Ğecko is a transaction client owned by Axiom-Team association and written in Dart. It is fast and secure thanks to native code compilation, Rust cryptography bindings and Duniter's new GraphQL API (GVA). It is not intended to manage member accounts, but rather simple wallets.
The development is quite early, you can participate in the discussion on the Duniter forum (mostly FR)
Getting Started
To contribute to the code, we advise you to install the following development environment.
- Android Studio
- Android VM
- Android NDK
- Flutter SDK
- VSCode/Codium Flutter extension
- Rust toolchain
This will take about 12GB on your drive and 30 min of your time (with a good connection). Don't hesitate to ask on the forum for a peer-coding session if you are stuck.
Android Studio
Android Studio will let you set up an Android VM and install tools you need.
- Install Android Studio using your favorite installation method.
- At startup, do not open a project but click "configure" at the bottom of the "Welcome" menu
- In "SDK Manager"
- SDK Platforms Ttab
- note your SDK folder location (later used for Rust environment variables)
- select Android 11 (R) API level 30 (default)
- SDK Tools
- select NDK (native development kit used to compile Rust to native target)
- SDK Platforms Ttab
- In "AVD Manager"
- create a virtual machine (ours is Pixel 4 32bits machine)
- launch it in the emulator
If you reach this point without trouble, you're good to go for the next step.
Flutter SDK
Flutter is a powerfull SDK to develop Android apps. Install it with your favorite installation method.
We are using VSCode and therefore document the process for this IDE. Of course you're free to use whatever you want.
Clone the ğecko repo and open a dart file (e.g. lib/main.dart
). VSCode will suggest you to insall relevant extensions.
Rust toolchain
After installing Rust with the standard rustup install script, follow the instructions to build Rust dependencies in this separate README. If you installed a 32bits VM, use the 32bits build command.
Build the app
In a dart file (e.g. lib/main.dart
), type the F5
key to build the code. The app should open automatically in your VM which is running.
Build your app for Desktop
Install dependancies:
sudo apt-get install clang cmake ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev
Then build debug for linux:
flutter run -d linux
If you get this error:
flutter /usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:643 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)
Please try:
sudo apt install liblzma-dev
flutter clean && flutter run -d linux
- v0.1.0-beta (expected date: 21-07-27)
- Jsonification of filesystem
- Complete implementation of the Figma model made by Boris
- Account management (creation, security)
- Payment (QR-code generation / reading, form)
- Finalization of integration tests and unit tests
- Completion of the network scan when starting the application
- F-Droid publication
- v1.0
- Cart creation / management
- Transaction monitoring (subscription, TODO @tuxmain)
- Transaction validation notifications
- iOS compatibility
- Publication of Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore
- Mock-up and UX design of future functionalities
- v2.0
- Opaque HD derivation
- NFC payment
- Desktop compatibility
- Web of trust management ğ1 (certifications, promises of certifications)
- Calendar (news on events / markets ...)
- Editing of Cesium + data
- Contacts (address book, messaging)