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- feat: don't close screen if cancel scanner ([d878fd8](
- refacto: export home widgets ([840932c](
- feat: add debug screen ([00b81d5](
- refacto: contact screen ([6ec550e](
- feat: information about contacts add/remove ([9d63e6e](
- improve contact management ([c6a7474](
- fix: use different pageInfo on activityscreen when pop multiple accounts ([5ab9377](
- WIP: display changeOwnerkey event on activity screen ([33635d9](
- increase font size on wallets views ([09c869e](
- fix: actualize currendUdIndex before computeUnclainedUds ([f7fd90e](
- fix: load usernames when opening the safe ([ea94b45](
- tests: fix transactions not validate ([f4ed793](
- feat: display changeOwnerKey event on actitivity screen; but only on new address side ([2264a9f](
- update todos ([777fa39](
- feat: add tutorial about dragAndDrop wallets tules transactions ([21a56bb](
- refacto: getDateDelimiter() logic ([5b04c5b](
- fix: null username on payments ([c316c0d](
- upgrade flutter 3.10 ([abb2810](
- add info popup about transactions fees ([0a47c3b](
- change choose wallet in payment popup to dropdown ([611d715](
- feat: start to implement RPC multiqueries ([2301472](
- upgrade packages ([5e2d4c4](
- bump v0.1.1+58 ([7a45968](
- upgrade gradle ([dc1b54a](