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- flutter format ([51894fe](
- bump version ([b7b01bc](
- Add Spanish template with a few translated sentences ([a64a3c6](
- App is fully translate en/fr ! ([e71e00c](
- translation 4 ([87a6f44](
- onboarding translation 3 ([c04416a](
- onboarding translation 2 ([c62c63f](
- onboarding translation ([f688bc3](
- factorize isMd text ([a4d72d0](
- cosmetic ([6f7dd4e](
- replace Multiple TextSpan for bold words by Markdown widget in onboarding ([65f6f0a](
- fix flutter format ([ad1a517](
- welcome multilang! ([8555c57](
- hello multilang ! ([b89de85](