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Forked from websites / monnaie-libre-fr
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Ğ1nkgo logo

Ğ1nkgo (aka Ginkgo) is a lightweight Ğ1 wallet for Duniter v1 written in Flutter. The app allows users to manage their Ğ1 currency on their mobile device using just a browser.


  • Introduction for beginners
  • Generation of Cesium wallet and persistence (if you refresh the page, it should display the same wallet address).
  • A point-of-sale device that generates a QR code for the public address and other QR codes with amounts (which lightweight wallets will understand).
  • Send Ğ1 transactions
  • Transactions history page and Balance with persistence to load last transactions on boot
  • Contact management and cache (to avoid too much API petitions)
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • QR code reader
  • Import/export of your wallet
  • Automatic discover and selection of nodes, error recovery & retry
  • Customizable via env file
  • Inline tutorials
  • Pagination of transactions
  • Some contextual help (for example, by tapping on "Validity").


Wallet Terminal card
Card Terminal card


This is a demo used for testing a development, please use a production server for stability:

Ğ1nkgo in production


First of all, you can contribute translating Ğ1nkgo to your language:


mkdir -p ~/.ginkgo/nginx-conf mkdir -p ~/.ginkgo/www

Dev contributions


This repository requires Flutter to be installed and present in your development environment.

Clone the project and enter the project folder.

git clone
cd ginkgo

Get the dependencies.

flutter pub get

Launch all the tests

flutter test

Build & deploy

Build for web

Use first this command to enable web support:

flutter config --enable-web

Then, build the app:

flutter build web --no-tree-shake-icons

NB: Add --release for a production build.

If you are using a web browser different from Chrome, you should first find your browser's executable (example for Brave):

which brave-browser

Then, you should add the executable path to the environment variable CHROME_EXECUTABLE by typing the following command:

export CHROME_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/brave-browser

NB: This is a temporary solution that will be reset when you close your terminal. If you want to make it permanent, you should add this variable to your .bashrc or .zshrc file:

nano ~/.bashrc

Then, add the following line at the end of the file:

export CHROME_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/brave-browser

Finally, reload your terminal:

source ~/.bashrc

Build and deploy to your server

rsync --progress=info2 --delete -aH build/web/ youruser@yourserver:/var/www/ginkgo/

Run dev environment

Run the app via command line or through your development environment. It will run the default built version.

flutter run

NB: If there are more than one built version, there will be a prompt asking for the version you want to use (for example, web or desktop)

If you want to directly run a specific version (for example, the web version), use:

flutter run -d "chrome"

In order to do gva operations, you should disable cors in the flutter run config:

--web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"

cors disable

Easy Localization

To add translations, add a .json translation file in the assets/translations folder, by prefixing the file with the language code (for example, en.json for English). The file should be in the format:

  "key": "value"

Then, add the language in the main.dart file:

supportedLocales: const <Locale>[
    Locale('en', ''),

Go to ios/Runner/Info.plist and update the following code adding the language:


Finally, add the language to the User Interface in the screen file:

  value: Locale('en'),
  child: Text('English'),


  1. If you cannot build the app, try to run flutter clean and then flutter pub get.
  2. If it still doesn't work, try to delete the build folder and run flutter pub get again.
  3. At least, you can try to run flutter pub upgrade to upgrade all the dependencies.
  4. And in last resort, you can try to delete the pubspec.lock file and run flutter pub get again.
  5. Finally, there is a troubleshooting command in flutter: flutter doctor -v.



  • ast: dixebral
  • ca: calbasi
  • de: FW
  • eo: flodef
  • eu: Anna Ayala Alcalá
  • fr: flodef, Hugo, Maaltir, poka and vincentux
  • gl: Vijitâtman
  • it: Anna Ayala Alcalá
  • nl: Maria Rosa Costa i Alandi
  • pt: Carlos Neto



Pub packages used

This repository makes use of the following pub packages:

Package Version Usage
Durt ^0.1.6 Duniter crypto lib
Bloc ^8.1.0 State management
Flutter Bloc ^8.1.1 State management
Hydrated Bloc ^9.0.0 Persists Bloc state with Hive
Equatable ^2.0.5 Easily compare custom classes, used for Bloc states*
Flutter Lints ^2.0.1 Stricter linting rules
Path Provider ^2.0.11 Get the save path for Hive
Flutter Displaymode ^0.5.0 Support high refresh rate displays
Easy Localization ^3.0.1 Makes localization easy
Hive ^2.2.3 Platform independent storage.
Url Launcher ^6.1.7 Open urls in Browser
Ionicons ^0.2.2 Modern icon library

