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- enh: remove indexer endpoint ([bde2b0c](
- refacto: TransactionStatus enum and status is nullable ([3ec18ba](
- fix: Align center safe button in bottomappbar ([cb840b9](
- fix: dialogBackgroundColor in main ([8df05ea](
- enh: improve derivations scan informations on import ([ff29ff8](
- update build script ([a6ed10c](
- feat: welcome back Cs+ avatars (disabled) ([225d2b3](
- feat: remove validateIdentity tx and add todo for distance ([6d284b7](
- UI: upgrade responsive_framework with breaking sizes ([2830a9d](
- feat: add datapod provider and mutation for avatar ([8ca0b00](
- enh: refactor Transacation in progress screen with uuid per transaction ([007d620](
- enh: refactor pin check by removing useless tmp local var ([5718d17](
- enh: refactor checks for wallets import (#40) ([ee88042](
- enh: upgrade deps ([639b376](
- feat: get remote avatar from datapod, and sync local avatars ([55eb61f](
- bump v0.1.3+63 ([9337052](