identity::IdtyName) -> bool {
+        idty_name.0.len() < 16
+    }
+impl pallet_identity::Config for Test {
+    type ChangeOwnerKeyPeriod = ChangeOwnerKeyPeriod;
+    type ConfirmPeriod = ConfirmPeriod;
+    type CheckIdtyCallAllowed = ();
+    type IdtyCreationPeriod = IdtyCreationPeriod;
+    type IdtyData = ();
+    type IdtyNameValidator = IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl;
+    type IdtyIndex = u32;
+    type AccountLinker = ();
+    type IdtyRemovalOtherReason = ();
+    type Signer = UintAuthorityId;
+    type Signature = TestSignature;
+    type OnIdtyChange = ();
+    type RemoveIdentityConsumers = ();
+    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
+    type WeightInfo = ();
+    #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
+    type BenchmarkSetupHandler = ();
+parameter_types! {
+    pub const MinAccessibleReferees: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(80);
+impl pallet_distance::Config for Test {
+    type Currency = Balances;
+    type EvaluationPrice = frame_support::traits::ConstU64<1000>;
+    type MinAccessibleReferees = MinAccessibleReferees;
+    type ResultExpiration = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<720>;
+    type WeightInfo = ();
+// Build genesis storage according to the mock runtime.
+#[allow(dead_code)] // ??? Clippy triggers dead code for new_test_ext while it is used during test benchmark
+pub fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
+    let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::default()
+        .build_storage::<Test>()
+        .unwrap();
+    pub const NAMES: [&str; 6] = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Ferdie"];
+    pallet_identity::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
+        identities: (1..=4)
+            .map(|i| pallet_identity::GenesisIdty {
+                index: i as u32,
+                name: pallet_identity::IdtyName::from(NAMES[i - 1]),
+                value: pallet_identity::IdtyValue {
+                    data: (),
+                    next_creatable_identity_on: 0,
+                    owner_key: i as u64,
+                    old_owner_key: None,
+                    removable_on: 0,
+                    status: pallet_identity::IdtyStatus::Validated,
+                },
+            })
+            .collect(),
+    }
+    .assimilate_storage(&mut t)
+    .unwrap();
+    sp_io::TestExternalities::new(t)
diff --git a/pallets/distance/src/weights.rs b/pallets/distance/src/weights.rs
index 8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc..b0808361a6b8d1810b51c159390fe3d8d640c268 100644
--- a/pallets/distance/src/weights.rs
+++ b/pallets/distance/src/weights.rs
@@ -1 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright 2021-2023 Axiom-Team
+// This file is part of Duniter-v2S.
+// Duniter-v2S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+// Duniter-v2S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with Duniter-v2S. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+use frame_support::weights::{constants::RocksDbWeight, Weight};
+pub trait WeightInfo {
+    fn request_distance_evaluation() -> Weight;
+    fn update_evaluation(i: u32) -> Weight;
+    fn force_update_evaluation(i: u32) -> Weight;
+    fn force_set_distance_status() -> Weight;
+    fn on_finalize() -> Weight;
+// Insecure weights implementation, use it for tests only!
+impl WeightInfo for () {
+    /// Storage: Identity IdentityIndexOf (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Identity IdentityIndexOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool2 (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool2 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: System Account (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof: System Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(121), added: 2596, mode: MaxEncodedLen)
+    /// Storage: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    fn request_distance_evaluation() -> Weight {
+        // Proof Size summary in bytes:
+        //  Measured:  `935`
+        //  Estimated: `4400`
+        // Minimum execution time: 28_469_000 picoseconds.
+        Weight::from_parts(30_905_000, 0)
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 4400))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(6))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(4))
+    }
+    /// Storage: Distance DidUpdate (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance DidUpdate (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Authorship Author (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof: Authorship Author (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(32), added: 527, mode: MaxEncodedLen)
+    /// Storage: System Digest (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: System Digest (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool0 (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool0 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// The range of component `i` is `[1, 600]`.
+    fn update_evaluation(i: u32) -> Weight {
+        // Proof Size summary in bytes:
+        //  Measured:  `744 + i * (10 ±0)`
+        //  Estimated: `2228 + i * (10 ±0)`
+        // Minimum execution time: 13_870_000 picoseconds.
+        Weight::from_parts(17_116_748, 0)
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 2228))
+            // Standard Error: 684
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(128_989, 0).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(5))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(3))
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 10).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+    }
+    /// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool0 (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool0 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// The range of component `i` is `[1, 600]`.
+    fn force_update_evaluation(i: u32) -> Weight {
+        // Proof Size summary in bytes:
+        //  Measured:  `612 + i * (10 ±0)`
+        //  Estimated: `2096 + i * (10 ±0)`
+        // Minimum execution time: 8_392_000 picoseconds.
+        Weight::from_parts(10_825_908, 0)
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 2096))
+            // Standard Error: 326
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(123_200, 0).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(2))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(1))
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 10).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+    }
+    /// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    /// Storage: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (r:0 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    fn force_set_distance_status() -> Weight {
+        // Proof Size summary in bytes:
+        //  Measured:  `586`
+        //  Estimated: `4051`
+        // Minimum execution time: 8_099_000 picoseconds.
+        Weight::from_parts(8_786_000, 0)
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 4051))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(2))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(2))
+    }
+    /// Storage: Distance DidUpdate (r:1 w:1)
+    /// Proof Skipped: Distance DidUpdate (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+    fn on_finalize() -> Weight {
+        // Proof Size summary in bytes:
+        //  Measured:  `170`
+        //  Estimated: `1655`
+        // Minimum execution time: 3_904_000 picoseconds.
+        Weight::from_parts(4_132_000, 0)
+            .saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 1655))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().reads(1))
+            .saturating_add(RocksDbWeight::get().writes(1))
+    }
diff --git a/pallets/duniter-wot/Cargo.toml b/pallets/duniter-wot/Cargo.toml
index e86400ac175260a38fc6aaba1908d7b1376cd3b6..403af9bcec971c9a886eb62f7cfff9d1f6f258ef 100644
--- a/pallets/duniter-wot/Cargo.toml
+++ b/pallets/duniter-wot/Cargo.toml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ version = '3.0.0'
 default = ['std']
-runtime-benchmarks = ['frame-benchmarking']
+runtime-benchmarks = ['frame-benchmarking', 'pallet-membership/runtime-benchmarks', 'pallet-identity/runtime-benchmarks']
 std = [
diff --git a/runtime/common/src/pallets_config.rs b/runtime/common/src/pallets_config.rs
index dc585e3f1e677c46fb8864e8423d66c96bb9b250..6b49541287f0f7464331fe1ce327ab6138cde430 100644
--- a/runtime/common/src/pallets_config.rs
+++ b/runtime/common/src/pallets_config.rs
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ macro_rules! pallets_config {
 			type WeightInfo = common_runtime::weights::pallet_authority_members::WeightInfo<Runtime>;
         impl pallet_authorship::Config for Runtime {
-            type FindAuthor = pallet_session::FindAccountFromAuthorIndex<Self, Babe>;
             type EventHandler = ImOnline;
+            type FindAuthor = pallet_session::FindAccountFromAuthorIndex<Self, Babe>;
         impl pallet_im_online::Config for Runtime {
             type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ macro_rules! pallets_config {
             type EvaluationPrice = frame_support::traits::ConstU64<1000>;
             type MinAccessibleReferees = MinAccessibleReferees;
             type ResultExpiration = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<720>;
+            type WeightInfo = common_runtime::weights::pallet_distance::WeightInfo<Runtime>;
         // SMITHS SUB-WOT //
diff --git a/runtime/common/src/weights.rs b/runtime/common/src/weights.rs
index f8ab1253ae5c7bf8f9d06f4860b40cccb1c863ae..60201d11e1e880b00a73b7a0042abd3315d76cf4 100644
--- a/runtime/common/src/weights.rs
+++ b/runtime/common/src/weights.rs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pub mod frame_system;
 pub mod pallet_babe;
 pub mod pallet_balances;
 pub mod pallet_collective;
+pub mod pallet_distance;
 pub mod pallet_grandpa;
 pub mod pallet_im_online;
 pub mod pallet_multisig;
diff --git a/runtime/common/src/weights/pallet_distance.rs b/runtime/common/src/weights/pallet_distance.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dbf1514f6e2c733887264a4312fb2bf70447b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/common/src/weights/pallet_distance.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+//! Autogenerated weights for `pallet_distance`
+//! DATE: 2023-11-02, STEPS: `50`, REPEAT: `20`, LOW RANGE: `[]`, HIGH RANGE: `[]`
+//! WORST CASE MAP SIZE: `1000000`
+//! HOSTNAME: `bgallois-ms7d43`, CPU: `12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-12100F`
+//! EXECUTION: Some(Wasm), WASM-EXECUTION: Compiled, CHAIN: Some("gdev-benchmark"), DB CACHE: 1024
+// Executed Command:
+// ./target/release/duniter
+// benchmark
+// pallet
+// --chain
+// gdev-benchmark
+// --execution=wasm
+// --wasm-execution=compiled
+// --pallet
+// pallet-distance
+// --extrinsic
+// *
+// --steps
+// 50
+// --repeat
+// 20
+// --output
+// runtime/common/src/weights/
+#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
+use frame_support::{traits::Get, weights::Weight};
+use core::marker::PhantomData;
+/// Weight functions for `pallet_distance`.
+pub struct WeightInfo<T>(PhantomData<T>);
+impl<T: frame_system::Config> pallet_distance::WeightInfo for WeightInfo<T> {
+	/// Storage: Identity IdentityIndexOf (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Identity IdentityIndexOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool2 (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool2 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: System Account (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof: System Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(121), added: 2596, mode: MaxEncodedLen)
+	/// Storage: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	fn request_distance_evaluation() -> Weight {
+		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
+		//  Measured:  `935`
+		//  Estimated: `4400`
+		// Minimum execution time: 28_469_000 picoseconds.
+		Weight::from_parts(30_905_000, 0)
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 4400))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(6))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(4))
+	}
+	/// Storage: Distance DidUpdate (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance DidUpdate (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Authorship Author (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof: Authorship Author (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(32), added: 527, mode: MaxEncodedLen)
+	/// Storage: System Digest (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: System Digest (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool0 (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool0 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// The range of component `i` is `[1, 600]`.
+	fn update_evaluation(i: u32, ) -> Weight {
+		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
+		//  Measured:  `744 + i * (10 ±0)`
+		//  Estimated: `2228 + i * (10 ±0)`
+		// Minimum execution time: 13_870_000 picoseconds.
+		Weight::from_parts(17_116_748, 0)
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 2228))
+			// Standard Error: 684
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(128_989, 0).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(5))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(3))
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 10).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+	}
+	/// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance EvaluationPool0 (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance EvaluationPool0 (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// The range of component `i` is `[1, 600]`.
+	fn force_update_evaluation(i: u32, ) -> Weight {
+		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
+		//  Measured:  `612 + i * (10 ±0)`
+		//  Estimated: `2096 + i * (10 ±0)`
+		// Minimum execution time: 8_392_000 picoseconds.
+		Weight::from_parts(10_825_908, 0)
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 2096))
+			// Standard Error: 326
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(123_200, 0).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(2))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1))
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 10).saturating_mul(i.into()))
+	}
+	/// Storage: Session CurrentIndex (r:1 w:0)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Session CurrentIndex (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance DistanceStatusExpireOn (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	/// Storage: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (r:0 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance IdentityDistanceStatus (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	fn force_set_distance_status() -> Weight {
+		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
+		//  Measured:  `586`
+		//  Estimated: `4051`
+		// Minimum execution time: 8_099_000 picoseconds.
+		Weight::from_parts(8_786_000, 0)
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 4051))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(2))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(2))
+	}
+	/// Storage: Distance DidUpdate (r:1 w:1)
+	/// Proof Skipped: Distance DidUpdate (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)
+	fn on_finalize() -> Weight {
+		// Proof Size summary in bytes:
+		//  Measured:  `170`
+		//  Estimated: `1655`
+		// Minimum execution time: 3_904_000 picoseconds.
+		Weight::from_parts(4_132_000, 0)
+			.saturating_add(Weight::from_parts(0, 1655))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().reads(1))
+			.saturating_add(T::DbWeight::get().writes(1))
+	}
diff --git a/runtime/g1/src/lib.rs b/runtime/g1/src/lib.rs
index 920d06390f3a711b52ab65f1cc967d56b92406c4..321e5cd0f7199c7a4a26f3fc189ef7252273db78 100644
--- a/runtime/g1/src/lib.rs
+++ b/runtime/g1/src/lib.rs
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ mod benches {
         [pallet_certification, Cert]
         [pallet_certification, SmithCert]
+        [pallet_distance, Distance]
         [pallet_oneshot_account, OneshotAccount]
         [pallet_universal_dividend, UniversalDividend]
         [pallet_provide_randomness, ProvideRandomness]
diff --git a/runtime/gdev/Cargo.toml b/runtime/gdev/Cargo.toml
index 93f07bc788f15f6c8e8eb6d6e8aaa54ab473e104..680b3da3491563def2a8dae615a094ff52fc3c3a 100644
--- a/runtime/gdev/Cargo.toml
+++ b/runtime/gdev/Cargo.toml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ runtime-benchmarks = [
+    'pallet-distance/runtime-benchmarks',
diff --git a/runtime/gdev/src/lib.rs b/runtime/gdev/src/lib.rs
index 15abf4260691588a8eef9c0d9725869dadfda0a3..d7ccbcb21ed54d1698e0e1bc715842dbcb821209 100644
--- a/runtime/gdev/src/lib.rs
+++ b/runtime/gdev/src/lib.rs
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ mod benches {
         [pallet_certification, Cert]
         [pallet_certification, SmithCert]
+        [pallet_distance, Distance]
         [pallet_oneshot_account, OneshotAccount]
         [pallet_universal_dividend, UniversalDividend]
         [pallet_provide_randomness, ProvideRandomness]
diff --git a/runtime/gtest/src/lib.rs b/runtime/gtest/src/lib.rs
index 185c6abb1cf467467ba5f8459ca884044c3a4fc2..7759470e039cb1bafe850e2f93cfc52d10f6fffe 100644
--- a/runtime/gtest/src/lib.rs
+++ b/runtime/gtest/src/lib.rs
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ mod benches {
         [pallet_certification, Cert]
         [pallet_certification, SmithCert]
+        [pallet_distance, Distance]
         [pallet_oneshot_account, OneshotAccount]
         [pallet_universal_dividend, UniversalDividend]
         [pallet_provide_randomness, ProvideRandomness]