Resolve "Implement Web of Trust in a more "rusty" way"
Closes #28 (closed)
Edited by nanocryk
Merge request reports
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assigned to @nanocryk
added 2 commits
added 6 commits
7d32f158...30ab4d51 - 2 commits from branch
- b733af7a - [enh] WebOfTrust impl skeleton
- 5385c867 - [enh] Some basic methods
- 9b7b8c70 - [enh] get_path method using rayon par_iter
- 6c60d18e - [enh] compute_distance
Toggle commit list-
7d32f158...30ab4d51 - 2 commits from branch
added 2 commits
added 2 commits
added 9 commits
9e035c8d...467daf0b - 5 commits from branch
- 50f7fd49 - [enh] WebOfTrust impl skeleton
- d397cce8 - [enh] Some basic methods
- 3db05615 - [enh] get_path method using rayon par_iter
- 4338885e - [enh] compute_distance
Toggle commit list-
9e035c8d...467daf0b - 5 commits from branch
added 8 commits
4338885e...a1024e20 - 4 commits from branch
- f5455e81 - [enh] WebOfTrust impl skeleton
- 9d9a88a4 - [enh] Some basic methods
- 15d3a382 - [enh] get_path method using rayon par_iter
- 0b74c73f - [enh] compute_distance
Toggle commit list-
4338885e...a1024e20 - 4 commits from branch
Seems okay, review @librelois
We'll be able to compare performances when the unique data format will be available and real wot data are available for benchmarks.
Edited by nanocrykadded 15 commits
0b74c73f...914e71a3 - 11 commits from branch
- dc1dbca7 - [enh] WebOfTrust impl skeleton
- ade6245c - [enh] Some basic methods
- 509e6798 - [enh] get_path method using rayon par_iter
- f57a687d - [enh] compute_distance
Toggle commit list-
0b74c73f...914e71a3 - 11 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 6f645ef9 - [fix] move source declaration to remove warning
- Resolved by Éloïs
- Resolved by Éloïs
- Resolved by Éloïs
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