# Compile the runtime with srtool

When voting for a runtime upgrade, you should check that the proposed hash actually corresponds to the published code you reviewed. Otherwise, a malicious runtime upgrade could be advertised as a legitimate one.

mkdir runtime/gdev/target
chmod o+w runtime/gdev/target
# Workaround see !239
echo -e "[toolchain]\nchannel = \"1.74.0\"\ncomponents = [ \"rust-std\", \"rust-src\" ]" > runtime/gdev/rust-toolchain.toml
docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  -e PACKAGE=gdev-runtime \
  -e RUNTIME_DIR=runtime/gdev \
  -v $PWD:/build \
  paritytech/srtool:1.74.0-0.13.0 build --app --json -cM

Then, the runtime wasm bytecode is generated in this location:


To compare it to last official :

- download it here : https://git.duniter.org/nodes/rust/duniter-v2s/-/releases
- compare `sha256sum` of it and of the one you've built