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- fix null avlue on indexer blockchainStartTime on app startup ([535e121](
- fix null is not int when initCurrencyParameters ([30b8b68](
- refacto: new IdentityStatus Widget ([c50aa53](
- refacto: new WalletName Widget ([4ef5f77](
- refacto: new Balance and Certifications Widgets ([150f689](
- refacto: new UdUnitDisplay Widget ([c81662d](
- WIP: bug on walletname edition and display ([82c1d5b](
- fix: null username on search_result screen ([cf4387a](
- big refacto: home screen stateful; walletnames refacto ([d773150](
- fix: bad screen view canCert state ([a28df90](
- UX: improve appBar in safeHome ([622ceda](