import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart'; import '../../../data/models/app_cubit.dart'; import '../../../data/models/payment_cubit.dart'; import '../../../data/models/payment_state.dart'; import '../../../data/models/theme_cubit.dart'; import '../../../data/models/transaction_cubit.dart'; import '../../../g1/currency.dart'; import '../../../shared_prefs_helper.dart'; import '../../logger.dart'; import '../../pay_helper.dart'; import '../../tutorial_keys.dart'; import '../../ui_helpers.dart'; import '../fifth_screen/import_dialog.dart'; import '../form_error_widget.dart'; import 'g1_textfield.dart'; class PayForm extends StatefulWidget { const PayForm({super.key}); @override State<PayForm> createState() => _PayFormState(); } class _PayFormState extends State<PayForm> { final GlobalKey<FormState> _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); final GlobalKey<FormFieldState<String>> _formCommentKey = GlobalKey<FormFieldState<String>>(); final TextEditingController _commentController = TextEditingController(); final ValueNotifier<String> _feedbackNotifier = ValueNotifier<String>(''); @override void dispose() { _commentController.dispose(); _feedbackNotifier.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext cp) { return BlocBuilder<PaymentCubit, PaymentState>( builder: (BuildContext context, PaymentState state) { final AppCubit appCubit =<AppCubit>(); final double currentUd = appCubit.currentUd; final Currency currency = appCubit.currency; if (state.comment != null && _commentController.text != state.comment) { _commentController.text = state.comment; } if (state.amount == null || state.amount == 0) { _feedbackNotifier.value = ''; } final bool sentDisabled = _onPressed(state, context, currency, currentUd) == null; final Color sentColor = sentDisabled ? Theme.of(context).disabledColor :<ThemeCubit>().isDark() ? const Color(0xFFB8D166) : Theme.of(context).primaryColor; return Form( key: _formKey, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: <Widget>[ const SizedBox(height: 10.0), G1PayAmountField(key: payAmountKey), const SizedBox(height: 10.0), Row(children: <Widget>[ Expanded( child: TextFormField( key: _formCommentKey, controller: _commentController, onChanged: (String? value) { final String newText = (value ?? '').replaceAll('\n', '');<PaymentCubit>().setComment(newText); }, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: tr('g1_form_pay_desc'), hintText: tr('g1_form_pay_hint'), border: const OutlineInputBorder(), ), validator: (String? value) { if (value != null && !basicEnglishCharsRegExp.hasMatch(value)) { return tr('valid_comment'); } return null; }, // Disallow autocomplete autofillHints: const <String>[], )), const SizedBox(width: 5.0), Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Material( color: Colors.transparent, child: IgnorePointer( ignoring: sentDisabled, child: IconTheme( data: const IconThemeData(size: 40.0), child: IconButton( key: paySentKey, tooltip: tr('g1_form_pay_send'), icon: Icon( Icons.send, color: sentColor, ), onPressed: () async { bool hasPass = false; if (!SharedPreferencesHelper().isG1nkgoCard() && !SharedPreferencesHelper().hasVolatile()) { hasPass = await showImportCesiumWalletDialog( context, SharedPreferencesHelper().getPubKey()) ?? false; } else { hasPass = true; } if (hasPass) { if (mounted) { final Future<void> Function()? func = _onPressed( state, context, currency, currentUd); if (func != null) { func(); } } } }, splashRadius: 20, splashColor: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.5), highlightColor: Colors.transparent, ), ), ), ), Text( tr('g1_form_pay_send'), style: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: sentColor), ), ], ), ]), FormErrorWidget(feedbackNotifier: _feedbackNotifier), ], ), ); }); } Future<void> Function()? _onPressed(PaymentState state, BuildContext context, Currency currency, double currentUd) { final bool isG1 = currency == Currency.G1; final bool notCanBeSent = !state.canBeSent(); final bool notValidComment = !_commentValidate(); final bool nullAmount = state.amount == null; loggerDev( 'notCanBeSent: $notCanBeSent, notValidComment: $notValidComment, nullAmount: $nullAmount'); return (notCanBeSent || nullAmount || notValidComment || notBalance(context, state, currency, currentUd)) ? null : () async { try { await payWithRetry( context: context, to:!, amount: state.amount!, isG1: isG1, currentUd: currentUd, comment: state.comment); } on RetryException { // Here the transactions can be lost, so we must implement some manual retry use await payWithRetry( context: context, to:!, amount: state.amount!, isG1: isG1, currentUd: currentUd, comment: state.comment, useMempool: true); } }; } bool notBalance(BuildContext context, PaymentState state, Currency currency, double currentUd) => !_weHaveBalance(context, state.amount!, currency, currentUd); bool _commentValidate() { final String currentComment = _commentController.value.text; final bool val = (currentComment != null && basicEnglishCharsRegExp.hasMatch(currentComment)) || currentComment.isEmpty; logger('Validating comment: $val'); if (_formKey.currentState != null) { _formKey.currentState!.validate(); } return val; } bool _weHaveBalance(BuildContext context, double amount, Currency currency, double currentUd) { final double balance = convertAmount(currency == Currency.G1, getBalance(context), currentUd); logger('We have $balance G1, need $amount'); final bool weHave = balance >= amount; if (!weHave) { _feedbackNotifier.value = tr('insufficient balance'); } else { _feedbackNotifier.value = ''; } return weHave; } double getBalance(BuildContext context) =><TransactionCubit>().balance; } class RetryException implements Exception { RetryException(); }