Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Upgrade to a newest Node.js version before Node.js v10 maintenance get dropped
- Migrer les fichiers keyring.yml existant en 640
- WS2P: allow `upnp: true` combined with `port` and/or `remoteport`
- /node/sandboxes does not display certifications sandboxes
- Update ws module from v1 to v7
- Synchronization logs are not stored into the log file
- JSON blockchain archives are duplicated
- An identity with its membership which just expires proceed block calculation
- Have command specific options
- BMA: /blockchain/block transactions do no longer have the `hash` field
- Add "syc in RAM" option
- Sync stuck in infinite loop...
- Sandboxes sync issues?
- Zombies PoW processes
- On a new installation ws2p quota outgoing is 10
- Sync : check integrity of downloaded chunks
- Node stopped
- Improve block generation speed
- My node sends wrong blocks in a row
- Error: Request failed: 500 on requesting upnp server of the router
- Explicit SSL/TLS endpoints
- clean old peer files and old endpoints
- add WS2P into wizard network command
- Change BR_G50 "Block size"
- Change the proof of work algorithm
- Create an up/down peers report for the ws2p network layer
- Décrochage récurrent de nœud
- BMA UPnP configuration conflicts with WS2P
- Planning the improvement of DUP protocol for duniter 2.0
- Key delegated to block computing
- pow : refine calibration of cpu rate
- Separate network key and block computing key
- Create a synchronization mechanism via ws2p
- WS2P Optimization: do not attempt to connect to a node whose key has already connected us.
- resolv why test ws2p server limitations needs to establish a oneself ws2p connection
- Change handicap formula : replace the median by second tiercile
- Add function P2SH : Pay to script hash
- Remember installed modules and reinstall them on Duniter update
- Pay to pubkey hash
- Use YAML format for document parsing
- PoW launched during resync
- Encrypt the keypair
- DEP#001 Difficulty agreement protocol
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)