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Snippets Groups Projects

Fix #250

Merged Benjamin Gallois requested to merge fix-250 into master
1 unresolved thread
Feature: Distance fail
# WoT:
# H<->G<->E<->D<->C-->B
# ^ ^ ^ ^
# \ / \ /
# v v v v
# I A
# Every member is referee. Referee count = 8; 80% = 6.4
# Certs from Alice and Bob do not ensure the fulfilling of the distance rule
# because the newcomer would reach only 6 members up to G.
Scenario: an unvalidated member fails the distance rule
Then treasury should contain 1 ĞD
When alice sends 7 ĞD to ferdie
Then alice should have 0 ĞD reserved
Then alice should have 199 cĞD
When bob sends 750 cĞD to ferdie
When 15 block later
When alice creates identity for ferdie
Then ferdie identity should be unconfirmed
Then ferdie should be certified by alice
When ferdie confirms his identity with pseudo "ferdie"
Then ferdie identity should be unvalidated
When 3 block later
When bob certifies ferdie
Then ferdie should be certified by bob
Then ferdie should have 0 ĞD reserved
Then ferdie should have 1449 cĞD
When ferdie requests distance evaluation
Then ferdie should have 10 ĞD reserved
Then ferdie should have 449 cĞD
When 7 blocks later
Then treasury should contain 102 cĞD
When alice runs distance oracle
When 7 blocks later
Then ferdie should be certified by alice
Then ferdie should be certified by bob
# The distance rule is failed
Then ferdie identity should be unvalidated
# Ferdie got his reserve slashed
Then ferdie should have 0 ĞD reserved
Then ferdie should have 449 cĞD
# Slashed amount is transfered to treasury
Then treasury should contain 1102 cĞD