#npx get-graphql-schema https://duniter-v2-vjrj-squid.comunes.net/v1/graphql > duniter-indexer.graphql schema { query: query_root subscription: subscription_root } """whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)""" directive @cached( """measured in seconds""" ttl: Int! = 60 """refresh the cache entry""" refresh: Boolean! = false ) on QUERY """ columns and relationships of "account" """ type Account { """An array relationship""" commentsIssued( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): [TxComment!]! """An aggregate relationship""" commentsIssuedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): TxCommentAggregate! createdOn: Int! id: String! """An object relationship""" identity: Identity isActive: Boolean! """An object relationship""" linkedIdentity: Identity linkedIdentityId: String """An array relationship""" removedIdentities( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): [Identity!]! """An aggregate relationship""" removedIdentitiesAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): IdentityAggregate! """An array relationship""" transfersIssued( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): [Transfer!]! """An aggregate relationship""" transfersIssuedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): TransferAggregate! """An array relationship""" transfersReceived( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): [Transfer!]! """An aggregate relationship""" transfersReceivedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): TransferAggregate! """An array relationship""" wasIdentity( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): [ChangeOwnerKey!]! """An aggregate relationship""" wasIdentityAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): ChangeOwnerKeyAggregate! } """ aggregated selection of "account" """ type AccountAggregate { aggregate: AccountAggregateFields nodes: [Account!]! } input AccountAggregateBoolExp { bool_and: accountAggregateBoolExpBool_and bool_or: accountAggregateBoolExpBool_or count: accountAggregateBoolExpCount } input accountAggregateBoolExpBool_and { arguments: AccountSelectColumnAccountAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: AccountBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input accountAggregateBoolExpBool_or { arguments: AccountSelectColumnAccountAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: AccountBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input accountAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [AccountSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: AccountBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "account" """ type AccountAggregateFields { avg: AccountAvgFields count(columns: [AccountSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: AccountMaxFields min: AccountMinFields stddev: AccountStddevFields stddevPop: AccountStddevPopFields stddevSamp: AccountStddevSampFields sum: AccountSumFields varPop: AccountVarPopFields varSamp: AccountVarSampFields variance: AccountVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "account" """ input AccountAggregateOrderBy { avg: AccountAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: AccountMaxOrderBy min: AccountMinOrderBy stddev: AccountStddevOrderBy stddevPop: AccountStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: AccountStddevSampOrderBy sum: AccountSumOrderBy varPop: AccountVarPopOrderBy varSamp: AccountVarSampOrderBy variance: AccountVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type AccountAvgFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountAvgOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "account". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input AccountBoolExp { _and: [AccountBoolExp!] _not: AccountBoolExp _or: [AccountBoolExp!] commentsIssued: TxCommentBoolExp commentsIssuedAggregate: TxCommentAggregateBoolExp createdOn: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp identity: IdentityBoolExp isActive: BooleanComparisonExp linkedIdentity: IdentityBoolExp linkedIdentityId: StringComparisonExp removedIdentities: IdentityBoolExp removedIdentitiesAggregate: IdentityAggregateBoolExp transfersIssued: TransferBoolExp transfersIssuedAggregate: TransferAggregateBoolExp transfersReceived: TransferBoolExp transfersReceivedAggregate: TransferAggregateBoolExp wasIdentity: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp wasIdentityAggregate: ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateBoolExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type AccountMaxFields { createdOn: Int id: String linkedIdentityId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountMaxOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy linkedIdentityId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type AccountMinFields { createdOn: Int id: String linkedIdentityId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountMinOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy linkedIdentityId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "account".""" input AccountOrderBy { commentsIssuedAggregate: TxCommentAggregateOrderBy createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy identity: IdentityOrderBy isActive: OrderBy linkedIdentity: IdentityOrderBy linkedIdentityId: OrderBy removedIdentitiesAggregate: IdentityAggregateOrderBy transfersIssuedAggregate: TransferAggregateOrderBy transfersReceivedAggregate: TransferAggregateOrderBy wasIdentityAggregate: ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateOrderBy } """ select columns of table "account" """ enum AccountSelectColumn { """column name""" createdOn """column name""" id """column name""" isActive """column name""" linkedIdentityId } """ select "accountAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns" columns of table "account" """ enum AccountSelectColumnAccountAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isActive } """ select "accountAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns" columns of table "account" """ enum AccountSelectColumnAccountAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isActive } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type AccountStddevFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountStddevOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type AccountStddevPopFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountStddevPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type AccountStddevSampFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountStddevSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "account" """ input AccountStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: AccountStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input AccountStreamCursorValueInput { createdOn: Int id: String isActive: Boolean linkedIdentityId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type AccountSumFields { createdOn: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountSumOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type AccountVarianceFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountVarianceOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type AccountVarPopFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountVarPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type AccountVarSampFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "account" """ input AccountVarSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "block" """ type Block { """An array relationship""" calls( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """An aggregate relationship""" callsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): CallAggregate! callsCount: Int! """An array relationship""" events( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """An aggregate relationship""" eventsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): EventAggregate! eventsCount: Int! """An array relationship""" extrinsics( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): [Extrinsic!]! """An aggregate relationship""" extrinsicsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): ExtrinsicAggregate! extrinsicsCount: Int! extrinsicsicRoot: bytea! hash: bytea! height: Int! id: String! implName: String! implVersion: Int! parentHash: bytea! specName: String! specVersion: Int! stateRoot: bytea! timestamp: timestamptz! validator: bytea } """ aggregated selection of "block" """ type BlockAggregate { aggregate: BlockAggregateFields nodes: [Block!]! } """ aggregate fields of "block" """ type BlockAggregateFields { avg: BlockAvgFields count(columns: [BlockSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: BlockMaxFields min: BlockMinFields stddev: BlockStddevFields stddevPop: BlockStddevPopFields stddevSamp: BlockStddevSampFields sum: BlockSumFields varPop: BlockVarPopFields varSamp: BlockVarSampFields variance: BlockVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type BlockAvgFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "block". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input BlockBoolExp { _and: [BlockBoolExp!] _not: BlockBoolExp _or: [BlockBoolExp!] calls: CallBoolExp callsAggregate: CallAggregateBoolExp callsCount: IntComparisonExp events: EventBoolExp eventsAggregate: EventAggregateBoolExp eventsCount: IntComparisonExp extrinsics: ExtrinsicBoolExp extrinsicsAggregate: ExtrinsicAggregateBoolExp extrinsicsCount: IntComparisonExp extrinsicsicRoot: ByteaComparisonExp hash: ByteaComparisonExp height: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp implName: StringComparisonExp implVersion: IntComparisonExp parentHash: ByteaComparisonExp specName: StringComparisonExp specVersion: IntComparisonExp stateRoot: ByteaComparisonExp timestamp: TimestamptzComparisonExp validator: ByteaComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type BlockMaxFields { callsCount: Int eventsCount: Int extrinsicsCount: Int height: Int id: String implName: String implVersion: Int specName: String specVersion: Int timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate min on columns""" type BlockMinFields { callsCount: Int eventsCount: Int extrinsicsCount: Int height: Int id: String implName: String implVersion: Int specName: String specVersion: Int timestamp: timestamptz } """Ordering options when selecting data from "block".""" input BlockOrderBy { callsAggregate: CallAggregateOrderBy callsCount: OrderBy eventsAggregate: EventAggregateOrderBy eventsCount: OrderBy extrinsicsAggregate: ExtrinsicAggregateOrderBy extrinsicsCount: OrderBy extrinsicsicRoot: OrderBy hash: OrderBy height: OrderBy id: OrderBy implName: OrderBy implVersion: OrderBy parentHash: OrderBy specName: OrderBy specVersion: OrderBy stateRoot: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy validator: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "block" """ enum BlockSelectColumn { """column name""" callsCount """column name""" eventsCount """column name""" extrinsicsCount """column name""" extrinsicsicRoot """column name""" hash """column name""" height """column name""" id """column name""" implName """column name""" implVersion """column name""" parentHash """column name""" specName """column name""" specVersion """column name""" stateRoot """column name""" timestamp """column name""" validator } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type BlockStddevFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type BlockStddevPopFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type BlockStddevSampFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "block" """ input BlockStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: BlockStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input BlockStreamCursorValueInput { callsCount: Int eventsCount: Int extrinsicsCount: Int extrinsicsicRoot: bytea hash: bytea height: Int id: String implName: String implVersion: Int parentHash: bytea specName: String specVersion: Int stateRoot: bytea timestamp: timestamptz validator: bytea } """aggregate sum on columns""" type BlockSumFields { callsCount: Int eventsCount: Int extrinsicsCount: Int height: Int implVersion: Int specVersion: Int } """aggregate variance on columns""" type BlockVarianceFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type BlockVarPopFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type BlockVarSampFields { callsCount: Float eventsCount: Float extrinsicsCount: Float height: Float implVersion: Float specVersion: Float } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Boolean". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input BooleanComparisonExp { _eq: Boolean _gt: Boolean _gte: Boolean _in: [Boolean!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: Boolean _lte: Boolean _neq: Boolean _nin: [Boolean!] } scalar bytea """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "bytea". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input ByteaComparisonExp { _eq: bytea _gt: bytea _gte: bytea _in: [bytea!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: bytea _lte: bytea _neq: bytea _nin: [bytea!] } """ columns and relationships of "call" """ type Call { address: [Int!]! args( """JSON select path""" path: String ): jsonb argsStr: [String!] """An object relationship""" block: Block blockId: String error( """JSON select path""" path: String ): jsonb """An array relationship""" events( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """An aggregate relationship""" eventsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): EventAggregate! """An object relationship""" extrinsic: Extrinsic extrinsicId: String id: String! name: String! pallet: String! """An object relationship""" parent: Call parentId: String """An array relationship""" subcalls( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """An aggregate relationship""" subcallsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): CallAggregate! success: Boolean! } """ aggregated selection of "call" """ type CallAggregate { aggregate: CallAggregateFields nodes: [Call!]! } input CallAggregateBoolExp { bool_and: callAggregateBoolExpBool_and bool_or: callAggregateBoolExpBool_or count: callAggregateBoolExpCount } input callAggregateBoolExpBool_and { arguments: CallSelectColumnCallAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: CallBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input callAggregateBoolExpBool_or { arguments: CallSelectColumnCallAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: CallBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input callAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [CallSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: CallBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "call" """ type CallAggregateFields { count(columns: [CallSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: CallMaxFields min: CallMinFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "call" """ input CallAggregateOrderBy { count: OrderBy max: CallMaxOrderBy min: CallMinOrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "call". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input CallBoolExp { _and: [CallBoolExp!] _not: CallBoolExp _or: [CallBoolExp!] address: IntArrayComparisonExp args: JsonbComparisonExp argsStr: StringArrayComparisonExp block: BlockBoolExp blockId: StringComparisonExp error: JsonbComparisonExp events: EventBoolExp eventsAggregate: EventAggregateBoolExp extrinsic: ExtrinsicBoolExp extrinsicId: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp name: StringComparisonExp pallet: StringComparisonExp parent: CallBoolExp parentId: StringComparisonExp subcalls: CallBoolExp subcallsAggregate: CallAggregateBoolExp success: BooleanComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type CallMaxFields { address: [Int!] argsStr: [String!] blockId: String extrinsicId: String id: String name: String pallet: String parentId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "call" """ input CallMaxOrderBy { address: OrderBy argsStr: OrderBy blockId: OrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy parentId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type CallMinFields { address: [Int!] argsStr: [String!] blockId: String extrinsicId: String id: String name: String pallet: String parentId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "call" """ input CallMinOrderBy { address: OrderBy argsStr: OrderBy blockId: OrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy parentId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "call".""" input CallOrderBy { address: OrderBy args: OrderBy argsStr: OrderBy block: BlockOrderBy blockId: OrderBy error: OrderBy eventsAggregate: EventAggregateOrderBy extrinsic: ExtrinsicOrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy parent: CallOrderBy parentId: OrderBy subcallsAggregate: CallAggregateOrderBy success: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "call" """ enum CallSelectColumn { """column name""" address """column name""" args """column name""" argsStr """column name""" blockId """column name""" error """column name""" extrinsicId """column name""" id """column name""" name """column name""" pallet """column name""" parentId """column name""" success } """ select "callAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns" columns of table "call" """ enum CallSelectColumnCallAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns { """column name""" success } """ select "callAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns" columns of table "call" """ enum CallSelectColumnCallAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns { """column name""" success } """ Streaming cursor of the table "call" """ input CallStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: CallStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input CallStreamCursorValueInput { address: [Int!] args: jsonb argsStr: [String!] blockId: String error: jsonb extrinsicId: String id: String name: String pallet: String parentId: String success: Boolean } """ columns and relationships of "cert" """ type Cert { """An array relationship""" certHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): [CertEvent!]! """An aggregate relationship""" certHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): CertEventAggregate! """An object relationship""" createdIn: Event createdInId: String createdOn: Int! expireOn: Int! id: String! isActive: Boolean! """An object relationship""" issuer: Identity issuerId: String """An object relationship""" receiver: Identity receiverId: String """An object relationship""" updatedIn: Event updatedInId: String updatedOn: Int! } """ aggregated selection of "cert" """ type CertAggregate { aggregate: CertAggregateFields nodes: [Cert!]! } input CertAggregateBoolExp { bool_and: certAggregateBoolExpBool_and bool_or: certAggregateBoolExpBool_or count: certAggregateBoolExpCount } input certAggregateBoolExpBool_and { arguments: CertSelectColumnCertAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: CertBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input certAggregateBoolExpBool_or { arguments: CertSelectColumnCertAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: CertBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input certAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [CertSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: CertBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "cert" """ type CertAggregateFields { avg: CertAvgFields count(columns: [CertSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: CertMaxFields min: CertMinFields stddev: CertStddevFields stddevPop: CertStddevPopFields stddevSamp: CertStddevSampFields sum: CertSumFields varPop: CertVarPopFields varSamp: CertVarSampFields variance: CertVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "cert" """ input CertAggregateOrderBy { avg: CertAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: CertMaxOrderBy min: CertMinOrderBy stddev: CertStddevOrderBy stddevPop: CertStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: CertStddevSampOrderBy sum: CertSumOrderBy varPop: CertVarPopOrderBy varSamp: CertVarSampOrderBy variance: CertVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type CertAvgFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertAvgOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "cert". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input CertBoolExp { _and: [CertBoolExp!] _not: CertBoolExp _or: [CertBoolExp!] certHistory: CertEventBoolExp certHistoryAggregate: CertEventAggregateBoolExp createdIn: EventBoolExp createdInId: StringComparisonExp createdOn: IntComparisonExp expireOn: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp isActive: BooleanComparisonExp issuer: IdentityBoolExp issuerId: StringComparisonExp receiver: IdentityBoolExp receiverId: StringComparisonExp updatedIn: EventBoolExp updatedInId: StringComparisonExp updatedOn: IntComparisonExp } """ columns and relationships of "cert_event" """ type CertEvent { blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" cert: Cert certId: String """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String eventType: EventTypeEnum id: String! } """ aggregated selection of "cert_event" """ type CertEventAggregate { aggregate: CertEventAggregateFields nodes: [CertEvent!]! } input CertEventAggregateBoolExp { count: certEventAggregateBoolExpCount } input certEventAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [CertEventSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: CertEventBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "cert_event" """ type CertEventAggregateFields { avg: CertEventAvgFields count(columns: [CertEventSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: CertEventMaxFields min: CertEventMinFields stddev: CertEventStddevFields stddevPop: CertEventStddevPopFields stddevSamp: CertEventStddevSampFields sum: CertEventSumFields varPop: CertEventVarPopFields varSamp: CertEventVarSampFields variance: CertEventVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventAggregateOrderBy { avg: CertEventAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: CertEventMaxOrderBy min: CertEventMinOrderBy stddev: CertEventStddevOrderBy stddevPop: CertEventStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: CertEventStddevSampOrderBy sum: CertEventSumOrderBy varPop: CertEventVarPopOrderBy varSamp: CertEventVarSampOrderBy variance: CertEventVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type CertEventAvgFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventAvgOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "cert_event". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input CertEventBoolExp { _and: [CertEventBoolExp!] _not: CertEventBoolExp _or: [CertEventBoolExp!] blockNumber: IntComparisonExp cert: CertBoolExp certId: StringComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp eventType: EventTypeEnumComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type CertEventMaxFields { blockNumber: Int certId: String eventId: String id: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventMaxOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy certId: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type CertEventMinFields { blockNumber: Int certId: String eventId: String id: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventMinOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy certId: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "cert_event".""" input CertEventOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy cert: CertOrderBy certId: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy eventType: OrderBy id: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "cert_event" """ enum CertEventSelectColumn { """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" certId """column name""" eventId """column name""" eventType """column name""" id } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type CertEventStddevFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventStddevOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type CertEventStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventStddevPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type CertEventStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventStddevSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "cert_event" """ input CertEventStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: CertEventStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input CertEventStreamCursorValueInput { blockNumber: Int certId: String eventId: String eventType: EventTypeEnum id: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type CertEventSumFields { blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventSumOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type CertEventVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventVarianceOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type CertEventVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventVarPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type CertEventVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "cert_event" """ input CertEventVarSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate max on columns""" type CertMaxFields { createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String issuerId: String receiverId: String updatedInId: String updatedOn: Int } """ order by max() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertMaxOrderBy { createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiverId: OrderBy updatedInId: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type CertMinFields { createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String issuerId: String receiverId: String updatedInId: String updatedOn: Int } """ order by min() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertMinOrderBy { createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiverId: OrderBy updatedInId: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "cert".""" input CertOrderBy { certHistoryAggregate: CertEventAggregateOrderBy createdIn: EventOrderBy createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy isActive: OrderBy issuer: IdentityOrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiver: IdentityOrderBy receiverId: OrderBy updatedIn: EventOrderBy updatedInId: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "cert" """ enum CertSelectColumn { """column name""" createdInId """column name""" createdOn """column name""" expireOn """column name""" id """column name""" isActive """column name""" issuerId """column name""" receiverId """column name""" updatedInId """column name""" updatedOn } """ select "certAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns" columns of table "cert" """ enum CertSelectColumnCertAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isActive } """ select "certAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns" columns of table "cert" """ enum CertSelectColumnCertAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isActive } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type CertStddevFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertStddevOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type CertStddevPopFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertStddevPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type CertStddevSampFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertStddevSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "cert" """ input CertStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: CertStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input CertStreamCursorValueInput { createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String isActive: Boolean issuerId: String receiverId: String updatedInId: String updatedOn: Int } """aggregate sum on columns""" type CertSumFields { createdOn: Int expireOn: Int updatedOn: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertSumOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type CertVarianceFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertVarianceOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type CertVarPopFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertVarPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type CertVarSampFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float updatedOn: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "cert" """ input CertVarSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy updatedOn: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "change_owner_key" """ type ChangeOwnerKey { blockNumber: Int! id: String! """An object relationship""" identity: Identity identityId: String """An object relationship""" next: Account nextId: String """An object relationship""" previous: Account previousId: String } """ aggregated selection of "change_owner_key" """ type ChangeOwnerKeyAggregate { aggregate: ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateFields nodes: [ChangeOwnerKey!]! } input ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateBoolExp { count: changeOwnerKeyAggregateBoolExpCount } input changeOwnerKeyAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "change_owner_key" """ type ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateFields { avg: ChangeOwnerKeyAvgFields count(columns: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: ChangeOwnerKeyMaxFields min: ChangeOwnerKeyMinFields stddev: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevFields stddevPop: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevPopFields stddevSamp: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevSampFields sum: ChangeOwnerKeySumFields varPop: ChangeOwnerKeyVarPopFields varSamp: ChangeOwnerKeyVarSampFields variance: ChangeOwnerKeyVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateOrderBy { avg: ChangeOwnerKeyAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: ChangeOwnerKeyMaxOrderBy min: ChangeOwnerKeyMinOrderBy stddev: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevOrderBy stddevPop: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: ChangeOwnerKeyStddevSampOrderBy sum: ChangeOwnerKeySumOrderBy varPop: ChangeOwnerKeyVarPopOrderBy varSamp: ChangeOwnerKeyVarSampOrderBy variance: ChangeOwnerKeyVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyAvgFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyAvgOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "change_owner_key". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp { _and: [ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp!] _not: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp _or: [ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp!] blockNumber: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp identity: IdentityBoolExp identityId: StringComparisonExp next: AccountBoolExp nextId: StringComparisonExp previous: AccountBoolExp previousId: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyMaxFields { blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String nextId: String previousId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyMaxOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy nextId: OrderBy previousId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyMinFields { blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String nextId: String previousId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyMinOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy nextId: OrderBy previousId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "change_owner_key".""" input ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identity: IdentityOrderBy identityId: OrderBy next: AccountOrderBy nextId: OrderBy previous: AccountOrderBy previousId: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "change_owner_key" """ enum ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn { """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" id """column name""" identityId """column name""" nextId """column name""" previousId } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyStddevFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyStddevOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyStddevPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyStddevSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: ChangeOwnerKeyStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input ChangeOwnerKeyStreamCursorValueInput { blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String nextId: String previousId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeySumFields { blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeySumOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyVarianceOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyVarPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type ChangeOwnerKeyVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "change_owner_key" """ input ChangeOwnerKeyVarSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } enum CommentTypeEnum { ASCII CID RAW UNICODE } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "CommentTypeEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input CommentTypeEnumComparisonExp { _eq: CommentTypeEnum _in: [CommentTypeEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: CommentTypeEnum _nin: [CommentTypeEnum!] } enum CounterLevelEnum { GLOBAL ITEM PALLET } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "CounterLevelEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input CounterLevelEnumComparisonExp { _eq: CounterLevelEnum _in: [CounterLevelEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: CounterLevelEnum _nin: [CounterLevelEnum!] } """ordering argument of a cursor""" enum CursorOrdering { """ascending ordering of the cursor""" ASC """descending ordering of the cursor""" DESC } """ columns and relationships of "event" """ type Event { args( """JSON select path""" path: String ): jsonb argsStr: [String!] """An object relationship""" block: Block blockId: String """An object relationship""" call: Call callId: String """An object relationship""" extrinsic: Extrinsic extrinsicId: String id: String! index: Int! name: String! pallet: String! phase: String! } """ aggregated selection of "event" """ type EventAggregate { aggregate: EventAggregateFields nodes: [Event!]! } input EventAggregateBoolExp { count: eventAggregateBoolExpCount } input eventAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [EventSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: EventBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "event" """ type EventAggregateFields { avg: EventAvgFields count(columns: [EventSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: EventMaxFields min: EventMinFields stddev: EventStddevFields stddevPop: EventStddevPopFields stddevSamp: EventStddevSampFields sum: EventSumFields varPop: EventVarPopFields varSamp: EventVarSampFields variance: EventVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "event" """ input EventAggregateOrderBy { avg: EventAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: EventMaxOrderBy min: EventMinOrderBy stddev: EventStddevOrderBy stddevPop: EventStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: EventStddevSampOrderBy sum: EventSumOrderBy varPop: EventVarPopOrderBy varSamp: EventVarSampOrderBy variance: EventVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type EventAvgFields { index: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "event" """ input EventAvgOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "event". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input EventBoolExp { _and: [EventBoolExp!] _not: EventBoolExp _or: [EventBoolExp!] args: JsonbComparisonExp argsStr: StringArrayComparisonExp block: BlockBoolExp blockId: StringComparisonExp call: CallBoolExp callId: StringComparisonExp extrinsic: ExtrinsicBoolExp extrinsicId: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp index: IntComparisonExp name: StringComparisonExp pallet: StringComparisonExp phase: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type EventMaxFields { argsStr: [String!] blockId: String callId: String extrinsicId: String id: String index: Int name: String pallet: String phase: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "event" """ input EventMaxOrderBy { argsStr: OrderBy blockId: OrderBy callId: OrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy phase: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type EventMinFields { argsStr: [String!] blockId: String callId: String extrinsicId: String id: String index: Int name: String pallet: String phase: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "event" """ input EventMinOrderBy { argsStr: OrderBy blockId: OrderBy callId: OrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy phase: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "event".""" input EventOrderBy { args: OrderBy argsStr: OrderBy block: BlockOrderBy blockId: OrderBy call: CallOrderBy callId: OrderBy extrinsic: ExtrinsicOrderBy extrinsicId: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy name: OrderBy pallet: OrderBy phase: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "event" """ enum EventSelectColumn { """column name""" args """column name""" argsStr """column name""" blockId """column name""" callId """column name""" extrinsicId """column name""" id """column name""" index """column name""" name """column name""" pallet """column name""" phase } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type EventStddevFields { index: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "event" """ input EventStddevOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type EventStddevPopFields { index: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "event" """ input EventStddevPopOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type EventStddevSampFields { index: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "event" """ input EventStddevSampOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "event" """ input EventStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: EventStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input EventStreamCursorValueInput { args: jsonb argsStr: [String!] blockId: String callId: String extrinsicId: String id: String index: Int name: String pallet: String phase: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type EventSumFields { index: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "event" """ input EventSumOrderBy { index: OrderBy } enum EventTypeEnum { CREATION REMOVAL RENEWAL } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "EventTypeEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input EventTypeEnumComparisonExp { _eq: EventTypeEnum _in: [EventTypeEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: EventTypeEnum _nin: [EventTypeEnum!] } """aggregate variance on columns""" type EventVarianceFields { index: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "event" """ input EventVarianceOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type EventVarPopFields { index: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "event" """ input EventVarPopOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type EventVarSampFields { index: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "event" """ input EventVarSampOrderBy { index: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "extrinsic" """ type Extrinsic { """An object relationship""" block: Block blockId: String """An object relationship""" call: Call callId: String """An array relationship""" calls( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """An aggregate relationship""" callsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): CallAggregate! error( """JSON select path""" path: String ): jsonb """An array relationship""" events( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """An aggregate relationship""" eventsAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): EventAggregate! fee: numeric hash: bytea! id: String! index: Int! signature( """JSON select path""" path: String ): jsonb success: Boolean tip: numeric version: Int! } """ aggregated selection of "extrinsic" """ type ExtrinsicAggregate { aggregate: ExtrinsicAggregateFields nodes: [Extrinsic!]! } input ExtrinsicAggregateBoolExp { bool_and: extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_and bool_or: extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_or count: extrinsicAggregateBoolExpCount } input extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_and { arguments: ExtrinsicSelectColumnExtrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: ExtrinsicBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_or { arguments: ExtrinsicSelectColumnExtrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: ExtrinsicBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input extrinsicAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: ExtrinsicBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "extrinsic" """ type ExtrinsicAggregateFields { avg: ExtrinsicAvgFields count(columns: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: ExtrinsicMaxFields min: ExtrinsicMinFields stddev: ExtrinsicStddevFields stddevPop: ExtrinsicStddevPopFields stddevSamp: ExtrinsicStddevSampFields sum: ExtrinsicSumFields varPop: ExtrinsicVarPopFields varSamp: ExtrinsicVarSampFields variance: ExtrinsicVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicAggregateOrderBy { avg: ExtrinsicAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: ExtrinsicMaxOrderBy min: ExtrinsicMinOrderBy stddev: ExtrinsicStddevOrderBy stddevPop: ExtrinsicStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: ExtrinsicStddevSampOrderBy sum: ExtrinsicSumOrderBy varPop: ExtrinsicVarPopOrderBy varSamp: ExtrinsicVarSampOrderBy variance: ExtrinsicVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type ExtrinsicAvgFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicAvgOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "extrinsic". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input ExtrinsicBoolExp { _and: [ExtrinsicBoolExp!] _not: ExtrinsicBoolExp _or: [ExtrinsicBoolExp!] block: BlockBoolExp blockId: StringComparisonExp call: CallBoolExp callId: StringComparisonExp calls: CallBoolExp callsAggregate: CallAggregateBoolExp error: JsonbComparisonExp events: EventBoolExp eventsAggregate: EventAggregateBoolExp fee: NumericComparisonExp hash: ByteaComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp index: IntComparisonExp signature: JsonbComparisonExp success: BooleanComparisonExp tip: NumericComparisonExp version: IntComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type ExtrinsicMaxFields { blockId: String callId: String fee: numeric id: String index: Int tip: numeric version: Int } """ order by max() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicMaxOrderBy { blockId: OrderBy callId: OrderBy fee: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type ExtrinsicMinFields { blockId: String callId: String fee: numeric id: String index: Int tip: numeric version: Int } """ order by min() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicMinOrderBy { blockId: OrderBy callId: OrderBy fee: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "extrinsic".""" input ExtrinsicOrderBy { block: BlockOrderBy blockId: OrderBy call: CallOrderBy callId: OrderBy callsAggregate: CallAggregateOrderBy error: OrderBy eventsAggregate: EventAggregateOrderBy fee: OrderBy hash: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy signature: OrderBy success: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "extrinsic" """ enum ExtrinsicSelectColumn { """column name""" blockId """column name""" callId """column name""" error """column name""" fee """column name""" hash """column name""" id """column name""" index """column name""" signature """column name""" success """column name""" tip """column name""" version } """ select "extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns" columns of table "extrinsic" """ enum ExtrinsicSelectColumnExtrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns { """column name""" success } """ select "extrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns" columns of table "extrinsic" """ enum ExtrinsicSelectColumnExtrinsicAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns { """column name""" success } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type ExtrinsicStddevFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicStddevOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type ExtrinsicStddevPopFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicStddevPopOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type ExtrinsicStddevSampFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicStddevSampOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: ExtrinsicStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input ExtrinsicStreamCursorValueInput { blockId: String callId: String error: jsonb fee: numeric hash: bytea id: String index: Int signature: jsonb success: Boolean tip: numeric version: Int } """aggregate sum on columns""" type ExtrinsicSumFields { fee: numeric index: Int tip: numeric version: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicSumOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type ExtrinsicVarianceFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicVarianceOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type ExtrinsicVarPopFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicVarPopOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type ExtrinsicVarSampFields { fee: Float index: Float tip: Float version: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "extrinsic" """ input ExtrinsicVarSampOrderBy { fee: OrderBy index: OrderBy tip: OrderBy version: OrderBy } input getUdHistoryArgs { identity_row: identity_scalar } """ columns and relationships of "identity" """ type Identity { """An object relationship""" account: Account accountId: String """An object relationship""" accountRemoved: Account accountRemovedId: String """An array relationship""" certIssued( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): [Cert!]! """An aggregate relationship""" certIssuedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): CertAggregate! """An array relationship""" certReceived( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): [Cert!]! """An aggregate relationship""" certReceivedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): CertAggregate! """An object relationship""" createdIn: Event createdInId: String createdOn: Int! expireOn: Int! id: String! index: Int! isMember: Boolean! lastChangeOn: Int! """An array relationship""" linkedAccount( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): [Account!]! """An aggregate relationship""" linkedAccountAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): AccountAggregate! """An array relationship""" membershipHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): [MembershipEvent!]! """An aggregate relationship""" membershipHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): MembershipEventAggregate! name: String! """An array relationship""" ownerKeyChange( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): [ChangeOwnerKey!]! """An aggregate relationship""" ownerKeyChangeAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): ChangeOwnerKeyAggregate! """An object relationship""" smith: Smith status: IdentityStatusEnum """ "Get UD History by Identity" """ udHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!] } scalar identity_scalar """ aggregated selection of "identity" """ type IdentityAggregate { aggregate: IdentityAggregateFields nodes: [Identity!]! } input IdentityAggregateBoolExp { bool_and: identityAggregateBoolExpBool_and bool_or: identityAggregateBoolExpBool_or count: identityAggregateBoolExpCount } input identityAggregateBoolExpBool_and { arguments: IdentitySelectColumnIdentityAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: IdentityBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input identityAggregateBoolExpBool_or { arguments: IdentitySelectColumnIdentityAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns! distinct: Boolean filter: IdentityBoolExp predicate: BooleanComparisonExp! } input identityAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [IdentitySelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: IdentityBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "identity" """ type IdentityAggregateFields { avg: IdentityAvgFields count(columns: [IdentitySelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: IdentityMaxFields min: IdentityMinFields stddev: IdentityStddevFields stddevPop: IdentityStddevPopFields stddevSamp: IdentityStddevSampFields sum: IdentitySumFields varPop: IdentityVarPopFields varSamp: IdentityVarSampFields variance: IdentityVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "identity" """ input IdentityAggregateOrderBy { avg: IdentityAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: IdentityMaxOrderBy min: IdentityMinOrderBy stddev: IdentityStddevOrderBy stddevPop: IdentityStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: IdentityStddevSampOrderBy sum: IdentitySumOrderBy varPop: IdentityVarPopOrderBy varSamp: IdentityVarSampOrderBy variance: IdentityVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type IdentityAvgFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityAvgOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "identity". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input IdentityBoolExp { _and: [IdentityBoolExp!] _not: IdentityBoolExp _or: [IdentityBoolExp!] account: AccountBoolExp accountId: StringComparisonExp accountRemoved: AccountBoolExp accountRemovedId: StringComparisonExp certIssued: CertBoolExp certIssuedAggregate: CertAggregateBoolExp certReceived: CertBoolExp certReceivedAggregate: CertAggregateBoolExp createdIn: EventBoolExp createdInId: StringComparisonExp createdOn: IntComparisonExp expireOn: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp index: IntComparisonExp isMember: BooleanComparisonExp lastChangeOn: IntComparisonExp linkedAccount: AccountBoolExp linkedAccountAggregate: AccountAggregateBoolExp membershipHistory: MembershipEventBoolExp membershipHistoryAggregate: MembershipEventAggregateBoolExp name: StringComparisonExp ownerKeyChange: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ownerKeyChangeAggregate: ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateBoolExp smith: SmithBoolExp status: IdentityStatusEnumComparisonExp udHistory: UdHistoryBoolExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type IdentityMaxFields { accountId: String accountRemovedId: String createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String index: Int lastChangeOn: Int name: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityMaxOrderBy { accountId: OrderBy accountRemovedId: OrderBy createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy name: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type IdentityMinFields { accountId: String accountRemovedId: String createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String index: Int lastChangeOn: Int name: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityMinOrderBy { accountId: OrderBy accountRemovedId: OrderBy createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy name: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "identity".""" input IdentityOrderBy { account: AccountOrderBy accountId: OrderBy accountRemoved: AccountOrderBy accountRemovedId: OrderBy certIssuedAggregate: CertAggregateOrderBy certReceivedAggregate: CertAggregateOrderBy createdIn: EventOrderBy createdInId: OrderBy createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy index: OrderBy isMember: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy linkedAccountAggregate: AccountAggregateOrderBy membershipHistoryAggregate: MembershipEventAggregateOrderBy name: OrderBy ownerKeyChangeAggregate: ChangeOwnerKeyAggregateOrderBy smith: SmithOrderBy status: OrderBy udHistoryAggregate: UdHistoryAggregateOrderBy } """ select columns of table "identity" """ enum IdentitySelectColumn { """column name""" accountId """column name""" accountRemovedId """column name""" createdInId """column name""" createdOn """column name""" expireOn """column name""" id """column name""" index """column name""" isMember """column name""" lastChangeOn """column name""" name """column name""" status } """ select "identityAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns" columns of table "identity" """ enum IdentitySelectColumnIdentityAggregateBoolExpBool_andArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isMember } """ select "identityAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns" columns of table "identity" """ enum IdentitySelectColumnIdentityAggregateBoolExpBool_orArgumentsColumns { """column name""" isMember } enum IdentityStatusEnum { MEMBER NOTMEMBER REMOVED REVOKED UNCONFIRMED UNVALIDATED } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "IdentityStatusEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input IdentityStatusEnumComparisonExp { _eq: IdentityStatusEnum _in: [IdentityStatusEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: IdentityStatusEnum _nin: [IdentityStatusEnum!] } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type IdentityStddevFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityStddevOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type IdentityStddevPopFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityStddevPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type IdentityStddevSampFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityStddevSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "identity" """ input IdentityStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: IdentityStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input IdentityStreamCursorValueInput { accountId: String accountRemovedId: String createdInId: String createdOn: Int expireOn: Int id: String index: Int isMember: Boolean lastChangeOn: Int name: String status: IdentityStatusEnum } """aggregate sum on columns""" type IdentitySumFields { createdOn: Int expireOn: Int index: Int lastChangeOn: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentitySumOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type IdentityVarianceFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityVarianceOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type IdentityVarPopFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityVarPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type IdentityVarSampFields { createdOn: Float expireOn: Float index: Float lastChangeOn: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "identity" """ input IdentityVarSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy expireOn: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChangeOn: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input IntArrayComparisonExp { """is the array contained in the given array value""" _containedIn: [Int!] """does the array contain the given value""" _contains: [Int!] _eq: [Int!] _gt: [Int!] _gte: [Int!] _in: [[Int!]!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: [Int!] _lte: [Int!] _neq: [Int!] _nin: [[Int!]!] } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input IntComparisonExp { _eq: Int _gt: Int _gte: Int _in: [Int!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: Int _lte: Int _neq: Int _nin: [Int!] } """ columns and relationships of "items_counter" """ type ItemsCounter { id: String! level: CounterLevelEnum total: Int! type: ItemTypeEnum } """ aggregated selection of "items_counter" """ type ItemsCounterAggregate { aggregate: ItemsCounterAggregateFields nodes: [ItemsCounter!]! } """ aggregate fields of "items_counter" """ type ItemsCounterAggregateFields { avg: ItemsCounterAvgFields count(columns: [ItemsCounterSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: ItemsCounterMaxFields min: ItemsCounterMinFields stddev: ItemsCounterStddevFields stddevPop: ItemsCounterStddevPopFields stddevSamp: ItemsCounterStddevSampFields sum: ItemsCounterSumFields varPop: ItemsCounterVarPopFields varSamp: ItemsCounterVarSampFields variance: ItemsCounterVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type ItemsCounterAvgFields { total: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "items_counter". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input ItemsCounterBoolExp { _and: [ItemsCounterBoolExp!] _not: ItemsCounterBoolExp _or: [ItemsCounterBoolExp!] id: StringComparisonExp level: CounterLevelEnumComparisonExp total: IntComparisonExp type: ItemTypeEnumComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type ItemsCounterMaxFields { id: String total: Int } """aggregate min on columns""" type ItemsCounterMinFields { id: String total: Int } """Ordering options when selecting data from "items_counter".""" input ItemsCounterOrderBy { id: OrderBy level: OrderBy total: OrderBy type: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "items_counter" """ enum ItemsCounterSelectColumn { """column name""" id """column name""" level """column name""" total """column name""" type } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type ItemsCounterStddevFields { total: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type ItemsCounterStddevPopFields { total: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type ItemsCounterStddevSampFields { total: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "items_counter" """ input ItemsCounterStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: ItemsCounterStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input ItemsCounterStreamCursorValueInput { id: String level: CounterLevelEnum total: Int type: ItemTypeEnum } """aggregate sum on columns""" type ItemsCounterSumFields { total: Int } """aggregate variance on columns""" type ItemsCounterVarianceFields { total: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type ItemsCounterVarPopFields { total: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type ItemsCounterVarSampFields { total: Float } enum ItemTypeEnum { CALLS EVENTS EXTRINSICS } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "ItemTypeEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input ItemTypeEnumComparisonExp { _eq: ItemTypeEnum _in: [ItemTypeEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: ItemTypeEnum _nin: [ItemTypeEnum!] } scalar jsonb input JsonbCastExp { String: StringComparisonExp } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "jsonb". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input JsonbComparisonExp { _cast: JsonbCastExp """is the column contained in the given json value""" _containedIn: jsonb """does the column contain the given json value at the top level""" _contains: jsonb _eq: jsonb _gt: jsonb _gte: jsonb """does the string exist as a top-level key in the column""" _hasKey: String """do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column""" _hasKeysAll: [String!] """do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column""" _hasKeysAny: [String!] _in: [jsonb!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: jsonb _lte: jsonb _neq: jsonb _nin: [jsonb!] } """ columns and relationships of "membership_event" """ type MembershipEvent { blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String eventType: EventTypeEnum id: String! """An object relationship""" identity: Identity identityId: String } """ aggregated selection of "membership_event" """ type MembershipEventAggregate { aggregate: MembershipEventAggregateFields nodes: [MembershipEvent!]! } input MembershipEventAggregateBoolExp { count: membershipEventAggregateBoolExpCount } input membershipEventAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: MembershipEventBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "membership_event" """ type MembershipEventAggregateFields { avg: MembershipEventAvgFields count(columns: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: MembershipEventMaxFields min: MembershipEventMinFields stddev: MembershipEventStddevFields stddevPop: MembershipEventStddevPopFields stddevSamp: MembershipEventStddevSampFields sum: MembershipEventSumFields varPop: MembershipEventVarPopFields varSamp: MembershipEventVarSampFields variance: MembershipEventVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventAggregateOrderBy { avg: MembershipEventAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: MembershipEventMaxOrderBy min: MembershipEventMinOrderBy stddev: MembershipEventStddevOrderBy stddevPop: MembershipEventStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: MembershipEventStddevSampOrderBy sum: MembershipEventSumOrderBy varPop: MembershipEventVarPopOrderBy varSamp: MembershipEventVarSampOrderBy variance: MembershipEventVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type MembershipEventAvgFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventAvgOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "membership_event". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input MembershipEventBoolExp { _and: [MembershipEventBoolExp!] _not: MembershipEventBoolExp _or: [MembershipEventBoolExp!] blockNumber: IntComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp eventType: EventTypeEnumComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp identity: IdentityBoolExp identityId: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type MembershipEventMaxFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String identityId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventMaxOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type MembershipEventMinFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String identityId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventMinOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "membership_event".""" input MembershipEventOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy eventType: OrderBy id: OrderBy identity: IdentityOrderBy identityId: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "membership_event" """ enum MembershipEventSelectColumn { """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" eventId """column name""" eventType """column name""" id """column name""" identityId } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type MembershipEventStddevFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventStddevOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type MembershipEventStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventStddevPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type MembershipEventStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventStddevSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: MembershipEventStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input MembershipEventStreamCursorValueInput { blockNumber: Int eventId: String eventType: EventTypeEnum id: String identityId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type MembershipEventSumFields { blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventSumOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type MembershipEventVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventVarianceOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type MembershipEventVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventVarPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type MembershipEventVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "membership_event" """ input MembershipEventVarSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } scalar numeric """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "numeric". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input NumericComparisonExp { _eq: numeric _gt: numeric _gte: numeric _in: [numeric!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: numeric _lte: numeric _neq: numeric _nin: [numeric!] } """column ordering options""" enum OrderBy { """in ascending order, nulls last""" ASC """in ascending order, nulls first""" ASC_NULLS_FIRST """in ascending order, nulls last""" ASC_NULLS_LAST """in descending order, nulls first""" DESC """in descending order, nulls first""" DESC_NULLS_FIRST """in descending order, nulls last""" DESC_NULLS_LAST } """ columns and relationships of "population_history" """ type PopulationHistory { activeAccountCount: Int! blockNumber: Int! id: String! memberCount: Int! smithCount: Int! } """ aggregated selection of "population_history" """ type PopulationHistoryAggregate { aggregate: PopulationHistoryAggregateFields nodes: [PopulationHistory!]! } """ aggregate fields of "population_history" """ type PopulationHistoryAggregateFields { avg: PopulationHistoryAvgFields count(columns: [PopulationHistorySelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: PopulationHistoryMaxFields min: PopulationHistoryMinFields stddev: PopulationHistoryStddevFields stddevPop: PopulationHistoryStddevPopFields stddevSamp: PopulationHistoryStddevSampFields sum: PopulationHistorySumFields varPop: PopulationHistoryVarPopFields varSamp: PopulationHistoryVarSampFields variance: PopulationHistoryVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type PopulationHistoryAvgFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "population_history". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input PopulationHistoryBoolExp { _and: [PopulationHistoryBoolExp!] _not: PopulationHistoryBoolExp _or: [PopulationHistoryBoolExp!] activeAccountCount: IntComparisonExp blockNumber: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp memberCount: IntComparisonExp smithCount: IntComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type PopulationHistoryMaxFields { activeAccountCount: Int blockNumber: Int id: String memberCount: Int smithCount: Int } """aggregate min on columns""" type PopulationHistoryMinFields { activeAccountCount: Int blockNumber: Int id: String memberCount: Int smithCount: Int } """Ordering options when selecting data from "population_history".""" input PopulationHistoryOrderBy { activeAccountCount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy memberCount: OrderBy smithCount: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "population_history" """ enum PopulationHistorySelectColumn { """column name""" activeAccountCount """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" id """column name""" memberCount """column name""" smithCount } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type PopulationHistoryStddevFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type PopulationHistoryStddevPopFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type PopulationHistoryStddevSampFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "population_history" """ input PopulationHistoryStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: PopulationHistoryStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input PopulationHistoryStreamCursorValueInput { activeAccountCount: Int blockNumber: Int id: String memberCount: Int smithCount: Int } """aggregate sum on columns""" type PopulationHistorySumFields { activeAccountCount: Int blockNumber: Int memberCount: Int smithCount: Int } """aggregate variance on columns""" type PopulationHistoryVarianceFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type PopulationHistoryVarPopFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type PopulationHistoryVarSampFields { activeAccountCount: Float blockNumber: Float memberCount: Float smithCount: Float } type query_root { """ fetch data from the table: "account" """ account( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): [Account!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "account" """ accountAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): AccountAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "account" using primary key columns""" accountByPk(id: String!): Account """ fetch data from the table: "block" """ block( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [BlockSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [BlockOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: BlockBoolExp ): [Block!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "block" """ blockAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [BlockSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [BlockOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: BlockBoolExp ): BlockAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "block" using primary key columns""" blockByPk(id: String!): Block """ fetch data from the table: "call" """ call( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "call" """ callAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): CallAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "call" using primary key columns""" callByPk(id: String!): Call """ fetch data from the table: "cert" """ cert( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): [Cert!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "cert" """ certAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): CertAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "cert" using primary key columns""" certByPk(id: String!): Cert """ fetch data from the table: "cert_event" """ certEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): [CertEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "cert_event" """ certEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): CertEventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "cert_event" using primary key columns""" certEventByPk(id: String!): CertEvent """ fetch data from the table: "change_owner_key" """ changeOwnerKey( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): [ChangeOwnerKey!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "change_owner_key" """ changeOwnerKeyAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): ChangeOwnerKeyAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "change_owner_key" using primary key columns """ changeOwnerKeyByPk(id: String!): ChangeOwnerKey """ fetch data from the table: "event" """ event( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "event" """ eventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): EventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "event" using primary key columns""" eventByPk(id: String!): Event """ fetch data from the table: "extrinsic" """ extrinsic( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): [Extrinsic!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "extrinsic" """ extrinsicAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): ExtrinsicAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "extrinsic" using primary key columns""" extrinsicByPk(id: String!): Extrinsic """ execute function "get_ud_history" which returns "ud_history" """ getUdHistory( """ input parameters for function "getUdHistory" """ args: getUdHistoryArgs! """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!]! """ execute function "get_ud_history" and query aggregates on result of table type "ud_history" """ getUdHistoryAggregate( """ input parameters for function "getUdHistoryAggregate" """ args: getUdHistoryArgs! """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): UdHistoryAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "identity" """ identity( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): [Identity!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity" """ identityAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): IdentityAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "identity" using primary key columns""" identityByPk(id: String!): Identity """ fetch data from the table: "items_counter" """ itemsCounter( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ItemsCounterSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ItemsCounterOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ItemsCounterBoolExp ): [ItemsCounter!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "items_counter" """ itemsCounterAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ItemsCounterSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ItemsCounterOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ItemsCounterBoolExp ): ItemsCounterAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "items_counter" using primary key columns""" itemsCounterByPk(id: String!): ItemsCounter """ fetch data from the table: "membership_event" """ membershipEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): [MembershipEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "membership_event" """ membershipEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): MembershipEventAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "membership_event" using primary key columns """ membershipEventByPk(id: String!): MembershipEvent """ fetch data from the table: "population_history" """ populationHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [PopulationHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [PopulationHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: PopulationHistoryBoolExp ): [PopulationHistory!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "population_history" """ populationHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [PopulationHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [PopulationHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: PopulationHistoryBoolExp ): PopulationHistoryAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "population_history" using primary key columns """ populationHistoryByPk(id: String!): PopulationHistory """ fetch data from the table: "smith" """ smith( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithBoolExp ): [Smith!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith" """ smithAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithBoolExp ): SmithAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith" using primary key columns""" smithByPk(id: String!): Smith """ fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" """ smithCert( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): [SmithCert!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_cert" """ smithCertAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): SmithCertAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" using primary key columns""" smithCertByPk(id: String!): SmithCert """ fetch data from the table: "smith_event" """ smithEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): [SmithEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_event" """ smithEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): SmithEventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith_event" using primary key columns""" smithEventByPk(id: String!): SmithEvent """ fetch data from the table: "transfer" """ transfer( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): [Transfer!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "transfer" """ transferAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): TransferAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "transfer" using primary key columns""" transferByPk(id: String!): Transfer """ fetch data from the table: "tx_comment" """ txComment( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): [TxComment!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "tx_comment" """ txCommentAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): TxCommentAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "tx_comment" using primary key columns""" txCommentByPk(id: String!): TxComment """ fetch data from the table: "ud_history" """ udHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "ud_history" """ udHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): UdHistoryAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "ud_history" using primary key columns""" udHistoryByPk(id: String!): UdHistory """ fetch data from the table: "ud_reeval" """ udReeval( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdReevalSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdReevalOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdReevalBoolExp ): [UdReeval!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "ud_reeval" """ udReevalAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdReevalSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdReevalOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdReevalBoolExp ): UdReevalAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "ud_reeval" using primary key columns""" udReevalByPk(id: String!): UdReeval """ fetch data from the table: "universal_dividend" """ universalDividend( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UniversalDividendSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UniversalDividendOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UniversalDividendBoolExp ): [UniversalDividend!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "universal_dividend" """ universalDividendAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UniversalDividendSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UniversalDividendOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UniversalDividendBoolExp ): UniversalDividendAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "universal_dividend" using primary key columns """ universalDividendByPk(id: String!): UniversalDividend """ fetch data from the table: "validator" """ validator( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ValidatorSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ValidatorOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ValidatorBoolExp ): [Validator!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "validator" """ validatorAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ValidatorSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ValidatorOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ValidatorBoolExp ): ValidatorAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "validator" using primary key columns""" validatorByPk(id: String!): Validator } """ columns and relationships of "smith" """ type Smith { forged: Int! id: String! """An object relationship""" identity: Identity identityId: String index: Int! lastChanged: Int lastForged: Int """An array relationship""" smithCertIssued( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): [SmithCert!]! """An aggregate relationship""" smithCertIssuedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): SmithCertAggregate! """An array relationship""" smithCertReceived( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): [SmithCert!]! """An aggregate relationship""" smithCertReceivedAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): SmithCertAggregate! """An array relationship""" smithHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): [SmithEvent!]! """An aggregate relationship""" smithHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): SmithEventAggregate! smithStatus: SmithStatusEnum } """ aggregated selection of "smith" """ type SmithAggregate { aggregate: SmithAggregateFields nodes: [Smith!]! } """ aggregate fields of "smith" """ type SmithAggregateFields { avg: SmithAvgFields count(columns: [SmithSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: SmithMaxFields min: SmithMinFields stddev: SmithStddevFields stddevPop: SmithStddevPopFields stddevSamp: SmithStddevSampFields sum: SmithSumFields varPop: SmithVarPopFields varSamp: SmithVarSampFields variance: SmithVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type SmithAvgFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "smith". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input SmithBoolExp { _and: [SmithBoolExp!] _not: SmithBoolExp _or: [SmithBoolExp!] forged: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp identity: IdentityBoolExp identityId: StringComparisonExp index: IntComparisonExp lastChanged: IntComparisonExp lastForged: IntComparisonExp smithCertIssued: SmithCertBoolExp smithCertIssuedAggregate: SmithCertAggregateBoolExp smithCertReceived: SmithCertBoolExp smithCertReceivedAggregate: SmithCertAggregateBoolExp smithHistory: SmithEventBoolExp smithHistoryAggregate: SmithEventAggregateBoolExp smithStatus: SmithStatusEnumComparisonExp } """ columns and relationships of "smith_cert" """ type SmithCert { createdOn: Int! id: String! """An object relationship""" issuer: Smith issuerId: String """An object relationship""" receiver: Smith receiverId: String } """ aggregated selection of "smith_cert" """ type SmithCertAggregate { aggregate: SmithCertAggregateFields nodes: [SmithCert!]! } input SmithCertAggregateBoolExp { count: smithCertAggregateBoolExpCount } input smithCertAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: SmithCertBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "smith_cert" """ type SmithCertAggregateFields { avg: SmithCertAvgFields count(columns: [SmithCertSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: SmithCertMaxFields min: SmithCertMinFields stddev: SmithCertStddevFields stddevPop: SmithCertStddevPopFields stddevSamp: SmithCertStddevSampFields sum: SmithCertSumFields varPop: SmithCertVarPopFields varSamp: SmithCertVarSampFields variance: SmithCertVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertAggregateOrderBy { avg: SmithCertAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: SmithCertMaxOrderBy min: SmithCertMinOrderBy stddev: SmithCertStddevOrderBy stddevPop: SmithCertStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: SmithCertStddevSampOrderBy sum: SmithCertSumOrderBy varPop: SmithCertVarPopOrderBy varSamp: SmithCertVarSampOrderBy variance: SmithCertVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type SmithCertAvgFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertAvgOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "smith_cert". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input SmithCertBoolExp { _and: [SmithCertBoolExp!] _not: SmithCertBoolExp _or: [SmithCertBoolExp!] createdOn: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp issuer: SmithBoolExp issuerId: StringComparisonExp receiver: SmithBoolExp receiverId: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type SmithCertMaxFields { createdOn: Int id: String issuerId: String receiverId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertMaxOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiverId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type SmithCertMinFields { createdOn: Int id: String issuerId: String receiverId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertMinOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiverId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "smith_cert".""" input SmithCertOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy id: OrderBy issuer: SmithOrderBy issuerId: OrderBy receiver: SmithOrderBy receiverId: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "smith_cert" """ enum SmithCertSelectColumn { """column name""" createdOn """column name""" id """column name""" issuerId """column name""" receiverId } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type SmithCertStddevFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertStddevOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type SmithCertStddevPopFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertStddevPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type SmithCertStddevSampFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertStddevSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: SmithCertStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input SmithCertStreamCursorValueInput { createdOn: Int id: String issuerId: String receiverId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type SmithCertSumFields { createdOn: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertSumOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type SmithCertVarianceFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertVarianceOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type SmithCertVarPopFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertVarPopOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type SmithCertVarSampFields { createdOn: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "smith_cert" """ input SmithCertVarSampOrderBy { createdOn: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "smith_event" """ type SmithEvent { blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String eventType: SmithEventTypeEnum id: String! """An object relationship""" smith: Smith smithId: String } """ aggregated selection of "smith_event" """ type SmithEventAggregate { aggregate: SmithEventAggregateFields nodes: [SmithEvent!]! } input SmithEventAggregateBoolExp { count: smithEventAggregateBoolExpCount } input smithEventAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: SmithEventBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "smith_event" """ type SmithEventAggregateFields { avg: SmithEventAvgFields count(columns: [SmithEventSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: SmithEventMaxFields min: SmithEventMinFields stddev: SmithEventStddevFields stddevPop: SmithEventStddevPopFields stddevSamp: SmithEventStddevSampFields sum: SmithEventSumFields varPop: SmithEventVarPopFields varSamp: SmithEventVarSampFields variance: SmithEventVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventAggregateOrderBy { avg: SmithEventAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: SmithEventMaxOrderBy min: SmithEventMinOrderBy stddev: SmithEventStddevOrderBy stddevPop: SmithEventStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: SmithEventStddevSampOrderBy sum: SmithEventSumOrderBy varPop: SmithEventVarPopOrderBy varSamp: SmithEventVarSampOrderBy variance: SmithEventVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type SmithEventAvgFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventAvgOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "smith_event". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input SmithEventBoolExp { _and: [SmithEventBoolExp!] _not: SmithEventBoolExp _or: [SmithEventBoolExp!] blockNumber: IntComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp eventType: SmithEventTypeEnumComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp smith: SmithBoolExp smithId: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type SmithEventMaxFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String smithId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventMaxOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy smithId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type SmithEventMinFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String smithId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventMinOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy smithId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "smith_event".""" input SmithEventOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy eventType: OrderBy id: OrderBy smith: SmithOrderBy smithId: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "smith_event" """ enum SmithEventSelectColumn { """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" eventId """column name""" eventType """column name""" id """column name""" smithId } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type SmithEventStddevFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventStddevOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type SmithEventStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventStddevPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type SmithEventStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventStddevSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: SmithEventStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input SmithEventStreamCursorValueInput { blockNumber: Int eventId: String eventType: SmithEventTypeEnum id: String smithId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type SmithEventSumFields { blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventSumOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } enum SmithEventTypeEnum { ACCEPTED EXCLUDED INVITED PROMOTED } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "SmithEventTypeEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input SmithEventTypeEnumComparisonExp { _eq: SmithEventTypeEnum _in: [SmithEventTypeEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: SmithEventTypeEnum _nin: [SmithEventTypeEnum!] } """aggregate variance on columns""" type SmithEventVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventVarianceOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type SmithEventVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventVarPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type SmithEventVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "smith_event" """ input SmithEventVarSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate max on columns""" type SmithMaxFields { forged: Int id: String identityId: String index: Int lastChanged: Int lastForged: Int } """aggregate min on columns""" type SmithMinFields { forged: Int id: String identityId: String index: Int lastChanged: Int lastForged: Int } """Ordering options when selecting data from "smith".""" input SmithOrderBy { forged: OrderBy id: OrderBy identity: IdentityOrderBy identityId: OrderBy index: OrderBy lastChanged: OrderBy lastForged: OrderBy smithCertIssuedAggregate: SmithCertAggregateOrderBy smithCertReceivedAggregate: SmithCertAggregateOrderBy smithHistoryAggregate: SmithEventAggregateOrderBy smithStatus: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "smith" """ enum SmithSelectColumn { """column name""" forged """column name""" id """column name""" identityId """column name""" index """column name""" lastChanged """column name""" lastForged """column name""" smithStatus } enum SmithStatusEnum { EXCLUDED INVITED PENDING SMITH } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "SmithStatusEnum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input SmithStatusEnumComparisonExp { _eq: SmithStatusEnum _in: [SmithStatusEnum!] _isNull: Boolean _neq: SmithStatusEnum _nin: [SmithStatusEnum!] } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type SmithStddevFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type SmithStddevPopFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type SmithStddevSampFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "smith" """ input SmithStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: SmithStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input SmithStreamCursorValueInput { forged: Int id: String identityId: String index: Int lastChanged: Int lastForged: Int smithStatus: SmithStatusEnum } """aggregate sum on columns""" type SmithSumFields { forged: Int index: Int lastChanged: Int lastForged: Int } """aggregate variance on columns""" type SmithVarianceFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type SmithVarPopFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type SmithVarSampFields { forged: Float index: Float lastChanged: Float lastForged: Float } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input StringArrayComparisonExp { """is the array contained in the given array value""" _containedIn: [String!] """does the array contain the given value""" _contains: [String!] _eq: [String!] _gt: [String!] _gte: [String!] _in: [[String!]!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: [String!] _lte: [String!] _neq: [String!] _nin: [[String!]!] } """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input StringComparisonExp { _eq: String _gt: String _gte: String """does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern""" _ilike: String _in: [String!] """ does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive """ _iregex: String _isNull: Boolean """does the column match the given pattern""" _like: String _lt: String _lte: String _neq: String """does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern""" _nilike: String _nin: [String!] """ does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive """ _niregex: String """does the column NOT match the given pattern""" _nlike: String """ does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive """ _nregex: String """does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression""" _nsimilar: String """ does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive """ _regex: String """does the column match the given SQL regular expression""" _similar: String } type subscription_root { """ fetch data from the table: "account" """ account( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): [Account!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "account" """ accountAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [AccountSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): AccountAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "account" using primary key columns""" accountByPk(id: String!): Account """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "account" """ accountStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [AccountStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: AccountBoolExp ): [Account!]! """ fetch data from the table: "block" """ block( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [BlockSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [BlockOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: BlockBoolExp ): [Block!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "block" """ blockAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [BlockSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [BlockOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: BlockBoolExp ): BlockAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "block" using primary key columns""" blockByPk(id: String!): Block """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "block" """ blockStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [BlockStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: BlockBoolExp ): [Block!]! """ fetch data from the table: "call" """ call( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "call" """ callAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CallSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CallOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): CallAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "call" using primary key columns""" callByPk(id: String!): Call """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "call" """ callStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [CallStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: CallBoolExp ): [Call!]! """ fetch data from the table: "cert" """ cert( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): [Cert!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "cert" """ certAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): CertAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "cert" using primary key columns""" certByPk(id: String!): Cert """ fetch data from the table: "cert_event" """ certEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): [CertEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "cert_event" """ certEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [CertEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [CertEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): CertEventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "cert_event" using primary key columns""" certEventByPk(id: String!): CertEvent """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "cert_event" """ certEventStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [CertEventStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: CertEventBoolExp ): [CertEvent!]! """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "cert" """ certStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [CertStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: CertBoolExp ): [Cert!]! """ fetch data from the table: "change_owner_key" """ changeOwnerKey( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): [ChangeOwnerKey!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "change_owner_key" """ changeOwnerKeyAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ChangeOwnerKeySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ChangeOwnerKeyOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): ChangeOwnerKeyAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "change_owner_key" using primary key columns """ changeOwnerKeyByPk(id: String!): ChangeOwnerKey """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "change_owner_key" """ changeOwnerKeyStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [ChangeOwnerKeyStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: ChangeOwnerKeyBoolExp ): [ChangeOwnerKey!]! """ fetch data from the table: "event" """ event( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "event" """ eventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [EventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [EventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): EventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "event" using primary key columns""" eventByPk(id: String!): Event """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "event" """ eventStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [EventStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: EventBoolExp ): [Event!]! """ fetch data from the table: "extrinsic" """ extrinsic( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): [Extrinsic!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "extrinsic" """ extrinsicAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ExtrinsicSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ExtrinsicOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): ExtrinsicAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "extrinsic" using primary key columns""" extrinsicByPk(id: String!): Extrinsic """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "extrinsic" """ extrinsicStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [ExtrinsicStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: ExtrinsicBoolExp ): [Extrinsic!]! """ execute function "get_ud_history" which returns "ud_history" """ getUdHistory( """ input parameters for function "getUdHistory" """ args: getUdHistoryArgs! """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!]! """ execute function "get_ud_history" and query aggregates on result of table type "ud_history" """ getUdHistoryAggregate( """ input parameters for function "getUdHistoryAggregate" """ args: getUdHistoryArgs! """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): UdHistoryAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "identity" """ identity( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): [Identity!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "identity" """ identityAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [IdentitySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [IdentityOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): IdentityAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "identity" using primary key columns""" identityByPk(id: String!): Identity """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "identity" """ identityStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [IdentityStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: IdentityBoolExp ): [Identity!]! """ fetch data from the table: "items_counter" """ itemsCounter( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ItemsCounterSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ItemsCounterOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ItemsCounterBoolExp ): [ItemsCounter!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "items_counter" """ itemsCounterAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ItemsCounterSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ItemsCounterOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ItemsCounterBoolExp ): ItemsCounterAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "items_counter" using primary key columns""" itemsCounterByPk(id: String!): ItemsCounter """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "items_counter" """ itemsCounterStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [ItemsCounterStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: ItemsCounterBoolExp ): [ItemsCounter!]! """ fetch data from the table: "membership_event" """ membershipEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): [MembershipEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "membership_event" """ membershipEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [MembershipEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [MembershipEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): MembershipEventAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "membership_event" using primary key columns """ membershipEventByPk(id: String!): MembershipEvent """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "membership_event" """ membershipEventStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [MembershipEventStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: MembershipEventBoolExp ): [MembershipEvent!]! """ fetch data from the table: "population_history" """ populationHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [PopulationHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [PopulationHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: PopulationHistoryBoolExp ): [PopulationHistory!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "population_history" """ populationHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [PopulationHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [PopulationHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: PopulationHistoryBoolExp ): PopulationHistoryAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "population_history" using primary key columns """ populationHistoryByPk(id: String!): PopulationHistory """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "population_history" """ populationHistoryStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [PopulationHistoryStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: PopulationHistoryBoolExp ): [PopulationHistory!]! """ fetch data from the table: "smith" """ smith( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithBoolExp ): [Smith!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith" """ smithAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithBoolExp ): SmithAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith" using primary key columns""" smithByPk(id: String!): Smith """ fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" """ smithCert( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): [SmithCert!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_cert" """ smithCertAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithCertSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithCertOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): SmithCertAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith_cert" using primary key columns""" smithCertByPk(id: String!): SmithCert """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "smith_cert" """ smithCertStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [SmithCertStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithCertBoolExp ): [SmithCert!]! """ fetch data from the table: "smith_event" """ smithEvent( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): [SmithEvent!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "smith_event" """ smithEventAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [SmithEventSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [SmithEventOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): SmithEventAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "smith_event" using primary key columns""" smithEventByPk(id: String!): SmithEvent """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "smith_event" """ smithEventStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [SmithEventStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithEventBoolExp ): [SmithEvent!]! """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "smith" """ smithStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [SmithStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: SmithBoolExp ): [Smith!]! """ fetch data from the table: "transfer" """ transfer( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): [Transfer!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "transfer" """ transferAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TransferSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TransferOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): TransferAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "transfer" using primary key columns""" transferByPk(id: String!): Transfer """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "transfer" """ transferStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [TransferStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: TransferBoolExp ): [Transfer!]! """ fetch data from the table: "tx_comment" """ txComment( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): [TxComment!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "tx_comment" """ txCommentAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [TxCommentOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): TxCommentAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "tx_comment" using primary key columns""" txCommentByPk(id: String!): TxComment """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "tx_comment" """ txCommentStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [TxCommentStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: TxCommentBoolExp ): [TxComment!]! """ fetch data from the table: "ud_history" """ udHistory( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "ud_history" """ udHistoryAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdHistorySelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdHistoryOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): UdHistoryAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "ud_history" using primary key columns""" udHistoryByPk(id: String!): UdHistory """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "ud_history" """ udHistoryStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [UdHistoryStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: UdHistoryBoolExp ): [UdHistory!]! """ fetch data from the table: "ud_reeval" """ udReeval( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdReevalSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdReevalOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdReevalBoolExp ): [UdReeval!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "ud_reeval" """ udReevalAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UdReevalSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UdReevalOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UdReevalBoolExp ): UdReevalAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "ud_reeval" using primary key columns""" udReevalByPk(id: String!): UdReeval """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "ud_reeval" """ udReevalStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [UdReevalStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: UdReevalBoolExp ): [UdReeval!]! """ fetch data from the table: "universal_dividend" """ universalDividend( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UniversalDividendSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UniversalDividendOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UniversalDividendBoolExp ): [UniversalDividend!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "universal_dividend" """ universalDividendAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [UniversalDividendSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [UniversalDividendOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: UniversalDividendBoolExp ): UniversalDividendAggregate! """ fetch data from the table: "universal_dividend" using primary key columns """ universalDividendByPk(id: String!): UniversalDividend """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "universal_dividend" """ universalDividendStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [UniversalDividendStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: UniversalDividendBoolExp ): [UniversalDividend!]! """ fetch data from the table: "validator" """ validator( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ValidatorSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ValidatorOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ValidatorBoolExp ): [Validator!]! """ fetch aggregated fields from the table: "validator" """ validatorAggregate( """distinct select on columns""" distinctOn: [ValidatorSelectColumn!] """limit the number of rows returned""" limit: Int """skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by""" offset: Int """sort the rows by one or more columns""" orderBy: [ValidatorOrderBy!] """filter the rows returned""" where: ValidatorBoolExp ): ValidatorAggregate! """fetch data from the table: "validator" using primary key columns""" validatorByPk(id: String!): Validator """ fetch data from the table in a streaming manner: "validator" """ validatorStream( """maximum number of rows returned in a single batch""" batchSize: Int! """cursor to stream the results returned by the query""" cursor: [ValidatorStreamCursorInput]! """filter the rows returned""" where: ValidatorBoolExp ): [Validator!]! } scalar timestamptz """ Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamptz". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'. """ input TimestamptzComparisonExp { _eq: timestamptz _gt: timestamptz _gte: timestamptz _in: [timestamptz!] _isNull: Boolean _lt: timestamptz _lte: timestamptz _neq: timestamptz _nin: [timestamptz!] } """ columns and relationships of "transfer" """ type Transfer { amount: numeric! blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" comment: TxComment commentId: String """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String """An object relationship""" from: Account fromId: String id: String! timestamp: timestamptz! """An object relationship""" to: Account toId: String } """ aggregated selection of "transfer" """ type TransferAggregate { aggregate: TransferAggregateFields nodes: [Transfer!]! } input TransferAggregateBoolExp { count: transferAggregateBoolExpCount } input transferAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [TransferSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: TransferBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "transfer" """ type TransferAggregateFields { avg: TransferAvgFields count(columns: [TransferSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: TransferMaxFields min: TransferMinFields stddev: TransferStddevFields stddevPop: TransferStddevPopFields stddevSamp: TransferStddevSampFields sum: TransferSumFields varPop: TransferVarPopFields varSamp: TransferVarSampFields variance: TransferVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "transfer" """ input TransferAggregateOrderBy { avg: TransferAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: TransferMaxOrderBy min: TransferMinOrderBy stddev: TransferStddevOrderBy stddevPop: TransferStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: TransferStddevSampOrderBy sum: TransferSumOrderBy varPop: TransferVarPopOrderBy varSamp: TransferVarSampOrderBy variance: TransferVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type TransferAvgFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferAvgOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "transfer". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input TransferBoolExp { _and: [TransferBoolExp!] _not: TransferBoolExp _or: [TransferBoolExp!] amount: NumericComparisonExp blockNumber: IntComparisonExp comment: TxCommentBoolExp commentId: StringComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp from: AccountBoolExp fromId: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp timestamp: TimestamptzComparisonExp to: AccountBoolExp toId: StringComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type TransferMaxFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int commentId: String eventId: String fromId: String id: String timestamp: timestamptz toId: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferMaxOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy commentId: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy fromId: OrderBy id: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy toId: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type TransferMinFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int commentId: String eventId: String fromId: String id: String timestamp: timestamptz toId: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferMinOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy commentId: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy fromId: OrderBy id: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy toId: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "transfer".""" input TransferOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy comment: TxCommentOrderBy commentId: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy from: AccountOrderBy fromId: OrderBy id: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy to: AccountOrderBy toId: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "transfer" """ enum TransferSelectColumn { """column name""" amount """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" commentId """column name""" eventId """column name""" fromId """column name""" id """column name""" timestamp """column name""" toId } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type TransferStddevFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferStddevOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type TransferStddevPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferStddevPopOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type TransferStddevSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferStddevSampOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "transfer" """ input TransferStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: TransferStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input TransferStreamCursorValueInput { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int commentId: String eventId: String fromId: String id: String timestamp: timestamptz toId: String } """aggregate sum on columns""" type TransferSumFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferSumOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type TransferVarianceFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferVarianceOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type TransferVarPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferVarPopOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type TransferVarSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "transfer" """ input TransferVarSampOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "tx_comment" """ type TxComment { """An object relationship""" author: Account authorId: String blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String hash: String! id: String! remark: String! remarkBytes: bytea! type: CommentTypeEnum } """ aggregated selection of "tx_comment" """ type TxCommentAggregate { aggregate: TxCommentAggregateFields nodes: [TxComment!]! } input TxCommentAggregateBoolExp { count: txCommentAggregateBoolExpCount } input txCommentAggregateBoolExpCount { arguments: [TxCommentSelectColumn!] distinct: Boolean filter: TxCommentBoolExp predicate: IntComparisonExp! } """ aggregate fields of "tx_comment" """ type TxCommentAggregateFields { avg: TxCommentAvgFields count(columns: [TxCommentSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: TxCommentMaxFields min: TxCommentMinFields stddev: TxCommentStddevFields stddevPop: TxCommentStddevPopFields stddevSamp: TxCommentStddevSampFields sum: TxCommentSumFields varPop: TxCommentVarPopFields varSamp: TxCommentVarSampFields variance: TxCommentVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentAggregateOrderBy { avg: TxCommentAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: TxCommentMaxOrderBy min: TxCommentMinOrderBy stddev: TxCommentStddevOrderBy stddevPop: TxCommentStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: TxCommentStddevSampOrderBy sum: TxCommentSumOrderBy varPop: TxCommentVarPopOrderBy varSamp: TxCommentVarSampOrderBy variance: TxCommentVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type TxCommentAvgFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentAvgOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "tx_comment". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input TxCommentBoolExp { _and: [TxCommentBoolExp!] _not: TxCommentBoolExp _or: [TxCommentBoolExp!] author: AccountBoolExp authorId: StringComparisonExp blockNumber: IntComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp hash: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp remark: StringComparisonExp remarkBytes: ByteaComparisonExp type: CommentTypeEnumComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type TxCommentMaxFields { authorId: String blockNumber: Int eventId: String hash: String id: String remark: String } """ order by max() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentMaxOrderBy { authorId: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy hash: OrderBy id: OrderBy remark: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type TxCommentMinFields { authorId: String blockNumber: Int eventId: String hash: String id: String remark: String } """ order by min() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentMinOrderBy { authorId: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy eventId: OrderBy hash: OrderBy id: OrderBy remark: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "tx_comment".""" input TxCommentOrderBy { author: AccountOrderBy authorId: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy hash: OrderBy id: OrderBy remark: OrderBy remarkBytes: OrderBy type: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "tx_comment" """ enum TxCommentSelectColumn { """column name""" authorId """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" eventId """column name""" hash """column name""" id """column name""" remark """column name""" remarkBytes """column name""" type } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type TxCommentStddevFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentStddevOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type TxCommentStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentStddevPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type TxCommentStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentStddevSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: TxCommentStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input TxCommentStreamCursorValueInput { authorId: String blockNumber: Int eventId: String hash: String id: String remark: String remarkBytes: bytea type: CommentTypeEnum } """aggregate sum on columns""" type TxCommentSumFields { blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentSumOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type TxCommentVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentVarianceOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type TxCommentVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentVarPopOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type TxCommentVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "tx_comment" """ input TxCommentVarSampOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "ud_history" """ type UdHistory { amount: numeric! blockNumber: Int! id: String! """An object relationship""" identity: Identity identityId: String timestamp: timestamptz! } type UdHistoryAggregate { aggregate: UdHistoryAggregateFields nodes: [UdHistory!]! } """ aggregate fields of "ud_history" """ type UdHistoryAggregateFields { avg: UdHistoryAvgFields count(columns: [UdHistorySelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: UdHistoryMaxFields min: UdHistoryMinFields stddev: UdHistoryStddevFields stddevPop: UdHistoryStddevPopFields stddevSamp: UdHistoryStddevSampFields sum: UdHistorySumFields varPop: UdHistoryVarPopFields varSamp: UdHistoryVarSampFields variance: UdHistoryVarianceFields } """ order by aggregate values of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryAggregateOrderBy { avg: UdHistoryAvgOrderBy count: OrderBy max: UdHistoryMaxOrderBy min: UdHistoryMinOrderBy stddev: UdHistoryStddevOrderBy stddevPop: UdHistoryStddevPopOrderBy stddevSamp: UdHistoryStddevSampOrderBy sum: UdHistorySumOrderBy varPop: UdHistoryVarPopOrderBy varSamp: UdHistoryVarSampOrderBy variance: UdHistoryVarianceOrderBy } """aggregate avg on columns""" type UdHistoryAvgFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by avg() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryAvgOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "ud_history". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input UdHistoryBoolExp { _and: [UdHistoryBoolExp!] _not: UdHistoryBoolExp _or: [UdHistoryBoolExp!] amount: NumericComparisonExp blockNumber: IntComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp identity: IdentityBoolExp identityId: StringComparisonExp timestamp: TimestamptzComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type UdHistoryMaxFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String timestamp: timestamptz } """ order by max() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryMaxOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy } """aggregate min on columns""" type UdHistoryMinFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String timestamp: timestamptz } """ order by min() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryMinOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identityId: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy } """Ordering options when selecting data from "ud_history".""" input UdHistoryOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy id: OrderBy identity: IdentityOrderBy identityId: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "ud_history" """ enum UdHistorySelectColumn { """column name""" amount """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" id """column name""" identityId """column name""" timestamp } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type UdHistoryStddevFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddev() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryStddevOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type UdHistoryStddevPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevPop() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryStddevPopOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type UdHistoryStddevSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by stddevSamp() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryStddevSampOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ Streaming cursor of the table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: UdHistoryStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input UdHistoryStreamCursorValueInput { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int id: String identityId: String timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate sum on columns""" type UdHistorySumFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int } """ order by sum() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistorySumOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate variance on columns""" type UdHistoryVarianceFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by variance() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryVarianceOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type UdHistoryVarPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by varPop() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryVarPopOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type UdHistoryVarSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float } """ order by varSamp() on columns of table "ud_history" """ input UdHistoryVarSampOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy } """ columns and relationships of "ud_reeval" """ type UdReeval { blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String id: String! membersCount: Int! monetaryMass: numeric! newUdAmount: numeric! timestamp: timestamptz! } """ aggregated selection of "ud_reeval" """ type UdReevalAggregate { aggregate: UdReevalAggregateFields nodes: [UdReeval!]! } """ aggregate fields of "ud_reeval" """ type UdReevalAggregateFields { avg: UdReevalAvgFields count(columns: [UdReevalSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: UdReevalMaxFields min: UdReevalMinFields stddev: UdReevalStddevFields stddevPop: UdReevalStddevPopFields stddevSamp: UdReevalStddevSampFields sum: UdReevalSumFields varPop: UdReevalVarPopFields varSamp: UdReevalVarSampFields variance: UdReevalVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type UdReevalAvgFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "ud_reeval". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input UdReevalBoolExp { _and: [UdReevalBoolExp!] _not: UdReevalBoolExp _or: [UdReevalBoolExp!] blockNumber: IntComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp membersCount: IntComparisonExp monetaryMass: NumericComparisonExp newUdAmount: NumericComparisonExp timestamp: TimestamptzComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type UdReevalMaxFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric newUdAmount: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate min on columns""" type UdReevalMinFields { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric newUdAmount: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """Ordering options when selecting data from "ud_reeval".""" input UdReevalOrderBy { blockNumber: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy membersCount: OrderBy monetaryMass: OrderBy newUdAmount: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "ud_reeval" """ enum UdReevalSelectColumn { """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" eventId """column name""" id """column name""" membersCount """column name""" monetaryMass """column name""" newUdAmount """column name""" timestamp } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type UdReevalStddevFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type UdReevalStddevPopFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type UdReevalStddevSampFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "ud_reeval" """ input UdReevalStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: UdReevalStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input UdReevalStreamCursorValueInput { blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric newUdAmount: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate sum on columns""" type UdReevalSumFields { blockNumber: Int membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric newUdAmount: numeric } """aggregate variance on columns""" type UdReevalVarianceFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type UdReevalVarPopFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type UdReevalVarSampFields { blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float newUdAmount: Float } """ columns and relationships of "universal_dividend" """ type UniversalDividend { amount: numeric! blockNumber: Int! """An object relationship""" event: Event eventId: String id: String! membersCount: Int! monetaryMass: numeric! timestamp: timestamptz! } """ aggregated selection of "universal_dividend" """ type UniversalDividendAggregate { aggregate: UniversalDividendAggregateFields nodes: [UniversalDividend!]! } """ aggregate fields of "universal_dividend" """ type UniversalDividendAggregateFields { avg: UniversalDividendAvgFields count(columns: [UniversalDividendSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: UniversalDividendMaxFields min: UniversalDividendMinFields stddev: UniversalDividendStddevFields stddevPop: UniversalDividendStddevPopFields stddevSamp: UniversalDividendStddevSampFields sum: UniversalDividendSumFields varPop: UniversalDividendVarPopFields varSamp: UniversalDividendVarSampFields variance: UniversalDividendVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type UniversalDividendAvgFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "universal_dividend". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input UniversalDividendBoolExp { _and: [UniversalDividendBoolExp!] _not: UniversalDividendBoolExp _or: [UniversalDividendBoolExp!] amount: NumericComparisonExp blockNumber: IntComparisonExp event: EventBoolExp eventId: StringComparisonExp id: StringComparisonExp membersCount: IntComparisonExp monetaryMass: NumericComparisonExp timestamp: TimestamptzComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type UniversalDividendMaxFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate min on columns""" type UniversalDividendMinFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """Ordering options when selecting data from "universal_dividend".""" input UniversalDividendOrderBy { amount: OrderBy blockNumber: OrderBy event: EventOrderBy eventId: OrderBy id: OrderBy membersCount: OrderBy monetaryMass: OrderBy timestamp: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "universal_dividend" """ enum UniversalDividendSelectColumn { """column name""" amount """column name""" blockNumber """column name""" eventId """column name""" id """column name""" membersCount """column name""" monetaryMass """column name""" timestamp } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type UniversalDividendStddevFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type UniversalDividendStddevPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type UniversalDividendStddevSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "universal_dividend" """ input UniversalDividendStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: UniversalDividendStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input UniversalDividendStreamCursorValueInput { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int eventId: String id: String membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric timestamp: timestamptz } """aggregate sum on columns""" type UniversalDividendSumFields { amount: numeric blockNumber: Int membersCount: Int monetaryMass: numeric } """aggregate variance on columns""" type UniversalDividendVarianceFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type UniversalDividendVarPopFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type UniversalDividendVarSampFields { amount: Float blockNumber: Float membersCount: Float monetaryMass: Float } """ columns and relationships of "validator" """ type Validator { id: String! index: Int! } """ aggregated selection of "validator" """ type ValidatorAggregate { aggregate: ValidatorAggregateFields nodes: [Validator!]! } """ aggregate fields of "validator" """ type ValidatorAggregateFields { avg: ValidatorAvgFields count(columns: [ValidatorSelectColumn!], distinct: Boolean): Int! max: ValidatorMaxFields min: ValidatorMinFields stddev: ValidatorStddevFields stddevPop: ValidatorStddevPopFields stddevSamp: ValidatorStddevSampFields sum: ValidatorSumFields varPop: ValidatorVarPopFields varSamp: ValidatorVarSampFields variance: ValidatorVarianceFields } """aggregate avg on columns""" type ValidatorAvgFields { index: Float } """ Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "validator". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'. """ input ValidatorBoolExp { _and: [ValidatorBoolExp!] _not: ValidatorBoolExp _or: [ValidatorBoolExp!] id: StringComparisonExp index: IntComparisonExp } """aggregate max on columns""" type ValidatorMaxFields { id: String index: Int } """aggregate min on columns""" type ValidatorMinFields { id: String index: Int } """Ordering options when selecting data from "validator".""" input ValidatorOrderBy { id: OrderBy index: OrderBy } """ select columns of table "validator" """ enum ValidatorSelectColumn { """column name""" id """column name""" index } """aggregate stddev on columns""" type ValidatorStddevFields { index: Float } """aggregate stddevPop on columns""" type ValidatorStddevPopFields { index: Float } """aggregate stddevSamp on columns""" type ValidatorStddevSampFields { index: Float } """ Streaming cursor of the table "validator" """ input ValidatorStreamCursorInput { """Stream column input with initial value""" initialValue: ValidatorStreamCursorValueInput! """cursor ordering""" ordering: CursorOrdering } """Initial value of the column from where the streaming should start""" input ValidatorStreamCursorValueInput { id: String index: Int } """aggregate sum on columns""" type ValidatorSumFields { index: Int } """aggregate variance on columns""" type ValidatorVarianceFields { index: Float } """aggregate varPop on columns""" type ValidatorVarPopFields { index: Float } """aggregate varSamp on columns""" type ValidatorVarSampFields { index: Float }