diff --git a/pallets/duniter-account/src/lib.rs b/pallets/duniter-account/src/lib.rs
index be7fcaa59eeb4aecbf809d8152941fefb2cfe523..c6a0fb33a96edb9a09370ae90ca4538407545c1e 100644
--- a/pallets/duniter-account/src/lib.rs
+++ b/pallets/duniter-account/src/lib.rs
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ pub mod pallet {
-                                "Cannot fail because providers are incremented just before"
+                                "Cannot fail because any account with funds should have providers"
                             let request_id = pallet_provide_randomness::Pallet::<T>::force_request(
@@ -282,12 +282,8 @@ where
         let result = f(&mut some_data)?;
         let is_providing = some_data.is_some();
         if !was_providing && is_providing {
-            if !frame_system::Pallet::<T>::account_exists(account_id) {
-                // If the account does not exist, we should program its creation
-                PendingNewAccounts::<T>::insert(account_id, ());
-            }
-            // We should increment the "balances" provider
+            PendingNewAccounts::<T>::insert(account_id, ());
         } else if was_providing && !is_providing {
             match frame_system::Pallet::<T>::dec_providers(account_id)? {
                 frame_system::DecRefStatus::Reaped => return Ok(result),
diff --git a/runtime/gdev/tests/integration_tests.rs b/runtime/gdev/tests/integration_tests.rs
index 5c8c50df92cc07b4e21714dbe50a92155c564583..9a1ca4833c8cfe78dd4e4a727ca122bb6895dd5d 100644
--- a/runtime/gdev/tests/integration_tests.rs
+++ b/runtime/gdev/tests/integration_tests.rs
@@ -282,30 +282,19 @@ fn test_create_new_account() {
-            let events = System::events();
-            //println!("{:#?}", events);
-            assert_eq!(events.len(), 3);
-            assert_eq!(
-                System::events()[0].event,
-                Event::System(frame_system::Event::NewAccount {
-                    account: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
-                })
-            );
-            assert_eq!(
-                System::events()[1].event,
-                Event::Balances(pallet_balances::Event::Endowed {
-                    account: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
-                    free_balance: 500,
-                })
-            );
-            assert_eq!(
-                System::events()[2].event,
-                Event::Balances(pallet_balances::Event::Transfer {
-                    from: AccountKeyring::Alice.to_account_id(),
-                    to: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
-                    amount: 500,
-                })
-            );
+            //println!("{:#?}", System::events());
+            System::assert_has_event(Event::System(frame_system::Event::NewAccount {
+                account: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
+            }));
+            System::assert_has_event(Event::Balances(pallet_balances::Event::Endowed {
+                account: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
+                free_balance: 500,
+            }));
+            System::assert_has_event(Event::Balances(pallet_balances::Event::Transfer {
+                from: AccountKeyring::Alice.to_account_id(),
+                to: AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
+                amount: 500,
+            }));
             // At next block, the new account must be created,
             // and new account tax should be collected and deposited in the treasury
@@ -400,3 +389,44 @@ fn test_create_new_idty() {
+fn test_create_new_idty_without_founds() {
+    ExtBuilder::new(1, 3, 4)
+        .with_initial_balances(vec![(AccountKeyring::Alice.to_account_id(), 1_000)])
+        .build()
+        .execute_with(|| {
+            run_to_block(2);
+            // Should be able to create an identity without founds
+            assert_ok!(Identity::create_identity(
+                frame_system::RawOrigin::Signed(AccountKeyring::Alice.to_account_id()).into(),
+                AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id(),
+            ));
+            // At next block, nothing should be preleved
+            run_to_block(3);
+            let events = System::events();
+            assert_eq!(events.len(), 0);
+            // Deposit some founds on the identity account,
+            // this should trigger the random id assignemt
+            assert_ok!(Balances::transfer(
+                frame_system::RawOrigin::Signed(AccountKeyring::Alice.to_account_id()).into(),
+                MultiAddress::Id(AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id()),
+                200
+            ));
+            // At next block, nothing should be preleved,
+            // and a random id request should be registered
+            run_to_block(4);
+            assert_eq!(
+                Balances::free_balance(AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id()),
+                200
+            );
+            assert_eq!(
+                Account::pending_random_id_assignments(0),
+                Some(AccountKeyring::Eve.to_account_id())
+            );
+        });