diff --git a/lib/ui/widgets/fourth_screen/transaction_page.dart b/lib/ui/widgets/fourth_screen/transaction_page.dart
index 15b162890cdfd3ac9e9047b00f1daa5cd7f32c01..696be8d86c39f0495e891cf9a33b4c32bcfc586e 100644
--- a/lib/ui/widgets/fourth_screen/transaction_page.dart
+++ b/lib/ui/widgets/fourth_screen/transaction_page.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:backdrop/backdrop.dart';
 import 'package:cron/cron.dart';
 import 'package:easy_debounce/easy_throttle.dart';
 import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
@@ -8,6 +7,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
 import 'package:infinite_scroll_pagination/infinite_scroll_pagination.dart';
+import 'package:we_slide/we_slide.dart';
 import '../../../data/models/app_cubit.dart';
 import '../../../data/models/node_list_cubit.dart';
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import '../../logger.dart';
 import '../../tutorial.dart';
 import '../../tutorial_keys.dart';
 import '../../ui_helpers.dart';
+import '../card_drawer.dart';
 import 'fourth_tutorial.dart';
 import 'transaction_item.dart';
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ class _TransactionsAndBalanceWidgetState
   final Cron cron = Cron();
   static const double balanceFontSize = 36.0;
   late Tutorial tutorial;
+  late ScheduledTask scheduledTask;
   void initState() {
@@ -104,10 +106,17 @@ class _TransactionsAndBalanceWidgetState
-    cron.schedule(Schedule.parse(kReleaseMode ? '*/10 * * * *' : '*/5 * * * *'),
-        () async {
+    scheduledTask = cron
+        .schedule(Schedule.parse(kReleaseMode ? '*/10 * * * *' : '*/5 * * * *'),
+            () async {
       logger('---------- fetchTransactions via cron');
-      _refresh();
+      try {
+        _refresh();
+      } catch (e) {
+        // TODO this should be done in main because if not this is disposed
+        logger('Failed via _refresh, lets try a basic fetchTransactions');
+        transCubit.fetchTransactions(nodeListCubit, appCubit);
+      }
     tutorial = FourthTutorial(context);
@@ -139,13 +148,16 @@ class _TransactionsAndBalanceWidgetState
-    cron.close();
+    scheduledTask.cancel();
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    final String myPubKey = SharedPreferencesHelper().getPubKey();
+    final WeSlideController weSlideController = WeSlideController();
+    final ColorScheme colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
+    const double panelMinSize = 0.0;
+    final double panelMaxSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 3;
     final bool isG1 = appCubit.currency == Currency.G1;
     final double currentUd = appCubit.currentUd;
     final String currentSymbol = currentCurrencyTrimmed(isG1);
@@ -153,160 +165,196 @@ class _TransactionsAndBalanceWidgetState
         useSymbol: true, isG1: isG1, locale: currentLocale(context));
     final bool isCurrencyBefore =
     return BlocBuilder<TransactionCubit, TransactionState>(
         builder: (BuildContext context, TransactionState transBalanceState) {
       // final List<Transaction> transactions = transBalanceState.transactions;
       final double balance = transBalanceState.balance;
+      final String myPubKey = SharedPreferencesHelper().getPubKey();
+      return Scaffold(
+        drawer: const CardDrawer(),
+        onDrawerChanged: (bool isOpened) {
+          if (isOpened && weSlideController.isOpened) {
+            weSlideController.hide();
+          } else {
+            // I do here a refresh because for some reason the Consumer is not working on card change
+            _refresh();
+          }
+        },
+        appBar: AppBar(
+          title: Text(key: txMainKey, tr('transactions')),
+          actions: <Widget>[
+            IconButton(
+                key: txRefreshKey,
+                icon: const Icon(Icons.refresh),
+                onPressed: () => EasyThrottle.throttle('my-throttler-refresh',
+                    const Duration(seconds: 1), () => _refresh(),
+                    onAfter:
+                        () {} // <-- Optional callback, called after the duration has passed
+                    )),
+            IconButton(
+                key: txBalanceKey,
+                icon: const Icon(Icons.savings),
+                onPressed: () => weSlideController.isOpened
+                    ? weSlideController.hide()
+                    : weSlideController.show()),
+            IconButton(
+              icon: const Icon(Icons.info_outline),
+              onPressed: () {
+                tutorial.showTutorial(showAlways: true);
+              },
+            ),
+            const SizedBox(width: 10),
+          ],
+        ),
+        body: WeSlide(
+          controller: weSlideController,
+          panelMinSize: panelMinSize,
+          panelMaxSize: panelMaxSize,
+          // isDismissible: false,
+          body: Container(
+            color: colorScheme.background,
+            child: _transactionPanelBuilder(context, myPubKey, isG1,
+                currentSymbol, currentUd, isCurrencyBefore),
+          ),
+          panel: _balancePanelBuilder(colorScheme, context, isCurrencyBefore,
+              isG1, currentSymbol, balance, currentUd),
+          // This is hidden right now
+          panelHeader: Container(
+            height: panelMinSize,
+            color: colorScheme.secondary,
+            child: Center(child: Text(tr('balance'))),
+          ),
+        ),
+      );
+    });
+  }
-      return BackdropScaffold(
-          appBar: BackdropAppBar(
-            backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
-            title: Text(tr('balance')),
-            actions: <Widget>[
-              IconButton(
-                  key: txRefreshKey,
-                  icon: const Icon(Icons.refresh),
-                  onPressed: () => EasyThrottle.throttle('my-throttler-refresh',
-                      const Duration(seconds: 1), () => _refresh(),
-                      onAfter:
-                          () {} // <-- Optional callback, called after the duration has passed
-                      )),
-              // const BackdropToggleButton(),
-              LayoutBuilder(
-                  builder: (BuildContext lContext,
-                          BoxConstraints constraints) =>
-                      IconButton(
-                          key: txBalanceKey,
-                          // icon: const Icon(Icons.account_balance_wallet),
-                          icon: const Icon(Icons.savings),
-                          onPressed: () {
-                            if (Backdrop.of(lContext).isBackLayerConcealed) {
-                              Backdrop.of(lContext).revealBackLayer();
-                            } else {
-                              Backdrop.of(lContext).concealBackLayer();
-                            }
-                          })),
-              IconButton(
-                icon: const Icon(Icons.info_outline),
-                onPressed: () {
-                  tutorial.showTutorial(showAlways: true);
-                },
+  Container _balancePanelBuilder(
+      ColorScheme colorScheme,
+      BuildContext context,
+      bool isCurrencyBefore,
+      bool isG1,
+      String currentSymbol,
+      double balance,
+      double currentUd) {
+    return Container(
+        color: colorScheme.inversePrimary,
+        child: Column(children: <Widget>[
+          Align(
+              alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
+              child: Padding(
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 20, 20, 20),
+                child: Row(children: <Widget>[
+                  const Icon(Icons.savings),
+                  const SizedBox(width: 30),
+                  Text(
+                    tr('balance'),
+                    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge,
+                  )
+                ]),
+              )),
+          Expanded(
+              child: Scrollbar(
+                  child: ListView(
+            children: <Widget>[
+              Padding(
+                padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0),
+                child: Center(
+                    child: Text.rich(TextSpan(
+                  children: <InlineSpan>[
+                    if (isCurrencyBefore)
+                      currencyBalanceWidget(context, isG1, currentSymbol),
+                    if (isCurrencyBefore) separatorSpan(),
+                    TextSpan(
+                      text: formatKAmountInView(
+                          context: context,
+                          amount: balance,
+                          isG1: isG1,
+                          currentUd: currentUd,
+                          useSymbol: false),
+                      style: TextStyle(
+                          fontSize: balanceFontSize,
+                          color: context.read<ThemeCubit>().isDark()
+                              ? Colors.white
+                              : positiveAmountColor,
+                          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
+                    ),
+                    if (!isCurrencyBefore) separatorSpan(),
+                    if (!isCurrencyBefore)
+                      currencyBalanceWidget(context, isG1, currentSymbol),
+                  ],
+                ))),
-              const SizedBox(width: 10),
+              // if (!kReleaseMode) TransactionChart(transactions: transactions)
-          ),
-          backLayer: Center(
-              child: Container(
-            decoration: BoxDecoration(
-              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
-              border: Border.all(
-                  color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
-                  width: 3),
-            ),
-            child: Scrollbar(
-                child: ListView(
-              children: <Widget>[
-                Padding(
-                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0),
-                  child: Center(
-                      child: Text.rich(TextSpan(
-                    children: <InlineSpan>[
-                      if (isCurrencyBefore)
-                        currencyBalanceWidget(context, isG1, currentSymbol),
-                      if (isCurrencyBefore) separatorSpan(),
-                      TextSpan(
-                        text: formatKAmountInView(
-                            context: context,
-                            amount: balance,
-                            isG1: isG1,
-                            currentUd: currentUd,
-                            useSymbol: false),
-                        style: TextStyle(
-                            fontSize: balanceFontSize,
-                            color: context.read<ThemeCubit>().isDark()
-                                ? Colors.white
-                                : positiveAmountColor,
-                            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
-                      ),
-                      if (!isCurrencyBefore) separatorSpan(),
-                      if (!isCurrencyBefore)
-                        currencyBalanceWidget(context, isG1, currentSymbol),
-                    ],
-                  ))),
-                ),
-                // if (!kReleaseMode) TransactionChart(transactions: transactions)
-              ],
-            )),
-          )),
-          subHeader: BackdropSubHeader(
-            key: txMainKey,
-            title: Text(tr('transactions')),
-            divider: Divider(
-              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.surfaceVariant,
-              height: 0,
+          )))
+        ]));
+  }
+  RefreshIndicator _transactionPanelBuilder(
+      BuildContext context,
+      String myPubKey,
+      bool isG1,
+      String currentSymbol,
+      double currentUd,
+      bool isCurrencyBefore) {
+    return RefreshIndicator(
+      color: Colors.white,
+      backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
+      strokeWidth: 4.0,
+      onRefresh: () => _refresh(),
+      child: CustomScrollView(
+          shrinkWrap: true,
+          // scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
+          slivers: <Widget>[
+            // Some widget before all,
+            PagedSliverList<int, Transaction>(
+              shrinkWrapFirstPageIndicators: true,
+              pagingController: _pendingController,
+              builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<Transaction>(
+                  animateTransitions: true,
+                  transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+                  itemBuilder:
+                      (BuildContext context, Transaction tx, int index) {
+                    return TransactionListItem(
+                        pubKey: myPubKey,
+                        index: index,
+                        transaction: tx,
+                        isG1: isG1,
+                        currentSymbol: currentSymbol,
+                        currentUd: currentUd,
+                        isCurrencyBefore: isCurrencyBefore,
+                        afterRetry: () => _refresh(),
+                        afterCancel: () => _refresh());
+                  },
+                  noItemsFoundIndicatorBuilder: (_) => Container()),
-          ),
-          frontLayer: RefreshIndicator(
-            color: Colors.white,
-            backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
-            strokeWidth: 4.0,
-            onRefresh: () => _refresh(),
-            child: CustomScrollView(
-                shrinkWrap: true,
-                // scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
-                slivers: <Widget>[
-                  // Some widget before all,
-                  PagedSliverList<int, Transaction>(
-                    shrinkWrapFirstPageIndicators: true,
-                    pagingController: _pendingController,
-                    builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<Transaction>(
-                        animateTransitions: true,
-                        transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
-                        itemBuilder:
-                            (BuildContext context, Transaction tx, int index) {
-                          return TransactionListItem(
-                              pubKey: myPubKey,
-                              index: index,
-                              transaction: tx,
-                              isG1: isG1,
-                              currentSymbol: currentSymbol,
-                              currentUd: currentUd,
-                              isCurrencyBefore: isCurrencyBefore,
-                              afterRetry: () => _refresh(),
-                              afterCancel: () => _refresh());
-                        },
-                        noItemsFoundIndicatorBuilder: (_) => Container()),
-                  ),
-                  PagedSliverList<String?, Transaction>(
-                      pagingController: _pagingController,
-                      // separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
-                      //    const Divider(),
-                      builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<Transaction>(
-                          animateTransitions: true,
-                          transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
-                          itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, Transaction tx,
-                              int index) {
-                            return TransactionListItem(
-                                pubKey: myPubKey,
-                                currentUd: currentUd,
-                                isG1: isG1,
-                                isCurrencyBefore: isCurrencyBefore,
-                                currentSymbol: currentSymbol,
-                                index: index +
-                                    (_pendingController.itemList != null
-                                        ? _pendingController.itemList!.length
-                                        : 0),
-                                transaction: tx);
-                          },
-                          noItemsFoundIndicatorBuilder: (_) => Padding(
-                              padding:
-                                  const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20),
-                              child:
-                                  Center(child: Text(tr('no_transactions'))))))
-                ]),
-          ));
-    });
+            PagedSliverList<String?, Transaction>(
+                pagingController: _pagingController,
+                // separatorBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
+                //    const Divider(),
+                builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate<Transaction>(
+                    animateTransitions: true,
+                    transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
+                    itemBuilder:
+                        (BuildContext context, Transaction tx, int index) {
+                      return TransactionListItem(
+                          pubKey: myPubKey,
+                          currentUd: currentUd,
+                          isG1: isG1,
+                          isCurrencyBefore: isCurrencyBefore,
+                          currentSymbol: currentSymbol,
+                          index: index +
+                              (_pendingController.itemList != null
+                                  ? _pendingController.itemList!.length
+                                  : 0),
+                          transaction: tx);
+                    },
+                    noItemsFoundIndicatorBuilder: (_) => Padding(
+                        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20),
+                        child: Center(child: Text(tr('no_transactions'))))))
+          ]),
+    );
   InlineSpan separatorSpan() {