// This file is part of Substrate. // Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. pub mod key; pub mod utils; #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] use crate::chain_spec::gtest; use crate::cli::{Cli, Subcommand}; #[cfg(feature = "g1")] use crate::service::G1Executor; #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] use crate::service::GDevExecutor; #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] use crate::service::GTestExecutor; use crate::service::{IdentifyRuntimeType, RuntimeType}; use crate::{chain_spec, service}; use clap::CommandFactory; #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] use frame_benchmarking_cli::{BenchmarkCmd, SUBSTRATE_REFERENCE_HARDWARE}; use sc_cli::{ChainSpec, RuntimeVersion, SubstrateCli}; // TODO: create our own reference hardware /* lazy_static! { /// The hardware requirements as measured on reference hardware. pub static ref REFERENCE_HARDWARE: Requirements = { let raw = include_bytes!("reference_hardware.json").as_slice(); serde_json::from_slice(raw).expect("Hardcoded data is known good; qed") }; }*/ /// Unwraps a [`crate::client::Client`] into the concrete runtime client. #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] macro_rules! unwrap_client { ( $client:ident, $code:expr ) => { match $client.as_ref() { #[cfg(feature = "g1")] crate::service::client::Client::G1($client) => $code, #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] crate::service::client::Client::GTest($client) => $code, #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] crate::service::client::Client::GDev($client) => $code, #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] _ => panic!("unknown runtime"), } }; } impl SubstrateCli for Cli { fn impl_name() -> String { "Duniter".into() } fn impl_version() -> String { env!("SUBSTRATE_CLI_IMPL_VERSION").into() } fn description() -> String { env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION").into() } fn author() -> String { env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS").into() } fn support_url() -> String { "https://forum.duniter.org/".into() } fn copyright_start_year() -> i32 { 2021 } fn load_spec(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Box<dyn sc_service::ChainSpec>, String> { Ok(match id { // === GDEV === // developement chainspec with generated genesis and Alice validator #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] "dev" => Box::new(chain_spec::gdev::local_testnet_config(1, 3, 4)?), // local testnet with g1 data, gdev configuration (parameters & smiths) and Alice validator // > optionally from DUNITER_GENESIS_CONFIG file to override default gdev configuration #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] "gdev_dev" => Box::new(chain_spec::gdev::gdev_development_chain_spec( "resources/gdev.yaml".to_string(), )?), // chainspecs for live network with g1 data, gdev configuration (parameters & smiths) // but must have a smith with declared session keys // > optionally from DUNITER_GENESIS_CONFIG file to override default gdev configuration #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] "gdev_live" => { const CLIENT_SPEC: &str = "./node/specs/gdev_client-specs.yaml"; let client_spec: chain_spec::gdev::ClientSpec = serde_yaml::from_slice( &std::fs::read( std::env::var("DUNITER_CLIENT_SPEC") .unwrap_or_else(|_| CLIENT_SPEC.to_string()), ) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to read {CLIENT_SPEC} {e}"))?[..], ) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to parse {e}"))?; // rebuild chainspecs from these files Box::new(chain_spec::gdev::gen_live_conf( client_spec, "resources/gdev.yaml".to_string(), )?) } // hardcoded previously generated raw chainspecs // yields a pointlessly heavy binary because of hexadecimal-text-encoded values #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] "gdev" => Box::new(chain_spec::gdev::ChainSpec::from_json_bytes( &include_bytes!("../specs/gdev-raw.json")[..], )?), // === GTEST === // generate dev chainspecs with Alice validator // provide DUNITER_GTEST_GENESIS env var if you want to build genesis from json // otherwise you get a local testnet with generated genesis #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] "gtest_dev" => Box::new(chain_spec::gtest::development_chainspecs( "resources/gtest.yaml".to_string(), )?), // chainspecs for live network // must have following files in ./node/specs folder or overwrite with env var: // - gtest.json / DUNITER_GTEST_GENESIS // - gtest_client-specs.json / DUNITER_GTEST_CLIENT_SPEC #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] "gtest_live" => { const JSON_CLIENT_SPEC: &str = "./node/specs/gtest_client-specs.yaml"; let client_spec: gtest::ClientSpec = serde_yaml::from_slice( &std::fs::read( std::env::var("DUNITER_CLIENT_SPEC") .unwrap_or_else(|_| JSON_CLIENT_SPEC.to_string()), ) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to read {JSON_CLIENT_SPEC} {e}"))?[..], ) .map_err(|e| format!("failed to parse {e}"))?; // rebuild chainspecs from these files Box::new(chain_spec::gtest::live_chainspecs( client_spec, "resources/gtest.yaml".to_string(), )?) } // return hardcoded live chainspecs, only with embed feature // embed client spec and genesis to avoid embeding hexadecimal runtime // and having hexadecimal runtime in git history // will only build on a branch that has a file // ./node/specs/gtest-raw.json #[cfg(all(feature = "gtest", feature = "embed"))] "gtest" => Box::new(chain_spec::gtest::ChainSpec::from_json_bytes( &include_bytes!("../specs/gtest-raw.json")[..], )?), // === G1 === #[cfg(feature = "g1")] "g1" => { unimplemented!() //Box::new(chain_spec::g1::ChainSpec::from_json_file(file_path)?) } // Specs provided as json specify which runtime to use in their file name. For example, // `g1-custom.json` uses the g1 runtime. // `gdev-workshop.json` uses the gdev runtime. path => { let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(path); let starts_with = |prefix: &str| { path.file_name() .and_then(|f| f.to_str().map(|s| s.starts_with(prefix))) .unwrap_or(false) }; let runtime_type = if starts_with("g1") { RuntimeType::G1 } else if starts_with("dev") || starts_with("gdev") { RuntimeType::GDev } else if starts_with("gt") { RuntimeType::GTest } else { panic!("unknown runtime") }; match runtime_type { #[cfg(feature = "g1")] RuntimeType::G1 => Box::new(chain_spec::g1::ChainSpec::from_json_file(path)?), #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] RuntimeType::GDev => { Box::new(chain_spec::gdev::ChainSpec::from_json_file(path)?) } #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] RuntimeType::GTest => { Box::new(chain_spec::gtest::ChainSpec::from_json_file(path)?) } _ => panic!("unknown runtime"), } } }) } fn native_runtime_version(spec: &Box<dyn ChainSpec>) -> &'static RuntimeVersion { match spec.runtime_type() { #[cfg(feature = "g1")] RuntimeType::G1 => &g1_runtime::VERSION, #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] RuntimeType::GTest => >est_runtime::VERSION, #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] RuntimeType::GDev => &gdev_runtime::VERSION, _ => panic!("unknown runtime {:?}", spec.runtime_type()), } } } /// Parse and run command line arguments pub fn run() -> sc_cli::Result<()> { let mut cli = Cli::from_args(); // Force some cli options force_cli_options(&mut cli); match &cli.subcommand { Some(Subcommand::BuildSpec(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.sync_run(|config| cmd.run(config.chain_spec, config.network)) } Some(Subcommand::CheckBlock(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.async_run(|config| { let (client, _, import_queue, task_manager) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, cli.sealing.is_manual_consensus())?; Ok((cmd.run(client, import_queue), task_manager)) }) } Some(Subcommand::ExportBlocks(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.async_run(|config| { let (client, _, _, task_manager) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, cli.sealing.is_manual_consensus())?; Ok((cmd.run(client, config.database), task_manager)) }) } Some(Subcommand::ExportState(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.async_run(|config| { let (client, _, _, task_manager) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, cli.sealing.is_manual_consensus())?; Ok((cmd.run(client, config.chain_spec), task_manager)) }) } Some(Subcommand::Key(cmd)) => cmd.run(&cli), Some(Subcommand::ImportBlocks(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.async_run(|mut config| { // Force offchain worker and offchain indexing if we have the role Authority if config.role.is_authority() { config.offchain_worker.enabled = true; config.offchain_worker.indexing_enabled = true; } let (client, _, import_queue, task_manager) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, cli.sealing.is_manual_consensus())?; Ok((cmd.run(client, import_queue), task_manager)) }) } Some(Subcommand::PurgeChain(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.sync_run(|config| cmd.run(config.database)) } Some(Subcommand::Revert(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; runner.async_run(|config| { let (client, backend, _, task_manager) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, cli.sealing.is_manual_consensus())?; let aux_revert = Box::new(|client, backend, blocks| { service::revert_backend(client, backend, blocks) }); Ok((cmd.run(client, backend, Some(aux_revert)), task_manager)) }) } Some(Subcommand::Sign(cmd)) => cmd.run(), Some(Subcommand::Utils(cmd)) => cmd.run(&cli), Some(Subcommand::Vanity(cmd)) => cmd.run(), Some(Subcommand::Verify(cmd)) => cmd.run(), Some(Subcommand::Completion(cmd)) => { let command = &mut Cli::command(); clap_complete::generate( cmd.generator, command, command.get_name().to_string(), &mut std::io::stdout(), ); Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] Some(Subcommand::Benchmark(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(&**cmd)?; let chain_spec = &runner.config().chain_spec; match &**cmd { BenchmarkCmd::Storage(cmd) => runner.sync_run(|config| { let (client, backend, _, _) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, false)?; let db = backend.expose_db(); let storage = backend.expose_storage(); unwrap_client!(client, cmd.run(config, client.clone(), db, storage)) }), BenchmarkCmd::Block(cmd) => runner.sync_run(|config| { let (client, _, _, _) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, false)?; unwrap_client!(client, cmd.run(client.clone())) }), BenchmarkCmd::Overhead(cmd) => runner.sync_run(|config| { let (client, _, _, _) = service::new_chain_ops(&config, false)?; let wrapped = client.clone(); let inherent_data = crate::service::client::benchmark_inherent_data() .map_err(|e| format!("generating inherent data: {:?}", e))?; unwrap_client!( client, cmd.run( config, client.clone(), inherent_data, Vec::new(), wrapped.as_ref() ) ) }), BenchmarkCmd::Pallet(cmd) => { if cfg!(feature = "runtime-benchmarks") { match chain_spec.runtime_type() { #[cfg(feature = "g1")] RuntimeType::G1 => runner.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::<g1_runtime::Block, G1Executor>(config) }), #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] RuntimeType::GTest => runner.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::<gtest_runtime::Block, GTestExecutor>(config) }), #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] RuntimeType::GDev => runner.sync_run(|config| { cmd.run::<gdev_runtime::Block, GDevExecutor>(config) }), _ => Err(sc_cli::Error::Application("unknown runtime type".into())), } } else { Err("Benchmarking wasn't enabled when building the node. \ You can enable it with `--features runtime-benchmarks`." .into()) } } BenchmarkCmd::Machine(cmd) => { runner.sync_run(|config| cmd.run(&config, SUBSTRATE_REFERENCE_HARDWARE.clone())) } // NOTE: this allows the Duniter client to leniently implement // new benchmark commands. #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] _ => panic!("unknown runtime"), } } #[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))] Some(Subcommand::Benchmark(_cmd)) => { Err("Benchmark wasn't enabled when building the node. \ You can enable it with `--features runtime-benchmarks`." .into()) } #[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")] Some(Subcommand::TryRuntime(cmd)) => { let runner = cli.create_runner(cmd)?; let chain_spec = &runner.config().chain_spec; use sc_service::TaskManager; let registry = &runner .config() .prometheus_config .as_ref() .map(|cfg| &cfg.registry); let task_manager = TaskManager::new(runner.config().tokio_handle.clone(), *registry) .map_err(|e| { sc_cli::Error::Application(format!("Fail to create TaskManager: {}", e).into()) })?; // Ensure dev spec if !chain_spec.id().ends_with("dev") { return Err(sc_cli::Error::Application( "try-runtime only support dev specs".into(), )); } match chain_spec.runtime_type() { #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] RuntimeType::GDev => { //sp_core::crypto::set_default_ss58_version(Ss58AddressFormatRegistry::GDev); runner.async_run(|config| { Ok(( cmd.run::<gdev_runtime::Block, GDevExecutor>(config), task_manager, )) }) } _ => Err(sc_cli::Error::Application("unknown runtime type".into())), } } #[cfg(not(feature = "try-runtime"))] Some(Subcommand::TryRuntime) => Err("TryRuntime wasn't enabled when building the node. \ You can enable it with `--features try-runtime`." .into()), None => { let runner = cli.create_runner(&cli.run)?; runner.run_node_until_exit(|mut config| async move { // Force offchain worker and offchain indexing if we have the role Authority if config.role.is_authority() { config.offchain_worker.enabled = true; config.offchain_worker.indexing_enabled = true; } match config.chain_spec.runtime_type() { #[cfg(feature = "g1")] RuntimeType::G1 => { service::new_full::<g1_runtime::RuntimeApi, G1Executor>(config, cli.sealing) .map_err(sc_cli::Error::Service) } #[cfg(feature = "gtest")] RuntimeType::GTest => service::new_full::< gtest_runtime::RuntimeApi, GTestExecutor, >(config, cli.sealing) .map_err(sc_cli::Error::Service), #[cfg(feature = "gdev")] RuntimeType::GDev => { service::new_full::<gdev_runtime::RuntimeApi, GDevExecutor>( config, cli.sealing, ) .map_err(sc_cli::Error::Service) } _ => Err(sc_cli::Error::Application("unknown runtime".into())), } }) } } } fn force_cli_options(cli: &mut Cli) { match cli.subcommand { Some(Subcommand::CheckBlock(ref mut cmd)) => { cmd.import_params.database_params.database = Some(sc_cli::Database::ParityDb); } Some(Subcommand::ExportBlocks(ref mut cmd)) => { cmd.database_params.database = Some(sc_cli::Database::ParityDb); } Some(Subcommand::ImportBlocks(ref mut cmd)) => { cmd.import_params.database_params.database = Some(sc_cli::Database::ParityDb); } Some(Subcommand::PurgeChain(ref mut cmd)) => { cmd.database_params.database = Some(sc_cli::Database::ParityDb); } None => { cli.run.import_params.database_params.database = Some(sc_cli::Database::ParityDb); } _ => {} } }