Created on 24 févr. 2015
@author: inso
from .node import Node
import logging
import time
class Network(QObject):
A network is managing nodes polling and crawling of a
given community.
nodes_changed = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, currency, nodes):
Constructor of a network
:param str currency: The currency name of the community
:param list nodes: The nodes of the network
self.currency = currency
self._nodes = nodes
for n in self._nodes:
self.must_crawl = False
Create a new network with one knew node
Crawls the nodes from the first node to build the
community network
:param node: The first knew node of the network
nodes = [node]
network = cls(node.currency, nodes)
nodes = network.crawling()
block_max = max([n.block for n in nodes])
for node in nodes:
def merge_with_json(self, json_data):
:param dict json_data: Nodes in json format
for data in json_data:
node = Node.from_json(self.currency, data)
logging.debug("Loading : {:}".format(data['pubkey']))
self._nodes = self.crawling()
def from_json(cls, currency, json_data):
Load a network from a configured community
:param str currency: The currency name of a community
:param dict json_data: A json_data view of a network
nodes = []
for data in json_data:
node = Node.from_json(currency, data)
logging.debug("Loading : {:}".format(data['pubkey']))
block_max = max([n.block for n in nodes])
for node in nodes:
def jsonify(self):
Get the network in json format.
:return: The network as a dict in json format.
return data
def stop_crawling(self):
self.must_crawl = False
def online_nodes(self):
Get nodes which are in the ONLINE state.
return [n for n in self._nodes if n.state == Node.ONLINE]
def all_nodes(self):
return self._nodes.copy()
def add_nodes(self, node):
Start crawling which never stops.
To stop this crawling, call "stop_crawling" method.
self.must_crawl = True
while self.must_crawl:
nodes = self.crawling(interval=10)
new_inlines = [n.endpoint.inline() for n in nodes]
last_inlines = [n.endpoint.inline() for n in self._nodes]
hash_new_nodes = hash(tuple(frozenset(sorted(new_inlines))))
if hash_new_nodes != hash_last_nodes:
self._nodes = nodes
for n in self._nodes:
def crawling(self, interval=0):
One network crawling.
:param int interval: The interval between two nodes request.
nodes = []
traversed_pubkeys = []
logging.debug("Peering : next to read : {0} : {1}".format(n.pubkey,
(n.pubkey not in traversed_pubkeys)))
if n.pubkey not in traversed_pubkeys:
traversed_pubkeys, interval)
block_max = max([n.block for n in nodes])
for node in [n for n in nodes if n.state == Node.ONLINE]: