Cesium² is a simple wallet for libre Currency like G1, compatible with the Duniter protocol.
On Android
- Download then install the latest APK file
- Install the app from the Play Store
As a web site
First installation
Cesium can be easily installed on most web server :
- Download the latest release (file cesium2-vx.y.z-web.zip);
- Unpack into an empty directory;
- Configure the web server engine (e.g. Apache, Nginx):
- Add a new virtual host, that use the directory as
web root
. - Make sure the file
exists on this directory.
- Add a new virtual host, that use the directory as
#### Update to last version
On Linux, an update script can be used to update your Cesium² web site:
Using cURL:
cd <CESIUM2_WEB_ROOT> curl -o- https://git.duniter.org/clients/cesium-grp/cesium2/raw/master/install.sh | bash
or using Wget:
cd <CESIUM2_WEB_ROOT> wget -qO- https://git.duniter.org/clients/cesium-grp/cesium2/raw/master/install.sh | bash
See the developer guide
Free software, distributed under a AGPL v3 license.