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- fix: keep keyboard focus when changing wallet source in payment popup ([b835c70](
- fix and improve mnemonic print pdf ([4cbb0bb](
- tr: translate pdf infos ([acd8387](
- fix: double home screen after forget all safes ([ea43d66](
- fix: paste from clipboard text padding ([1f72710](
- feat: balance multi queries is working ([fadc3c0](
- feat: big improvement on wallet scan at safe import ([a751b1e](
- fix: good display of wallet names on transaction screen ([e47211f](
- fix: bad display on wallet choice dropdown on pay popup ([433452d](
- bump polkawallet 0.5.4+4 ([b3fc3e7](
- wip: adapt duniter genesis config to latest runtime ([0c562bb](
- fix: add --alice option to duniter test node ([dbdfd0c](
- feat: allow idty with index 0; certsData is nullable ([08ea844](
- refacto: walletData idtyStatus enum type ([6f2d33b](
- refacto: remove deprecated code ([f65b194](
- fix: can open Certification screen only if get certs ([1b1c5ab](
- refacto: add methods to WalletData ([b916c44](
- wip: highlight wallet with status in safe wallet list ([7514eb7](
- fix: bugs about idtyStatus and few stuff ([b436341](
- fix: update changeOwnerKey tx for runtime 700 ([6be89a3](
- feat: Load idtyStatus on readAllWallets method ([e3dc579](
- test: fix and adapt test to latest UI ([a13d191](
- fix: idtyIndex is nullable ([a35d6b5](
- fix: empty username is indexer is off ([5ccacea](
- fix: isolate safe_home listener in consumer ([cab22eb](
- wip: use multiqueries for idtystatus and idtyindex ([db13c4a](
- fix: replace null value by high idtyindex for multiquery ([cf9f557](
- enh: replace switch case by map for idtyStatus ([80cbde7](
- test: scroll before add derivation in safe home ([4614f81](
- refacto: replace huge switch cases by 2 maps in screen transaction_in_proggress ([db5358a](
- enh: improve routes to safe home ([6d16b99](
- UX: change search button appBar with home ([5dbec1a](
- feat: wallet membre can be drag and dropped ([19fdf97](
- refacto: widgetized wallets_home screen ([bad65f5](
- feat: show certifications on membre wallet tule ([9f01448](
- refacto: username is nullable ([d9c30d3](
- deps: upgrade packages ([c294177](
- bump v0.1.2+59 ([9a171a7](
- deps: upgrade to Flutter 3.16.0 (breaking changes) ([fe75821](