import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:durt/durt.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'data/models/cesium_card.dart'; import 'data/models/credit_card_themes.dart'; import 'g1/g1_helper.dart'; import 'ui/logger.dart'; class SharedPreferencesHelper with ChangeNotifier { factory SharedPreferencesHelper() { return _instance; } SharedPreferencesHelper._internal() { SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((SharedPreferences value) { _prefs = value; }); } List<CesiumCard> cesiumCards = <CesiumCard>[]; Map<String, CesiumWallet> cesiumVolatileCards = <String, CesiumWallet>{}; static final SharedPreferencesHelper _instance = SharedPreferencesHelper._internal(); late SharedPreferences _prefs; static const String _seedKey = 'seed'; static const String _pubKey = 'pub'; Future<void> init() async { _prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); final String? json = _prefs.getString('cesiumCards'); if (json != null) { final List<dynamic> list = jsonDecode(json) as List<dynamic>; cesiumCards = list .map((dynamic e) => CesiumCard.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>)) .toList(); } // Migrate the current pair if exists await migrateCurrentPair(); } Future<void> migrateCurrentPair() async { if (_prefs.containsKey(_seedKey) && _prefs.containsKey(_pubKey) && cesiumCards.isEmpty) { final String seed = _prefs.getString(_seedKey)!; final String pubKey = _prefs.getString(_pubKey)!; final CesiumCard card = buildCesiumCard(seed: seed, pubKey: pubKey); addCesiumCard(card); // Let's do this later await _prefs.remove(_seedKey); await _prefs.remove(_pubKey); setCurrentWalletIndex(0); } } CesiumCard buildCesiumCard({required String seed, required String pubKey}) { return CesiumCard( seed: seed, pubKey: pubKey, theme: CreditCardThemes.theme1, name: ''); } void addCesiumCard(CesiumCard cesiumCard) { cesiumCards.add(cesiumCard); saveCesiumCards(); } void removeCesiumCard(int index) { // Don't allow the last card to be removed logger('Removing card at index $index'); if (cesiumCards.length > 1) { cesiumCards.removeAt(index); saveCesiumCards(); } } Future<void> saveCesiumCards([bool notify = true]) async { final String json = jsonEncode( e) => e.toJson()).toList()); await _prefs.setString('cesiumCards', json); if (notify) { notifyListeners(); } } // Get the wallet from the specified index (default to first wallet) Future<CesiumWallet> getWallet() async { if (cesiumCards.isNotEmpty) { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; if (isG1nkgoCard()) { return CesiumWallet.fromSeed(seedFromString(card.seed)); } else { return cesiumVolatileCards[extractPublicKey(card.pubKey)]!; } } else { // Generate a new wallet if no wallets exist final Uint8List uS = generateUintSeed(); final String seed = seedToString(uS); final CesiumWallet wallet = CesiumWallet.fromSeed(uS); logger('Generated public key: ${wallet.pubkey}'); addCesiumCard(buildCesiumCard(seed: seed, pubKey: wallet.pubkey)); return wallet; } } // Get the public key from the specified index (default to first wallet) String getPubKey() { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; final String pubKey = card.pubKey; final String checksum = pkChecksum(extractPublicKey(pubKey)); return '$pubKey:$checksum'; } String getName({int index = 0}) { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[index]; return; } CreditCardTheme getTheme() { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; return card.theme; } void setName({required String name, bool notify = true}) { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()] = card.copyWith(name: name); saveCesiumCards(notify); } void setTheme({required CreditCardTheme theme}) { final CesiumCard card = cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()] = card.copyWith(theme: theme); saveCesiumCards(); } List<CesiumCard> get cards => cesiumCards; static const String _currentWalletIndexKey = 'current_wallet_index'; // Get the current wallet index from shared preferences int getCurrentWalletIndex() { return _prefs.getInt(_currentWalletIndexKey) ?? 0; } // Set the current wallet index in shared preferences Future<void> setCurrentWalletIndex(int index) async { await _prefs.setInt(_currentWalletIndexKey, index); notifyListeners(); } Future<void> selectCurrentWallet(CesiumCard card) async { // TODO this should be a find with pubkey final int index = cards.indexOf(card); if (index >= 0) { await _prefs.setInt(_currentWalletIndexKey, index); notifyListeners(); } else { throw Exception('Invalid wallet index: $index'); } } // Select the current wallet and save its index in shared preferences Future<void> selectCurrentWalletIndex(int index) async { if (index < cesiumCards.length) { await setCurrentWalletIndex(index); } else { throw Exception('Invalid wallet index: $index'); } } bool has(String pubKey) { for (final CesiumCard card in cesiumCards) { if (card.pubKey == extractPublicKey(pubKey) || card.pubKey == pubKey) { return true; } } return false; } bool hasVolatile() { return cesiumVolatileCards.containsKey(extractPublicKey(getPubKey())); } void addCesiumVolatileCard(CesiumWallet cesiumWallet) { cesiumVolatileCards[cesiumWallet.pubkey] = cesiumWallet; } bool isG1nkgoCard([CesiumCard? otherCard]) { final CesiumCard card = otherCard ?? cesiumCards[getCurrentWalletIndex()]; return card.seed.isNotEmpty; } }