export function build(dictionaryString) {
export function buildTreeStruct(monoLineString) {
//console.log('srcTree', monoLineString);
const stringAsArray = monoLineString.split('');
const rawTree = leftParser(stringAsArray);
//console.log('rawTree', JSON.stringify(rawTree));
const outOfScope = stringAsArray.length;
if (outOfScope) throw `fail to build tree from : "${monoLineString}" parsed: ${JSON.stringify(rawTree)} unparsed/failed: ${stringAsArray.join('')}`;
//return rawTree;//trivialDedup(flattenTree(rawTree))
return flattenTree(flattenTree(flattenTree(rawTree)));
* leftParser stuff
function flushNoEmptyString(data) {
if (data.str.length) data.tree[data.tree.length - 1].step.push(data.str);
function appendToString(chr, data) {
data.tree.push({step: []});
function goIntoNewAlt(data) {
data.tree[data.tree.length - 1].step.push(leftParser(data.input));
function returnTrue() {
return true;
function doTheses() {
')': (chr, data) => returnTrue(flushNoEmptyString(data)),
'|': (chr, data) => doTheses(flushNoEmptyString(data), nextAlt(data)),
'(': (chr, data) => doTheses(flushNoEmptyString(data), goIntoNewAlt(data)),
'default': (chr, data) => appendToString(chr, data)
function leftParser(inputChrArray) {
const data = {
input: inputChrArray,
str: '',
tree: [{step: []}],
while (data.input.length) {
const chr = data.input.shift();
if (typeof leftParserFunc[chr] !== 'undefined') {
const out = leftParserFunc[chr](chr, data);
if (out) return data.tree;
} else leftParserFunc['default'](chr, data);
return data.tree;
function concatStrings(array) {
input: array,
str: '',
tree: [{step: []}],
array.forEach(e => {
if (typeof e === 'string') appendToString(e, data);
else {
data.tree[data.tree.length - 1].step.push(e);
return data.tree[data.tree.length - 1].step;
function flattenTree(tree) {
if (typeof tree === 'string') return tree;
if (Array.isArray(tree) && tree.length === 0) return '';
if (Array.isArray(tree) && tree.length === 1) return flattenTree(tree[0]);
if (isStep(tree)) {
tree.step =;
if (!Array.isArray(tree.step)) return flattenTree(tree.step);
if (tree.step.length === 1) return flattenTree(tree.step);
if (tree.step.length === 0) return '';
if (!tree.step.reduce((acc, cur) => Array.isArray(cur) || acc, false)) return concatStrings(tree.step);
return tree;
if (tree.length === 1) {
//console.log('aloneChild', JSON.stringify(tree[0]));
if (typeof tree[0] === 'string') return tree[0];
if (Array.isArray(tree[0])) return flattenTree(tree[0]);
//return flattenTree(tree[0].step);
if (!Array.isArray(tree)) throw `Error : ${tree} should be an Array. ${JSON.stringify(tree)}`;
//console.log('tree:', JSON.stringify(tree));
///if(isStep(tree[0])) tree[0].step = flattenTree(tree[0].step);
tree = trivialDedup(;
tree = [].concat( => Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]));
return tree;
function isStep(element) {
return typeof element === 'object' && typeof element.step !== 'undefined';
function trivialDedup(tree) {
if (typeof tree === 'string') return tree;
if (isStep(tree)) return {step: => trivialDedup(subTree))};
if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
const dedupKeys = {};
tree.forEach(v => dedupKeys[JSON.stringify(v)] = v); // eslint-disable-line no-return-assign
return Object.keys(dedupKeys).map(json => trivialDedup(JSON.parse(json)));
throw `unknown case : ${tree}`;
export function serialize(treeStruct) {
if (typeof treeStruct === 'string') return treeStruct;
if (Array.isArray(treeStruct)) return `(${'|')})`;
if (isStep(treeStruct)) return'');
throw new Error(`Error: how to serialize ${JSON.stringify(treeStruct)} RAW: ${treeStruct}`);
export function extract(treeNavArray,fromTreeWrapped){
if(!Array.isArray(treeNavArray)) throw new Error(`treeNav: ${JSON.stringify(treeNavArray)} should be an integer array.`);
let extractedTree = '';
if(treeNavArray.length === 0) return fromTreeWrapped.pop();
if (typeof fromTreeWrapped[0] === 'string') throw new Error(`invalid treeNav pointer ${JSON.stringify(treeNavArray)} in ${serialize(fromTreeWrapped[0])} no branch ${treeNavArray[0]}.`);
if (Array.isArray(fromTreeWrapped[0])) {
const branch = treeNavArray.shift();
const extractedTree = fromTreeWrapped[0][branch]; // recursive here ?
//fromTreeWrapped[0] = [].concat(branch>0?fromTreeWrapped[0].slice(0,branch-1):[],fromTreeWrapped[0].slice(branch+1,fromTreeWrapped[0].length));
return extractedTree;
if (isStep(fromTreeWrapped[0])) {
const extractedTree = {step:[]};
return extractedTree;