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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.1.7+78
    - fix: adapt certify and idty migration to latest runtime ([e2662b3](
    - enh: decrease font size ([83a5d09](
    - refac ([c7b4f39](
    - feat: add real date of certifications ([380b51d](
  • v0.1.6+74
    - fix: remove account creation fee check ([22e7cf1](
  • v0.1.6+73
    - fix: don't freeze after screen lock on walletOptions screen, and refactor stuff ([bfce822](
    - fix: can add custom derivation ([5950088](
    - feat: add query to store transactions comments to datapod ([02b59e3](
    - feat: adapt tests to new Duniter runtime ([5bc2615](
    - fix: implement async transaction status check in initState ([6b5bcad](
    - enh: refactor askPinCode() ([e485af5](
    - feat: update duniter data to latest runtime 701 ([41dcf91](
    - upgrade to flutter 3.19.3 ([2f180d2](
    - update script ([258cd11](
    - update to new gdev runtime and hasura squid ([56a6213](
  • v0.1.4+68
    b1f9067c · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - fix: listen clipboard changes in search screen ([f120884](
  • v0.1.4+67
    de341c3a · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - fix: don't show loading icon each bloc on idtyStatus... ([bbec988](
  • v0.1.4+66
    6cb08585 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - feat: show datapod avatars in activity view ([70b4c8a](
    - fix: can use safe button in bottom appbar again (regression) ([ce68216](
    - feat: adapt texts size in screen titles ([20590a9](
    - feat: can migrate identity to external address ([93c9b37](
    - feat: follow transactions status directly on activity screen ([b37b9ad](
    - enh: adapat text sizes ([ef9e7b3](
    - feat: use classic GraphQL pagination system for wallet history ([bc415b5](
    - feat: can refresh history and certs data with swipe down ([3177392](
    - fix: show received certifications when asked, and keep only latests ([ebf7420](
    - feat: global websocket connection for indexer and datapod ([2bef9c1](
    - fix: catch errors on idtyStatus check for walletname ([232f893](
    - bump v0.1.4+66 ([1127f77](
  • v0.1.3+63
    3cabd848 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - enh: remove indexer endpoint ([bde2b0c](
    - refacto: TransactionStatus enum and status is nullable ([3ec18ba](
    - fix: Align center safe button in bottomappbar ([cb840b9](
    - fix: dialogBackgroundColor in main ([8df05ea](
    - enh: improve derivations scan informations on import ([ff29ff8](
    - update build script ([a6ed10c](
    - feat: welcome back Cs+ avatars (disabled) ([225d2b3](
    - feat: remove validateIdentity tx and add todo for distance ([6d284b7](
    - UI: upgrade responsive_framework with breaking sizes ([2830a9d](
    - feat: add datapod provider and mutation for avatar ([8ca0b00](
    - enh: refactor Transacation in progress screen with uuid per transaction ([007d620](
    - enh: refactor pin check by removing useless tmp local var ([5718d17](
    - enh: refactor checks for wallets import (#40) ([ee88042](
    - enh: upgrade deps ([639b376](
    - feat: get remote avatar from datapod, and sync local avatars ([55eb61f](
    - bump v0.1.3+63 ([9337052](
  • v0.1.2+59
    65b5a9f3 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - fix: keep keyboard focus when changing wallet source in payment popup ([b835c70](
    - fix and improve mnemonic print pdf ([4cbb0bb](
    - tr: translate pdf infos ([acd8387](
    - fix: double home screen after forget all safes ([ea43d66](
    - fix: paste from clipboard text padding ([1f72710](
    - feat: balance multi queries is working ([fadc3c0](
    - feat: big improvement on wallet scan at safe import ([a751b1e](
    - fix: good display of wallet names on transaction screen ([e47211f](
    - fix: bad display on wallet choice dropdown on pay popup ([433452d](
    - bump polkawallet 0.5.4+4 ([b3fc3e7](
    - wip: adapt duniter genesis config to latest runtime ([0c562bb](
    - fix: add --alice option to duniter test node ([dbdfd0c](
    - feat: allow idty with index 0; certsData is nullable ([08ea844](
    - refacto: walletData idtyStatus enum type ([6f2d33b](
    - refacto: remove deprecated code ([f65b194](
    - fix: can open Certification screen only if get certs ([1b1c5ab](
    - refacto: add methods to WalletData ([b916c44](
    - wip: highlight wallet with status in safe wallet list ([7514eb7](
    - fix: bugs about idtyStatus and few stuff ([b436341](
    - fix: update changeOwnerKey tx for runtime 700 ([6be89a3](
    - feat: Load idtyStatus on readAllWallets method ([e3dc579](
    - test: fix and adapt test to latest UI ([a13d191](
    - fix: idtyIndex is nullable ([a35d6b5](
    - fix: empty username is indexer is off ([5ccacea](
    - fix: isolate safe_home listener in consumer ([cab22eb](
    - wip: use multiqueries for idtystatus and idtyindex ([db13c4a](
    - fix: replace null value by high idtyindex for multiquery ([cf9f557](
    - enh: replace switch case by map for idtyStatus ([80cbde7](
    - test: scroll before add derivation in safe home ([4614f81](
    - refacto: replace huge switch cases by 2 maps in screen transaction_in_proggress ([db5358a](
    - enh: improve routes to safe home ([6d16b99](
    - UX: change search button appBar with home ([5dbec1a](
    - feat: wallet membre can be drag and dropped ([19fdf97](
    - refacto: widgetized wallets_home screen ([bad65f5](
    - feat: show certifications on membre wallet tule ([9f01448](
    - refacto: username is nullable ([d9c30d3](
    - deps: upgrade packages ([c294177](
    - bump v0.1.2+59 ([9a171a7](
    - deps: upgrade to Flutter 3.16.0 (breaking changes) ([fe75821](
  • v0.1.1+58
    dc1b54a0 · upgrade gradle ·
    - feat: don't close screen if cancel scanner ([d878fd8](
    - refacto: export home widgets ([840932c](
    - feat: add debug screen ([00b81d5](
    - refacto: contact screen ([6ec550e](
    - feat: information about contacts add/remove ([9d63e6e](
    - improve contact management ([c6a7474](
    - fix: use different pageInfo on activityscreen when pop multiple accounts ([5ab9377](
    - WIP: display changeOwnerkey event on activity screen ([33635d9](
    - increase font size on wallets views ([09c869e](
    - fix: actualize currendUdIndex before computeUnclainedUds ([f7fd90e](
    - fix: load usernames when opening the safe ([ea94b45](
    - tests: fix transactions not validate ([f4ed793](
    - feat: display changeOwnerKey event on actitivity screen; but only on new address side ([2264a9f](
    - update todos ([777fa39](
    - feat: add tutorial about dragAndDrop wallets tules transactions ([21a56bb](
    - refacto: getDateDelimiter() logic ([5b04c5b](
    - fix: null username on payments ([c316c0d](
    - upgrade flutter 3.10 ([abb2810](
    - add info popup about transactions fees ([0a47c3b](
    - change choose wallet in payment popup to dropdown ([611d715](
    - feat: start to implement RPC multiqueries ([2301472](
    - upgrade packages ([5e2d4c4](
    - bump v0.1.1+58 ([7a45968](
    - upgrade gradle ([dc1b54a](
  • v0.1.0+56
    fcff3e60 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - fix build link script ([1a3df7d](
    - Translations and fixes ([9496b92](
    - #71 ([a347796](
    - flutter format ([2cb7f23](
    - disabling ChooseChest ([2d9e802](
    - format: after disabling changeChest ([515a058](
    - disable unused import ([8e12896](
    - translations, debug test ([d4740ab](
    - translation updates, styles try? ([a0a3910](
    - format ([f5904e4](
    - fix: french typo ([8376419](
    - feat: can copy app version number ([6042746](
    - fix: double delimters in activity view ([22c5961](
    - remove old todo ([532a004](
    - fix: parse double to int in initCurrencyParameters for iPhone ([c8933fd](
    - set ios platform minimum version to 10 ([472a4c1](
    - fix: build iOS ([b31fbc9](
    - make integration tests multilang ([c60a8ad](
    - upgrade dependencies ([ac1157f](
    - WIP: upgrade gradle and kotlin to last version ([ddcd47c](
    - new gradle is working ([e56d6d5](
    - update README ([edaf065](
    - fix gradle bad expection; remove old sentry comment ([c4b9eaf](
    - simplify IP address linking for intergration test on emulator ([fd5d20e](
    - fix layout on settings screen on iOS ([51774ac](
    - update endpoint list ([c304999](
    - remove buggy dotenv use ([6523bce](
    - add host bridge ip ([105d32a](
    - disable autocorrect on cesium id/pwd ([f76edf0](
    - fix: InvalidNewOwnerKeySig ([8050a44](
    - remove unused .env file ([c25673d](
  • v0.1.0+54
    9f5a15cc · bump 0.1.0+54 ·
    - Translations ([5b561d5](
    - fix format - after translation mods ([31627c2](
    - remove unused import - after translations ([22325f7](
    - fix flutter icon ([46bc38a](
    - bump 0.1.0+54 ([9f5a15c](
  • v0.1.0+53
    06343358 · upgrade flutter 3.7 ·
    - fix: android icon ([38498d2](
    - downgrade flutter_icon to 2.0.4 ([3d9ce9d](
    - fix: bad substrate-sdk commit ref ([60ea8ec](
    - GPT fixed this issue (fake offline detection): ([0ab955b](
    - new BalanceBuilder Widget ([9983ea9](
    - add tuto package; safe_home is stateful ([8382cbf](
    - fix: bad virtual keybaord for tchois (team peer programming) ([9a4c1d6](
    - upgrade flutter 3.7 ([0634335](
  • v0.1.0+52
    - upgrade icons generation ([bca3082](
    - fix: shouln't be able to see "My contacts" menu if you have no safes. ([71d2223](
    - fix: sometime on startup, app says you upgraded dataVersion (but no) and forget your safes... ([d1194d5](
    - v0.1.0 ([a176611](
    - add hugo bootnode ([1f1ccc0](
    - fix: flutter format ([1364b36](
    - fix CI 1 ([e1c5943](
    - fix CI 2 ([b0d29fc](
  • v0.0.15+51
    5d084f44 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - big recto: commons Widgets ([d19131e](
  • v0.0.15+50
    5e4f1354 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - UX: global improvements ([26cc024](
  • v0.0.15+49
    3ba04470 · Merge branch 'dev' ·
    - safeHome: add safe image in topbar ([70f4f15](
    - wip: try to fix history begginin ([875341a](
    - refacto: ContactsList and SearchResult Widget ([c6cfb4e](
    - fix: add deboune to search, and swap onChange to sync ([613b6b2](
    - refacto: new TransactionTile widget ([c055dbf](
    - WIP: extract transaction view computation; bug on delimiter redondance ([f7fe3fa](
    - fix: bug on delimiter redondance ([792ac2f](
  • v0.0.15+48
    - UX: search: action button is paste address if an address is present in clipboard ([7f8d46b](
  • v0.0.15+47
    - fix null avlue on indexer blockchainStartTime on app startup ([535e121](
    - fix null is not int when initCurrencyParameters ([30b8b68](
    - refacto: new IdentityStatus Widget ([c50aa53](
    - refacto: new WalletName Widget ([4ef5f77](
    - refacto: new Balance and Certifications Widgets ([150f689](
    - refacto: new UdUnitDisplay Widget ([c81662d](
    - WIP: bug on walletname edition and display ([82c1d5b](
    - fix: null username on search_result screen ([cf4387a](
    - big refacto: home screen stateful; walletnames refacto ([d773150](
    - fix: bad screen view canCert state ([a28df90](
    - UX: improve appBar in safeHome ([622ceda](
  • v0.0.14+46
    - upgrade packages ([9a2b999](
    - UX: big improvements on unlocking screen ([e5e7166](
    - bump 0.0.14+46 ([b1a5ca7](
  • v0.0.14+45
    - fix: bad wallet view info ([ef7f6ef](