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The rich desktop Python client for Duniter V2 Ğ1 crypto-currency

Tikka is a rich desktop Python client to manage your Ğ1 accounts.

It has a system integrated GUI, is fast and powerful.

It is licenced under the GPLv3 licence terms.


Install with pipx

You can use pipx to install Tikka.

pipx install tikka

Then simply run the tikka command:


Upgrade or uninstall:

pipx upgrade tikka

pipx uninstall tikka

Install/upgrade from PyPI

If you are in a Python virtual environment:

pip install --upgrade tikka

If you are not:

# GNU/Linux virtualenv creation
mkdir tikka
cd tikka
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade tikka

# get the path of the tikka command
which tikka

Run from PyPI installation



python -m tikka

GNU/Linux system requirements:

sudo apt-get install libsodium23 gcc


It is recommended to install and use pyenv to install the required Python version.

For Pyinstaller, you need to install Python compiled with the --enable-shared option:

PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 3.7.9

Setup environment

Tikka internationalization requires gettext to be installed to generate locales binary files. Pyinstaller requires some utilities.

sudo apt-get install gettext binutils zip

Install poetry

At this step, it is highly recommended to setup a virtual environment to isolate Python dependencies of the project from the system and avoid conflicts. Use poetry to manage the virtual environment.

Install all Python dependencies with poetry:

poetry install --no-root

Copy bin/ for pre-commmit git hooks:

cp bin/ .git/hooks/pre-commit

That's it, you should be ready to contribute. Please read

Check code