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  • DanBaDo/ginkgo
  • flodef/ginkgo
  • zicmama/ginkgo
  • vjrj/ginkgo
  • pokapow/ginkgo
  • weblate/ginkgo
6 results
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with 3307 additions and 201 deletions
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:durt/durt.dart';
import 'package:fast_base58/fast_base58.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/export.dart';
import 'package:polkadart_keyring/polkadart_keyring.dart';
// From:
bool isValidV2Address(String address) {
try {
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
isHex(address) ? hexToU8a(address) : keyring.decodeAddress(address));
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
Uint8List hexToU8a(String hexString) {
hexString = hexString.startsWith('0x') ? hexString.substring(2) : hexString;
if (hexString.length % 2 != 0) {
hexString = '0$hexString';
return Uint8List.fromList(List<int>.generate(hexString.length ~/ 2, (int i) {
return int.parse(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), radix: 16);
bool isHex(String value, [int bitLength = -1]) {
final RegExp hexRegEx = RegExp(r'^0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$');
return hexRegEx.hasMatch(value) &&
(bitLength == -1 || value.length == 2 + bitLength ~/ 4);
String addressFromV1Pubkey(String pubkey) {
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
final List<int> pubkeyByte = Base58Decode(pubkey);
final String address = keyring.encodeAddress(pubkeyByte);
return address;
String v1pubkeyFromAddress(String address) {
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
final Uint8List publicKeyBytes = keyring.decodeAddress(address);
final String publicKey = Base58Encode(publicKeyBytes);
return publicKey;
Keyring keyringFromV1Seed(Uint8List seed) {
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
final KeyPair keypair = KeyPair.ed25519.fromSeed(seed);
return keyring;
Keyring keyringFromSeed(Uint8List seed) {
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
final KeyPair keypair = KeyPair.sr25519.fromSeed(seed);
return keyring;
class AuthDataV1 {
AuthDataV1(this.password, this.salt);
String password;
String salt;
class AuthDataV2 {
AuthDataV2(this.mnemonic, this.meta);
String mnemonic;
String meta;
class AuthData {
AuthData({this.v1, this.v2});
AuthDataV1? v1;
AuthDataV2? v2;
Future<KeyPair> createPair(AuthData data, Keyring keyring) async {
if (data.v1 != null) {
final List<int> password = data.v1!.password.codeUnits;
final String salt = data.v1!.salt;
final Uint8List passwordU8a = Uint8List.fromList(password);
final Uint8List saltU8a = Uint8List.fromList(salt.codeUnits);
final Scrypt scrypt = Scrypt()
..init(ScryptParameters(4096, 16, 1, 32, saltU8a));
final Uint8List seedBytes = scrypt.process(passwordU8a);
final String seedHex = Base58Encode(seedBytes);
final KeyPair keyPair = await keyring.fromUri(seedHex,
password: data.v1!.password, keyPairType: KeyPairType.ed25519);
return keyPair;
} else if (data.v2 != null) {
final KeyPair keyPair = await keyring.fromUri(data.v2!.mnemonic,
password: data.v2!.meta, keyPairType: KeyPairType.sr25519);
return keyPair;
} else {
throw Exception('Data format not recognized');
// From durt
String mnemonicGenerate({String lang = 'english'}) {
final List<String> supportedLanguages = <String>[
if (!supportedLanguages.contains(lang)) {
throw ArgumentError('Unsupported language');
final String mnemonic = generateMnemonic(lang: lang);
return mnemonic;
// From:
Future<KeyPair> addPair() async {
final String mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate();
final Keyring keyring = Keyring();
// create & add the pair to the keyring with the type
// TODOAdd some additional metadata as in polkadot-js
final KeyPair pair =
await keyring.fromUri(mnemonic, keyPairType: KeyPairType.sr25519);
return pair;
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> createAccount(
AuthData data, Keyring keyring) async {
final KeyPair pair = await createPair(data, keyring);
final String? publicKeyV1 = pair.keyPairType == KeyPairType.ed25519
? Base58Encode(pair.publicKey.bytes)
: null;
final String name = data.v2?.meta ??
(publicKeyV1 != null
? formatPubkey(publicKeyV1)
: formatAddress(pair.address));
Map<String, dynamic> accountMeta = {
'name': name,
'publicKeyV1': publicKeyV1,
'genesisHash': ?? {}
Account account = Account(pair.address, pair.publicKey, accountMeta);
return {'pair': pair, 'account': account};
String formatAddress(String value) {
if (value.isEmpty) {
return '';
if (value.length < 12) {
return '?';
return '${value.substring(0, 6)}\u2026${value.substring(value.length - 6)}';
String formatPubkey(String value) {
if (value.isEmpty) {
return '';
if (value.length < 12) {
return '?';
return '${value.substring(0, 4)}\u2026${value.substring(value.length - 4)}';
// While polkadart doesn't support web
String addressFromV1Pubkey(String pubKey) => '';
class NodeCheckResult {
NodeCheckResult({required this.latency, required this.currentBlock});
final Duration latency;
final int currentBlock;
import '../data/models/node.dart';
class PayResult {
required this.message,
final Node? node;
final String message;
final Stream<String>? progressStream;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import '../data/models/contact.dart';
import '../data/models/node.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction_state.dart';
import 'api.dart';
import 'duniter_datapod_helper.dart';
import 'duniter_endpoint_helper.dart';
import 'duniter_indexer_helper.dart';
import 'pay_result.dart';
import 'transactions_v1_parser.dart';
import 'transactions_v2_parser.dart';
abstract class DuniterService {
Future<Contact> getProfile(String pubKey,
{bool onlyProfile = false, bool resize = true, bool complete = false});
Future<List<Contact>> getProfiles(List<String> pubKeys);
Future<List<Contact>> searchWot(String searchPatternRaw);
Future<List<Contact>> searchProfiles(
{required String searchTermLower,
required String searchTerm,
required String searchTermCapitalized});
Future<Tuple2<Map<String, dynamic>?, Node>> getHistoryAndBalance(
String pubKeyRaw,
{int? pageSize = 10,
int? from,
int? to,
String? cursor,
required bool isConnected});
Future<TransactionState> transactionsParser(
Map<String, dynamic> txData, TransactionState state, String myPubKeyRaw);
Future<PayResult> pay(
{required List<String> to, required double amount, String? comment});
Future<String?> getProfileUserName(String pubKey);
Future<bool> createOrUpdateProfile(String name);
Future<bool> deleteProfile();
class DuniterServiceV1 implements DuniterService {
Future<Contact> getProfile(String pubKey,
{bool onlyProfile = false, bool resize = true, bool complete = false}) {
return getProfileV1(pubKey, onlyCPlusProfile: onlyProfile, resize: resize);
Future<List<Contact>> searchWot(String searchPatternRaw) {
return searchWotV1(searchPatternRaw);
Future<List<Contact>> searchProfiles(
{required String searchTermLower,
required String searchTerm,
required String searchTermCapitalized}) {
return searchProfilesV1(
searchTermLower: searchTermLower,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
searchTermCapitalized: searchTermCapitalized);
Future<List<Contact>> getProfiles(List<String> pubKeys) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Tuple2<Map<String, dynamic>?, Node>> getHistoryAndBalance(
String pubKeyRaw,
{int? pageSize = 10,
int? from,
int? to,
String? cursor,
required bool isConnected}) {
return getHistoryAndBalanceV1(pubKeyRaw,
pageSize: pageSize,
from: from,
to: to,
cursor: cursor,
isConnected: isConnected);
Future<TransactionState> transactionsParser(
Map<String, dynamic> txData, TransactionState state, String myPubKeyRaw) {
return transactionsV1Parser(txData, state, myPubKeyRaw);
Future<PayResult> pay(
{required List<String> to, required double amount, String? comment}) {
return payV1(to: to, amount: amount, comment: comment);
Future<bool> createOrUpdateProfile(String name) {
return createOrUpdateProfileV1(name);
Future<bool> deleteProfile() {
return deleteProfileV1();
Future<String?> getProfileUserName(String pubKey) {
return getProfileUserNameV1(pubKey);
class DuniterServiceV2 implements DuniterService {
Future<Contact> getProfile(String pubKey,
{bool onlyProfile = false, bool resize = true, bool complete = false}) {
return getProfileV2(pubKey, onlyProfile: onlyProfile, complete: complete);
Future<List<Contact>> getProfiles(List<String> pubKeys) {
return getProfilesV2(pubKeys: pubKeys);
Future<List<Contact>> searchWot(String searchPattern) {
return searchWotV2('.*$searchPattern.*');
Future<List<Contact>> searchProfiles(
{required String searchTermLower,
required String searchTerm,
required String searchTermCapitalized}) {
return searchProfilesV2(
searchTermLower: searchTermLower,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
searchTermCapitalized: searchTermCapitalized);
Future<Tuple2<Map<String, dynamic>?, Node>> getHistoryAndBalance(
String pubKeyRaw,
{int? pageSize = 10,
int? from,
int? to,
String? cursor,
required bool isConnected}) {
return getHistoryAndBalanceV2(pubKeyRaw,
pageSize: pageSize,
from: from,
to: to,
cursor: cursor,
isConnected: isConnected);
Future<TransactionState> transactionsParser(
Map<String, dynamic> txData, TransactionState state, String myPubKeyRaw) {
return transactionsV2Parser(txData, state, myPubKeyRaw);
Future<PayResult> pay(
{required List<String> to, required double amount, String? comment}) {
return payV2(to: to, amount: amount, comment: comment);
Future<bool> createOrUpdateProfile(String name) {
return createOrUpdateProfileV2(name);
Future<bool> deleteProfile() {
return deleteProfileV2();
Future<String?> getProfileUserName(String pubKey) async {
final Contact c = await getProfileV2(pubKey, onlyProfile: true);
class ServiceManager with ChangeNotifier {
ServiceManager({required bool initialIsV2})
: _currentService = initialIsV2 ? DuniterServiceV2() : DuniterServiceV1();
DuniterService _currentService;
final DuniterService _v1Service = DuniterServiceV1();
final DuniterService _v2Service = DuniterServiceV2();
DuniterService get current => _currentService;
void updateService(bool useV2) {
_currentService = useV2 ? _v2Service : _v1Service;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart';
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart';
import 'package:polkadart_keyring/polkadart_keyring.dart';
import '../data/models/node.dart';
import '../generated/gdev/gdev.dart';
import '../generated/gdev/types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart';
import '../generated/gdev/types/primitive_types/h256.dart';
import '../ui/logger.dart';
import 'duniter_endpoint_helper.dart';
class SignAndSendResult {
required this.progressStream,
final Node? node;
final Stream<String> progressStream;
Future<SignAndSendResult> signAndSend(Node node, Provider provider,
Gdev polkadot, KeyPair wallet, RuntimeCall call,
{required String Function(String statusType) messageTransformer,
Duration timeout = defPolkadotTimeout}) async {
final StreamController<String> progressController =
try {
final RuntimeVersion runtimeVersion =
await polkadot.rpc.state.getRuntimeVersion();
final int currentBlockNumber = (await polkadot.query.system.number()) - 1;
final H256 currentBlockHash =
await polkadot.query.system.blockHash(currentBlockNumber);
final int nonce =
await polkadot.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(wallet.address);
final H256 genesisHash = await polkadot.query.system.blockHash(0);
final Uint8List encodedCall = call.encode();
final Uint8List payload = SigningPayload(
method: encodedCall,
specVersion: runtimeVersion.specVersion,
transactionVersion: runtimeVersion.transactionVersion,
genesisHash: encodeHex(genesisHash),
blockHash: encodeHex(currentBlockHash),
blockNumber: currentBlockNumber,
eraPeriod: 64,
nonce: nonce,
tip: 0)
final Uint8List signature = wallet.sign(payload);
final Uint8List extrinsic = ExtrinsicPayload(
signer: wallet.bytes(),
method: encodedCall,
signature: signature,
eraPeriod: 64,
blockNumber: currentBlockNumber,
nonce: nonce,
tip: 0)
.encode(polkadot.registry, SignatureType.ed25519);
final AuthorApi<Provider> author = AuthorApi<Provider>(provider);
await author.submitAndWatchExtrinsic(
(ExtrinsicStatus status) {
final String transformedMessage = messageTransformer(status.type);
if (<String>[
].contains(status.type)) {
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
final String errorMessage = messageTransformer('error');
loggerDev(errorMessage, error: e, stackTrace: stacktrace);
return SignAndSendResult(
node: node,
Future<String> signAndSendOld(Gdev polkadot, KeyPair wallet, RuntimeCall call,
Provider provider, Completer<String> result, Duration timeout) async {
final RuntimeVersion runtimeVersion =
await polkadot.rpc.state.getRuntimeVersion();
final int currentBlockNumber = (await polkadot.query.system.number()) - 1;
final H256 currentBlockHash =
await polkadot.query.system.blockHash(currentBlockNumber);
final int nonce = await polkadot.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(wallet.address);
final H256 genesisHash = await polkadot.query.system.blockHash(0);
final Uint8List encodedCall = call.encode();
final Uint8List payload = SigningPayload(
method: encodedCall,
specVersion: runtimeVersion.specVersion,
transactionVersion: runtimeVersion.transactionVersion,
genesisHash: encodeHex(genesisHash),
blockHash: encodeHex(currentBlockHash),
blockNumber: currentBlockNumber,
eraPeriod: 64,
nonce: nonce,
tip: 0)
final Uint8List signature = wallet.sign(payload);
final Uint8List extrinsic = ExtrinsicPayload(
signer: wallet.bytes(),
method: encodedCall,
signature: signature,
eraPeriod: 64,
blockNumber: currentBlockNumber,
nonce: nonce,
tip: 0)
.encode(polkadot.registry, SignatureType.ed25519);
final AuthorApi<Provider> author = AuthorApi<Provider>(provider);
await author.submitAndWatchExtrinsic(extrinsic, (ExtrinsicStatus status) {
switch (status.type) {
case 'finalized':
case 'dropped':
case 'invalid':
case 'usurped':
case 'future':
case 'ready':
case 'inBlock':
case 'broadcast':
result.complete('Unexpected transaction status: ${status.type}.');
loggerDev('Unexpected transaction status: ${status.type}.');
return result.future;
......@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ import '../data/models/transaction.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction_state.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction_type.dart';
import '../ui/contacts_cache.dart';
import '../ui/logger.dart';
import 'g1_helper.dart';
final RegExp exp = RegExp(r'\((.*?)\)');
Future<TransactionState> transactionParser(
Future<TransactionState> transactionsParser(
String txData, List<Transaction> pendingTransactions) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> parsedTxData =
json.decode(txData) as Map<String, dynamic>;
......@@ -43,8 +44,10 @@ Future<TransactionState> transactionParser(
logger('Timestamp: $timestamp');
logger('Fecha: $txDate');
} */
final Contact fromC = getContactCache(pubKey: address2!);
final Contact toC = getContactCache(pubKey: address1!);
final Contact fromC =
getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact(pubKey: address2!));
final Contact toC =
getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact(pubKey: address1!));
......@@ -63,15 +66,7 @@ Future<TransactionState> transactionParser(
Contact getContactCache({required String pubKey}) {
final Contact contact =
ContactsCache().getCachedContact(pubKey, false, true) ??
Contact(pubKey: pubKey);
assert(contact.hasAvatar == false);
return contact;
Future<TransactionState> transactionsGvaParser(Map<String, dynamic> txData,
Future<TransactionState> transactionsV1Parser(Map<String, dynamic> txData,
TransactionState state, String myPubKeyRaw) async {
final String myPubKey = extractPublicKey(myPubKeyRaw);
// Balance
......@@ -121,6 +116,7 @@ Future<TransactionState> transactionsGvaParser(Map<String, dynamic> txData,
txs.insert(0, tx);
loggerDev('Balance $amount');
return state.copyWith(
transactions: txs,
balance: amount,
......@@ -157,7 +153,8 @@ Future<Transaction> _txGvaParse(
// Extract the recipient from each output
final String outputS = output as String;
final String? recipient = exp.firstMatch(outputS)!.group(1);
final Contact recipientContact = getContactCache(pubKey: recipient!);
final Contact recipientContact =
getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact(pubKey: recipient!));
final double outputAmount = double.parse(outputS.split(':')[0]);
......@@ -184,14 +181,15 @@ Future<Transaction> _txGvaParse(
final dynamic writtenTime = tx['writtenTime'];
final DateTime time = writtenTime == null
: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch((writtenTime as int) * 1000);
: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch((writtenTime as int) * 1000,
isUtc: true);
if (isSent) {
amount = -amount;
// Comment
final String comment = tx['comment'] as String;
final Contact fromC = getContactCache(pubKey: from);
final Contact fromC = getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact(pubKey: from));
return Transaction(
type: type,
import 'dart:async';
import '../data/models/contact.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction_state.dart';
import '../data/models/transaction_type.dart';
import '../ui/contacts_cache.dart';
import '../ui/logger.dart';
import 'g1_v2_helper.dart';
Future<TransactionState> transactionsV2Parser(
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData,
TransactionState currentState,
String pubKeyRaw,
) async {
final String accountAddress = addressFromV1PubkeyFaiSafe(pubKeyRaw);
if (jsonData == null || jsonData.isEmpty) {
return currentState.copyWith(
balance: 0.0,
transactions: <Transaction>[],
final List<dynamic>? accounts = jsonData['account'] as List<dynamic>?;
if (accounts == null || accounts.isEmpty) {
return currentState.copyWith(
balance: 0.0,
transactions: <Transaction>[],
final Map<String, dynamic>? account = accounts.firstWhere(
(dynamic acc) => (acc as Map<String, dynamic>)['id'] == accountAddress,
orElse: () => null,
) as Map<String, dynamic>?;
if (account == null) {
return currentState.copyWith(
balance: 0.0,
transactions: <Transaction>[],
final double balance = (jsonData['balance'] as BigInt?)?.toDouble() ?? 0.0;
final List<Transaction> issuedTransactions = await _parseTransactions(
account['transfersIssued'] as List<dynamic>? ?? <dynamic>[],
final List<Transaction> receivedTransactions = await _parseTransactions(
account['transfersReceived'] as List<dynamic>? ?? <dynamic>[],
final List<Transaction> allTransactions = <Transaction>[
.sort((Transaction a, Transaction b) => b.time.compareTo(a.time));
return currentState.copyWith(
balance: balance,
transactions: allTransactions,
Future<List<Transaction>> _parseTransactions(
List<dynamic> rawTransactions,
TransactionType type,
String accountAddress,
) async {
final List<Transaction> transactions = <Transaction>[];
for (final dynamic rawTx in rawTransactions) {
try {
final Map<String, dynamic> txData = rawTx as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String from =
(txData['from'] as Map<String, dynamic>)['id'] as String;
final String to = (txData['to'] as Map<String, dynamic>)['id'] as String;
final DateTime time = DateTime.parse(txData['timestamp'] as String);
double amount = (txData['amount'] as num).toDouble();
final Map<String, dynamic>? commentRaw =
txData['comment'] as Map<String, dynamic>?;
final String? comment =
commentRaw != null ? commentRaw['remark'] as String : null;
final Contact fromContact =
getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact.withAddress(address: from));
final Contact toContact =
getContactCache(simpleContact: Contact.withAddress(address: to));
if (type == TransactionType.sent) {
amount = -amount;
final Transaction transaction = Transaction(
type: type,
from: fromContact,
to: toContact,
amount: amount,
comment: comment ?? '',
time: time,
} catch (e, st) {
loggerDev('Error parsing transaction $rawTx', error: e, stackTrace: st);
return transactions;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i37;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'pallets/account.dart' as _i33;
import 'pallets/atomic_swap.dart' as _i28;
import 'pallets/authority_discovery.dart' as _i19;
import 'pallets/authority_members.dart' as _i12;
import 'pallets/authorship.dart' as _i13;
import 'pallets/babe.dart' as _i4;
import 'pallets/balances.dart' as _i7;
import 'pallets/certification.dart' as _i26;
import 'pallets/distance.dart' as _i27;
import 'pallets/grandpa.dart' as _i17;
import 'pallets/historical.dart' as _i15;
import 'pallets/identity.dart' as _i24;
import 'pallets/im_online.dart' as _i18;
import 'pallets/membership.dart' as _i25;
import 'pallets/multisig.dart' as _i29;
import 'pallets/offences.dart' as _i14;
import 'pallets/oneshot_account.dart' as _i9;
import 'pallets/parameters.dart' as _i6;
import 'pallets/preimage.dart' as _i21;
import 'pallets/provide_randomness.dart' as _i30;
import 'pallets/proxy.dart' as _i31;
import 'pallets/quota.dart' as _i10;
import 'pallets/scheduler.dart' as _i3;
import 'pallets/session.dart' as _i16;
import 'pallets/smith_members.dart' as _i11;
import 'pallets/sudo.dart' as _i20;
import 'pallets/system.dart' as _i2;
import 'pallets/technical_committee.dart' as _i22;
import 'pallets/timestamp.dart' as _i5;
import 'pallets/transaction_payment.dart' as _i8;
import 'pallets/treasury.dart' as _i32;
import 'pallets/universal_dividend.dart' as _i23;
import 'pallets/upgrade_origin.dart' as _i34;
import 'pallets/utility.dart' as _i35;
import 'pallets/wot.dart' as _i36;
class Queries {
Queries(_i1.StateApi api)
: system = _i2.Queries(api),
scheduler = _i3.Queries(api),
babe = _i4.Queries(api),
timestamp = _i5.Queries(api),
parameters = _i6.Queries(api),
balances = _i7.Queries(api),
transactionPayment = _i8.Queries(api),
oneshotAccount = _i9.Queries(api),
quota = _i10.Queries(api),
smithMembers = _i11.Queries(api),
authorityMembers = _i12.Queries(api),
authorship = _i13.Queries(api),
offences = _i14.Queries(api),
historical = _i15.Queries(api),
session = _i16.Queries(api),
grandpa = _i17.Queries(api),
imOnline = _i18.Queries(api),
authorityDiscovery = _i19.Queries(api),
sudo = _i20.Queries(api),
preimage = _i21.Queries(api),
technicalCommittee = _i22.Queries(api),
universalDividend = _i23.Queries(api),
identity = _i24.Queries(api),
membership = _i25.Queries(api),
certification = _i26.Queries(api),
distance = _i27.Queries(api),
atomicSwap = _i28.Queries(api),
multisig = _i29.Queries(api),
provideRandomness = _i30.Queries(api),
proxy = _i31.Queries(api),
treasury = _i32.Queries(api);
final _i2.Queries system;
final _i3.Queries scheduler;
final _i4.Queries babe;
final _i5.Queries timestamp;
final _i6.Queries parameters;
final _i7.Queries balances;
final _i8.Queries transactionPayment;
final _i9.Queries oneshotAccount;
final _i10.Queries quota;
final _i11.Queries smithMembers;
final _i12.Queries authorityMembers;
final _i13.Queries authorship;
final _i14.Queries offences;
final _i15.Queries historical;
final _i16.Queries session;
final _i17.Queries grandpa;
final _i18.Queries imOnline;
final _i19.Queries authorityDiscovery;
final _i20.Queries sudo;
final _i21.Queries preimage;
final _i22.Queries technicalCommittee;
final _i23.Queries universalDividend;
final _i24.Queries identity;
final _i25.Queries membership;
final _i26.Queries certification;
final _i27.Queries distance;
final _i28.Queries atomicSwap;
final _i29.Queries multisig;
final _i30.Queries provideRandomness;
final _i31.Queries proxy;
final _i32.Queries treasury;
class Extrinsics {
final _i2.Txs system = _i2.Txs();
final _i33.Txs account = _i33.Txs();
final _i3.Txs scheduler = _i3.Txs();
final _i4.Txs babe = _i4.Txs();
final _i5.Txs timestamp = _i5.Txs();
final _i7.Txs balances = _i7.Txs();
final _i9.Txs oneshotAccount = _i9.Txs();
final _i11.Txs smithMembers = _i11.Txs();
final _i12.Txs authorityMembers = _i12.Txs();
final _i16.Txs session = _i16.Txs();
final _i17.Txs grandpa = _i17.Txs();
final _i18.Txs imOnline = _i18.Txs();
final _i20.Txs sudo = _i20.Txs();
final _i34.Txs upgradeOrigin = _i34.Txs();
final _i21.Txs preimage = _i21.Txs();
final _i22.Txs technicalCommittee = _i22.Txs();
final _i23.Txs universalDividend = _i23.Txs();
final _i24.Txs identity = _i24.Txs();
final _i26.Txs certification = _i26.Txs();
final _i27.Txs distance = _i27.Txs();
final _i28.Txs atomicSwap = _i28.Txs();
final _i29.Txs multisig = _i29.Txs();
final _i30.Txs provideRandomness = _i30.Txs();
final _i31.Txs proxy = _i31.Txs();
final _i35.Txs utility = _i35.Txs();
final _i32.Txs treasury = _i32.Txs();
class Constants {
final _i2.Constants system = _i2.Constants();
final _i3.Constants scheduler = _i3.Constants();
final _i4.Constants babe = _i4.Constants();
final _i5.Constants timestamp = _i5.Constants();
final _i7.Constants balances = _i7.Constants();
final _i8.Constants transactionPayment = _i8.Constants();
final _i10.Constants quota = _i10.Constants();
final _i11.Constants smithMembers = _i11.Constants();
final _i12.Constants authorityMembers = _i12.Constants();
final _i17.Constants grandpa = _i17.Constants();
final _i18.Constants imOnline = _i18.Constants();
final _i22.Constants technicalCommittee = _i22.Constants();
final _i23.Constants universalDividend = _i23.Constants();
final _i36.Constants wot = _i36.Constants();
final _i24.Constants identity = _i24.Constants();
final _i25.Constants membership = _i25.Constants();
final _i26.Constants certification = _i26.Constants();
final _i27.Constants distance = _i27.Constants();
final _i28.Constants atomicSwap = _i28.Constants();
final _i29.Constants multisig = _i29.Constants();
final _i30.Constants provideRandomness = _i30.Constants();
final _i31.Constants proxy = _i31.Constants();
final _i35.Constants utility = _i35.Constants();
final _i32.Constants treasury = _i32.Constants();
class Rpc {
const Rpc({
required this.state,
required this.system,
final _i1.StateApi state;
final _i1.SystemApi system;
class Registry {
final int extrinsicVersion = 4;
List getSignedExtensionTypes() {
return ['CheckMortality', 'CheckNonce', 'ChargeTransactionPayment'];
List getSignedExtensionExtra() {
return [
class Gdev {
) : query = Queries(rpc.state),
constant = Constants(),
tx = Extrinsics(),
registry = Registry();
factory Gdev(_i1.Provider provider) {
final rpc = Rpc(
state: _i1.StateApi(provider),
system: _i1.SystemApi(provider),
return Gdev._(
factory Gdev.url(Uri url) {
final provider = _i1.Provider.fromUri(url);
return Gdev(provider);
final _i1.Provider _provider;
final Queries query;
final Constants constant;
final Rpc rpc;
final Extrinsics tx;
final Registry registry;
_i37.Future connect() async {
return await _provider.connect();
_i37.Future disconnect() async {
return await _provider.disconnect();
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i1;
import '../types/pallet_duniter_account/pallet/call.dart' as _i2;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Unlink the identity associated with the account.
_i1.RuntimeCall unlinkIdentity() {
final _call = _i2.Call.unlinkIdentity;
return _i1.RuntimeCall.values.account(_call);
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i5;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i6;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/pallet_atomic_swap/balance_swap_action.dart' as _i8;
import '../types/pallet_atomic_swap/pallet/call.dart' as _i9;
import '../types/pallet_atomic_swap/pending_swap.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/sp_core/crypto/account_id32.dart' as _i2;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageDoubleMap<_i2.AccountId32, List<int>, _i3.PendingSwap>
_pendingSwaps =
const _i1.StorageDoubleMap<_i2.AccountId32, List<int>, _i3.PendingSwap>(
prefix: 'AtomicSwap',
storage: 'PendingSwaps',
valueCodec: _i3.PendingSwap.codec,
hasher1: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i2.AccountId32Codec()),
hasher2: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i4.U8ArrayCodec(32)),
_i5.Future<_i3.PendingSwap?> pendingSwaps(
_i2.AccountId32 key1,
List<int> key2, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _pendingSwaps.hashedKeyFor(
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _pendingSwaps.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Returns the storage key for `pendingSwaps`.
_i6.Uint8List pendingSwapsKey(
_i2.AccountId32 key1,
List<int> key2,
) {
final hashedKey = _pendingSwaps.hashedKeyFor(
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `pendingSwaps`.
_i6.Uint8List pendingSwapsMapPrefix(_i2.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _pendingSwaps.mapPrefix(key1);
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Register a new atomic swap, declaring an intention to send funds from origin to target
/// on the current blockchain. The target can claim the fund using the revealed proof. If
/// the fund is not claimed after `duration` blocks, then the sender can cancel the swap.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
/// - `target`: Receiver of the atomic swap.
/// - `hashed_proof`: The blake2_256 hash of the secret proof.
/// - `balance`: Funds to be sent from origin.
/// - `duration`: Locked duration of the atomic swap. For safety reasons, it is recommended
/// that the revealer uses a shorter duration than the counterparty, to prevent the
/// situation where the revealer reveals the proof too late around the end block.
_i7.RuntimeCall createSwap({
required _i2.AccountId32 target,
required List<int> hashedProof,
required _i8.BalanceSwapAction action,
required int duration,
}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.createSwap(
target: target,
hashedProof: hashedProof,
action: action,
duration: duration,
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.atomicSwap(_call);
/// Claim an atomic swap.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
/// - `proof`: Revealed proof of the claim.
/// - `action`: Action defined in the swap, it must match the entry in blockchain. Otherwise
/// the operation fails. This is used for weight calculation.
_i7.RuntimeCall claimSwap({
required List<int> proof,
required _i8.BalanceSwapAction action,
}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.claimSwap(
proof: proof,
action: action,
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.atomicSwap(_call);
/// Cancel an atomic swap. Only possible after the originally set duration has passed.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.
/// - `target`: Target of the original atomic swap.
/// - `hashed_proof`: Hashed proof of the original atomic swap.
_i7.RuntimeCall cancelSwap({
required _i2.AccountId32 target,
required List<int> hashedProof,
}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.cancelSwap(
target: target,
hashedProof: hashedProof,
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.atomicSwap(_call);
class Constants {
/// Limit of proof size.
/// Atomic swap is only atomic if once the proof is revealed, both parties can submit the
/// proofs on-chain. If A is the one that generates the proof, then it requires that either:
/// - A's blockchain has the same proof length limit as B's blockchain.
/// - Or A's blockchain has shorter proof length limit as B's blockchain.
/// If B sees A is on a blockchain with larger proof length limit, then it should kindly
/// refuse to accept the atomic swap request if A generates the proof, and asks that B
/// generates the proof instead.
final int proofLimit = 1024;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i4;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i5;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/sp_authority_discovery/app/public.dart' as _i2;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i2.Public>> _keys =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i2.Public>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityDiscovery',
storage: 'Keys',
valueCodec: _i3.SequenceCodec<_i2.Public>(_i2.PublicCodec()),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i2.Public>> _nextKeys =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i2.Public>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityDiscovery',
storage: 'NextKeys',
valueCodec: _i3.SequenceCodec<_i2.Public>(_i2.PublicCodec()),
/// Keys of the current authority set.
_i4.Future<List<_i2.Public>> keys({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _keys.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _keys.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Keys of the next authority set.
_i4.Future<List<_i2.Public>> nextKeys({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _nextKeys.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _nextKeys.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `keys`.
_i5.Uint8List keysKey() {
final hashedKey = _keys.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `nextKeys`.
_i5.Uint8List nextKeysKey() {
final hashedKey = _nextKeys.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i4;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i5;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/opaque/session_keys.dart' as _i8;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i6;
import '../types/pallet_authority_members/pallet/call.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/pallet_authority_members/types/member_data.dart' as _i3;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _incomingAuthorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityMembers',
storage: 'IncomingAuthorities',
valueCodec: _i2.U32SequenceCodec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _onlineAuthorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityMembers',
storage: 'OnlineAuthorities',
valueCodec: _i2.U32SequenceCodec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _outgoingAuthorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityMembers',
storage: 'OutgoingAuthorities',
valueCodec: _i2.U32SequenceCodec.codec,
final _i1.StorageMap<int, _i3.MemberData> _members =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, _i3.MemberData>(
prefix: 'AuthorityMembers',
storage: 'Members',
valueCodec: _i3.MemberData.codec,
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i2.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _blacklist =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'AuthorityMembers',
storage: 'Blacklist',
valueCodec: _i2.U32SequenceCodec.codec,
/// The incoming authorities.
_i4.Future<List<int>> incomingAuthorities({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _incomingAuthorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _incomingAuthorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: true,
); /* Default */
/// The online authorities.
_i4.Future<List<int>> onlineAuthorities({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _onlineAuthorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _onlineAuthorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: true,
); /* Default */
/// The outgoing authorities.
_i4.Future<List<int>> outgoingAuthorities({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _outgoingAuthorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _outgoingAuthorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: true,
); /* Default */
/// The member data.
_i4.Future<_i3.MemberData?> members(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _members.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _members.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// The blacklisted authorities.
_i4.Future<List<int>> blacklist({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _blacklist.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _blacklist.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: true,
); /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `incomingAuthorities`.
_i5.Uint8List incomingAuthoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _incomingAuthorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `onlineAuthorities`.
_i5.Uint8List onlineAuthoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _onlineAuthorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `outgoingAuthorities`.
_i5.Uint8List outgoingAuthoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _outgoingAuthorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `members`.
_i5.Uint8List membersKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _members.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `blacklist`.
_i5.Uint8List blacklistKey() {
final hashedKey = _blacklist.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `members`.
_i5.Uint8List membersMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _members.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Request to leave the set of validators two sessions later.
_i6.RuntimeCall goOffline() {
final _call = _i7.Call.values.goOffline();
return _i6.RuntimeCall.values.authorityMembers(_call);
/// Request to join the set of validators two sessions later.
_i6.RuntimeCall goOnline() {
final _call = _i7.Call.values.goOnline();
return _i6.RuntimeCall.values.authorityMembers(_call);
/// Declare new session keys to replace current ones.
_i6.RuntimeCall setSessionKeys({required _i8.SessionKeys keys}) {
final _call = _i7.Call.values.setSessionKeys(keys: keys);
return _i6.RuntimeCall.values.authorityMembers(_call);
/// Remove a member from the set of validators.
_i6.RuntimeCall removeMember({required int memberId}) {
final _call = _i7.Call.values.removeMember(memberId: memberId);
return _i6.RuntimeCall.values.authorityMembers(_call);
/// Remove a member from the blacklist.
/// remove an identity from the blacklist
_i6.RuntimeCall removeMemberFromBlacklist({required int memberId}) {
final _call = _i7.Call.values.removeMemberFromBlacklist(memberId: memberId);
return _i6.RuntimeCall.values.authorityMembers(_call);
class Constants {
/// Maximum number of authorities allowed.
final int maxAuthorities = 32;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i3;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i4;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import '../types/sp_core/crypto/account_id32.dart' as _i2;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<_i2.AccountId32> _author =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i2.AccountId32>(
prefix: 'Authorship',
storage: 'Author',
valueCodec: _i2.AccountId32Codec(),
/// Author of current block.
_i3.Future<_i2.AccountId32?> author({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _author.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _author.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Returns the storage key for `author`.
_i4.Uint8List authorKey() {
final hashedKey = _author.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i10;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i11;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i12;
import '../types/pallet_babe/pallet/call.dart' as _i15;
import '../types/sp_consensus_babe/app/public.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/sp_consensus_babe/babe_epoch_configuration.dart' as _i9;
import '../types/sp_consensus_babe/digests/next_config_descriptor.dart' as _i6;
import '../types/sp_consensus_babe/digests/pre_digest.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/sp_consensus_slots/equivocation_proof.dart' as _i13;
import '../types/sp_consensus_slots/slot.dart' as _i5;
import '../types/sp_session/membership_proof.dart' as _i14;
import '../types/tuples.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/tuples_1.dart' as _i8;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<BigInt> _epochIndex = const _i1.StorageValue<BigInt>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'EpochIndex',
valueCodec: _i2.U64Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>> _authorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'Authorities',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>(
_i3.Tuple2Codec<_i4.Public, BigInt>(
final _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Slot> _genesisSlot =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Slot>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'GenesisSlot',
valueCodec: _i5.SlotCodec(),
final _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Slot> _currentSlot =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Slot>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'CurrentSlot',
valueCodec: _i5.SlotCodec(),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _randomness =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'Randomness',
valueCodec: _i2.U8ArrayCodec(32),
final _i1.StorageValue<_i6.NextConfigDescriptor> _pendingEpochConfigChange =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i6.NextConfigDescriptor>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'PendingEpochConfigChange',
valueCodec: _i6.NextConfigDescriptor.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>> _nextRandomness =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'NextRandomness',
valueCodec: _i2.U8ArrayCodec(32),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>>
_nextAuthorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'NextAuthorities',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>(
_i3.Tuple2Codec<_i4.Public, BigInt>(
final _i1.StorageValue<int> _segmentIndex = const _i1.StorageValue<int>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'SegmentIndex',
valueCodec: _i2.U32Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageMap<int, List<List<int>>> _underConstruction =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, List<List<int>>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'UnderConstruction',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<List<int>>(_i2.U8ArrayCodec(32)),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i2.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<_i7.PreDigest?> _initialized =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i7.PreDigest?>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'Initialized',
valueCodec: _i2.OptionCodec<_i7.PreDigest>(_i7.PreDigest.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<int>?> _authorVrfRandomness =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<int>?>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'AuthorVrfRandomness',
valueCodec: _i2.OptionCodec<List<int>>(_i2.U8ArrayCodec(32)),
final _i1.StorageValue<_i8.Tuple2<int, int>> _epochStart =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i8.Tuple2<int, int>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'EpochStart',
valueCodec: _i8.Tuple2Codec<int, int>(
final _i1.StorageValue<int> _lateness = const _i1.StorageValue<int>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'Lateness',
valueCodec: _i2.U32Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration> _epochConfig =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'EpochConfig',
valueCodec: _i9.BabeEpochConfiguration.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration> _nextEpochConfig =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'NextEpochConfig',
valueCodec: _i9.BabeEpochConfiguration.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<BigInt, int>>> _skippedEpochs =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i3.Tuple2<BigInt, int>>>(
prefix: 'Babe',
storage: 'SkippedEpochs',
_i2.SequenceCodec<_i3.Tuple2<BigInt, int>>(_i3.Tuple2Codec<BigInt, int>(
/// Current epoch index.
_i10.Future<BigInt> epochIndex({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _epochIndex.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _epochIndex.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// Current epoch authorities.
_i10.Future<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>> authorities(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _authorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _authorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0
/// until the first block of the chain.
_i10.Future<_i5.Slot> genesisSlot({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _genesisSlot.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _genesisSlot.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// Current slot number.
_i10.Future<_i5.Slot> currentSlot({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _currentSlot.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _currentSlot.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch.
/// # Security
/// This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a
/// malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many
/// cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this
/// (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be
/// used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an
/// adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs.
_i10.Future<List<int>> randomness({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _randomness.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _randomness.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: false,
); /* Default */
/// Pending epoch configuration change that will be applied when the next epoch is enacted.
_i10.Future<_i6.NextConfigDescriptor?> pendingEpochConfigChange(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _pendingEpochConfigChange.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _pendingEpochConfigChange.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Next epoch randomness.
_i10.Future<List<int>> nextRandomness({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _nextRandomness.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _nextRandomness.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: false,
); /* Default */
/// Next epoch authorities.
_i10.Future<List<_i3.Tuple2<_i4.Public, BigInt>>> nextAuthorities(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _nextAuthorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _nextAuthorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Randomness under construction.
/// We make a trade-off between storage accesses and list length.
/// We store the under-construction randomness in segments of up to
/// Once a segment reaches this length, we begin the next one.
/// We reset all segments and return to `0` at the beginning of every
/// epoch.
_i10.Future<int> segmentIndex({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _segmentIndex.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _segmentIndex.decodeValue(bytes);
return 0; /* Default */
/// TWOX-NOTE: `SegmentIndex` is an increasing integer, so this is okay.
_i10.Future<List<List<int>>> underConstruction(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _underConstruction.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _underConstruction.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Temporary value (cleared at block finalization) which is `Some`
/// if per-block initialization has already been called for current block.
_i10.Future<_i7.PreDigest?> initialized({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _initialized.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _initialized.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// This field should always be populated during block processing unless
/// secondary plain slots are enabled (which don't contain a VRF output).
/// It is set in `on_finalize`, before it will contain the value from the last block.
_i10.Future<List<int>?> authorVrfRandomness({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _authorVrfRandomness.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _authorVrfRandomness.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Default */
/// The block numbers when the last and current epoch have started, respectively `N-1` and
/// `N`.
/// NOTE: We track this is in order to annotate the block number when a given pool of
/// entropy was fixed (i.e. it was known to chain observers). Since epochs are defined in
/// slots, which may be skipped, the block numbers may not line up with the slot numbers.
_i10.Future<_i8.Tuple2<int, int>> epochStart({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _epochStart.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _epochStart.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i8.Tuple2<int, int>(
); /* Default */
/// How late the current block is compared to its parent.
/// This entry is populated as part of block execution and is cleaned up
/// on block finalization. Querying this storage entry outside of block
/// execution context should always yield zero.
_i10.Future<int> lateness({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _lateness.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _lateness.decodeValue(bytes);
return 0; /* Default */
/// The configuration for the current epoch. Should never be `None` as it is initialized in
/// genesis.
_i10.Future<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration?> epochConfig(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _epochConfig.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _epochConfig.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// The configuration for the next epoch, `None` if the config will not change
/// (you can fallback to `EpochConfig` instead in that case).
_i10.Future<_i9.BabeEpochConfiguration?> nextEpochConfig(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _nextEpochConfig.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _nextEpochConfig.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// A list of the last 100 skipped epochs and the corresponding session index
/// when the epoch was skipped.
/// This is only used for validating equivocation proofs. An equivocation proof
/// must contains a key-ownership proof for a given session, therefore we need a
/// way to tie together sessions and epoch indices, i.e. we need to validate that
/// a validator was the owner of a given key on a given session, and what the
/// active epoch index was during that session.
_i10.Future<List<_i3.Tuple2<BigInt, int>>> skippedEpochs(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _skippedEpochs.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _skippedEpochs.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `epochIndex`.
_i11.Uint8List epochIndexKey() {
final hashedKey = _epochIndex.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `authorities`.
_i11.Uint8List authoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _authorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `genesisSlot`.
_i11.Uint8List genesisSlotKey() {
final hashedKey = _genesisSlot.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `currentSlot`.
_i11.Uint8List currentSlotKey() {
final hashedKey = _currentSlot.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `randomness`.
_i11.Uint8List randomnessKey() {
final hashedKey = _randomness.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `pendingEpochConfigChange`.
_i11.Uint8List pendingEpochConfigChangeKey() {
final hashedKey = _pendingEpochConfigChange.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `nextRandomness`.
_i11.Uint8List nextRandomnessKey() {
final hashedKey = _nextRandomness.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `nextAuthorities`.
_i11.Uint8List nextAuthoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _nextAuthorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `segmentIndex`.
_i11.Uint8List segmentIndexKey() {
final hashedKey = _segmentIndex.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `underConstruction`.
_i11.Uint8List underConstructionKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _underConstruction.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `initialized`.
_i11.Uint8List initializedKey() {
final hashedKey = _initialized.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `authorVrfRandomness`.
_i11.Uint8List authorVrfRandomnessKey() {
final hashedKey = _authorVrfRandomness.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `epochStart`.
_i11.Uint8List epochStartKey() {
final hashedKey = _epochStart.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `lateness`.
_i11.Uint8List latenessKey() {
final hashedKey = _lateness.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `epochConfig`.
_i11.Uint8List epochConfigKey() {
final hashedKey = _epochConfig.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `nextEpochConfig`.
_i11.Uint8List nextEpochConfigKey() {
final hashedKey = _nextEpochConfig.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `skippedEpochs`.
_i11.Uint8List skippedEpochsKey() {
final hashedKey = _skippedEpochs.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `underConstruction`.
_i11.Uint8List underConstructionMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _underConstruction.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify
/// the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
/// against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will
/// be reported.
_i12.RuntimeCall reportEquivocation({
required _i13.EquivocationProof equivocationProof,
required _i14.MembershipProof keyOwnerProof,
}) {
final _call = _i15.Call.values.reportEquivocation(
equivocationProof: equivocationProof,
keyOwnerProof: keyOwnerProof,
return _i12.RuntimeCall.values.babe(_call);
/// Report authority equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify
/// the equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
/// against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence will
/// be reported.
/// This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only
/// block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such
/// if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation
/// reporter.
_i12.RuntimeCall reportEquivocationUnsigned({
required _i13.EquivocationProof equivocationProof,
required _i14.MembershipProof keyOwnerProof,
}) {
final _call = _i15.Call.values.reportEquivocationUnsigned(
equivocationProof: equivocationProof,
keyOwnerProof: keyOwnerProof,
return _i12.RuntimeCall.values.babe(_call);
/// Plan an epoch config change. The epoch config change is recorded and will be enacted on
/// the next call to `enact_epoch_change`. The config will be activated one epoch after.
/// Multiple calls to this method will replace any existing planned config change that had
/// not been enacted yet.
_i12.RuntimeCall planConfigChange(
{required _i6.NextConfigDescriptor config}) {
final _call = _i15.Call.values.planConfigChange(config: config);
return _i12.RuntimeCall.values.babe(_call);
class Constants {
/// The amount of time, in slots, that each epoch should last.
/// NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the epoch duration after
/// the chain has started. Attempting to do so will brick block production.
final BigInt epochDuration = BigInt.from(600);
/// The expected average block time at which BABE should be creating
/// blocks. Since BABE is probabilistic it is not trivial to figure out
/// what the expected average block time should be based on the slot
/// duration and the security parameter `c` (where `1 - c` represents
/// the probability of a slot being empty).
final BigInt expectedBlockTime = BigInt.from(6000);
/// Max number of authorities allowed
final int maxAuthorities = 32;
/// The maximum number of nominators for each validator.
final int maxNominators = 64;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i9;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i10;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/frame_support/traits/tokens/misc/id_amount_1.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/frame_support/traits/tokens/misc/id_amount_2.dart' as _i8;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i11;
import '../types/pallet_balances/pallet/call.dart' as _i13;
import '../types/pallet_balances/types/account_data.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/pallet_balances/types/adjustment_direction.dart' as _i14;
import '../types/pallet_balances/types/balance_lock.dart' as _i5;
import '../types/pallet_balances/types/reserve_data.dart' as _i6;
import '../types/sp_core/crypto/account_id32.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/sp_runtime/multiaddress/multi_address.dart' as _i12;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<BigInt> _totalIssuance =
const _i1.StorageValue<BigInt>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'TotalIssuance',
valueCodec: _i2.U64Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<BigInt> _inactiveIssuance =
const _i1.StorageValue<BigInt>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'InactiveIssuance',
valueCodec: _i2.U64Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, _i4.AccountData> _account =
const _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, _i4.AccountData>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'Account',
valueCodec: _i4.AccountData.codec,
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i3.AccountId32Codec()),
final _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i5.BalanceLock>> _locks =
const _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i5.BalanceLock>>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'Locks',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i5.BalanceLock>(_i5.BalanceLock.codec),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i3.AccountId32Codec()),
final _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i6.ReserveData>> _reserves =
const _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i6.ReserveData>>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'Reserves',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i6.ReserveData>(_i6.ReserveData.codec),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i3.AccountId32Codec()),
final _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i7.IdAmount>> _holds =
const _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i7.IdAmount>>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'Holds',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i7.IdAmount>(_i7.IdAmount.codec),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i3.AccountId32Codec()),
final _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i8.IdAmount>> _freezes =
const _i1.StorageMap<_i3.AccountId32, List<_i8.IdAmount>>(
prefix: 'Balances',
storage: 'Freezes',
valueCodec: _i2.SequenceCodec<_i8.IdAmount>(_i8.IdAmount.codec),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.blake2b128Concat(_i3.AccountId32Codec()),
/// The total units issued in the system.
_i9.Future<BigInt> totalIssuance({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _totalIssuance.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _totalIssuance.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// The total units of outstanding deactivated balance in the system.
_i9.Future<BigInt> inactiveIssuance({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _inactiveIssuance.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _inactiveIssuance.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// The Balances pallet example of storing the balance of an account.
/// # Example
/// ```nocompile
/// impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {
/// type AccountStore = StorageMapShim<Self::Account<Runtime>, frame_system::Provider<Runtime>, AccountId, Self::AccountData<Balance>>
/// }
/// ```
/// You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet.
/// # Example
/// ```nocompile
/// impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {
/// type AccountStore = System
/// }
/// ```
/// But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet stores
/// `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the
/// `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only.
/// NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.
_i9.Future<_i4.AccountData> account(
_i3.AccountId32 key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _account.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _account.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i4.AccountData(
flags: BigInt.parse(
radix: 10,
); /* Default */
/// Any liquidity locks on some account balances.
/// NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock.
/// Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See ``
_i9.Future<List<_i5.BalanceLock>> locks(
_i3.AccountId32 key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _locks.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _locks.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Named reserves on some account balances.
/// Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See ``
_i9.Future<List<_i6.ReserveData>> reserves(
_i3.AccountId32 key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _reserves.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _reserves.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Holds on account balances.
_i9.Future<List<_i7.IdAmount>> holds(
_i3.AccountId32 key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _holds.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _holds.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Freeze locks on account balances.
_i9.Future<List<_i8.IdAmount>> freezes(
_i3.AccountId32 key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _freezes.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _freezes.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `totalIssuance`.
_i10.Uint8List totalIssuanceKey() {
final hashedKey = _totalIssuance.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `inactiveIssuance`.
_i10.Uint8List inactiveIssuanceKey() {
final hashedKey = _inactiveIssuance.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `account`.
_i10.Uint8List accountKey(_i3.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _account.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `locks`.
_i10.Uint8List locksKey(_i3.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _locks.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `reserves`.
_i10.Uint8List reservesKey(_i3.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _reserves.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `holds`.
_i10.Uint8List holdsKey(_i3.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _holds.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `freezes`.
_i10.Uint8List freezesKey(_i3.AccountId32 key1) {
final hashedKey = _freezes.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `account`.
_i10.Uint8List accountMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _account.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `locks`.
_i10.Uint8List locksMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _locks.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `reserves`.
_i10.Uint8List reservesMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _reserves.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `holds`.
_i10.Uint8List holdsMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _holds.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `freezes`.
_i10.Uint8List freezesMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _freezes.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
/// `transfer_allow_death` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.
/// If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a result
/// of the transfer, the account will be reaped.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.
_i11.RuntimeCall transferAllowDeath({
required _i12.MultiAddress dest,
required BigInt value,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.transferAllowDeath(
dest: dest,
value: value,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Exactly as `transfer_allow_death`, except the origin must be root and the source account
/// may be specified.
_i11.RuntimeCall forceTransfer({
required _i12.MultiAddress source,
required _i12.MultiAddress dest,
required BigInt value,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.forceTransfer(
source: source,
dest: dest,
value: value,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Same as the [`transfer_allow_death`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not
/// kill the origin account.
/// 99% of the time you want [`transfer_allow_death`] instead.
/// [`transfer_allow_death`]: struct.Pallet.html#method.transfer
_i11.RuntimeCall transferKeepAlive({
required _i12.MultiAddress dest,
required BigInt value,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.transferKeepAlive(
dest: dest,
value: value,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Transfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.
/// NOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means that
/// any locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not be
/// transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,
/// you might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage
/// deposits, etc...
/// The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.
/// - `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.
/// - `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send all
/// of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), or
/// transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to
/// keep the sender account alive (true).
_i11.RuntimeCall transferAll({
required _i12.MultiAddress dest,
required bool keepAlive,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.transferAll(
dest: dest,
keepAlive: keepAlive,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Unreserve some balance from a user by force.
/// Can only be called by ROOT.
_i11.RuntimeCall forceUnreserve({
required _i12.MultiAddress who,
required BigInt amount,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.forceUnreserve(
who: who,
amount: amount,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Upgrade a specified account.
/// - `origin`: Must be `Signed`.
/// - `who`: The account to be upgraded.
/// This will waive the transaction fee if at least all but 10% of the accounts needed to
/// be upgraded. (We let some not have to be upgraded just in order to allow for the
/// possibility of churn).
/// Set the regular balance of a given account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.
_i11.RuntimeCall forceSetBalance({
required _i12.MultiAddress who,
required BigInt newFree,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.forceSetBalance(
who: who,
newFree: newFree,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Adjust the total issuance in a saturating way.
/// Can only be called by root and always needs a positive `delta`.
/// # Example
_i11.RuntimeCall forceAdjustTotalIssuance({
required _i14.AdjustmentDirection direction,
required BigInt delta,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.forceAdjustTotalIssuance(
direction: direction,
delta: delta,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
/// Burn the specified liquid free balance from the origin account.
/// If the origin's account ends up below the existential deposit as a result
/// of the burn and `keep_alive` is false, the account will be reaped.
/// Unlike sending funds to a _burn_ address, which merely makes the funds inaccessible,
/// this `burn` operation will reduce total issuance by the amount _burned_.
_i11.RuntimeCall burn({
required BigInt value,
required bool keepAlive,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.burn(
value: value,
keepAlive: keepAlive,
return _i11.RuntimeCall.values.balances(_call);
class Constants {
/// The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!
/// If you *really* need it to be zero, you can enable the feature `insecure_zero_ed` for
/// this pallet. However, you do so at your own risk: this will open up a major DoS vector.
/// In case you have multiple sources of provider references, you may also get unexpected
/// behaviour if you set this to zero.
/// Bottom line: Do yourself a favour and make it at least one!
final BigInt existentialDeposit = BigInt.from(100);
/// The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account.
/// Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.
/// Use of locks is deprecated in favour of freezes. See ``
final int maxLocks = 50;
/// The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account.
/// Use of reserves is deprecated in favour of holds. See ``
final int maxReserves = 5;
/// The maximum number of individual freeze locks that can exist on an account at any time.
final int maxFreezes = 0;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i5;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i6;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/pallet_certification/pallet/call.dart' as _i8;
import '../types/pallet_certification/types/idty_cert_meta.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/tuples_1.dart' as _i4;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageMap<int, _i2.IdtyCertMeta> _storageIdtyCertMeta =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, _i2.IdtyCertMeta>(
prefix: 'Certification',
storage: 'StorageIdtyCertMeta',
valueCodec: _i2.IdtyCertMeta.codec,
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i3.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageMap<int, List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>> _certsByReceiver =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>>(
prefix: 'Certification',
storage: 'CertsByReceiver',
_i3.SequenceCodec<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>(_i4.Tuple2Codec<int, int>(
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i3.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageMap<int, List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>> _certsRemovableOn =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>>(
prefix: 'Certification',
storage: 'CertsRemovableOn',
_i3.SequenceCodec<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>(_i4.Tuple2Codec<int, int>(
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i3.U32Codec.codec),
/// The certification metadata for each issuer.
_i5.Future<_i2.IdtyCertMeta> storageIdtyCertMeta(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _storageIdtyCertMeta.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _storageIdtyCertMeta.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i2.IdtyCertMeta(
issuedCount: 0,
nextIssuableOn: 0,
receivedCount: 0,
); /* Default */
/// The certifications for each receiver.
_i5.Future<List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>> certsByReceiver(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _certsByReceiver.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _certsByReceiver.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// The certifications that should expire at a given block.
_i5.Future<List<_i4.Tuple2<int, int>>?> certsRemovableOn(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _certsRemovableOn.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _certsRemovableOn.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Returns the storage key for `storageIdtyCertMeta`.
_i6.Uint8List storageIdtyCertMetaKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _storageIdtyCertMeta.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `certsByReceiver`.
_i6.Uint8List certsByReceiverKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _certsByReceiver.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `certsRemovableOn`.
_i6.Uint8List certsRemovableOnKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _certsRemovableOn.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `storageIdtyCertMeta`.
_i6.Uint8List storageIdtyCertMetaMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _storageIdtyCertMeta.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `certsByReceiver`.
_i6.Uint8List certsByReceiverMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _certsByReceiver.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `certsRemovableOn`.
_i6.Uint8List certsRemovableOnMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _certsRemovableOn.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Add a new certification.
_i7.RuntimeCall addCert({required int receiver}) {
final _call = _i8.Call.values.addCert(receiver: receiver);
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.certification(_call);
/// Renew an existing certification.
_i7.RuntimeCall renewCert({required int receiver}) {
final _call = _i8.Call.values.renewCert(receiver: receiver);
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.certification(_call);
/// Remove one certification given the issuer and the receiver.
/// - `origin`: Must be `Root`.
_i7.RuntimeCall delCert({
required int issuer,
required int receiver,
}) {
final _call = _i8.Call.values.delCert(
issuer: issuer,
receiver: receiver,
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.certification(_call);
/// Remove all certifications received by an identity.
/// - `origin`: Must be `Root`.
_i7.RuntimeCall removeAllCertsReceivedBy({required int idtyIndex}) {
final _call =
_i8.Call.values.removeAllCertsReceivedBy(idtyIndex: idtyIndex);
return _i7.RuntimeCall.values.certification(_call);
class Constants {
/// The minimum duration (in blocks) between two certifications issued by the same issuer.
final int certPeriod = 14400;
/// The maximum number of active certifications that can be issued by a single issuer.
final int maxByIssuer = 100;
/// The minimum number of certifications received that an identity must have
/// to be allowed to issue a certification.
final int minReceivedCertToBeAbleToIssueCert = 3;
/// The duration (in blocks) for which a certification remains valid.
final int validityPeriod = 2102400;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i6;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i7;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i5;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i8;
import '../types/pallet_distance/pallet/call.dart' as _i9;
import '../types/pallet_distance/types/evaluation_pool.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/primitive_types/h256.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/sp_arithmetic/per_things/perbill.dart' as _i11;
import '../types/sp_core/crypto/account_id32.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/sp_distance/computation_result.dart' as _i10;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool> _evaluationPool0 =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'EvaluationPool0',
valueCodec: _i2.EvaluationPool.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool> _evaluationPool1 =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'EvaluationPool1',
valueCodec: _i2.EvaluationPool.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool> _evaluationPool2 =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i2.EvaluationPool>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'EvaluationPool2',
valueCodec: _i2.EvaluationPool.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i3.H256> _evaluationBlock =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i3.H256>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'EvaluationBlock',
valueCodec: _i3.H256Codec(),
final _i1.StorageMap<int, _i4.AccountId32> _pendingEvaluationRequest =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, _i4.AccountId32>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'PendingEvaluationRequest',
valueCodec: _i4.AccountId32Codec(),
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i5.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<bool> _didUpdate = const _i1.StorageValue<bool>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'DidUpdate',
valueCodec: _i5.BoolCodec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<int> _currentPeriodIndex = const _i1.StorageValue<int>(
prefix: 'Distance',
storage: 'CurrentPeriodIndex',
valueCodec: _i5.U32Codec.codec,
/// The first evaluation pool for distance evaluation queuing identities to evaluate for a given
/// evaluator account.
_i6.Future<_i2.EvaluationPool> evaluationPool0({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool0.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _evaluationPool0.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i2.EvaluationPool(
evaluations: [],
evaluators: [],
); /* Default */
/// The second evaluation pool for distance evaluation queuing identities to evaluate for a given
/// evaluator account.
_i6.Future<_i2.EvaluationPool> evaluationPool1({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool1.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _evaluationPool1.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i2.EvaluationPool(
evaluations: [],
evaluators: [],
); /* Default */
/// The third evaluation pool for distance evaluation queuing identities to evaluate for a given
/// evaluator account.
_i6.Future<_i2.EvaluationPool> evaluationPool2({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool2.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _evaluationPool2.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i2.EvaluationPool(
evaluations: [],
evaluators: [],
); /* Default */
/// The block at which the distance is evaluated.
_i6.Future<_i3.H256> evaluationBlock({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _evaluationBlock.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _evaluationBlock.decodeValue(bytes);
return List<int>.filled(
growable: false,
); /* Default */
/// The pending evaluation requesters.
_i6.Future<_i4.AccountId32?> pendingEvaluationRequest(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _pendingEvaluationRequest.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _pendingEvaluationRequest.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Store if the evaluation was updated in this block.
_i6.Future<bool> didUpdate({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _didUpdate.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _didUpdate.decodeValue(bytes);
return false; /* Default */
/// The current evaluation period index.
_i6.Future<int> currentPeriodIndex({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _currentPeriodIndex.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _currentPeriodIndex.decodeValue(bytes);
return 0; /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `evaluationPool0`.
_i7.Uint8List evaluationPool0Key() {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool0.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `evaluationPool1`.
_i7.Uint8List evaluationPool1Key() {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool1.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `evaluationPool2`.
_i7.Uint8List evaluationPool2Key() {
final hashedKey = _evaluationPool2.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `evaluationBlock`.
_i7.Uint8List evaluationBlockKey() {
final hashedKey = _evaluationBlock.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `pendingEvaluationRequest`.
_i7.Uint8List pendingEvaluationRequestKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _pendingEvaluationRequest.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `didUpdate`.
_i7.Uint8List didUpdateKey() {
final hashedKey = _didUpdate.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `currentPeriodIndex`.
_i7.Uint8List currentPeriodIndexKey() {
final hashedKey = _currentPeriodIndex.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `pendingEvaluationRequest`.
_i7.Uint8List pendingEvaluationRequestMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _pendingEvaluationRequest.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Request evaluation of the caller's identity distance.
/// This function allows the caller to request an evaluation of their distance.
/// A positive evaluation will lead to claiming or renewing membership, while a negative
/// evaluation will result in slashing for the caller.
_i8.RuntimeCall requestDistanceEvaluation() {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.requestDistanceEvaluation();
return _i8.RuntimeCall.values.distance(_call);
/// Request evaluation of a target identity's distance.
/// This function allows the caller to request an evaluation of a specific target identity's distance.
/// This action is only permitted for unvalidated identities.
_i8.RuntimeCall requestDistanceEvaluationFor({required int target}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.requestDistanceEvaluationFor(target: target);
return _i8.RuntimeCall.values.distance(_call);
/// Push an evaluation result to the pool.
/// This inherent function is called internally by validators to push an evaluation result
/// to the evaluation pool.
_i8.RuntimeCall updateEvaluation(
{required _i10.ComputationResult computationResult}) {
final _call =
_i9.Call.values.updateEvaluation(computationResult: computationResult);
return _i8.RuntimeCall.values.distance(_call);
/// Force push an evaluation result to the pool.
/// It is primarily used for testing purposes.
/// - `origin`: Must be `Root`.
_i8.RuntimeCall forceUpdateEvaluation({
required _i4.AccountId32 evaluator,
required _i10.ComputationResult computationResult,
}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.forceUpdateEvaluation(
evaluator: evaluator,
computationResult: computationResult,
return _i8.RuntimeCall.values.distance(_call);
/// Force set the distance evaluation status of an identity.
/// It is primarily used for testing purposes.
/// - `origin`: Must be `Root`.
_i8.RuntimeCall forceValidDistanceStatus({required int identity}) {
final _call = _i9.Call.values.forceValidDistanceStatus(identity: identity);
return _i8.RuntimeCall.values.distance(_call);
class Constants {
/// The amount reserved during evaluation.
final BigInt evaluationPrice = BigInt.from(1000);
/// The evaluation period in blocks.
/// Since the evaluation uses 3 pools, the total evaluation time will be 3 * EvaluationPeriod.
final int evaluationPeriod = 100;
/// The maximum distance used to define a referee's accessibility.
/// This value is not used by the runtime but is needed by the client distance oracle.
final int maxRefereeDistance = 5;
/// The minimum ratio of accessible referees required.
final _i11.Perbill minAccessibleReferees = 800000000;
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i8;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i9;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/gdev_runtime/runtime_call.dart' as _i10;
import '../types/pallet_grandpa/pallet/call.dart' as _i13;
import '../types/pallet_grandpa/stored_pending_change.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/pallet_grandpa/stored_state.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/sp_consensus_grandpa/app/public.dart' as _i7;
import '../types/sp_consensus_grandpa/equivocation_proof.dart' as _i11;
import '../types/sp_session/membership_proof.dart' as _i12;
import '../types/tuples.dart' as _i6;
import '../types/tuples_1.dart' as _i5;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageValue<_i2.StoredState> _state =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i2.StoredState>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'State',
valueCodec: _i2.StoredState.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i3.StoredPendingChange> _pendingChange =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i3.StoredPendingChange>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'PendingChange',
valueCodec: _i3.StoredPendingChange.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<int> _nextForced = const _i1.StorageValue<int>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'NextForced',
valueCodec: _i4.U32Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>> _stalled =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'Stalled',
valueCodec: _i5.Tuple2Codec<int, int>(
final _i1.StorageValue<BigInt> _currentSetId = const _i1.StorageValue<BigInt>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'CurrentSetId',
valueCodec: _i4.U64Codec.codec,
final _i1.StorageMap<BigInt, int> _setIdSession =
const _i1.StorageMap<BigInt, int>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'SetIdSession',
valueCodec: _i4.U32Codec.codec,
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i4.U64Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<List<_i6.Tuple2<_i7.Public, BigInt>>> _authorities =
const _i1.StorageValue<List<_i6.Tuple2<_i7.Public, BigInt>>>(
prefix: 'Grandpa',
storage: 'Authorities',
valueCodec: _i4.SequenceCodec<_i6.Tuple2<_i7.Public, BigInt>>(
_i6.Tuple2Codec<_i7.Public, BigInt>(
/// State of the current authority set.
_i8.Future<_i2.StoredState> state({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _state.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _state.decodeValue(bytes);
return _i2.Live(); /* Default */
/// Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change).
_i8.Future<_i3.StoredPendingChange?> pendingChange(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _pendingChange.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _pendingChange.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// next block number where we can force a change.
_i8.Future<int?> nextForced({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _nextForced.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _nextForced.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// `true` if we are currently stalled.
_i8.Future<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>?> stalled({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _stalled.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _stalled.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities)
/// in the "set" of Grandpa validators from genesis.
_i8.Future<BigInt> currentSetId({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _currentSetId.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _currentSetId.decodeValue(bytes);
return; /* Default */
/// A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which its
/// members were responsible.
/// This is only used for validating equivocation proofs. An equivocation proof must
/// contains a key-ownership proof for a given session, therefore we need a way to tie
/// together sessions and GRANDPA set ids, i.e. we need to validate that a validator
/// was the owner of a given key on a given session, and what the active set ID was
/// during that session.
/// TWOX-NOTE: `SetId` is not under user control.
_i8.Future<int?> setIdSession(
BigInt key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _setIdSession.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _setIdSession.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// The current list of authorities.
_i8.Future<List<_i6.Tuple2<_i7.Public, BigInt>>> authorities(
{_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _authorities.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _authorities.decodeValue(bytes);
return []; /* Default */
/// Returns the storage key for `state`.
_i9.Uint8List stateKey() {
final hashedKey = _state.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `pendingChange`.
_i9.Uint8List pendingChangeKey() {
final hashedKey = _pendingChange.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `nextForced`.
_i9.Uint8List nextForcedKey() {
final hashedKey = _nextForced.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `stalled`.
_i9.Uint8List stalledKey() {
final hashedKey = _stalled.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `currentSetId`.
_i9.Uint8List currentSetIdKey() {
final hashedKey = _currentSetId.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `setIdSession`.
_i9.Uint8List setIdSessionKey(BigInt key1) {
final hashedKey = _setIdSession.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `authorities`.
_i9.Uint8List authoritiesKey() {
final hashedKey = _authorities.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `setIdSession`.
_i9.Uint8List setIdSessionMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _setIdSession.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;
class Txs {
const Txs();
/// Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the
/// equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
/// against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence
/// will be reported.
_i10.RuntimeCall reportEquivocation({
required _i11.EquivocationProof equivocationProof,
required _i12.MembershipProof keyOwnerProof,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.reportEquivocation(
equivocationProof: equivocationProof,
keyOwnerProof: keyOwnerProof,
return _i10.RuntimeCall.values.grandpa(_call);
/// Report voter equivocation/misbehavior. This method will verify the
/// equivocation proof and validate the given key ownership proof
/// against the extracted offender. If both are valid, the offence
/// will be reported.
/// This extrinsic must be called unsigned and it is expected that only
/// block authors will call it (validated in `ValidateUnsigned`), as such
/// if the block author is defined it will be defined as the equivocation
/// reporter.
_i10.RuntimeCall reportEquivocationUnsigned({
required _i11.EquivocationProof equivocationProof,
required _i12.MembershipProof keyOwnerProof,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.reportEquivocationUnsigned(
equivocationProof: equivocationProof,
keyOwnerProof: keyOwnerProof,
return _i10.RuntimeCall.values.grandpa(_call);
/// Note that the current authority set of the GRANDPA finality gadget has stalled.
/// This will trigger a forced authority set change at the beginning of the next session, to
/// be enacted `delay` blocks after that. The `delay` should be high enough to safely assume
/// that the block signalling the forced change will not be re-orged e.g. 1000 blocks.
/// The block production rate (which may be slowed down because of finality lagging) should
/// be taken into account when choosing the `delay`. The GRANDPA voters based on the new
/// authority will start voting on top of `best_finalized_block_number` for new finalized
/// blocks. `best_finalized_block_number` should be the highest of the latest finalized
/// block of all validators of the new authority set.
/// Only callable by root.
_i10.RuntimeCall noteStalled({
required int delay,
required int bestFinalizedBlockNumber,
}) {
final _call = _i13.Call.values.noteStalled(
delay: delay,
bestFinalizedBlockNumber: bestFinalizedBlockNumber,
return _i10.RuntimeCall.values.grandpa(_call);
class Constants {
/// Max Authorities in use
final int maxAuthorities = 32;
/// The maximum number of nominators for each validator.
final int maxNominators = 64;
/// The maximum number of entries to keep in the set id to session index mapping.
/// Since the `SetIdSession` map is only used for validating equivocations this
/// value should relate to the bonding duration of whatever staking system is
/// being used (if any). If equivocation handling is not enabled then this value
/// can be zero.
final BigInt maxSetIdSessionEntries = BigInt.from(1000);
// ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
import 'dart:async' as _i6;
import 'dart:typed_data' as _i7;
import 'package:polkadart/polkadart.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:polkadart/scale_codec.dart' as _i4;
import '../types/primitive_types/h256.dart' as _i3;
import '../types/tuples.dart' as _i2;
import '../types/tuples_1.dart' as _i5;
class Queries {
const Queries(this.__api);
final _i1.StateApi __api;
final _i1.StorageMap<int, _i2.Tuple2<_i3.H256, int>> _historicalSessions =
const _i1.StorageMap<int, _i2.Tuple2<_i3.H256, int>>(
prefix: 'Historical',
storage: 'HistoricalSessions',
valueCodec: _i2.Tuple2Codec<_i3.H256, int>(
hasher: _i1.StorageHasher.twoxx64Concat(_i4.U32Codec.codec),
final _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>> _storedRange =
const _i1.StorageValue<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>>(
prefix: 'Historical',
storage: 'StoredRange',
valueCodec: _i5.Tuple2Codec<int, int>(
/// Mapping from historical session indices to session-data root hash and validator count.
_i6.Future<_i2.Tuple2<_i3.H256, int>?> historicalSessions(
int key1, {
_i1.BlockHash? at,
}) async {
final hashedKey = _historicalSessions.hashedKeyFor(key1);
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _historicalSessions.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// The range of historical sessions we store. [first, last)
_i6.Future<_i5.Tuple2<int, int>?> storedRange({_i1.BlockHash? at}) async {
final hashedKey = _storedRange.hashedKey();
final bytes = await __api.getStorage(
at: at,
if (bytes != null) {
return _storedRange.decodeValue(bytes);
return null; /* Nullable */
/// Returns the storage key for `historicalSessions`.
_i7.Uint8List historicalSessionsKey(int key1) {
final hashedKey = _historicalSessions.hashedKeyFor(key1);
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage key for `storedRange`.
_i7.Uint8List storedRangeKey() {
final hashedKey = _storedRange.hashedKey();
return hashedKey;
/// Returns the storage map key prefix for `historicalSessions`.
_i7.Uint8List historicalSessionsMapPrefix() {
final hashedKey = _historicalSessions.mapPrefix();
return hashedKey;