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- feat: show datapod avatars in activity view ([70b4c8a](
- fix: can use safe button in bottom appbar again (regression) ([ce68216](
- feat: adapt texts size in screen titles ([20590a9](
- feat: can migrate identity to external address ([93c9b37](
- feat: follow transactions status directly on activity screen ([b37b9ad](
- enh: adapat text sizes ([ef9e7b3](
- feat: use classic GraphQL pagination system for wallet history ([bc415b5](
- feat: can refresh history and certs data with swipe down ([3177392](
- fix: show received certifications when asked, and keep only latests ([ebf7420](
- feat: global websocket connection for indexer and datapod ([2bef9c1](
- fix: catch errors on idtyStatus check for walletname ([232f893](
- bump v0.1.4+66 ([1127f77](