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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Nov3Oct26Sep2228Aug20Jul318Apr16Minor modifications in babel.v1.0.8 masterv1.0.8 mastergraphQL & json: correction of bugsv1.0.7v1.0.7Json: New panel of functions to explore and manipulate JSON structuresgraphQL: Correction of a bug in the function 'isConstInputValueCoercibleToType' of graphQL.go; the function 'writeValue' of write.go does write the text 'nil' for a nil value.bTree: Correction of a bug in the function 'StringPrefP', which happened with runes of several bytes.v1.0.4v1.0.4graphQL/graphQL.go: type 'Location' replaced by 'PosT'; detection of a yet forgotten error in func 'coerceValue': use of a non-predeclared field in an 'inputObjectValue'; removal of intermediate errors "UnableToCoerce"; suppression of errors without references in basic scalar coercers.v1.0.3v1.0.3btree: the func (base *Database) createPage had a bug and was rewritten.v1.0.2v1.0.2Idemv1.0.1v1.0.1Merge branch 'master' of New algorithm for the resource path returned by "FinDir". So util/strMapping works as before.Add README.mdv1.0.0v1.0.0Add LICENSEInitial commitmainmainFirst commit