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Add 'wot' subcmd to display received and sent certifications

Moul requested to merge wot_display_certs into master
silkaj wot moul
Requested default node: <>
moul received 18 and sent 21 certifications:
|    received    |       sent       |
|   gpsqueeek    |   mathieuBize    |
|  jeanferreira  |      Galuel      |
|    gerard94    |   jeanferreira   |
| BenoitLavenier |     gerard94     |
|      Loda      |      smyds       |
|     smyds      | CaizohanFerreira |
|    fbuland     |    gpsqueeek     |
|     SebasC     |       inso       |
|     Thatoo     |       vit        |
|   cuckooland   |      Thatoo      |
|      inso      |     William      |
|    Paulart     |    cuckooland    |
|   vincentux    |     greyzlii     |
|     Alfybe     |      elois       |
|    urodelus    |      cgeek       |
|    greyzlii    |    PierreYves    |
|   Mententon    |     mmu_man      |
|   PierreYves   |   OlivierAuber   |
|     paidge     |      paidge      |
|                |      Alfybe      |
|                |     1000i100     |
|                |       dig        |

I tested with cgeek, inso, Galuel, jytou and Tortue ids. I had to fix:

  • the fact that cgeek gave two results.
  • the fact that the check is done with case unsensitive as Galuel id is written with uppercase.

Merge request reports