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myds nous présentera un programme de scan de la toile qu’il développe afin de déterminer si l’algorithme de détection de régions sybil SybilDefender est applicable a la toile Ğ1.
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This specialize duniter node monitoring the state of currency and web of trust
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Default image used by GitLab Runner when the job does not define an image
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Webapp and Smartphone client for Duniter network https://cesium.app/ Nightly demo: https://cesium.duniter.io/
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Packager of Cesium for Desktop installation (Linux and Windows)
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Image which provides the tools for continuous integration of typescript/duniter.
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Image which provides the tools for continuous integration of Dunitrust project
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Most complete client oriented Python library for Duniter/Ğ1 v1 ecosystem
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Image providing release feature for Duniter on Linux x86 (32bits) : only duniter-server (.deb).
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duniter-parameters-parser convertit le format brut des paramètres du bloc 0 d'une monnaie basée sur Duniter en un objet où chaque paramètre est associé à ce à quoi il correspond.
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