"desc": "Registration in the web of trust. Membership is valid for one year and must be renewed if you wish to continue to co-produce your Universal Dividend",
"aurevoir": "Goodbye to",
"bienvenue": "Welcome to",
"desc": "File containing unalterable transactions (money creation, transfers and certifications in the case of Duniter) and forming part of the blockchain",
"title": "Block"
"blockchain": {
"desc": "Set of blocks calculated by member nodes of the Duniter network",
"title": "Blockchain"
"centralite": {
"desc": "Number of times the member is on the shortest path between any two other members of the Web of Trust. The path being the chain of certifications between the members. Centrality therefore makes it possible to know the importance and influence of a member in the Web of Trust",
"title": "Centrality"
"certification": {
"desc": "Recognition link between an individual and another recorded in the blockchain. A certification is valid for 2 years",
"recues": "Certificates received ",
"title": "Certification"
"desc": "Secret key used to sign documents (perform a transaction, send a certification, etc.). It is calculated from the username / password couple, and is mathematically linked to the public key",
"title": "Private key"
"publique": {
"desc": "Equivalent to the account number (member or portfolio). This is the one you communicate to be certified or receive payment. It is calculated from the username / password pair",
"title": "Public key"
"compte": {
"membre": {
"desc": "Certified account attached to a member identity. Only a member account can co-produce currency via the Universal Dividend and write to the blockchain via Duniter software",
"title": "Member account"
"portefeuille": {
"desc": "Account associated with a non-member public key. That is to say, which is not part of the Web of Trust and does not co-produce the Universal Dividend. This may concern a newcomer who wishes to transform his account into a member account later or to meet personal, associative, business management needs, etc.",
"title": "Wallet account"
"copie": "Copied",
"description": "Description",
"dev": "In development",
"desc": "Share of currency produced by all members of the web of trust calculated to respect spatial and temporal symmetry. Its simplified theoretical annual formula is: DU = c × M/N where c is the growth rate per year (10%), M the money supply, and N the number of members",
"title": "Universal Dividend"
"dossier": {
"attente": "No pending folder | 1 pending folder | {n} pending folders",
"desc": "Application for membership being processed. The file is a set of documents allowing Duniter to determine if a new member respects all the rules of the Web of Trust",
"title": "Folder"
"desc": "Cryptocurrency software using a blockchain, compliant with the Relative Theory of Money (RTM) and using the web of trust for the identification of the co-producing members of the currency",
"favoris": {
"enregistre": "Saved to favorites !",
"none": "You don't have any favorites yet",
"supprime": "Deleted from favourites !",
"title": "My favourites"
"futureexits": "Future exits",
"infos": "Informations",
"inout": "Entries and exits of the web of trust for the last 2 days",
"inpreparation": "In preparation",
"jours": "0 days | 1 day | {n} days",
"desc": "Member using his private key to forge blocks thanks to Duniter installed on a node accessible on the Internet network",
"datelimadhesion": "Membership deadline",
"datelimpertestatut": "Loss of Membership",
"datelimrevoc": "Deadline before revocation ",
"datemanquecertifs": "Date before running out of certs",
"desc": "Individual whose membership is in progress and who has received the 5 necessary certifications allowing him to respect the distance rule. Which allows him to be co-creator of the currency via his Universal Dividend",
"dispo": "Available",
"dispocertif": "Available to certify",
"desc": "% of referring members reachable in 5 hops or less in the web of trust. To become a member, you must collect at least 5 certifications allowing you to reach 80% of the referring members in 5 jumps max.",
"nb_certifs": "Nb of available certs",
"nodispo": "Unavailable",
"desc": "% of referring members reachable in 4 hops or less in the web of trust. A member whose quality is greater than 80% will be able to ensure that his certified members will respect the distance rule",
"title": "Quality"
"referent": {
"desc": "Member having issued AND received a certain number of certifications, variable according to the number of total members. This status does not offer any advantages but allows the security of the web of trust in particular thanks to the distance rule",
"title": "Referring member"
"title": "Member"
"mot": "Word or expression",
"noeud": {
"desc": "Computer using Duniter software to participate in the blockchain. A member node can create new blocks and is made available by a calculating member while a non-member node cannot create new blocks and participates in the resilience of the network",
"nom": "Name",
"non": "No",
"oui": "Yes",
"params": {
"breadcrumb": "Parameters",
"name": {
"avgGenTime": "The average time for writing 1 block (wished time)",
"c": "The relative growth of the UD every <code>dtReeval</code> period",
"dt": "Time period between two UD",
"dtDiffEval": "The number of blocks required to evaluate again PoWMin value",
"dtReeval": "Time period between two re-evaluation of the UD",
"idtyWindow": "Maximum delay an identity can wait before being expired for non-writing",
"medianTimeBlocks": "Number of blocks used for calculating median time",
"msPeriod": "Minimum delay between 2 memberships of a same issuer",
"msValidity": "Maximum age of an active membership",
"msWindow": "Maximum delay a membership can wait before being expired for non-writing",
"percentRot": "The proportion of calculating members not excluded from the proof of work",
"sigPeriod": "Minimum delay between two certifications of a same issuer",
"sigQty": "Minimum quantity of signatures to be part of the WoT",
"sigReplay": "Minimum delay before replaying a certification",
"sigStock": "Maximum quantity of active certifications made by member",
"sigValidity": "Maximum age of an active certification",
"sigWindow": "Maximum delay a certification can wait before being expired for non-writing",
"stepMax": "Maximum distance between a WOT member and <code>xpercent</code> of sentries",
"txWindow": "Maximum delay a transaction can wait before being expired for non-writing",
"ud0": "UD(0), i.e. initial Universal Dividend",
"udReevalTime0": "Time of first reevaluation of the UD",
"udTime0": "Time of first UD",
"xpercent": "Minimum percent of sentries to reach to match the distance rule"
"title": "Blockchain parameters"
"desc": "Set of data stored by the nodes and awaiting validation of the folder before writing to a block. If the data remains incomplete or invalid, it ends up being forgotten",
"desc": "Resolution of a complex mathematical problem by a computer allowing it to ensure the authenticity of the data it offers to a blockchain",
"previsions": {
"pardate": "Forecasts by dates",
"parmembre": "Forecasts by members",
"desc": "Select the desired number of days"
"recherche": {
"desc": "Enter the start of a nickname or public key",
"title": "Your search"
"desc": "Voluntary abandonment or not of a member account. Revocation can be voluntary through the revocation file or involuntary due to lack of certifications or non-renewal of membership. The revocation does not destroy the money which is on the member account but deactivates the co-production of the Universal Dividend",
"revoila": "Here they are again",
"slogan": "The Web of Trust’s wizard",
"statut": {
"bientotmanquecertif": "Needs certifications soon",
"manquecertif": "Needs certifications",
"member": "Member",
"missing": "Membership lost",
"newcomer": "Future member",
"renew": "Membership to renew",
"revoked": "Revoked member"
"time": {
"a": "at"
"traitement": "Ongoing treatment",
"tri": {
"pardate": "Sort by date",
"parmembres": "Sort by members"
"trm": {
"desc": "Theory which demonstrates that a free currency with an invariance property is possible and that the solution to this problem is unique: A currency is free if and only if it is co-produced equally in space and time by all its members",
"title": "Relative Theory of Money (RTM)"
"desc": "Set of the individuals recognized as such by their peers including the links that bind them together through certifications",