First sync fail with desktop version 0.30.5
Created by: M5oul
- Sync from
2016-08-23T01:32:31+02:00 - debug: 31500
2016-08-23T01:32:31+02:00 - info: Downloaded 95%, Applied 97%
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - info: Downloaded 97%, Applied 97%
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - debug: dl starts from 32500
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - debug: apply starts from 32000
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - debug: Applying from 32000
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - debug: Peer BSmbyQ is on same blockchain
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - info: Getting chunck from 32500 to 32864
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - trace: New node#126
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - trace: modulix was affected wotb_id 126
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - info: that.getBlockByNumberAndHash is not a function
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - error: TypeError: that.getBlockByNumberAndHash is not a function
at /home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/app/lib/computation/blockchainContext.js:574:43
at next (native)
at onFulfilled (/home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/node_modules/co/index.js:65:19)
at /home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/node_modules/co/index.js:54:5
at co (/home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/node_modules/co/index.js:50:10)
at BlockchainContext.updateTransactionsForBlocks (/home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/app/lib/computation/blockchainContext.js:560:50)
at /home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/app/service/BlockchainService.js:488:23
at next (native)
at onFulfilled (/home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/node_modules/co/index.js:65:19)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - warn: that.getBlockByNumberAndHash is not a function
2016-08-23T01:32:32+02:00 - info: External access:
Then, there is an orange page with Sync interrupted because the following error occured: « that.getBlockByNumberAndHash is not a function »
- From my node
which is local, with high bandwitch, it timeout at beginning of sync:
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - debug: Applying from 0
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - debug: Peer J78bPU is on same blockchain
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - info: Getting chunck from 500 to 1000
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: New node#0
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: cgeek was affected wotb_id 0
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: New node#1
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: moul was affected wotb_id 1
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: Link 1 -> 0
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - trace: Link 0 -> 1
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - debug: 0
2016-08-23T01:30:12+02:00 - info: Downloaded 0%, Applied 1%
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - info: ETIMEDOUT
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - error: Error: ETIMEDOUT
at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/moul/projects/duniter_build/sources/node_modules/vucoin/node_modules/request/request.js:761:15)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:224:11)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:198:5)
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - warn: ETIMEDOUT
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - info: External access:
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - debug: Generating server's peering entry based on block#469...
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - debug: --> new Peer to be sent to 0 peer(s)
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - info: POST Peer HgTTJLAQ5s#469
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - info: Next peering signal in 0 min
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - debug: --> new Peer to be sent to 0 peer(s)
2016-08-23T01:30:14+02:00 - info: POST Peer HgTTJLAQ5s#469
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - info: Duniter server listening on
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - info: Duniter server listening on http://::1:40855
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - debug: Loading conf...
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - debug: Loading crypto functions...
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - info: UPnP: configuring...
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - trace: UPnP: mapping external port 40855 to local 40855...
2016-08-23T01:30:24+02:00 - info: Node version: 0.30.5