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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • ascii_armor_messages
  • authentication_file_format
  • dewif
  • dip/0001
  • dip/0002
  • dubp_v13
  • graphql_api_rfc
  • master default protected
  • messages_encryption_and_signature
  • rfc5-duniter-protocol-rework
  • ws2p_v1
  • ws2p_v2
12 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Feb2316131212Jan109Dec8526Oct16Aug26Jul12Apr116527Mar27Feb171310954Aug24Jul232224May1823Mar2016151312986522Feb20191817151413121110987652131Jan30292827262524221920Dec1814131211109876530Nov2928272625242322[DEWIF] add currency codedewifdewifwip CBORws2p_v2ws2p_v2[ref] ws2pv2: move bincode and prepare CBOR[doc] add rfc pkstl v1[ref] ws2pv2: remove accepted v1 messages[feat] add the SYNC_INFO message[feat] change fields order in endpoint v2[feat] remove hash from message -> make signature mandatoryref negociation secret flags[ref] ws2pv2: simplification of endpoint format & precise hash usage[ref] ws2pv2: create raw format for peer and head[ref] rework human-readable format for peers & heads[ref] rework all binary formats to use the bincode standard[fix] ws2pv2 : Readjusting the REQUESTS_RESPONSES message[fix] ws2pv2 : add request chunk by hash & req response msg[ref] ws2pv2: FLAGS Msg : rename and change fields order[ref] change ACK message (remove double signatures)typo[fix] remove null algo[ref] create types PubkeyBox & SigBox[enh] add multi-sig algorithm[fix] remove brackets around ipv6typoAdapt endpoint utf8 formatfix intentional error[fix] inso reviews 2[fix] inso reviews[fix] nanocryk form review[enh] add request several hashs[ref] change EXTENDED feature by variable size of feature fieldadd NFKC Normalization[fix] line breaks[enh] add EXTENDED feature[enh] add RFC WS2Pv2fix accept algorithm and add block example[DEWIF] text ventilation[DUBP] remove constraint txWindow dubp_v13dubp_v13[DUBP] Change CSV def to make it compatible with Lightning Network[DUBP] rule BR_G102: Obtain REF_BLOCK by number only, rm hash constraint[DUBP] Add min amount for each transaction output & remove rule BR_G106