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Created on 21 févr. 2015

@author: inso

from ucoinpy.documents.peer import Peer, BMAEndpoint, Endpoint
from ucoinpy.api import bma
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from ucoinpy.api.bma import ConnectionHandler
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
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from import InvalidNodeCurrency, PersonNotFoundError
from ..person import Person
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal
    A node is a peer seend from the client point of view.
    This node can have multiple states :
    - ONLINE : The node is available for requests
    - OFFLINE: The node is disconnected
    - DESYNCED : The node is online but is desynced from the network
    - CORRUPTED : The node is corrupted, some weird behaviour is going on

    ONLINE = 1
    OFFLINE = 2
    DESYNCED = 3

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    def __init__(self, currency, endpoints, uid, pubkey, block, state):
        self._endpoints = endpoints
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        self._uid = uid
        self._pubkey = pubkey
        self._block = block
        self._state = state
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        self._neighbours = []
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        self._currency = currency

    def from_address(cls, currency, address, port):
        Factory method to get a node from a given address

        :param str currency: The node currency. None if we don't know\
         the currency it should have, for example if its the first one we add
        :param str address: The node address
        :param int port: The node port
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        peer_data =, port)).get()

        peer = Peer.from_signed_raw("{0}{1}\n".format(peer_data['raw'],

        if currency is not None:
            if peer.currency != currency:
                raise InvalidNodeCurrency(peer.currency, currency)

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        node = cls(peer.currency, peer.endpoints, "", peer.pubkey, 0, Node.ONLINE)
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        return node

    def from_peer(cls, currency, peer):
        Factory method to get a node from a peer document.

        :param str currency: The node currency. None if we don't know\
         the currency it should have, for example if its the first one we add
        :param peer: The peer document
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        if currency is not None:
            if peer.currency != currency:
                raise InvalidNodeCurrency(peer.currency, currency)

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        node = cls(peer.currency, peer.endpoints, "", "", 0, Node.ONLINE)
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        return node

    def from_json(cls, currency, data):
        endpoints = []
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        uid = ""
        pubkey = ""

        for endpoint_data in data['endpoints']:

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        if currency in data:
            currency = data['currency']
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        if uid in data:
            uid = data['uid']

        if pubkey in data:
            pubkey = data['pubkey']

        node = cls(currency, endpoints, uid, pubkey, 0, Node.ONLINE)
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    def jsonify(self):
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        data = {'pubkey': self._pubkey,
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                'uid': self._uid,
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                'currency': self._currency}
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        endpoints = []
        for e in self._endpoints:
        data['endpoints'] = endpoints
        return data

    def pubkey(self):
        return self._pubkey

    def endpoint(self) -> BMAEndpoint:
        return next((e for e in self._endpoints if type(e) is BMAEndpoint))

    def block(self):
        return self._block

    def state(self):
        return self._state

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    def currency(self):
        return self._currency

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    def neighbours(self):
        return self._neighbours

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    def uid(self):
        return self._uid

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    def check_sync(self, block):
        if self._block < block:
            self._state = Node.DESYNCED
            self._state = Node.ONLINE

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    def _request_uid(self):
        uid = ""
            data = bma.wot.Lookup(self.endpoint.conn_handler(), self.pubkey).get()
            timestamp = 0
            for result in data['results']:
                if result["pubkey"] == self.pubkey:
                    uids = result['uids']
                    for uid in uids:
                        if uid["meta"]["timestamp"] > timestamp:
                            timestamp = uid["meta"]["timestamp"]
                            uid = uid["uid"]
        except ValueError as e:
            if '404' in str(e):
                logging.debug("Error : node uid not found : {0}".format(self.pubkey))
                uid = ""
        return uid

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    def refresh_state(self):
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        emit_change = False
            informations =
            block = bma.blockchain.Current(self.endpoint.conn_handler()).get()
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            peers_data =
            neighbours = []
            for p in peers_data:
                peer = Peer.from_signed_raw("{0}{1}\n".format(p['value']['raw'],

            block_number = block["number"]
            node_pubkey = informations["pubkey"]
            node_currency = informations["currency"]
        except ValueError as e:
            if '404' in e:
                block_number = 0
        except RequestException:
            self._state = Node.OFFLINE
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            emit_change = True
        # If not is offline, do not refresh last data
        if self._state != Node.OFFLINE:
            # If not changed its currency, consider it corrupted
            if node_currency != self._currency:
                self.state = Node.CORRUPTED
                emit_change = True
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                node_uid = self._request_uid()

                if block_number != self._block:
                    self._block = block_number
                    emit_change = True

                if node_pubkey != self._pubkey:
                    self._pubkey = node_pubkey
                    emit_change = True

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                if node_uid != self._uid:
                    self._uid = node_uid
                    emit_change = True

                new_inlines = [e.inline() for n in neighbours for e in n]
                last_inlines = [e.inline() for n in self._neighbours for e in n]

                hash_new_neighbours = hash(tuple(frozenset(sorted(new_inlines))))
                hash_last_neighbours = hash(tuple(frozenset(sorted(last_inlines))))
                if hash_new_neighbours != hash_last_neighbours:
                    self._neighbours = neighbours
                    emit_change = True
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        if emit_change:

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    def peering_traversal(self, found_nodes,
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                          traversed_pubkeys, interval):
        logging.debug("Read {0} peering".format(self.pubkey))
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        if self.pubkey not in [n.pubkey for n in found_nodes]:
            # if node is corrupted remove it
            if self._state != Node.CORRUPTED:
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            for n in self.neighbours:
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                e = next(e for e in n if type(e) is BMAEndpoint)
                peering =
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                peer = Peer.from_signed_raw("{0}{1}\n".format(peering['raw'],
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                node = Node.from_peer(self._currency, peer)
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                logging.debug("Traversing : next to read : {0} : {1}".format(node.pubkey,
                              (node.pubkey not in traversed_pubkeys)))
                if node.pubkey not in traversed_pubkeys:
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                                        traversed_pubkeys, interval)
        except RequestException as e:
            self._state = Node.OFFLINE

    def __str__(self):
        return ','.join([str(self.pubkey), str(self.endpoint.server), str(self.endpoint.port), str(self.block),
                         str(self.currency), str(self.state), str(self.neighbours)])