diff --git a/content/blog/2000-01-01-article-demo-slug-lisible.md b/content/blog/2000-01-01-article-demo-slug-lisible.md
index 0c584617ce7459f6b654696da4e319d0fea26f24..dd506906c36d1d89e9c60e30efe535d5c79c32a3 100644
--- a/content/blog/2000-01-01-article-demo-slug-lisible.md
+++ b/content/blog/2000-01-01-article-demo-slug-lisible.md
@@ -1,51 +1,78 @@
-title = "Titre"
+title = "Article démo"
 date = 2000-01-01
 draft = true
-authors = ["Moi",]
+authors = ["HugoTrentesaux",]
 tags = ["demo",]
 thumbnail = "/img/yunohost.png"
+# Article de démonstration
+Cet article montre les fonctionnalités des shortcode. Il peut être généré avec `zola serve --drafts`.
+### Display de notes possible
 {% note(type="ok", display="block", markdown=true) %}
-Note "ok" *échantillon*. De type "block"  
+Note "ok" *échantillon*. De display "block"  
 Avec du contenu en **markdown**.
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="ok") %}
-Note both "ok" sur une seule ligne.
+{% note(type="ok", display="both") %}
+Note "ok" de display "both"
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="ok", display="icon", markdown=true, size="large") %}
-Note "ok" *échantillon*. De type "icon"  
-Avec du contenu en **markdown**.
+{% note(type="ok", display="icon") %}
+Note "ok" display "icon"
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="ok", display="icon") %}
-Note icone "ok" sur une seule ligne.
+### Type de notes possible
+{% note(type="default") %}
+Note "default"
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="warning", display="block", markdown=true) %}
-Note "warning" *échantillon*. De type "block"  
-Avec du contenu en **markdown**.
+{% note(type="neutral") %}
+Note "neutral"
+{% end %}
+{% note(type="ok") %}
+Note "ok"
 {% end %}
 {% note(type="warning") %}
-Note both "warning" sur une seule ligne.
+Note "warning"
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="warning", display="icon", markdown=true, size="large") %}
-Note "warning" *échantillon*. De type "icon"  
-Avec du contenu en **markdown**.
+{% note(type="error") %}
+Note "error"
+{% end %}
+{% note(type="info") %}
+Note "info"
+{% end %}
+### Taille de note possible
+{% note(type="info", markdown="true" size="small") %}
+Note "small"  
+Avec deux lignes
 {% end %}
-{% note(type="warning", display="icon") %}
-Note icone "warning" sur une seule ligne.
+{% note(type="info", markdown="true" size="medium") %}
+Note "medium"  
+Trois lignes
 {% end %}
+{% note(type="info", markdown="true" size="large") %}
+Note "large"  
+{% end %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/blog/2020-01-27-et-si-on-financait-duniter.md b/content/blog/2020-01-27-et-si-on-financait-duniter.md
index baf50a8882896b3db6b6fee43c3c2597430bca59..423c09c92bedb79ba04e193fb1e4c2bfc29c25a8 100644
--- a/content/blog/2020-01-27-et-si-on-financait-duniter.md
+++ b/content/blog/2020-01-27-et-si-on-financait-duniter.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title = "Ğ1 : Et si on finançait son développement ?"
 draft = true
-authors = ["Boris",]
+authors = ["boris",]
 category = ["Financement",]
diff --git a/content/contributeurs/nanocryk.md b/content/contributeurs/nanocryk.md
index 221c4a2ae1a8511986739e9ee4a8d98c77dcbc6c..39b8da192fecccb8f8471c0596c4edae0f5c67cc 100644
--- a/content/contributeurs/nanocryk.md
+++ b/content/contributeurs/nanocryk.md
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@
 title = "nanocryk"
 draft = true
+authors = ["nanocryk",]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sass/_zolapage.sass b/sass/_zolapage.sass
index 7a3cc7fb42a5835955544d0540f0245c109f5418..f61621fc7658711f367494c5b0bdf13bc4ae370d 100644
--- a/sass/_zolapage.sass
+++ b/sass/_zolapage.sass
@@ -30,16 +30,22 @@
         content: ""
         float: left
-        margin-right: 5px
         position: relative
-    .note-icon-large::before
-        height: 72px
-        width: 72px
-        background-size: 72px
+        margin: 6px 6px 6px 0
         height: 24px
         width: 24px
         background-size: 24px
+    .note-icon-medium::before
+        margin: 12px 12px 12px 0
+        height: 48px
+        width: 48px
+        background-size: 48px
+    .note-icon-large::before
+        margin: 18px 18px 18px 0
+        height: 72px
+        width: 72px
+        background-size: 72px
         content: ""
         display: block
@@ -63,7 +69,11 @@
         background-color: #dff5ff
         border-left-color: #454ec5
+    .note::before
+        background-repeat: no-repeat;
         background-image: url("/theme/ok.png")
-        background-image: url("/theme/warning.png")
\ No newline at end of file
+        background-image: url("/theme/warning.png")
+    .note-icon-info::before
+        background-image: url("/theme/info.png")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/theme/info.png b/static/theme/info.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/static/theme/info.png differ
diff --git a/static/theme/info.svg b/static/theme/info.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
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diff --git a/templates/shortcodes/note.html b/templates/shortcodes/note.html
index 36a006eca128ed9ea14236d16ecb8b35a5f6096f..037f05bc0353d69a52c0bb03f7649bc524901f03 100644
--- a/templates/shortcodes/note.html
+++ b/templates/shortcodes/note.html
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+    note shortcode with icon and border
+    display: icon / block / both
+    type: neutral / ok / info / warning / error
+    size: small / medium / large
+{# define defaults #}
 {% if not display %}{% set display="both" %}{% endif %}
 {% if not type %}{% set type="neutral" %}{% endif %}
 {% if not size %}{% set size="small" %}{% endif %}